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  • Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport - KDFW2013 By briangodwin

    • 1,552
    • 3
    KDFW is a major project that leverages the technologies of XP10. Although the default apt.dat was used as the foundation, many changes have been made to pads, lines, signs, pavement markings, etc. so that it better matches the actual layout of the airport. It is by no means “done”, but it was time to get a version out for end users. There are some improvements planned for future updates: blending of the “green” center road area between the terminals using either ortho underlays or road inlays, W
  • Challenger forum notes compilations By XPJavelin

    • 469
    How to take command of this new aircraft as a complete beginner on the CL650 type ? All my compilations of forum notes that were very useful in the first hours ! March 2022 version.  
  • Take Command!: Saab 340A Paint Kit By Cameron

    • 734
    • 4
    This file is the paint kit to allow customers to create and re-distribute liveries for the Take Command! Saab 340A. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact any of us here in the Leading Edge Simulations section of the forums!
  • CrewPackXP - Crew Callouts By N1K

    • 117
    **Updated 01/04/2022** CrewPackXP is a FlyWithLUA utility designed to add some crew communications for aircraft in X-Plane 11. This includes basic callouts, and in some cases assistance from the PNF in high workload phases of flight. Settings can be adjusted to enable or disable the whole plugin, or just certain features of each aircraft. Flight Factor 757 / 767: - Virtual FO to pre-flight aircraft - Take-off and Landing calls by both crew members - Flight Attendant PA's - Ground C
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