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  1. Hi at all. I have read that TDS is starting the beta of this product (differently from the RXP, it's possible to update AIRAC with Navigraph), and its will be release soon. I hope in an update of the MU-2 with this integration
    3 points
  2. Yes - we're looking into adding it!
    3 points
  3. The promotional offer for an upgrade discount has long since ceased to be valid. The current pricing you observe is accurate.
    2 points
  4. As an old school pilot I'm accustomed to a paper checklist. Here is that I've done for the Marquise. She is a interesting plane, despite the lack of controls to link my hardware (I don't list all because there are a lot). Hope the mised controls will be published ASAP. MU-2 Normal Checklist.pdf
    2 points
  5. Version 1.0.0


    This is a 4K-livery for the CIS Piper Seminole PA44, inspired by https://www.jetphotos.com/registration/N742LT To install, extract the zip file into the "liveries" folder. If you enjoy my work, consider supporting me on Patreon to cover some of the horrendous Adobe-costs ;).
    2 points
  6. As promised, the desktop application has been updated and a new release has been submitted to X-Aviation for uploading. Version 2.1 adds compatibility with IXEG 737 Classic Plus and X-Plane 12. There will be a significant difference with the previous version: the desktop application will no longer use its own navdata. Instead, it will be connecting to X-Plane's navdata (via the iGoConnect plugin) akin to how it works with the iOS application. Disadvantage: it will take slightly more time when getting airport or navaid information and you need to have X-Plane running. Advantage: no need to maintain several navdata files. It also includes improved SID and STAR procedures. Since, all code related to navdata has been rewritten, it is possible that some bugs may still exist. Please let me know if you find one. I am working on updating the iOS version as well. Thank you!
    2 points
  7. This will serve as an official announcement that we have released the version 2.0.4 update for the SR22 Entegra Series. All customers who have purchased the SR22 Entegra Series up till now have been sent an e-mail by X-Aviation with complete instructions on how to obtain your update. We have made this a very simple process! For those that purchase the SR22 Entegra Series from today forward, your purchased download will already be updated to version 2.0.4 for you. What if I didn't get the update e-mail? If you did not receive your update e-mail don't fret! X-Aviation has updated our system to allow all customers to update with ease, regardless of whether you received an e-mail for the update! Here's what to do: 1. Login to your X-Aviation account here: https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/account_history.php 2. Find your original SR22 Entegra Series download and re-download the file. It will download as the latest version! The following is a list of additions/fixes included: NEWS: With this update we continue phasing out Gizmo from our product line and introduce Mac ARM support! Bug Fixes & Improvements: Removes the use of Gizmo Brings official Apple M Chip/ARM support Latest libraries and dependencies Adjust fuel density behavior T-2015 Fix climate control limits Adjust air conditioning behavior, load, and logic Remove use of deprecated datarefs Latest engine model logic and behaviors Improve popup behaviors with RealSimGear hardware Add option for hide/show of % power on Entegra PFD Adjust to proper 22TN Manifold Pressure range on EIS Latest FMOD As always, thanks for being a customer with X-Aviation. We appreciate your feedback and support! Enjoy these latest updates, and stay tuned to the forum as we continually announce the latest happenings.
    2 points
  8. No, there is no progression or news on the 717.
    2 points
  9. Copied it from backup..... Wlll redownload an install, that could well be the reason that it does not find the email Thank you! P.S: Have waited for result and that was it! Thank you! The new message now was
    2 points
  10. Hi, I am FO on a CL605 fleet, with a long background in aeronautical engineering. I developed an interest in desktop flight simulation at a time when Flight Simulator still was a subLogic product - let me say that this CL650 simulation is absolutely amazing! Now, let's go to the point: regarding Vac, I noticed a mismatch between the AFM and the FMS calculation. It looks like the latter doesn't take into account the saturation which can be seen in the attached AFM table - basically, at low pressure altitudes and landing weight not too close to the maximum, Vac is always 129 KIAS; in all other cases, it looks like Vac = Vref or very close to. I did a couple of tests both on the real FMS and with the Performance Software we use, and I (as expected) got exactly the AFM numbers, whereas the Hotstart FMS seems to always give Vac close to or equal to Vref. Note: the AFM numbers for Approach Climb Speed look the same between 605 and 650 (and 604 as well) Do I miss anything?
    1 point
  11. Spoken like someone who really knows what they're talking about!
    1 point
  12. I've restored X-Aviation.xpl that was quarantined from McAfee and added the exception. I've re-run the RSGG5-windows-x64-installer and launched X-Plane. It asked me to revalidate the X-Aviation licence (welcome sight!) and the G5 powered up! Thanks guys and have a great weekend!
    1 point
  13. 2025.............? asking for a mate.
    1 point
  14. C:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/X-Aviation/win_x64/X-Aviation.xpl : Error Code = 225 : Operation did not complete successfully because the file contains a virus or potentially unwanted software. Your antivirus is playing dirty tricks.
    1 point
  15. Marvelous, as soon as I read your 1st answer I was pretty sure it was the cause... I have another monitor on his way so it will definitively correct my trouble. Thank you for your quick answer, and I will try DLDSR until the monitor is on his way. Thank you
    1 point
  16. I suspected as much. There are simply not enough pixels on your monitor to display the cockpit with enough detail while the camera is in the normal seated position. To be clear this is an X-Plane 12 issue, not a CL650 issue. (I can explain why if you would like.) I would suggest your new PC deserves a new monitor, at least 1440px in height, or 2160px (4K) even better. However, there is one known software "fix" available to you as you have an Nvidia GPU, and that is DLDSR: https://www.techspot.com/guides/2428-dldsr-vs-dlss/. Once a higher resolution is made available on the system with NVCP (or maybe in the new Nvidia App?), then it can be selected from the dropdown in X-Plane as you've shown above.
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. You will like her. I first purchased the Toga MU-2 for XP12 and, as Inibuilds showed up with the Mu for MSFS, I owned it too. What a Disappointment. No Comparison in Handling, Performance and System Depth to the Toga MU-2 in XP12. A complete different Level. Inibuilds can do it better but for only 10 Bucks, more seems not possible. I also prefer XP. I have MSFS2020 since the very first Pre-Alpha but lost Interest after the much to early Release to the Public.
    1 point
  19. Of course I will flight this plane a lot. Recently I've switched from MSFlightGame to XPFlightSimulator. I used to fly the MU-2 from Inibuilds, and love this aircraft, until she becomes unflyable because an update of the game. I dislike to use many aircrafts, only the C172 NG from Airfoillabs (realy study level, very close to the real one that I flown IRL) The other must be the MU-2. I don't fly tubes. PS: I liked your video of the MU-2 from RJFF to RJOO Kind regards.
    1 point
  20. On this plane there are a lot of buttons and knobs without any control or dataref published. Also some published don't work properly. For those that like to use the hardware to control the aircraft, a complete list of controls could be very useful. After four days of purchase the aircraft, I'm still trying to configure the hardware. Meanwhile don't done any flight with she. Hope Tkyler read this post
    1 point
  21. Thanks Coop. I found the issues. The stdby gyro circuit breaker had popped for some reason. I reset that, and just completed a 3 hr flight with no issues. I did verify that the pitot/aoa covers only show failed when those covers were in place. Thanks.
    1 point
  22. Version 1.0.0


    This is a 4K-livery for the TorqueSim CJ525, inspired by https://www.jetphotos.com/registration/LV-FWT To install, extract the zip file into the "liveries" folder. This also works without the winglets, the extra file just gets ignored. You can change the registration using the TorqueSim livery generator tool. If you enjoy my work, consider supporting me on Patreon to cover some of the horrendous Adobe-costs ;).
    1 point
  23. N937BB Livery for MU2, Version 2.0 by TOGA Simulations. View File This is a livery for the MU2, version 2.0 by TOGA Simulations. This livery folder name has a integer prefix, which is not required, feel free to rename the folder; however, beginning with the MU2 version 2.2 (not released as of this posting), I (TOGA Simulations) will be implementing a system whereby you can associate a livery with a tail number using these integer prefixed folder names and an associated text file. When 2.2 is released, the MU2 docs on liveries will be updated to reflect this system. In this way, you can assign tail numbers that match liveries that will be utilized in X-Plane for ATC and online flying. Submitter tkyler Submitted 05/25/2023 Category Liveries Livery For https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/toga-simulations-marquise-p-226  
    1 point
  24. Ah, this kind of thing is where I thrive! I've set Steam's launch options to: LD_PRELOAD="/srv/steam/steamapps/common/X-Plane 12/Resources/dlls/64/zink/libGL.so" %command% --zink Which has actually worked! Very pleased! Hopefully Valve/AMD/LR can eventually agree on something… Thanks for your help!
    1 point
  25. Version 1.0.1


    This is a 4K-livery for the CIS Piper Seminole PA44, inspired by https://www.jetphotos.com/registration/N792ND To install, extract the zip file into the "liveries" folder. If you enjoy my work, consider supporting me on Patreon to cover some of the horrendous Adobe-costs ;).
    1 point
  26. Version 1.0.1


    Welcome to the Tamarack Active Winglet mod for the TorqueSim CitationJet 525! The real winglet makes the Citation up to 33% more fuel efficient by reducing drag and turbulence. However this mod is purely visual for the time being. To install just follow the installation guide provided in the Zip file. Enjoy!
    1 point
  27. Hi Litjan, thanks for your answer. Really I have checked the box to start without engines running in the main menu of X-Plane, I will try it tonight and I will share the results. I think that the second reason is wrong becouse all other buttons and menus works fine.
    1 point
  28. Thank you for that report. I found a bug in the code and have fixed this. It's now uploaded on the server and should retain Gizmo when selected.
    1 point
  29. Did you use the installer, or just copy the aircraft over from a backup?
    1 point
  30. Got a left and right oil pressure message on final. OOHHH interesting. Remembered seeing something about postflight oil replenishment. All is good but boss might be upset at trashing two engines. :-)
    1 point
  31. This is a great news ! Well i will pay for a future TBM960 then ;-) of course if Linux compatible. Anyhow thank you for providing this great TBM to XP12 Best, Chris ps: on a side note, as a software company CEO i think it is fair that major upgrades to be charged ;-) at least a 30% initial amount fee
    1 point
  32. Hi, new member here. Title says it all. I own and have currently installed the RealityXP GTN 750. I would prefer to use that and not the default Laminar GNS 430s. Based on my understanding on the store page, the plane will let me switch to a GTN 750 loadout, but there is zero documentation on how to achieve that. Can anyone provide insight please? Thanks! Edit: Disregard. Had to repair my RealityXP install - the SR22 automatically switched to the GTN 750 loadout on next XP12 startup.
    1 point
  33. I’m a bit confused by your post, as the timeline doesn’t quite align. At the time of your purchase, there was no talk of an upgrade for a version of the simulator that didn’t yet exist, as we developers were not aware of X-Plane 12 at that point either. You purchased it two years before we ever mentioned a free upgrade to new purchasers. It is not possible for you to have "bought this aircraft because it included an upgrade to XP12." We'll post news when we're ready. I believe we're getting to a point of sooner than later.
    1 point
  34. Version 1.0.0


    This is a repaint for the wonderful TorqueSim CitationJet 525: https://torquesim.com/citationjet525/index.html Installation Simply drag and drop the 'N47BF' folder into your '...\X-Plane 12\Aircraft\X-Aviation\TorqueSim CitationJet 525\liveries' folder. Credits Livery created by Tim-HH using Adobe Substance 3D Painter and Adobe Photoshop.
    1 point
  35. If you already have an account here you've already answered this question successfully. You can't post things like this without it. Why were you still asking?
    1 point
  36. I wanted to share a simple modification I made to the flight model to make an allowance for the reduced drag from the winglets. In the TorqueSim Discord channel, ProfessorCrash said the range increase is 300nm from 1100nm to 1400nm, a 27% increase in range. I therefore reduced the fuselage coefficient of drag (cd) by 27% from 0.058 to 0.049. I assumed a min cd of 0.025 (Plane Maker manual states a very sleek fuselage has a cd of 0.025) and deducted 27% from the difference between the min cd and the current cd, i.e. 0.058 - (0.27 x (0.058 - 0.025)) = 0.049. In my test flights to date, I am achieving range proportionate with ProfessorCrash's Tamarack performance graph. If you want to try this, the line to change in the CJ525.acf file is: P _body/0/_part_cd 0.049
    1 point
  37. View File LX-ABM Hotstart Challenger 650 This is a replica of the livery of the LX-AMB aircraft of the Luxembourg Air Ambulance. The wings and wings normal textures are available as 8K textures to show the wings in more detail. There are three optional folders included. 1. optional - 4K textures for the wings 2. optional - the fuselage with the logo of the crown next to the door (in the original there is not, at least on the pictures of the plane) 3. optional - without dirt textures Have fun with it and if someone happens to have an original picture of the right wing I would be happy if he would share it. Unfortunately there is no picture of it on the internet as the right winglet is free interpretation. Submitter Bishop Submitted 12/22/2024 Category Hot Start Challenger 650 Livery For https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-hot-start-challenger-650-p-212  
    1 point
  38. The best airplane that was ever bestowed to TRUE hardcore simulator fans. We should be so thankful and so grateful for this superior masterpiece (and also the new FF 777)! We now have next-level flight simulation thanks to these planes.
    1 point
  39. View File 9H-SUS Hot Start Challenger 650 This is a livery for the Hot Start Challenger 650, inspired by https://www.jetphotos.com/registration/9H-SIS, just as a midnight version. To install, extract the zip file into the "liveries" folder. You can supply your own registration, 9H-SUS is not printed on the cowlings. This livery is in 8K. Submitter pilotdeviation Submitted 11/03/2024 Category Hot Start Challenger 650 Livery For https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-hot-start-challenger-650-p-212  
    1 point
  40. afm/sr/switches/fuelSelector is a dataref you can set to authoritatively set the fuel selector. -1 = Off (left side) 0 = Left 1 = Right 2 = Off (right side)
    1 point
  41. Sorry its not getting updated as fast as any of us would like. I wake up every day and have to make decisions about what to work on and balance my requirements against the customers. They never align for everybody and never will. Its not abandoned, it will get updated and updates will be free for many many years to come. -TK
    1 point
  42. Version 1.0.0


    Do not hesitate if you find glitches! Enjoy!
    1 point
  43. Version 1.0.0


    MGM Resorts operates a fleet of aircraft including a BBJ, two Embraer Lineage 1000s, and a Gulfstream 550, and a pair of Embraer Legacy 500s based at KLAS Las Vegas. This file contemplates that MGM bought Challenger 650s instead of Embraer Legacy 500s. This file is not affiliated with MGM; Please do not modify or redistribute without permission. (photo is not mine)
    1 point
  44. Thanks, I flew the Chally a couple of hundred hours and never refilled. Lately I started getting occasionally high oil temperatures, and than on yesterday's flight warning oil pressure below 25psi. Time to take action! Amazing that Hotstart has modelled this oil consumption...
    1 point
  45. It is still relevant, yes. LR haven't made any significant changes that I know of.
    1 point
  46. Version 1.0.0


    Based on real world CL650 OY-LLG operated by Sun-Air. I had to take some creative liberties with the cheatline as it did not fit 100% on the model as per the real airframe and I couldn't get the line to intersect the nose, cabin door, overwing exit and APU area closely to the real airframe without it - I hope the end result is ok! The registration CANNOT be changed due to limitation of this airframe having a wing registration so I opted not to use the built-in registration feature and painted the registration on the livery itself. NOTE: Painted for XP12's new lighting engine - NOT tested in XP11. Appearance may be unsatisfactory in XP11 Features: Custom airframe-specific placards Adjusted AO layers Custom cabin interior based on real airframe with custom carpet normal maps Not to be distributed or copied without explicit permission.
    1 point
  47. Recommended Videos: Reflected Reality Simulations: Preparation and Power Up Reflected Reality Simulations: Fuelling Foxtrot Alpha Aviation: Walkaround Foxtrot Alpha Aviation: Power Up APU and Electrical Foxtrot Alpha Aviation: Panel Checks and FMS Setup Foxtrot Alpha Aviation: Power Up Oxygen and Hydraulics Foxtrot Alpha Aviation: SPS, Radios and Avionics Foxtrot Alpha Aviation: EFIS Setup and Takeoff Briefing Foxtrot Alpha Aviation: Before Start, Start and After Start Foxtrot Alpha Aviation: Taxi Checks Foxtrot Alpha Aviation: Takeoff, Climb and Cruise Foxtrot Alpha Aviation: Weight and Balance
    1 point
  48. Version 1.0.1


    Hey everyone, I found the stock checklist to be a little basic, so I made this expanded checklist in a style that I believe fits the aircraft. Checklist is based on real airline checklist for the 737-300. Big thanks to P3ROn for the help. (Please note that the preview image compression makes the checklist harder to read than it is in sim.) Installation instructions: 1. Go to your X-Plane 10\Aircraft\X-Aviation\IXEG 737 Classic folder 2. Make a backup of the current IXEG_checklist.png file (e.g. by renaming it to "IXEG_checklist.png.old") 3. Copy this downloaded IXEG_checklist.png to the IXEG 737 Classic folder 4. Enjoy. Please note that this checklist is not an official IXEG checklist. If you have any comments or gripes, they belong here or to me via PM. I can also be contacted at doctornerdrage@gmail.com. Safe flying!
    1 point
  49. Ok... always do this: 1. Load other plane at the start of xplane. See if you have you axis assigned there, if not assign them there. 2. Load the Jetstream. 2a. if you are loading the plane with engines stop, the yokes won't move and the pedals. You have to unlock the controls in the right-botton side of the pedestal. putting the lever down. 2b. if you loaded the plane with engines running you should have the controls enabled, so you have to do anything. 3. fly the plane as you like to fly the time you want. 4. When you end it in your case ALWAYS do it with controls NOT LOCKED. Load other plane. Check if you have your axis correct there. quick xplane. in next session in xplane load again other plane, you should have your axis ok.. if you never exit xplane with controls locked and the jetstream loaded.
    1 point
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