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  • Birthday October 19

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  1. Interesting, it appears this is crashing within X-Plane itself. This isn’t something we’ve seen ourself.
  2. Coop

    Sr20 G1000

    Here, you can attach it to a reply
  3. Coop

    Sr20 G1000

    In order to debug what is going on, we will need you to send us a copy of the X-Plane log.txt file. You can find a guide to get this file here: How to find the X-Plane log.txt file?
  4. VPATH is something that RXP/GTN provide, it isn't something we have control of. I'm not totally sure on what you are asking on it, but that would be something to talk to them on. The DFC90/Entegra won't automatically fly the VPATH. X-Plane currently doesn't have any weather radar APIs available, thus isn't a method for drawing that. Rain should depict on the windshield, but X-Plane 12.1 did make some changes to that system that are yet to be integrated. The fleet will be getting 12.1 updates over the coming weeks and months
  5. The v2.x SR20/22 are only compatible with X-Plane 12. The installer will revert to the last compatible version of v1.x of the SR20/22 if the aircraft is being installed into X-Plane 11.
  6. Hi Thomas, RealityXP has their own menu of settings for configuration accessible from the X-Plane menu bar -> plugins -> RealityXP GTN, then for the GTN750 device 1, there should be an option to open the settings dialog. If you send screenshots of those settings, I can see if there is anything apparent with those settings on why the CDI is frozen.
  7. Hi Thomas, Which aircraft are you loading, the default C172, or our provided C172 with the G5s in the 3D cockpit? The RXP GTN would need to be configured to drive the G5 in the RealityXP settings.
  8. We've never had custom Perspective+ avionics on our internal roadmap for development, it would be a massive project (years of development) out of scope to what our team has capacity for. We will still be working on our existing aircraft for X-Plane, but they are the G3 aircraft with our modifications to the X1000. (Which has a nice feature set enhancement with the soon-to-release X-Plane 12.1!)
  9. RealSimGear now offers a Perspective+ addon to our SR2X G6 Pro aircraft. This requires RSG hardware. There are not plans for a retail version of this.
  10. The M3 Pro GPUs in the realm of GPUs are on the much lower end of specs, and this is a heavy aircraft. Are you using custom scenery? That is an odd crash, I've got that noted to take a look at for a future update.
  11. This sounds like the activation can't contact the server, but in order to debug what is going on, we will need you to send us a copy of the X-Plane log.txt file. You can find a guide to get this file here: How to find the X-Plane log.txt file?
  12. Yes, X-Plane 12.1 changing the X1000 logic flow breaking the current state tracking. We will be pushing an update to the SR with fixes once they are ready and XP 12.1 goes final.
  13. Regarding AOA, make sure you are opening the AOA indicator fully, also lower graphics settings with X-Plane might prevent it from rendering properly. Regarding popups, it sounds like you opened the popups in the fully popped-out mode where they become OS windows instead of windows within X-Plane. Clicking in the upper right corner of the popup should bring the popup back in-sim from an OS window.
  14. That bit is just a static texture, so that can be ignored. (I'll get that bug noted to change the text there for XP12). The navdata itself is parsed from Custom Data if installed, so you should be all set.
  15. It appears that you are not signed into your X-Aviation account in Gizmo, so the G5s aren't activating. Sometimes the sign in window doesn't appear on X-Plane monitor when it is positioned at a negative display coordinate, as shown here. Temporarily open X-Plane in windowed mode instead of full screen and then the sign in dialog should show up.
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