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  1. Was never abandoned, and considering the work required to bring it to xp12, there is a video on it, you should be glad its still here, Its the amount of work required for the update that has caused so may add ons to be dropped or become paid upgrades. It is still the best 737 out there and only getting better, with or without you.
  2. I dont know what the issue is with price, this has being continually updated for years, and have you not noticed cost of living has gone up everywhere.
  3. @tkyler I believe it simply looks at all active data refs. You can even look for commands by using the monitor ony cmds tha tchange, than push teh button you want and see which command changes. That is how I do my XChecklistsT refs.
  4. @CHHQ Without flight plane witout log.txt without screen shot of route with altitudes. who can say. There is apparently an AIr pressure bug in XPlane, but that shouldnt cause that.
  5. Have you disabled downwind ILS in xplane.
  6. I guess you never looked. This plane was almost dropped completely for XP12, you should be happy you are getting an update at all. The fact the updates are free, should make you content to wait, even developers need to eat and pay bills, I can imagine your boss coming in and saying, that job you did last year, we want you to update it, but we are not going to pay you as its just an update. The fact we have any developers left is truly remarkable considering the self entitlement of so many users. Id pay for this plane again if I had too. Its really sad where this world has gone.
  7. Funny a real pilot says they are some of the best sounds out there considering the technology. I suspect with FMOD they will only get better
  8. Ok its interesting in the video done 7 months ago it seemed different. All good than.
  9. Hi It seems that only one of the fire warning tests is working. Not a biggy.
  10. Hi just had same issue again with B3 and all its Zink bug fixes, Now this could be triggered by Xchecklist, as it start flashing around same time, Odd it only affects CDU1, The other issue im seeing is the radios, VHF, I assume the left is comm one but it seems to switch between the two. Havnt quiet got my head around it just yet.
  11. For those who missed it, major update Get it now. B2 only bug fixes B3 Mainly Zink Fixes XPD-15373 – F-14 external fuel tanks always revert to full load when opening the Weight, Balance and Fuel menu XPD-15378 – XPlane 12 hangs when querying ipv6 addresses due to change in kernel 6.9.0 XPD-15388 – Bug report “New writable datarefs are not writable” XPD-15410 – copy-paste error prevents accessing 430 flightplan in the 172 XPD-15415 – Bug report “Zink driver crashes with plugins” XPD-15416 – Bug report “Zink causes crash when opening plugin window (Linux)” XPD-15419 – XPLMGetFMSFlightPlanEntryInfo doesn’t perform XPLMNavRef lookup, while XPLMGetFMSEntryInfo does XPD-15421 – Toggling VR leaks memory XPD-15423 – Installer manifest broken if file compression scheme changes without SHA changing XPD-15429 – Regression: with bleed air = OFF, the cabin still slowly pressurizes XPD-15430 – Bug report “Zink CLI option not forcing Zink to be enabled” XPD-15434 – XPLMPopOutAvionics() crashes if called on a stock avionics device (GNS530 for example) XPD-15437 – XPLMGetAvionicsGeometry() incorrect when avionics is popped out XPD-15438 – XPLMSetAvionicsGeometryOS() has vertical switched
  12. I guess they dont, thats why they hired all those extra people, just to mock us all, and I guess all the graphic improvements, CPU performance currently worked on and all the weather, aerodynamics improvements come about because they dont care. I wonder how many user really care about laminars efforst??
  13. Volanta is a know cause of crashes. Remove the plugin
  14. Laminar is doing some major upgrades to xplane for next release, no developer is silly enough to do a major release until it has gone Beta and being tested by a lot of very picky consumers. I should add, "some very Vocal", consumers.
  15. It may be that many still use 11 but its not financially good for developers to spend time on products that few are buying, for older vers, Most developers have moved on and most users have learned to live with it.
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