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Bulva last won the day on November 29 2022

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  1. Absolutely not unfounded. ;-) The specification of my computer absolutely does not allow me to enjoy the benefits of XP12 using IXEG in VR mode (that's the only way I fly). In XP11, with all the additions and "improvers", it achieves a completely smooth VR simulation in any region, in any weather conditions. I have an XP12 and I am fully aware of its superiority over the XP11, but I have no pleasure in flying it. If I upgrade my computer, I will definitely switch 100% to XP12, but for now, the VR mode in XP12 is very lame. And still if I want to fly IXEG, I fly in XP11.... ;-)
  2. I'm very sorry. Really. I had a bad day, the whole period was bad... Sorry.
  3. XP is dying ... I'm so sorry, because I was a loyal XP follower until the end. But the truth is cruel. Take a look: here are a few (2-6) posts a day.\\ Not much else on x-plane.org. Pity. Sorry. Laminar missed an opportunity. I'm staying with XP12, but when MSFS 2024 appears, I'm really afraid that XP will become a entirely niche platform.. Most real - yes It's a pity that it is so different from other airplane games.
  4. I'm too old to believe in intention. I immediately bought the new version of IXEG, believing that it would be revived... And it is as it was. A few corrections and .... and ...... ????? I love this project, but a bit of disappointment... and that's it... ;-)
  5. ehhh... within reason... We've been waiting for this for 10 years ;-)
  6. I HUMBLY SORRY ;-) Your 733 is my iconic plane. Sorry. Still (due to hardware reasons) stuck in XP11 ;-)
  7. I also hope. The project remains silent... Just like it was in the times of XP11... ;-(
  8. ...there is no reason not to buy it. I will personally refund your money if you feel betrayed/disappointed
  9. So maybe I saw it in IXEG too. Memory is unreliable ;-)
  10. I also experienced this in my archaic Rift S. I'm not sure if the problem is with IXEG or the last XP12 update, because I think I saw it in ZIBO (I don't remember).
  11. The necessary minimum is: the ability to refuel, load (pax/cargo) => ZFW/CG, the ability to connect a GPU, and maybe open/close the door.
  12. The new aircraft preference GUI screens (weight, pax, etc.) are very good, but still very inconvenient for VR users. Of course, you can now assign opening and closing these windows to any button, but in VR reality, such a huge window appearing right in front of your eyes is very inconvenient (you have to move it away, shrink it, etc.) and completely destroys the immersion. I know this is a "flaw" of XP, not IXEG, but I dream that all preferences and plane loading settings could be done from the tablet. As is the case with most branded products/planes these days - both paid and free. I hope that this will also happen soon in IXEG 733 - it is now almost necessary for VR users, of which there are more and more ;-) Thank you for this update ;-)
  13. Will this also apply to simulations in VR mode ???
  14. I hope that it will also be available from VR - without having to take off the goggles, as it was in XP11 (Perfect when you can do it with an iPad)
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