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  • Birthday January 1

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  1. In a way that is very true! There was a famous accident with a Hapag-Lloyd Airbus A310 in 2000, they took off and wanted to fly to Hannover, but the landing gear did not retract. They looked at the FMS and it said that they could make it all the way easily...but the pilots did not know that the FMS did not calculate with the additional drag of the gear being down. The pilots failed to do the basic "fuel flow x estimated flight time = fuel needed" calculation, instead relying on the FMS...and made a flame-out landing in Vienna because of fuel starvation.
  2. Thanks for the kind words! Yes, 1.5 is the current version for XP12. We are planning to updated the aircraft further in the future and are very aware of it´s current shortcomings, especially in the FMS department. Unfortunately we can not provide a realistic timeline as to when the next update will drop, we have a history of lengthy dormant phases and then stretches of working hard on the aircraft - both Tom and me do this as a side project in our lives in addition to our "real" jobs and family, so don´t expect the same cadence of updates that you would get from a dev team that does this "full time". As you said, the plane can be flown safely, realistically and (I think) with having a lot of fun with it - I flew the real aircraft for 10 years and regularly fly our model in it´s 1.5 status and still enjoy that immensely...despite the shortcomings. I know this may sound apologetic, but real pilots (at least the older ones) still pride themselves in their ability to calculate and execute descent planning better than the FMS can . Cheers, Jan
  3. V2 should be in the 120-150 range...not 437. The maximum allowable speed you can set on the MCP is 340.
  4. Hmm, is this only happening on a certain path (i.e. the same airport and SID) or does it happen a lot and in various scenarios? If you could provide reconstruction steps and a log.txt, that would be helpful to find out what the bug is - because it is clearly that, not user error. The speed window should never show these out-of-bounds values, no matter what the pilot does. Thanks, Jan
  5. Hi Seahawk, as stated here (check the last bullet point for FMS): https://forums.x-pilot.com/forums/topic/8526-things-that-are-not-going-to-be-in-v15/ the VNAV calculations during the descent part of the flight may be erroneous, especially if restrictions are part of the path coding. Entering restrictions manually is further increasing the chances of things going wrong. For now we recommend calculating descent paths manually, there is also a "descent path helper table" available in the documentation that you can refer to. The landing elevation on the overhead panel is used to set up the pressurization system - it has nothing to do with autoland or the autopilot Chances are that you used a wrong approach speed, the wind was unusual or your center of gravity was out of limits - however it is pretty normal for the 737 to not do a very smooth touchdown when using autoland. Happy landings!
  6. Interesting! ...and hard to reproduce, of course - with your report being the only one for this so far (after many many years and many many users ;-)). If this happens repeatedly, you can "reboot gizmo" while on the ground, that should really clear all variables and reset the plane as if you just booted X-Plane. Cheers, Jan
  7. If you log in to the forums and there is not a post about the update, it means exactly that.
  8. Hi Jarret, That looks cool! I think posting the .acf file here should not be a problem - the aircraft does not run without the other files and the DRM, so there is no risk of someone "pirating" the plane. Maybe give a short credit (like "This is a modification of the original .acf file by IXEG"), so people know the heritage of your work. Cheers, Jan
  9. Huh, never noticed those - thanks for pointing them out! We will doublecheck and fix!
  10. They already decrease at a realistic level. And when you sleep, the mechanics refill the fluids as per aircraft maintenance manual.
  11. We have had a report like this before...but were unable to resolve the issue for that customer. For what it is worth, the plan is to modify all sounds to use FMOD only, right now we still use OpenAL, but there may be some hardware configurations out there that have problems with it: https://forums.x-pilot.com/forums/topic/27322-distorted-sounds-151/
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