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  1. Today
  2. Not sure if this manual for real world challenger 650 will get your taste. challenger_650.pdf
  3. Yesterday
  4. Working on Nav to Nav transfer. I have flown this 4 times in the last few days. Only once did I get the blue ghost needles. From TOAK to Silex it won't descend to 3700? Captured ILS and it flew way left of course? Auto Throttle keeps popping out of SPEED mode on final. Would love to have someone review the flight and let me know. I have conquered pilot and co in the correct FMS/LOC modes but even with that it didn't transfer. Thanks in advance for the help. KOXR to KBUR.mp4
  5. First step in troubleshooting: Remove all third party plugins except Gizmo64 (especially garbage like SAM).
  6. Hay Ben, thers noting wrong with my internetconnection, nor firwalls, portblocking eg. I even get the same result, trying on another pc, on anoter internet connections. im tempted to try buy all my xaviations planes again on a hole new account just to test the new account. Log.txt
  7. G-RVRB CIS Seneca II View File This livery is inspired by G-RVRB: https://www.jetphotos.com/registration/G-RVRB Hope you enjoy it! Note: this livery is in 8K, which I think just looks better. If you have any issues, let me know. Submitter pilotdeviation Submitted 07/26/2024 Category General Aviation Livery For https://www.jetstreamfs.com/seneca-ii/  
  8. Version 1.0.0


    This livery is inspired by G-RVRB: https://www.jetphotos.com/registration/G-RVRB Hope you enjoy it! Note: this livery is in 8K, which I think just looks better. If you have any issues, let me know.
  9. Interesting, it appears this is crashing within X-Plane itself. This isn’t something we’ve seen ourself.
  10. Last week
  11. Hi there. I've reverted back to XP-11 to fly this plane. It seems that somewhere along the line, during the updates of XP-11 it broke the plane a bit, with engine temps and so on swinging back and forth erratically when moving the throttles between ground idle and idle. Just wondering if there is a way to fix this or not?. Also, I'm not asking for dates or anything as I understand life comes first and other projects are being worked on, etc. Out of interest, because the 340 is one of my fave prop liners and I have thoroughly enjoyed the LES 340 for some years, Is it still on the backburner for future development?. I hate pestering, but I only ask because I'll gladly hold off getting another prop plane to fill in and wait for it. I also would happily pay for it again.
  12. Problem solved. Pilotedge got my transponder yesterday and I made it all the way to Castle. Thanks so much.
  13. Hello everyone, Got back into xplane 12 after been out for a while, I have both the HC bravo and alpha, where can I get the commands to setup both devices? I want to take the most advantage of both controllers but I cannot find the proper commands for the IXEG 737, thanks in advance for any help!
  14. My Sim crashes every time, when opening the ATC window. See Log.txt at the end. Unforunately the "Submit Crash Report" didn't come to an end ... and could only be stopped with "Cancel". Have you any idea for the reason? Crash 20240724 Log.txt
  15. My Challenger 650 crashes when loading the PFD (after turn on electrical power) The error is : Encountered Vulcan Device Loss error Xplane cannot continue running and will now quit Please submit the auto crash report form This started with the upgrade to Xplane 12.1
  16. Hello, When I use the weight table and I put in my passenger as 130 pounds it is still a man and not a cute girl. Can you please make it a cute girl?
  17. Thank you so much. I searched discord but I can see I have more to learn. I copied and pasted the file and will let you know how it goes.
  18. Should this be of interest, a link to the photo of the livery is: https://www.jetphotos.com/photo/5922070
  19. I have seen several posts on youtube that shows popups displaying DCP & CCP when the mouse hovers over the respective PFD & MFD screens. Is this a plugin for the Challenger or is it a setting in X-Plane? Thank you in advance.
  20. https://discord.com/channels/397379810067742721/397408003348889600/1098619351113932820
  21. To the moderator, please delete the attached file to my post. After realizing that it has a copyright immediately after posting it, I would have deleted it myself, but I found no way to do so.
  22. This is a great livery that I had sought before finding it here some time ago. Thanks much for the fine work! If you ever decide to do another for the MU-2, I will suggest the livery shown by the attached file [for N100BY in dark blue] -Image deleted per user request (CC). Unfortunately, I don't think there are any other pictures of this specific livery as it appears that the aircraft may have been repainted with a different one (white)(CC). Regardless of that, thanks for those that you have already provided. i have all of them and am very appreciative of all of them.
  23. Took off from Van Nuys today with the transponder in TA/RA per the checklist. After TO, ATC (pilotedge) could not see my transponder. I thought I had it in the wrong setting so switched to ALT ON. Still cannot read. Tried all the other modes. No go. If I hit Ident, he could momentarily see it but after that, no readings. Tried all the settings but he could never see me. I had finally mastered the flight to Castle AFB with VNAV up and down. Even got Nav to Nav transfer on my practice flight. I was ready for my first flight on using the 650 on pilotedge. Sadly, vectors back to a visual landing and Van Nuys. Boo Hoo. I have searched the internet and I don't see this issue anywhere, even in this forum. What did I get wrong?
  24. Hi everyone, I've got some videos to share that demonstrate a project I've been working on, and I'd love to get your feedback to see if there's interest in further development. FlowGraph is currently a minimum viable product capable of making tech demos, but it needs more work to become a fully-fledged product. First, we have code generation. Many people enjoy tinkering or generating custom scripts for their sim. I hope FlowGraph can be useful for hobbyists and artists alike. While experienced coders might not see much value in it, it can help team members express systems logic more easily. Second, there's a demo for creating an electrical network config file for Saso's "lib elec." This should enable more in-depth electrical systems for future products. As mentioned, it's only a tech demo in early beta. Please leave any comments or feedback you have.
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