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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/11/2022 in all areas

  1. Information in this post no longer relevant with v1.1r1, information remains for clarity. There is a minor issue with the altimeter information in the initial release of the 650, that is being corrected for the next version. It's also separate from the altimeter temperature effects, and doesn't change anything in the first post on this thread. Let me explain the issue first: In real life, traditional ATC "primary" radar has no way to see how high an aircraft is, so a system called "secondary surveillance radar" or SSR sends a radar pulse to interrogate the aircraft transponder. The transponder provides a Mode A code such as "4651" and a Mode C response encoding the aircraft altitude. Modern SSR does loads more with Mode S but let's stick to the basics. Real Mode C altitude responses are fixed to 29.92inHg for the encoder pressure setting - it's basically always reporting a flight level, even at very low altitudes. To present that correctly, the controller radar display reads the 29.92 altitude, and converts it into whatever the sector pressure is. So if a controller tells you "Palm Springs Altimeter 3014", their radar display is converting the 29.92 into the correct altitude for 30.14. Now, in online flying this doesn't work. I could be flying on my own fixed weather, another pilot could be flying real world weather, and yet another on another sim with a slightly different weather source. To make this work, rather than sending the altitude relative to 29.92, the “xPilot” VATSim client sends the actual altitude displayed on your altimeter. If it's right for the pilot, it's right for the network. (I'm not talking about the altitude to draw the 3D aircraft model here, that's something else, I'm talking about what shows on the controller's display). The advanced systems in the 650 operate entirely separately from X-Plane. On the initial release version, the X-Plane stock cockpit altimeter is not synchronised with the Challenger 650 cockpit, so when, for example, the Vatsim client asks for the cockpit altitude to show the controller it's linked to the X-Plane cockpit values and not the Challenger 650. This will be addressed in a future release, but for the time being the keyboard binding "Baro pressure selection 2992" can at least set X-Plane to the standard pressure setting. It won't fix the issues in every case, but is a workaround until the product is updated. Sorry for the inconvenience to online pilots - the Challenger 650 is pushing the boundaries of what X-Plane can do, so it's only natural these previously unknown issues are exposed as more and more people enjoy the Challenger 650.
    4 points
  2. At the request of users in the discord, here are my bindings for the throttles and reversers on the Bravo. Use the Commercial handles and map the following in the Honeycomb Configurator: Lever 3 Commercial Reverser/GA GoAround -Press-Event -Variable 1: sim/engines/thrust_reverse_toggle_1 -Release-Event -Variable 1: sim/engines/thrust_reverse_toggle_1 Lever 3 Detent: -Press-Event -Variable 1: CL650/pedestal/throttle/shutoff_L_down -Release-Event -Variable1: CL650/pedestal/throttle/shutoff_L_up Lever 4 Commercial Reverser/GA GoAround -Press-Event -Variable 1: sim/engines/thrust_reverse_toggle_2 -Release-Event -Variable 1: sim/engines/thrust_reverse_toggle_2 Lever 4 Detent: -Press-Event -Variable 1: CL650/pedestal/throttle/shutoff_R_down -Release-Event -Variable 1: CL650/pedestal/throttle/shutoff_R_up Remember to activate the profile in the Honeycomb software before you load up, and use the plugin menu to load the profile once you're in the sim. I haven't checked the indicator lights yet to see if they work with defaults or not, and the autopilot seems to mostly work with the default bindings, but once I get a more complete profile I can post it here for other users.
    3 points
  3. https://www.smartcockpit.com/plane/BOMBARDIER/CHALLENGER 605.html A source for some stuff Best Steff
    3 points
  4. Reference material - https://www.smartcockpit.com/docs/CL605-FUEL_SYSTEM.pdf Page: 16 Fuel tanks are expected to be within 400 lbs / 181 kgs of each other on taxi / takeoff / landing OR 800 lbs / 362 kgs during flight, to avoid Fuel Imbalance EICAS message. First, orient yourself on the overhead panel, we'll be working in the 2nd row (or middle row) of the FUEL panel area. (Fuel.PNG) All three of these buttons should be extinguished under normal operations. Gravity XFLOW Press to begin the process, there's a 1 second delay after pushing the button for it to illuminate OPEN. This will allow fuel to flow freely between both main (wing-based) tanks. There is no EICAS notification that this is open/occurring. (gravity.png) To observe what's happening in the sim. You can go to the Challenger 650 menu -> Study -> Engines -> Fuel System... You'll notice that whatever Main Tank (either Left or Right) has more fuel that this will continue to consume, whereas the side with less fuel will not. Thus balancing the tanks. L (R) to AUX XFLOW Press the appropriate button to begin the process, there's a 1 second delay after pushing the button for it to illuminate ON. This will remove fuel from whatever side is select and transfer it to the auxiliary tank. Determine which tank has more weight in fuel Left side? Choose L to AUX (L to AUX.png) Right side? Choose R to AUX (R to AUX.png) There is a lock out mechanism that does not allow you to press the opposite button when one is already selected. Pressing L to AUX, for example, then pressing R to AUX, will no longer illuminate the L to AUX button. Pressing the R to AUX button again will resume the L to AUX transfer and the button will illuminate ON again. Once you're done balancing the tank, make sure to deselect the previously selected L (R) to AUX button. The aircraft will now suspend fuel consumption from the two main tanks and pull from the AUX tank until depleted. *Edit* Thanks! @airforce2 As long as a main tank is below 93% full, the aux tank feeds the main tank to maintain the level at 93%. Once a main drops to 93%, the main quantity will remain constant and the aux level will drop. It will appear that the engines are burning from the aux tank, but in reality the engines are burning from the mains and that fuel is being simultaneously replaced in the main tank from the aux tank ejector xfer pumps. To observe what's happening in the sim. You can go to the Challenger 650 menu -> Study -> Engines -> Fuel System... Note: The plane will display an EICAS warning message: FUEL XFLOW SOV OPEN if either button is ON for more than 50 seconds and the tanks are balanced within 100 lbs.
    2 points
  5. Version 1.0.1


    TropicAir livery for the Challenger 650 by HotStart.
    2 points
  6. Documents last updated 20th December 2022 IMPORTANT: you must be signed in to download the PDFs below. Not a user yet? Head over to Sign Up. 1128340285_CL650FMSPrimer.pdf CL650 Operations Reference.pdf 1323904309_CL650ExpandedNormalProcedures.pdf CL650 Checklists.pdf CL650 Checklists - Printable.pdf CL650 Flexible Take-Off.pdf CL650 Shared Cockpit Quick Start Guide.pdf
    2 points
  7. For some odd reason they got deleted by youtube...and I don´t have them anymore . I plan on redoing them with XP12 when that one comes out - there have been a lot of changes to our model since back then and also the new simulator platform warrants a better looking video, so might as well redo them then! Cheers, Jan
    2 points
  8. I can see the same effect on my system. Will try and track down the issue further.
    2 points
  9. Hi , for the time being, I’ve found the MMEL….all the other manuals are quite hard to find ( for free..) Cl600_EASA-MMEL_Rev01 2.pdf
    2 points
  10. I've run a bunch of A B testing on Gizmo retail vs Gizmo dev branch and it looks like a bunch of this is on me. I'm seeing some pretty abysmal perf numbers out of retail. The good news is I'm seeing some significantly better numbers out of the dev branch... Will push harder to get you all something soon. Turns out Gizmo is NOT the issue. See last post in this thread.
    2 points
  11. The Challenger can be hard work on the approach and landing, but when it all comes together it's very rewarding. All the beta testers had difficulty learning how to land, it's all part of the fun. On approach be aware that unlike aircraft like the 737, the pitch response to power is reversed, that means a power increase will see the aircraft pitch down for a moment. This can lead to an oscillation developing, so be sure to fly the pitch attitude accurately. If you find you're wobbling up and down, aim to make smooth power changes, and remember the HUD flight path vector is useful tool, but can get you into trouble too. A useful check is 0.6 on the AoA index on approach. If it's higher than that, you're too slow. Remember Vref +5, and check your weights on the approach ref page. For the landing flare, lift the nose to to arrest the rate of descent, starting at just below 40 ft. Make a smooth power reduction and fly the aircraft onto the runway. The pitch attitude in the flare is around 3 degrees, but look at the end of the runway, not the HUD! You'll have plenty of time for butter later, so for now put the aircraft down positively in the touchdown zone. If you go butter hunting, you'll only find little bounces - ask me how I know! Once you've landed, extend the flight spoilers (the ground spoilers are automatic, but the flight spoilers need to be raised by pulling the lever), use the reversers and you're down. And stay away from that HLIS button, it'll trick you into making your landings worse!
    1 point
  12. Version 1.0.0


    This is Donghai Jet livery for the Challenger 650 by HotStart. The aircraft, B-3077, is in real life a Bombardier Challenger 605 (Bombardier CL-605-2B16). If you like my work, please donate and help keeping my workshop going: paypal.me/xpfwshare. Thank you, and happy flying!
    1 point
  13. Version 1.0.2


    Good morning , Please read the " READ ME " File to Install Some parts of the FBO are not fully painted ( trying to figure it out ) Happy flights with signature flight
    1 point
  14. I inadvertently initiated L engine shutdown (by releasing a agent bottle) inflight, flying with one engine after this mistake, I could not for the life of me relight the L engine and also could not turn on the APU, I was at FL 050. So I landed with one engine and parked the aircraft. How do I service the engine and make it good again using the FBO?
    1 point
  15. Edit: SimBrief now has added MACH 0.74 and MACH 0.72 cruise profiles to their CL60 profile, so the discussion below is mostly irrelevant now. I've requested that SimBrief add an LRC cruise schedule to their CL60 profile if possible, to make it easier to plan range-topping missions such as London to New York westbound: https://forum.navigraph.com/t/cl60-cruise-schedules/7076 In the meantime, the most economical profile available is MACH 0.77. For those who have access to the actual fuel tables for the CL60, is there a way the LRC cruise could be expressed as a fuel factor relative to MACH 0.77 cruise, let's say over a ~3,500-3,600nm air distance? SimBrief's fuel factor will also apply to climb and descent, but over longer ranges this matters somewhat less. I guess, for planning purposes, we would have: a fuel factor that applies to a specific air distance we would scale said fuel factor based on actual air distance (either linearly or using another recommended method) Regards, Tim
    1 point
  16. View File Hot Start Challenger 650 NetJets Livery This repaint is made for the payware Challenger 650 by Hotstart. This paint was taken from a variety of close-up photos of the aircraft. Installation: To install, just extract the liveries file to: .......\X-Plane 11\Aircraft\X-Aviation\CL650\liveries Optional if you want netjets specific extra's extract plugins folder content to: (WARNING IT WILL AFFECT ALL LIVERIES, BACKUP THE FOLDER OTHERWISE A FRESH REINSTALL WILL BE NEEDED TO REVERT) .......\X-Plane 11\Aircraft\X-Aviation\CL650\plugins Start the simulator and enjoy!! Side notes: If you have any issues missing the QS, on the FMS on the Tuning page 2 you can add the QS in Flight-ID If you want to use aspects of the livery in your paints you must credit this one or myself & John if your will be publicly downloaded. If you like the livery, feel free to leave some feedback and if you spot any errors, please do point them out! Matteo & John Submitter pilot_matt Submitted 01/11/2022 Category Hot Start Challenger 650 Livery For https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-hot-start-challenger-650-p-212?osCsid=redmukm7he79lo2ou63juv11s1  
    1 point
  17. Resolved, fix will be in next update.
    1 point
  18. As discussed on Discord, this is due to OMAR not having any instrument procedures and therefore being excluded from the FMS's database. A fix for this will be in a forthcoming update.
    1 point
  19. I was able to figure this out. I had loaded an incorrect profile from the Honeycomb configurator and ended up with a double bind. Once I removed that, it seems all is well with the key binding for the park brake!
    1 point
  20. Hi, you have to walk up to the fuel servicing door, place your mouse pointer over the door, push the door closed and then close each latch carefully. Some IRL operations require prior to engine start, a last chance walk around check, this requires one of the crew to walk around the aircraft looking for open latches or doors, chocks, covers, FOD, wing contamination, etc. Lots of things get caught with this method. Rob
    1 point
  21. Is this the new "my ashtray is full, i need to buy a new car"? Bloody throwaway society...
    1 point
  22. Version 1.0.0


    This is the Bombardier House livery for the Challenger 650 by Hotstart. The reg use is the C-GZKL. Some details are missing, see it as a WIP. Happy Landings
    1 point
  23. Thanks Ed, will check it out shortly and see what's happening there.
    1 point
  24. Personal I do export it with LNM as fms at X-Plane/Output/FMS plans/ and load it in CL650 via IDX(index) > ROUTEMENU > DISK ROUTE LIST > navigate to correct with PREV & NEXT and pressing appropriate Left LSK The same you can do with every third party flight planner. Hope that this help you.
    1 point
  25. Hi Robbietp1, Yes I read the messages. Thank you very much and looking forward to this! Cheers
    1 point
  26. Ok. In that case I was prob just to quick when I just wanted to test if it works. Guess the antenna had not picked up the satellite yet. I am on my wa to Insbruck right now. Following the checklist/gave the antenna time and everything works fine :-)
    1 point
  27. The clickspots for the Duct Test switch are the labels around the switch. Click the label (Loop A, Loop B, etc) you want to rotate the switch to and hold, you might have to zoom your view in and pop out the EICAS. Mouse scroll wheel is not supported because its a momentary switch. You have to click the desired position and hold.
    1 point
  28. Also, SimBrief has now added MACH 0.74 and 0.72 cruise profiles. Yay!
    1 point
  29. As I've learned recently, this is indeed intended behavior with very low TATs. To put it extremely simply, the maximum N2 the engines can achieve is limited with temperature, becoming less as TAT decreases. You can find a graph of the engine fuel control in the "Fuel Control Map" study menu. I believe there will be a graph put into the operations reference showing the maximum *corrected* N2 values for a given TAT. Make sure to keep an eye on the TAT during the climbout and keep the speed up to have an easier time accelerating once you reach cruise.
    1 point
  30. Hi, I have been downloading this into X-Plane for my FMS for free and it has been working fine. Download the Coded Instrument Flight Procedures (CIFP) (faa.gov) ---download the current CIFP file (Coded Instrument Flight Procedures) and extract the files. Copy the FAACIFP18 file, paste it into the folder "X-Plane 11 / Custom Data " and rename the file (FAACIFP18) to earth_424.dat ----- Then I get all the airport and info and charts from here. Lookup Airport | SkyVector But when I go into the FMS on the 650 it reads "WORLD", and will not show me a current database. Can you tell me how I can use the FAA data? Thanks Chris
    1 point
  31. At the moment this method of working is not supported - the Challenger 650 FMS has a complete navdata processor to avoid having to deal with limitations of the X-Plane navigation API, but the FAA CIFP data is not supported.
    1 point
  32. This is expected behaviour. The other shut off valves require fuel pressure to open them, with no fuel pressure they will remain in the closed position. The tail tanks are servo controlled, so will open with no fuel pressure. They will also time-out after 30 seconds and close if fuelling has not commenced, at which point a reset of tail and aux SOVs is required. Try opening the refuel truck 2D panel, then pressing Start. You can also read all about the refuel system on the Study, Engines, Fuel System screen, and select Refuel system at the top left.
    1 point
  33. On a typical departure, where terrain or obstacles are not a factor, at 400 feet the pilot flying (PF) asks for vertical speed mode. This is typically done where you have a low level off right (KBFI) right after departure, if you use FLC, the pitch angle is too high and you will likely overshoot the level off. If you were on a departure in mountainous regions (KASE or CYLW) or terrain is a concern, at 400 feet the PF will ask for FLC 250. A typical after takeoff check: landing gear up, flaps up, thrust reversers off, ignition as required, 10th stage bleed transition (Right 10th stage bleed press in, 10th stage isolation press out, left Left 10th stage bleed press in, APU LCV press out, climb thrust set (this is done through the FMS CDU (press PERF, select CLB) - Thrust Limit page. N1 Climb is displayed on the primary EICAS page, ATS window. Pressurization would be checked (building diff pressure), and CAS messages would be verified as checked (nothing unexpected). Rob
    1 point
  34. 1 ACTION at the top right means that you need to do it. 2 ACTION means the FO will do it, and CONFIRM means you have to check it.
    1 point
  35. Agreed. A full manual that provides more insight to the location of buttons, sequence of checklist items, photographs, and a guide to various systems like the fueling system, etc. this provided documentation assumes the users are familiar with CL60 aircraft !
    1 point
  36. I’m sure Hotstart will start getting calls from training providers. I hope their licence has entertainment and pro pricing points.
    1 point
  37. It's work again, Thank you for your help
    1 point
  38. Just a note to my fellow VR users - I'm nearly finished creating a vr config file that makes VR even better. Also fixes the 3 position switches and makes then snap back to center again. PM me if you would like it when finished and I will send a link...
    1 point
  39. Took me forever to find out, but there it is:
    1 point
  40. The developer has told me the Challenger has Hydraulic Actuated Control Surfaces, and those Hydraulic Units gets their command from simple connection cables and pulleys between them and the Flight Controls. The Flight Control has no fancy ForceFeedback system for the pilot, just Springs, to make it heavier the more you displace from center. A side effect of that simplicity is that you will feel no need of increase force to move the controls across the entire envelope of speeds. Be it 100 knots, or 300 knots, they feel is the same. This makes the controls feels way more sensitive at higher speed, and is a realistic simulation of the real aircraft. Hope this helps explains how it all work.
    1 point
  41. Arguably you could/should be asked to file your flight plan without TCAS in your equipment code, but disconnecting because you do not support TCAS is not exactly a good solution. Were I you, I would complain to VATSIM about this controller.
    1 point
  42. Whenever I load up the .acf file in plane maker, it crashes due to out of memory. Did I do something wrong or miss a step?
    1 point
  43. LINK HERE Note: aircraft name is clipped to 12 characters for custom airframes, sadly (limit does not apply to default profiles). Fixed by SimBrief Based on the already-accurate default CL60, with the following adjustments: equipment codes and extra flight plan remarks kindly provided by Graeme_77 here: OEW/BOW updated to match the Hot Start airframe without passengers (12,315 -> 12,556kg, includes two pilots) passenger weights updated to somewhat more closely match the randomized weights as simulated, going with 74+15kg so you can still carry 5 passengers+luggage and full fuel at MTOW if you are flying Kim Dotcom around (supposedly ~141kg or thereabouts), sorry, you will have to make adjustments, or just count him as two passengers see below for more information: Don't forget to add extra crew (anything above the two included in OEW) as passengers when planning your flight! Cheers, Tim
    1 point
  44. I also would like to see a manual. I also would like to a cockpit guide for all the switches and buttons. When you use the checklist you have to know where everything is. jeffg
    1 point
  45. Disable Vulcan in XPlane, in OpenGL the .acf file will open! Bruno
    1 point
  46. I have found if you click on the o2 mask can't seem to find a way to put it away in VR.
    1 point
  47. Has anyone with a WMR headset (like the reverb G2) figured out a way to get a VR session working properly? If I start x-plane directly to VR from within steam-vr, x-plane crashes when I start a flight with the challenger. I am starting using a non persistent flight to skip the FBO. (I reported this bug and sent the log file here in the forum.) If I start x-plane and the Challenger flight in 2D and then activate the VR hardware when I am in the cockpit, x-plane is extremely stuttery. This is not a Challenger problem. It's an x-plane problem I always have. Any information as to your workflow to get it working ok would be much appreciated. I have been mucking around for 3 hours now...
    1 point
  48. The CG value in the FMS Takeoff perf page is for pilot information only. It does not need to be completed, and has no effect on the performance of the aircraft. The developers are investigating options to display load and balance information in a manner that best simulates the corporate pilot experience as it differs substantially from scheduled air transport.
    1 point
  49. The passenger load you specify in the FBO is used to drive the passenger weight calculation. The weight is randomised, accounting for factors like seasons and even geographic regions. I will try and get the max and min weights possible and add them here if I can. Two pilots are accounted for in the operational empty weight. If you want to change the payload, you can freely do this in the X-Plane weight and balance menu. So you can match simbrief exactly if you prefer. On the FMS it calculates the performance based on the weight you enter. You can enter ZFW directly if that's easier than use pax/cargo fields for your particular operation. Some operators will add 500kg to the loadsheet or caluculated weight when doing takeoff calcs to make sure you've got some margin. At the moment a loadsheet is not provided - I agree that would be a very useful and authentic thing, and the developers already have my feedback on that. Business jet operations are not like airline operations with fixed seating ( "No, Miss VIP, you must sit on the Lav seat due CG limitations!" ), so some kind of range of CG needs to be calculated and displayed rather than a single point. Hope that makes sense?
    1 point
  50. Is it possible in the future to get a few improvements for us VR users such as the ability to teleport around the cabin (therefore being able to also close the doors) and maybe a way via the menus to interact with the refueler and cell phone for instance? Currently there's no way to do any of that in VR. I'm not fussed if the FBO doesn't work, but these are a bit important to be left out. The fire test switches also cannot be centered in VR to turn them off.
    1 point
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