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  1. @gemster18 I understand your frustration regarding the TBM 900 not yet being updated for X-Plane 12 compatibility while other aircraft, like the IXEG 737-300, have already been updated. The teams that work on these products are different people. As has been previously mentioned here, the TBM team (Hot Start) is actively working on a TBM update that has proved to be a major challenge, and ultimately a big re-work of how the product is done. Each aircraft presents unique challenges during the update process, and our goal is to deliver a stable and high-quality product that meets our standards and your expectations. We appreciate your patience as we continue to work on the X-Plane 12 TBM 900 version. We value your feedback and are committed to providing the best possible experience for our customers.
    4 points
  2. Sorry for quietness....the MU2 has been sitting at 95%+ done for the next update for a while. I decided last second to tweak the EGTs so as to have a proper crossover from Torque Limited to Temp limited at altitude...and that set off a round of flight testing I need to wrap up. The summer has just been packed full of activities, not all fun, lots of travel and its been a challenge to find blocks of time. Oshkosh is next week and is my last big activity for the year, so in speaking with Cameron, I plan to wrap up this update asap right after. ...and on a hopefully good note, XP12 new weather radar finally drops in 12.2 so I'll be squeezing that into the OEM variants, which along with the EGT will round out my "not done yet" list for the major features and I can then start messing about with improving the performance, systems accuracy and adding more liveries. -TK
    3 points
  3. Sorry its not getting updated as fast as any of us would like. I wake up every day and have to make decisions about what to work on and balance my requirements against the customers. They never align for everybody and never will. Its not abandoned, it will get updated and updates will be free for many many years to come. -TK
    3 points
  4. He wasn't talking to you. You're not a customer of the 737 Classic Plus. To those that are, yes, FREE. You can attempt to label years past as abandoned, but even those years from 2016 and on saw many free updates, including through the X-Plane 10 to 11 transition.
    2 points
  5. https://github.com/skiselkov/opengpws/releases/tag/v0.4 Grab OpenGPWS.zip from under the "Assets" and unpack it inside the airplane under the plugins folder, replacing the old one that's there.
    2 points
  6. View File D-ABCD Hot Start Challenger 650 This is a livery for the Hot Start Challenger 650, inspired by https://www.jetphotos.com/registration/D-ABCD To install, extract the zip file into the "liveries" folder. Because the original livery has the registration on the tail and the in-build feature doesn't allow positioning that high up, this time the livery comes with the registration as a fixed part. Submitter pilotdeviation Submitted 07/04/2024 Category Hot Start Challenger 650 Livery For https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-hot-start-challenger-650-p-212  
    2 points
  7. Version 1.0.0


    This is a livery for the Hot Start Challenger 650, inspired by https://www.flightradar24.com/data/aircraft/n832sc To install, extract the zip file into the "liveries" folder. You can supply your own registration, N832SC is not printed on the cowlings.
    2 points
  8. Hello Good morning, I think I share the sentiment of everyone in here, I have been looking at the post, and they go back pretty far, regarding Updating the HOT START TBM-900!!! TO WORK IN XP-12!! I don't understand how your company has. the very complicated IXEG 737-300 CLASSIC.. Fully compatible XP-12.. And the rest of us are over here, waiting for you guys to update. the TBM. for over a year now! It is completely unacceptable.! We paid good money for this aircraft and we like to use it in the updated simulator, I have various aircraft that have already been updated to work with the newer version of X plane 12!! INCLUDING THE 737-300 FROM YOUR COMPANY! Come on guys., this is crazy.! And by the way, I just purchased both of those aircraft specifically to work with...XP-12!
    2 points
  9. Hi guys, @rkuhlmann is right about communication...guilty as charged for being too quiet. The 733 isn't dead. We will continue to work on it as able, and best I can tell, probably have free updates for as long as I can foresee (whenever those may be). For my MU2 customers who have watched me keep the MU2 relevant through X-Plane versions 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 over 19 years, you know what I'm talking about. (even though its been a while since the last update and I'm literally 99% done with the next one but need to get it out There have been things beyond our control that have made update efforts challenging (shit rolling downhill kind of things)...which you guys don't see, nor will I talk about, nor should you care about, but we have to deal with just the same. Not an excuse, an explanation. I acknowledge that communicating is something we could do better and I'm sorry about that. As I've said many times, my committment has always been to keep facing forward and never sit down and that's still the case. So ....open communication time.....where's my time at the moment? I'm working for Laminar again. I am rewriting their documentation set for developers to help train and enable more developers for X-Plane. This initiative began in February at the X-Plane dev conference and I've been in the midst of a heavy 'front loaded' time effort to build the infrastructure for these docs and there's some slight pressure to "show anything at FSExpo". For consumers (rather than devs), this doesn't mean anything.... I know that doesn't make anyone here feel better or fix their concerns now, but is the road I had to take to preserve my ability to work on the IXEG in any capacity into the future. I do foresee time to work on the IXEG again after a few more milestones are reached with Laminar....indeed I'm meeting with some folks at FSExpo to discuss ways for them to assist in the effort. I am committed to maintaining the aircraft, even though I'm not sure exactly when updates will be. We have a plan, we try and stick with it, sometimes we slip, but we have never "forgotten about it". I like to say the IXEG is "perpetually in my inbox". Roadmap is the FMOD sound conversions still....and then the system updates. I am sure I'll have to repeat this later, but the "updates" period will also be quite lengthy because of the aforementioned (shit rolling downhill) situation I have to deal with. Getting through this phase is akin to the large efforts required to bring the IXEG to V12 and was unforseen, but its here on my doorstep just the same. Trudging through it, complaints and all, is the only way to ensure the IXEG survives into the future and those updates eventually come. The IXEG still has a lot of old tech and rebuilding it completely anew is a big task. I'm sorry again about the silence. -tkyler
    2 points
  10. Apologies, hard to contain the frustration. I have a couple of months left to finished my XP12 world tour in the Legacy RG, currently in Papua New Guinea, some crazy strips there. The clouds and WX are now amazing and look forward to the 737 at some point later in the year, again apologies for not being respectful and polite recently.
    1 point
  11. For the price I paid for this aircraft, it is rarely updated, and there are plenty of things that could be fixed or made better. It's a shame, really, because I enjoy flying it for the most part, but it is always a guessing game whether or not the FMC will have problems if you try to change something in flight or the mode control panel will function properly throughout the entire flight. It is so close to being great I had hoped for a little better.
    1 point
  12. PILS: Awesome. thanks a ton for the videos. One thing that caught my eye to start with is how you set up your MFD's/PFD's. Apparently I have to be in the ROSE presentation to see the dashed lines of the upcoming switch to the ILS course and green needles? I have yet to see them even though I saw them on other videos. I may have solved one mystery. I have set mine up so that I am in PPOS. I like how you set up the copilot MFD for a bigger presentation to include the airspace. I am working to find the combinations I like and getting them into the memory locations so I can quickly set up what I need. I am still working to learn the ATS and the VNAV systems. I have been using Garmin G1000 on a Phenom 300 and that seemed intuitive and easy to follow and change. Collins is by far more capable and sophisticated and with that comes a steep learning curve. Watching the videos is instructive and I will try and record my flight and see if I can duplicate it. Thanks for all the help. Laura :-)
    1 point
  13. BTW...after setting the proper parameters, I was able to conduct a safe/uneventful 200NM flight at 20,000' MSL. Thank you sir!!!
    1 point
  14. Quite familiar with all the Air Cond and Pressurization instrumentation but greatly appreciate your in depth explanation and your example. If you're interested, I'd like to send you a pdf copy of the actual wording contained within the real POH on the subject. Email me at <randy.passeno@gmail.com> and I'll do just that. Now, I'm going to attempt another flight using your recommendations
    1 point
  15. Hi 'meierzwo'...sounds like we have rather similar systems/interests As I'm sure you know, there are several 'duplicated' functions that are available via the Bravo and Octavi. What I've come to realize is that given the duplicity, I seem to have developed a system flow where I use various functions of each to coordinate my 'flights system management'. For example, flying the MU-2, even though I have the option to control Vertical Speed via the Bravo, I simply press the "AP" button on the Octavi and control not only my VS (...small knob) but rather the chosen altitude I wish to climb/descent to (...large knob) and use the Bravo to control HDG, NAV and APR. Hope all this makes sense
    1 point
  16. Same here. My favorite Plane in XP12. There are a few Bugs but nothing that made it unusable. cfirandy. I also use Alpha and Bravo and was thinking about the Octavi IFR-1. What Functions you are using with the Octavi IFR-1? AP Functions are almost done with the Bravo.
    1 point
  17. Version 1.0.0


    This is a livery for the Hot Start Challenger 650, inspired by https://www.jetphotos.com/registration/N955PM To install, extract the zip file into the "liveries" folder. You can pick your own registration using the aircraft manager.
    1 point
  18. Hmmm The way I fly I generally don't notice the bugs lol.. I absolutely love hand flying this plane, lovingly copied a private livery from a 600 and made it my personal 737.. I guess there are more updates coming, right?.. I wouldn't have imagined it to be "abandoned"?.. lol. Bit of a drastic statement to make on ol' IXEG team. I do get the frustration due to the price point and the FMCmadoodle having a few problems but, surely it ain't abandoned lol.. Part and parcel of being a pilot is to overcome slight issues and work around them. If something pisses me off with an FMC error in any plane weather it be a bug or my ignorance, I go back to dials and needles, whatever's left of them, these days .
    1 point
  19. https://discord.gg/cq4B783U
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. The Zink incompatibility has been known for a long time, but the developer has chosen for next update of the Challenger to have an extended development and beta cycle, so there’s a lot of fixes that aren’t released to “the world” yet. If you’d like to join the Discord and get access to the beta then you’d be welcome!
    1 point
  22. It all seems fine now, just restarted a couple of flights and I can't reproduce it. The only other thing I did on the first flight was to use the cabin crew settings to turn off all galley and cabin lighting but turned on cabin emergency lights. I only noticed the original issue because the lighting at night is done very, very well and the fluorescent light was spoiling it :)
    1 point
  23. Thanks guys for the tips. Just bought and installed WebFMC and it works great
    1 point
  24. OMG! Thank you. I have followed numerous posts and leads trying to get some good documentation. Your link worked and I found so much of what I needed. The note I found on the FD Sync button solved so many issues for me. Thanks. You never know when your input really pays off. This was helpful. :-)
    1 point
  25. (WebFMC is a far superior solution regardless.)
    1 point
  26. I tried this approach in the V1.8 beta (highly recommended!), and was not able to replicate a NO APPR condition using standard procedures. There may be an inconsistency with the earlier implementation of the terminal area approach logic. However, a couple of tips when using Collins Pro Line avionics that are different from Boeing or Airbus: When performing an ILS (or LOC) approach, coming from FMS navigation, it is advised not to arm approach (APPR) before being inbound to the glideslope intercept point (or FAF when on a LOC approach), and established on the final approach course. In the case of ILS Z 08 at BUR, that's the point roughly 2nm before BUDDE (or BUDDE itself for LOC). One can arrive at this point using LNAV/VPATH (or VVS if desired). This is especially important at some airports with multiple step-downs on the intermediate approach segment, and there's an outside air temperature that can cause altimetry errors sufficient for the glideslope to be below these constraints. If on vectors from ATC (or self-vectoring) using heading select (HDG), then one should limit one's intercept angle to the localizer to ~30 degrees, and not to arm approach when too far laterally from the localizer as otherwise a false beam capture may occur. Hope that helps.
    1 point
  27. Version 1.0.0


    This is a livery for the Hot Start Challenger 650, inspired by https://www.jetphotos.com/registration/D-ILHE There never was a CL60 with the European Flight Academy, so this is a fictional livery. To install, extract the zip file into the "liveries" folder. You can supply your own registration, D-ALHE isn't printed on the cowling.
    1 point
  28. Hi Jan, I don't have XP12 since my computer can't handle it but I have always enjoyed flying your -300 in XP11. I recently got employed by a -300 operator so I now have the pleasure of flying the real thing! Beautiful plane to fly, I'm sure you have fond memories. To be fair to the original poster, I too had the same issue with LVL CHG in XP11. It would aggressively trim nose down to 6000fpm+ when commanded from cruise altitude - Exactly how they are describing it. I doubt it is user error since I have the same issue. I've noticed in the real bird LVL CHG can be a little sluggish at times but nothing to this extent. Might be worth looking into? Maybe it's a plugin conflict or something? Just thought I would give my two cents. Cheers
    1 point
  29. Version 1.0.0


    This is a livery for the Hot Start Challenger 650, inspired by https://www.jetphotos.com/registration/D-ABCD To install, extract the zip file into the "liveries" folder. Because the original livery has the registration on the tail and the in-build feature doesn't allow positioning that high up, this time the livery comes with the registration as a fixed part.
    1 point
  30. Any update on when we might see the MU-2 fixes? Love flying the aircraft but the problems it has with the MFD push button in the G500 suite really limits things. :-)
    1 point
    could u please make a delta airlines one please
    1 point
  31. Odd, it didn't work when I tried it. I will try again. Thx.
    1 point
  32. View File N832SC Hot Start Challenger 650 This is a livery for the Hot Start Challenger 650, inspired by https://www.flightradar24.com/data/aircraft/n832sc To install, extract the zip file into the "liveries" folder. You can supply your own registration, N832SC is not printed on the cowlings. Submitter pilotdeviation Submitted 06/30/2024 Category Hot Start Challenger 650 Livery For https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-hot-start-challenger-650-p-212  
    1 point
  33. Version 1.0.0


    Extract the zip file, then drag and drop into your Hot Start Challenger 650 "liveries" folder.
    1 point
  34. it looks like all the commands are there, every one I searched for from your 'missing list' shows up in XP, both in the keyboard screen and when assigning them to a button on hardware. I don't know how DRT searches for commands (and DRE doesn't display commands) so I can't speak to your DRT results. I 'officially' check for the existence of commands via X-Plane's 'keyboard' search function. If they show up in there, then they exist. If DRT doesn't pick them up, I couldn't say way. I don't use DRT myself.
    1 point
  35. Version 1.0.0


    1 point
  36. Version 1.0.0


    1 point
  37. It's nice to see how your not fully functioning FMC is a feature of a product that doesn't need updates because it's already perfect. You haven't had any improvements or bug fixes in a very long time, and you are hiding your head in the sand, saying it's perfect already because you don't know what you're doing. It's just sad. I am sure all the people on the internet complaining about the same problems are just people who do not know what we are doing because the 737-300 is so complicated we just can't get it: my god, the ego on you. It has bugs. That's just true whether you like it or not. I own thousands of dollars of payware, and a developer who does not keep up on updates has never been a sign of a product that doesn't need updates but a developer who abandons their products. Do better.
    1 point
  38. I understand this - and I also like to have "development updates" on the games I play, stuff that the devs work on, plans for the future, just some chatter to read and follow along with. But we at IXEG are now just a small 2 person team with "real" jobs and families and shifting life priorities. We already talked a bit about what we could envision in the future... right now there is nothing to talk about. Tom is working slowly on converting the sounds to FMOD (which will not make them sound different at all) and we are still planning to fix some stuff like the VNAV and HOLDs, but a timeline can not be given and doing so would just not be reputable. For me the IXEG 737 project at this point is purely a labor of love. The income I get is negligible and my motivation is purely from my love for the aircraft and the good vibes and emotions I get when interacting with the users. If you want to see the 737 get developed further in the future, don´t take that motivation away. Posts like yours are a good way to kill that motivation. So as harsh as that may sound: There is nothing to talk about right now and we are also not some YouTube or Instagram channel who needs to post new content every day to keep his followers engaged.
    1 point
  39. The forums are quiet I think because everyone is just flying the plane. It works well, except for the VNAV, which we readily admit. Your other problems are most likely a matter of preference, and - sorry to be so frank - your inability to fly a 737-300 correctly. It is NOT doing "what it wants" and it is also not hard to control the speed - you are likely just a bad pilot . I have flown the real 737-300 for 10 years and this one flies exactly like the real one does. Yes, you need to plan ahead, just like when flying any high performance aircraft. We haven´t updated the plane in the last 9 months because it works fine and if you think a product is better because it gets more updates...well, maybe it just NEEDS more updates? How many factory recalls does a well-made car have per year?
    1 point
  40. Version 1.0.0


    Enjoy! Optional electronic pack: https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/54808-electronic-pack-beechcraft-350-challenger-300650/ All the credits to his author.
    1 point
  41. Version 1.0.0


    This repaint is based off a Challenger 604 registered N604KE and made for the Hot Start Challenger 650. Installation: Extract the folder inside the zip file to \X-Plane 11\Aircraft\X-Aviation\CL650\liveries that's it! You will have to add the registration "N604KE" in the Hot Start menu, but feel free to change the registration to your liking. Happy flying
    1 point
  42. Version 1.0.0


    This is a livery for the Hot Start Challenger 650, inspired by https://www.jetphotos.com/registration/OE-LUA To install, extract the zip file into the "liveries" folder. You can supply your own registration, OE-LUA is not printed on the cowlings.
    1 point
  43. The bulk of that time was spent on the CL650 update, as there was quite a bit to take care of. As there's only 2 of us, we have to prioritize the work according to various factors. Is there an ETA? Not one that we can safely stick to. We loosely planned to push out the last update for the CL650 within 2 years of release. That deadline passed 3 months ago. We're putting in the hours to get both the TBM and CL650 done as soon as we can, as we want to move on to the next project. All I ca n promise is we aren't going anywhere, and we're working to get everything done.
    1 point
  44. Version 1.0.1


    This is a simple plugin for the HotStart Challenger 650 that allows the user to define combinations of popout panels. These combinations can then be bound to a button as a command. Read the README.md file in the package Documentation. The most important note is that this is installed into the Aircraft plugins! Not global X-Plane plugins.
    1 point
  45. Four images and logfile attached. What gives? Is there a fix I've missed or is it a setting somewhere here? There are situations where this issue does not appear but I'm not sure of the finer details here. Blue skies and thanks in advance Log.txt
    1 point
  46. Version 1.10


    The DC-10 is uploaded here upon popular request, and that the dropbox link is suspended for having too many downloads. Aerobridge Studios- Douglas DC-10 Developed and designed by : Peter Tram, Pierre Lavaux, Jeffrey Chen Manual : Peter Tram Version 1.1 The McDonnell Douglas DC-10 is a three-engine wide-body jet airliner manufactured by McDonnell Douglas. The DC-10 has range for medium- to long-haul flights, capable of carrying a maximum of 380 passengers. Its most distinguishing feature is the two turbofan engines mounted on underwing pylons and a third engine at the base of the vertical stabilizer. The model was a successor to McDonnell Douglas's DC-8 for long-range operations, and competed in the same markets as the Lockheed L-1011 TriStar, which has a similar layout. From Wikipedia Features: - Custom 3D Modelling based on the default KC-10 - Customised soundset - Refined flight modelling - Refined animations - Real-world airport lighting shades - Basic Custom Panel Support: Please contact us by emailing to aerobridge1nfo@gmail.com or by questioning us here on X-Pilot LICENSE AGREEMENT: Aerobridge Studios reserves all rights. Educational use, business use or commercial use, without a proper license is prohibited. Please contact us for license arrangements.Copying content for personal or other use not covered by the license is prohibited.
    1 point
  47. I found this one really helpful, not intimidating in terms of length nor detail. Once you've watched this one you will be able to get your aircraft to the RWY in no time. When proficient with this, you can dive into much more detail with the FAAV videos.
    1 point
  48. Hey I have noticed for a while that I am unable to set low visibility. Example would be ILS landing, low clouds at 200feet etc.. If I don't use Maxx and just use default xplane weather it looks fine, but when I install Maxx back in again clouds are not low enough.. Whatever I do I can't get them low enough or dense enough. Is this like that for everyone? It doesn't matter if I use ASXP or not still the same issue. I do use RWC as well. If anyone can post some advice or settings I should try that would be good. Other than that all looks great but I can't setup ILS low visibility approach. Thanks Krys
    1 point
  49. I think I have the same issue. Did a flight today and I could always see the ground, weather was overcast at 5000 and I was at 8 and could still see the ground. Switch to standard X-plane weather and by by ground. Seems like the clouds are always in front of you, you can't fly through them. Flying in VR.
    1 point
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