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  3. Hi, probably a little one. But with the IXEG every time you load it , it reverts to some obscure freq. It would be nice if it could reset to the last known freq as most other aircraft do, saves a lot of bother if you are doing a reload at the same airport or changing planes.
  4. Yesterday
  5. It looks like 128.5 kts technically, but I guess it's rounded up.
  6. Confirm this is an extract of the AFM and the lines are baked in, not something you've added?
  7. Pressure altitude around SL in this case (EGSS, RWY 04, Q1026). LW = 32000 pounds. HotStart FMS gives Vac = 121, whereas AFM gives Vac = 129, as you can see from the table above (consistent with the real FMS and the performance sw I use). On the other hand, Vref = 121 is ok among HotStart FMS, AFM, real FMS and Perfo SW. PS unfortunately I do not have a picture of the real FMS at hand, and cannot share screenshots/details of my Perfo SW. Anyway, AFM is the reference to be considered here
  8. I don't see any errors from Navigraph. However, I do see that something has corrupted the checklist audio files. I suggest reinstalling the addon to resolve that issue. Also: Delete this file from X-Plane: .../Output/caches/CL650/chart.db/navigraph-tokens.cache; Load a new flight with an airframe in career mode; Make sure Navigraph is checked in User Settings > Networking; Turn on aircraft power.
  9. You might be able to get close using the X-Plane in-game map, after getting the aircraft into an approach state. Then fly into the position you want to save, and save a state in the airframe manager.
  10. Trying to set up my own SIMBRIEF profile but see that this version IXEG B737 Classic for XP12 (B733) has 102 seat capacity, rather than the 128-149. Is there anything I can do to have it allow 129 or more? (different livery, etc.?) also looking to the basic info to input that is specific to THIS version but have not been very successful. thx!
  11. It worked properly. It won't remove files that were placed after the initial install, like state saving data or preferences, which are in the aircraft folder. Your description sounds normal.
  12. Hi everyone, For the purpose of training, I'd like to perform approaches on various airports without having to waste time doing a full flight from another airport. For instance, I would like to train myself for the VMMC VPT rwy 16 following an ILS rwy 34. To do so, I would like to be prepositioned a few miles before the FAF. Is it possible to do it? If so, how? Thanks
  13. Thanks, it's done, I've uninstalled it. Unfortunately it didn't work perfectly either, I had to delete the aircraft directory in x-plane manually.
  14. That's up to you. No one else is having this issue though, so I'm pretty confident you have something clashing. I see you've owned this product for years, so you should know it's worked for quite some time.
  15. Thank you for your answer. Which button or lever did you assign this to? I have assigned the command to the throttle lever on my Bravo Throttle, the Bravo has its own lock, behind which is a separate area, to which I have assigned it, but unfortunately this does not work. Edit for Cameron: XA snow is not the addon! X-plane has crashed again. I think I will uninstall the aircraft and book it as a loss. The same goes for the TBM 900, which only works in X-plane11 and has not been updated since x-plane 12 has been around forever.
  16. I don't know with Bravo throttle, but I have this with Pro Flight Quadrant.
  17. https://www.x-plane.com/kb/using-x-plane-11-addons-with-x-plane-12-on-mac-systems/ Gizmo plugin, that used to code all DC3 systems, UI, etc., is no longer developed, so is not going to have an ARM compatible plugin. I've already started to create my own plugin that is ARM compatible, and moving the code from the Gizmo plugin, but this procedure will be long and won't happen overnight.
  18. I have found the addon, it is XA snow, when I deactivate it, x-plane no longer crashes. However, all other planes do not react like this. I have a question about the Islander, since the manual is more than poor, I can't find a way to assign the reverse or beta function to my Bravo throttle quadrant by command. I have tried it with ‘beta’, also with ‘toggle thrust reversers’, without getting a reaction. Which command would make this possible? But I can't trigger this with the mouse either. So how does the reverse position work?
  19. Thank you very much for this. It certainly will help me get out of the hanger. It's been a long time since I've used Rosetta's. I'll have to think over how to get there, but I'm sure I'll figure it out. Is there or not a gizmo plug-in that runs on the arm ship on the Mac which theoretically should solve some of these problems? OK, off to check it out and once again, thank you so much appreciate it.
  20. Sorry I thought I had attached a log file last time. Here we go again for this time. This file was created after I had uninstalled and reinstalled the DC three and after updating to the latest X-Plane version on their latest beta. The one thing this time was it came up with a missing sound bank flag that happens a lot on aircraft waiting for a serial number, but there isn't a serial number in this one
  21. Last week
  22. Spoken like someone who really knows what they're talking about!
  23. Man its a shame what happened to ixeg. If they had gotten their act together, focused on growing their team and developing full time, and producing msfs addons with the same depth and detail that the ixeg 733 had they would have made millions.
  24. Because DC3 uses Gizmo plugin, you must run X-Plane under Rosetta to run.
  25. Sorry I thought I had attached a log file last time. Here we go again for this time. This file was created after I had uninstalled and reinstalled the DC three and after updating to the latest X-Plane version on their latest beta. The one thing this time was it came up with a missing sound bank flag that happens a lot on aircraft waiting for a serial number, but there isn't a serial number in this one Log.txt
  26. Thank you for your answer. I must have overlooked the third version of the aeroplane in the selection. And, I read your answer fully, but I don't know which addon it could be. I guess I'll have to go the long way round and disable all addons and reinstall them one by one to see which one is causing the error.
  27. Yes, the one version includes and installs THREE versions to choose in X-Plane. One standard, one G5, one G500. There is nothing stopping you loading the version that does not use the G5 or G500s in the aircraft selection menu of X-Plane. Did you not bother to read the rest of what I told you to do?
  28. Thank you for your reply. To anticipate, I can only find one version on your website that is priced at $34.95! This is exactly the one I purchased. I have also purchased the Avionik G500. However, if you want to operate the machine without the purchased avionics, you will see a red notice that you have to purchase extra avionics. Anyway, at the moment x-plane crashes when I load the aircraft, so I can't use it at all.
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