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CrewPackXP - Crew Callouts By N1K
- 116
**Updated 01/04/2022** CrewPackXP is a FlyWithLUA utility designed to add some crew communications for aircraft in X-Plane 11. This includes basic callouts, and in some cases assistance from the PNF in high workload phases of flight. Settings can be adjusted to enable or disable the whole plugin, or just certain features of each aircraft. Flight Factor 757 / 767: - Virtual FO to pre-flight aircraft - Take-off and Landing calls by both crew members - Flight Attendant PA's - Ground C -
Hot Start CL650 Substance Painter Paintkit By Goran_M
- 0 reviews
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This is the official Hot Start CL650 Substance Painter paintkit file. It contains several liveries within the "Paint" folder" on each UDIM. You are free to add to whatever materials or masks to those layers as you wish. There are other folders that are set as default textures, with materials included. These are the correct materials for the areas they are assigned to, but you are free to alter those as you wish. As usual, if you plan on changing anything, keep the original smart materia -
Hot Start CL650 FBO Substance Painter File By Goran_M
- 0 reviews
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This file contains 3 UDIMS for the 3 different sections of the CL650 FBO. Default materials are already applied, but those of you familiar with Substance Painter will have no problem navigating the file. -
King Air Glass Enhancement By Leen de Jager
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Till now , the cockpit and cabinwindows seen from outside always have been invisible. Just holes to look though , without any "glass" to be seen. In the latest version X-Plane 10.20 (build 102014)adding some realness to the glass failed again. I did not want to wait any longer. Just place the contents of the objects folder from this downlaod in the main objects folder of the King Air. A backup for the default files is included. I am confident you`ll never want to use these back-up files. Enjoy L