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Found 23 results

  1. The plane suddenly entered descend mode when I'm climbing. I have to use lvl chg to climb to the cruise altitude. As is shown in the screenshot, I'm hundreds of nautical miles away from destination, but the desc path indicator shows that I'm 7000ft above descend path What happened?
  2. Hiya, I recently upgraded to XP12 and upgraded my old IXEG 73 to the new one. I'm coming across a big issue for me tho. Might be skill issue, might be a bug. Whenever I'm setting up my flight, the FMC doesn't calculate altitudes for VNAV, indicating VNAV is not going to work. I did the init ref page etc., still nothing. After take off I can't enable LNAV, and pressing VNAV tells me "perf/vnav unavailable". Any ideas? Much appreciated!
  3. As the title suggest, when i load the aircraft, is bugged for some reason. All started this morning, and when the load endend, this is what i saw: (see the image attached) I don't know why. I can't use the aircraft, i can't walk inside or around and all of the systems don't work.
  4. My sim crashed when I tried to go direct "KOPAG", after loading the save I wanted to go direct again and it crashed again. 1Log.txt
  5. Complete beginner to xPilot here. Just installed the latest stable version of xPilot and everything is completely unreadable. Everything else works completely fine.
  6. Not sure if it's been brought up, but the pitot tube cover is clickable from the inside. Ask me how I found out, lol. Not sure if the other covers are...
  7. Pushing the "back" button on the map page options displays the checklists page. It's not possible to go back to the original page. Exiting the checklists page goes back to the map screen with the options menu. Changing the pages with the outer knob does work but does not restore the correct map page. Holding the CLR button brings the display back to the same map page + options - not to the original map page. (it's probably a known bug, I'm reporting it, just in case ) ---- Also, it might not be related, but when loading another plane after the Pocket Rocket, the G1000 PFD artificial horizon is not displayed (background stays black) (e.g. switching from the PR to the G1000 Skyhawk (LR)). No issue switching from the PR to the TBM 900.
  8. I recently purchased the tbm 900. The plane is good, however we have some stutters. Now this is the latest version of the tbm 1.1.4 and I'm using xplane 11.31. I can assure you it's a fresh install of xplane 11 with no other add on installed except the tbm. Please provide a solution. I have attached 2 pics one with the default cessna and the other with our beloved tbm 900, check the data output graph.
  9. Hi, On cold start the G5 is partially displayed with all the swiches on the OFF position. The 2D display shows the same issue. I'm using XP11.32r2 (beta) on Windows 10. [system specs] (as a side note, the UI font for the maintenance screen is a bit small in 1440p. Graphics settings:
  10. As the title says: the copilot 3D model is visible in the exterior view with the weight set to zero in the aircraft configuration screen.
  11. Hello, I ran into an issue today on stream, I had an engine fire, and managed to land in the end, but that's not the issue, The Issue is that the fire didn't show up in the maintenance manager (but the tire blown did). here is the video of what happened https://www.twitch.tv/mrtchou/clip/StormyBigManateeCoolStoryBro and once on Ground I went for the damages and found nothing in the maintenance manager. the failure was only in the failure window but nothing was broken. (except a tire blown) you can find attached the log.txt file that I saved. Poof log.txt
  12. Hello, here is what i found, i forgot to put the crashbar down last time i used the tbm, naturally the battery was dead when i came back the day after. But pressing the button to close the rear door still worked and in a strange manner the dor closed instantly and a second press on the close door button would open it up again. Here is the video of this from my stream. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/v339829546?t=248s as the system to close the door is electric, i guess the button shouldn’t have any action in case the battery is out of service.
  13. Hi there folks! Just installed LPMA Madeira scenery for XP10 and followed all the instructions. But I get a bug on the runway, the column-runway section is 10ft above the ground level and can't use full lenght. I got "Runways follow terrain countours" ON as the readme file specifies. Has anyone had this bug or knows a quick way to fix it? Cheers! NOTE: my hard disk is running outta space and couldn't install the mesh scenery of madeira. Could that be the file missing which leads to this issue? Here are some download links if are required... Scenery (http://www.xpfr.org/?body=scene_accueil&sc=253) Object pack (http://www.xpfr.org/?body=scene_accueil&sc=252) Mesh Madeira (http://zonephoto.x-plane.fr/outremer_EN.php)
  14. I love this plane..but the 1.5 version for XPlane I have no control over the Heading nob or the Altitude nob? I am Using: iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, Late 2015 4 GHz Intel Core i7 32 GB 1867 MHz DDR3 AMD Radeon R9 M395X 4096 MB macOS 10.13.4 Xplane 11.11. (64 bit) X55 Saitek Pro Rhino Stick X55 Saitek Rhino Throttle
  15. Hi Litjan, Been having some excellent flights in x-plane's vr with the rift. This last release (Feb 26), v4 has a small problem with the handsets/touch controllers. (a new fix for the vive headset, v5 was released today, but I am going to wait for v6 or 7 by tomorrow since they say they will skip 6 for some unknown reason!) The touch controllers are visible, but do nothing. I loaded another ac and there was no problem, they worked fine so this may be indigenous to IXEG. If you need some logs or whatever, let me know and I'll load er up, then attach here. fyi, despite having no touch controllers, I was loaded up in the plots seat perfectly, so I took it fro a spin around the ap. I just love flying your ac! One of few that are worth their salt Thanks for everything! EDIT.............decided to update to 5..what've I got to lose, eh? I'll see if there is a diff EDIT 2........no dif...still not working in v5
  16. Bug report! This happened again when I tried to switch on the autopilot. see screenshot First I decided to continue the sector manually but other weird things happened such as the landing lights where not responding to the switches any more so I binned it, restarted the sim and it worked again in the next attempt. No biggy but another 40 minutes of time lost. Hope you can find a fix for this!
  17. Hi everyone, I've recently purchased IEXG 737 from X-Aviaton website - version 1.2, running on X-Plane 11 Mac OS. Everything was running smoothly. After some testing, I went to update to AIRAC 1710. I have a Navigraph subscription, so I downloaded "iexg737classic_native_1710" and copied the folder "fmc_data" to "/X-Plane 11/Aircraft/X-Aviation/IEXG 737 Classic/" overwriting the old fmc_data (which I backedup just in case). When I try to create a new flight with iexg737, I receive the following error: "There was a problem processing a GLSL pixel shader..." like it is a Graphic card issue (screen attached). Once I click OK, it closes X-Plane and goes back to desktop reporting a crash. Once I replace the folder for the old (original) one, it works fine again. But, I can't run it with new updated AIRAC (1710) from Navigraph. I've also tried with AIRAC 1709 from Navigraph.. didn't work. So, looks like I cannot update AIRAC. Very strange error and I did not receive any answer from the support. Any ideas? Tks!
  18. I was doing a flight today with the following routing. It was the second time flying this arrival and both times I ran into the exact same problem: KCVG BNGLE4 BNGLE RIKLE WWSHR DORET J584 SLT FQM3 KEWR (ILS04L) I was flying without ATC so I entered a couple of altitude restrictions on the arrival while in flight. The altitudes I used were based on the "Expect" notations on the chart at RACKI (13000) and SWEET (7000). Both altitudes seemed to work fine after pressing EXEC. This arrival has a vector section after SWEET which seemed to work correctly. LNAV and VNAV was still engaged. The problems arose when I tried to go DIRECT to the IAF of KILMA. When I pressed EXEC after moving KILMA to the top of the LEGS page, I received a message "UNABLE CRZ ALTITUDE" and the plane immediately tried to speed up to 290 kts. I had to disable VNAV, adjust the speed manually, and start using V/S to adjust the rest of the descent. X-Plane log and FMS Debug files are attached. Arrival Chart: http://imgur.com/LGMEJFq IXEG_FMS_debug.txt Log.txt
  19. Hi all, I bought IXEG couple days ago and have been flying it extensively and thoroughly enjoy every minute of it. However, there is some weird stuff going on when I did my test flight earlier. First, I tried shutdown the left engine in flight. This results in an odd display of PFD as shown below. Despite repowered the fail engine main bus by APU doesn't solve the issue. In addition to the issue above, I found that the stab trim brake doesn't work. Move the control column in an opposite direction to trimming doesn't stop the trim. Lastly, I often received a duct overheat light despite the fact that the duct temp gauge displayed a value lower than 88C. Looking forward to hear your comment. Best regards
  20. Hi, I don't know if it is the right section, as it is more about a request: Your camera system is wonderfull, I'm the total master in my cockpit. The only thing is when i click on my joystick to choose an IXEG preset view, I have then to wait for 2 seconds for being able to move with the mouse, because the movement is not instantaneous. I know it is only 2 seconds, but when it is hundred times in a flight, it can be kinda irritating. Would it be possible either have the mouse to be n°1 priority for movement and override the preset view buttons and to be able to take control immediatly, or maybe to have the possibility in the options to have instantaneous view movements? It would be really nice! If it is not clear what I'm talking about, I can add a video... And two bug reports that where probably already reported: since the 1.0.3, the RTO disarm light never extinguish. And since 1.0.0, when you are on ground, and try to move the gear lever toward down, it doesn't work, but make a sound as if it moves. That's it! Thanks again for everything! EDIT: I just forgot something. Would it be also possible to be able to change the fuel, without starting again the whole aircraft when applying the settings?
  21. Hi guys, since i updated to SMP v3 i noticed that there are no more shadows on the ground. I checked the clouds shadow box and still no shadows. Anyone of you had noticed that??? I'm running x-plane 10.41 and ge force gtx 770 2 gb. Thanks. Mau v3 v2.1
  22. I've been trying to eliminate an annoying plane characteristic - the plane pitches up or down without any apparent reason, either with autopilot on or off. Using x-plane 10. Changed joystick sensitivity to linear and pitch to most smooth. Happens on landings and during flights so when tracking an altitude or vs, the plane has to hunt to find its way back to stable flight. Maybe it's just a characteristic of x-plane GA 172??
  23. Didn't see these - sorry if repost FMS Unable to get External Ground Power Unable to get any additional information on the MFD Menu (eg. NAVAIDS, AIRPORTS) MISC. Engines seem way more powerful - usually to taxi I need around 48% N1 and now it's moving with only a little power added Blurry (barely readable) readouts (tested with night) Note: I did not actually fly as I was concerned about the engine power Windows 7 64bit NVIDIA GTX 580 (latest drivers) 10.03 b10 HDR on with FXSAA Shadows - Global Medium My biggest concerns are with the FMS and engine power
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