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Attitude last won the day on January 8

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  1. Noted. That salty air is healthy. I'm just about done with all the Citation bugs and as soon as I get settled into my next living situation I plan on attacking the Mooney asap!
  2. Once you purchase and install the Reality XP GTN750 product you can select the bezel via the menu and it will load into the aircraft.
  3. Discover the precision and realism of the Take Command! CitationJet 525 by TorqueSim, a new benchmark in medium-size business jet simulation for X-Plane 12. With several years of development, it offers study-level systems, unmatched flight dynamics, and multiple avionics configurations, including GTN bezels ready for use with third party add-ons such as the TDS GTN750Xi or RealityXP suite! *sold separately Dive into the details and experience the pinnacle of technical fidelity for serious simmers. Enjoy! Want to learn more about this project? See the following topics below!
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  4. If you don't have rudder pedals with brakes you can set up differential brakes on the keyboard and that will solve the issue. It's also helpful when you taxi a bit faster than a Cessna as it gives more authority to the rudder on the ground and really helps with steering on straight and long taxi runs. Turns are obviously going to need differential braking however.
  5. Fixed! Thanks!
  6. If this is true then the wheel sounds you are hearing are not from our addon. Are you using XPrealistic? The environmental slider will absolutely lower the gear audio. If you are still hearing this noise then there is something else causing it. Not the gear audio which is tied directly into the environmental Bus. Hope that makes sense.
  7. You can adjust the gear volume in the X plane sound menu: environmental slider. Thanks!
  8. Looks great! Nice improvements~ Thanks @tkyler and team!
  9. Good eye~ I was just updating the lighting a few minutes ago and caught this little floating dude. He gone!
  10. Thank you, the strobe lights are known and will be updated. As far as the panel lighting strip it is a bit of a hack as the strip itself should truly be an emissive source of light rather than directional like a leds or similar. I've tried many different lights with this set up and most look far too off. For now this is the best I can do with the limitations. If/when Laminar decides to support real emissive lighting then I will 100% head in that direction. I'm always learning and willing to try something different. If you know of a better method to create the emissive look it really needs using only HDR lighting and not implementing any LITs I am all ears! Thanks for taking a look at the airplane!
  11. Attitude


    That's what the chute is for!
  12. Attitude


    Working on adjust the ANR volume this weekend. As far as gear volume levels...In my opinion it's better to have too much rather than not enough. Too much icing on the cake, just scoop it off. Not enough icing on the cake, too bad, Timmy ate it all. If the ground interaction audio is too much for your audio system I recommend adjusting the "Environmental" slider for the best experience. This slider is also good for anyone who chooses to use XPrealistic and the audio it presents for gear and airframe wind sounds! Hope this helps!
  13. Attitude

    Spin CTD

    Thank you for the log.txt, will get this looked at asap!
  14. Attitude


    Well I haven't figured out what Easter Egg to add for them yet so I just figured I'd give them a sound and movement for now lol. Eject Button?
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