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  1. Captains, TorqueSim and X-Aviation are proud to announce the upcoming release of the Take Command! CitationJet 525 for X-Plane 12! This aircraft has been crafted with extreme precision, cutting-edge technologies, passionate attention to detail, and the latest features X-Plane has to offer to deliver an unparalleled simulation experience for virtual pilots. Development on this product started over 5 years ago, and we’re excited to be approaching project completion. We will share more details about the release soon. History of TorqueSim TorqueSim began as a collaboration between Steaven McKenzie and Cooper LeComp with the release of the TorqueSim Pocket Rocket in 2019. Since then, they've expanded their fleet, grown the team, and introduced a variety of high-quality aircraft. A significant milestone was when Ulrich joined as the key developer behind the acclaimed Islander BN-2B and Turbine Islander BN-2T aircraft. Building on that success, they launched their flagship product—the Take Command! SR22 Series, in partnership with RealSimGear. This product line has led to the development of several notable variations, including the SR20 and Entegra-equipped models, as well as advanced professional iterations like the G6 and the all-new G7. The SR Series marked their entry into the professional market, where their aircraft are now trusted by hundreds of professional customers worldwide for flight training, education, and recurrence programs. Now, TorqueSim is thrilled to return to its roots with the introduction of a unique and meticulously developed aircraft that we think you’re going to love. About Take Command! The X-Aviation Take Command! branding represents the very best of flight simulation immersion, and assures you this product is one of the most sophisticated, study sim level aircraft available for X-Plane! Real world pilots assist in the development and testing of these products, and real world procedures are followed. It tells you these products are unlike any other product you've seen outside of the ever growing X-Aviation catalog! Simulate what the real pilots do on these aircraft daily! About the CitationJet The CitationJet is notoriously one of the most confusingly named product lines in aviation. The Model 525 has had many different variants through the years and features a long lineage of aircraft. This model is the original CitationJet (model 525), dating back to the early 1990s. This plane is a pilot’s airplane—remarkably responsive, highly performant, and a joy to fly, all while being fully certified for single-pilot operation. A range of approximately 1500 nautical miles means you can fly a wide variety of routes with this aircraft. Some great routes include Boeing Field (KBFI) to Dallas Love Field (KDAL), Teterboro (KTEB) to Denver (KDEN), or Nice (LFMN) to Madeira (LPMA). Next Level Modeling, Texturing, and Sound Every detail of the Citation 525 has been painstakingly recreated to the highest standards of quality. We’ll let the screenshots speak for themselves. We’ll also share our custom sound pack in upcoming videos. Custom Avionics This aircraft features avionics from one of the most unique eras of aircraft panels. The semi-glass cockpit simultaneously has great character and utility, while offering a vastly different flying experience. Fully custom Honeywell ED600 EADI/EHSI pilot instruments Rising runway Single-cue / Cross pointer flight director HSI mode, Arc mode, and Map mode on the EHSI. Map mode, when tied to the UNS1 source for navigation, provides an indication of your upcoming flight path. When tied to NAV radios tuned to VORs, it provides a unique short-range navigation map. Many different navigation sources! All configurations feature the fabulous UNS1 FMS created by Amy Parent. This flight management system is modeled faithfully and provides a unique type of FMS, especially in comparison to what is commonly seen in traditional airliners. The standard configuration, alongside the UNS1, adds the CNI 5000 radio stack equipped with dual COM and NAV radios, an ADF receiver, as well as dual transponders. Additionally, it can be flown with dual X-Plane GNS530s, replacing the CNI 5000. These two GPSs are then paired alongside dualGTX 327 transponders to provide a thorough navigation solution. We also have compatibility with third-party GTN750 navigators for those that want to fly with the latest navigation systems! Custom autopilot system, simulating the variety of unique operational modes of the autopilot. Approach indexer for angle-of-attack reference Davtron chronometer Custom gyros, with various behaviors and failover modes Advanced Systems Depth We’ll go more in depth with the system descriptions in a future post as we get closer to release. Here is an initial overview of the many custom systems we have included. The TorqueSim CitationJet has a fully-custom electrical system featuring the complete array of circuit breakers, detailed modeling of the starter-generators, bus distribution systems, and the electrical consumers themselves. Pull a breaker and see the ramifications and behaviors or disconnect the battery in the cargo compartment. Even the aft breaker panel is modeled. A custom fuel system with boost pumps, transfer valves, tanks, and more is also included.. The engine interface is highly customized to include accurate engine parameters, starter logic, igniters, thrust attenuators, both turbine and fan syncing, gauge behaviors, and more. We have also customized the hydraulics systems, including gear and brake logic. The aircraft’s unique and intricate flight controls, including the ground flap 60° position, speedbrakes, trims, and control lock, have also been modeled. The fully custom pneumatic system affects everything from pressurization to climate and ice protection. From outflow valves to the pressurization controller, it's modeled. High-Fidelity Flight Model The flight model of the Citation 525 has been refined and optimized specifically for X-Plane 12, ensuring an authentic flying experience. Every aspect of the aircraft’s performance has been carefully tuned to replicate the real-world counterpart, from precise takeoff and landing speeds to accurate fuel burn rates. Custom airfoils further aid the flight dynamics, providing a true-to-life feel in every phase of flight. The flight dynamics have been fine-tuned to match the unique handling characteristics of the Citation 525. We'll see you all again real soon for another update!
    19 points
  2. Captains, We hope you are as excited about the Take Command! TorqueSim CitationJet 525 as we are! We are in the home stretch of finishing up the final features and testing, and are aiming to get this product released very soon. Let’s take some time and dig into the unique and detailed avionics featured in this aircraft. The key centerpiece of the aircraft is the Honeywell avionics system including the ED-600 EFIS (Electronic Flight Instrument System) displays: the EADI (Electronic Attitude Director Indicator) and EHSI (Electronic Horizontal Situation Indicator). These are the two primary displays on the captain’s side of the panel. These displays are controlled by the DC-81X display controller located below the EHSI. To the right of the EADI is the Honeywell AM-250 altimeter, an advanced RVSM-capable altimeter. The aircraft’s Honeywell autopilot consists of the mode selector located above the EADI and the control panel located on the center pedestal. The EADI features many unique attributes: Standard attitude sphere for indicating pitch and roll, capable of being driven by the reversionary attitude gyro “ATT2” Selectable single cue and cross pointer flight director command cues Fast/Slow angle of attack display for dialing in your perfect approach Rising runway indication for enhanced situational awareness Radio altimeter readout Decision height setting and alerting Flight director mode indications and attribute displays Integrated marker beacon indicators On approaches, glideslope and expanded localizer display. The expanded localizer display replaces the rate-of-turn indication and instead shows a high-sensitivity localizer deflection indication, 7.5x the amplification to provide precision tuning and awareness of aircraft location within the center of the localizer. The EHSI also has many distinctive behaviors and features: Standard HSI mode, with course and deviation, providing a familiar experience to most pilots Arc HSI mode, which expands the HSI view to show a smaller range of angles ahead, but with enlarged indications for easier viewing Map viewing mode, with multiple distinct viewing options: When tuned to a NAV radio, and the selected NAV radio is receiving an appropriate VOR, the map will enter SRN (short range navigation) mode, where it utilizes DME and bearing values to generate a map based on received signals. This provides for much clearer flying behaviors when using VOR navigation. Underneath the map, a standard horizontal deviation indicator is displayed to reinforce what you are seeing on the map. When set to the UNS1 FMS source, it displays the current flight plan ahead of the aircraft, including waypoint names, turns, arcs, and holds. This is the airliner-esque navigation display you may be familiar with from larger aircraft and other modern GA avionics. Bearing pointers from NAV1/NAV2/ADF1/ADF2/FMS sources Heading bug connected to the autopilot Glideslope indication shown when appropriate DME display Interchangeable ground speed, time-to-go, and elapsed time display The Honeywell autopilot is driven by a fully-custom flight director with various modes: Heading hold mode, where the current heading is flown. In this mode, the aircraft can be controlled in a constant-bank turn using the turn knob on the pedestal autopilot control panel. Pitch hold mode, where the aircraft’s pitch attitude can be modified through the pitch knob on the autopilot control panel. Heading select mode, a classic autopilot control mode where the system flies the specified magnetic heading, as set on the autopilot control panel and displayed on the EHSI. NAV mode, where the autopilot can follow the various NAV sources, as fed to the EHSI APR mode, where the autopilot can also follow a glideslope (or emulated glideslope provided by an installed GPS unit, if equipped -- more on that later) Backcourse mode, for following a localizer outbound with reverse-deflections Altitude select and hold modes, with a preselector set via the autopilot control panel Vertical speed and indicated airspeed modes where you can specify the climb rate or speed via the knob on the autopilot control panel A novel and distinctive part of this aircraft is the wide range of navigation systems that can be used. We’ve spent an immense amount of time building out these integrations to ensure a wide range of flying types and needs are met. The Universal UNS-1 Flight Management System is located on the aircraft’s center pedestal and is present in all configurations. The UNS-1 can always drive the EHSI and flight director via the “FMS” mode on the display controller. Flight Plan Management: Create, edit, and store complex flight plans with multiple waypoints, including support for airways and terminal procedures. Advanced Navigation: Use direct-to, pseudo-VOR, holding patterns and lateral offsets Updatable database: Utilizes the X-Plane 12 navigation database, which can be updated via Navigraph. Performance Monitoring: Tracks fuel usage, estimated time en route, and wind impact for enhanced situational awareness. Integration with EHSI: Seamlessly drives navigation displays with real-time depiction of waypoints, flight plan legs, and guidance cues. The Standard Config: Honeywell CNI-5000 Integrated Avionics System. This is the classic radio assortment shipped with the aircraft. This features 2 COM radios, 2 NAV radios, an ADF receiver, as well as dual transponders with an active selection switch. Dual X-Plane GNS530: Two GNS units are mounted on the panel, replacing the CNI-5000. These navigators add a key capability to the aircraft: Vertical guidance on RNAV approaches. These units drive the EHSI/FD via the NAV1/NAV2 channel for the left and right GNS, respectively. This means you can utilize the FMS and both GNS radios at the same time, while also having access to the NAV radios. Switching the output of the GNS between GPS and the NAV radio is accomplished using the “VLOC” button on the navigator. With this configuration, two GTX 327 transponders are added to the panel. Dual GTN750Xi: We are thrilled to announce full integration with the upcoming TDS Sim GTNXi for X-Plane! (sold separately, Windows only) This will be coming in the next few months. We have been working with TDS on integrating their GTN750Xi navigator into the aircraft and we think that you’ll love it. Enjoy the feature set and capabilities of the GTN750Xi system, with many new features for the X-Plane market. A massive addition of this system is updatable navigation data and charts through Navigraph! The CJ525 is equipped with dual GTN750Xi navigators in this configuration, with advanced RNAV approach capabilities including vertical guidance. Simulated is the GTN Xi series (V20.x) including many enhancements from the original GTNs including higher resolution maps, faster overall usage, SmartGlide, etc Worldwide charts, fully integrated and geo-referenced into the GTNXi, from Navigraph RealSimGear hardware support For more information and to follow TDS’s progress, you can follow them directly on discord or their website. RealityXP GTN750 and GNS530: (sold separately, Windows only). The aircraft can be equipped with dual GTN750s or dual GNS530s. These tie into our systems in a similar manner as described above using the RXP GPS options. Some additional equipped avionics systems include: An approach indexer display mounted on the center column of the windshield. This system aids in flying stable approaches with the optimal angle of attack indicated as well as too fast / too slow indications. This system was modeled with custom lighting to ensure a vivid and beautiful effect, especially at night. Dual DMEs with hold capability, with distance, speed and time read-outs Copilot KI525A HSI with free/slaved gyro Pilot side dual RMI with NAV/ADF selections Pilot side course deviation indicator for the NAV1 primary source Davtron M877 Chronometer with GMT, LT (local time), ET (elapsed time), and FT (flight time) We hope this post helped illustrate how the Take Command! TorqueSim CitationJet 525 offers a remarkable set of unique and detailed avionics to provide an immersive flying experience. Every system, from the Honeywell EFIS displays to the advanced navigation configurations, has been meticulously crafted to provide both realism and versatility for pilots of all skill levels. Whether you prefer flying with traditional VOR navigation or leveraging the latest FMS and GPS integrations, this aircraft is designed to deliver precision, performance, and depth. We can’t wait for you to experience the innovation and passion poured into this project -- more to be shared soon! Have a Happy Thanksgiving holiday weekend!
    15 points
  3. Hi guys, @rkuhlmann is right about communication...guilty as charged for being too quiet. The 733 isn't dead. We will continue to work on it as able, and best I can tell, probably have free updates for as long as I can foresee (whenever those may be). For my MU2 customers who have watched me keep the MU2 relevant through X-Plane versions 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 over 19 years, you know what I'm talking about. (even though its been a while since the last update and I'm literally 99% done with the next one but need to get it out There have been things beyond our control that have made update efforts challenging (shit rolling downhill kind of things)...which you guys don't see, nor will I talk about, nor should you care about, but we have to deal with just the same. Not an excuse, an explanation. I acknowledge that communicating is something we could do better and I'm sorry about that. As I've said many times, my committment has always been to keep facing forward and never sit down and that's still the case. So ....open communication time.....where's my time at the moment? I'm working for Laminar again. I am rewriting their documentation set for developers to help train and enable more developers for X-Plane. This initiative began in February at the X-Plane dev conference and I've been in the midst of a heavy 'front loaded' time effort to build the infrastructure for these docs and there's some slight pressure to "show anything at FSExpo". For consumers (rather than devs), this doesn't mean anything.... I know that doesn't make anyone here feel better or fix their concerns now, but is the road I had to take to preserve my ability to work on the IXEG in any capacity into the future. I do foresee time to work on the IXEG again after a few more milestones are reached with Laminar....indeed I'm meeting with some folks at FSExpo to discuss ways for them to assist in the effort. I am committed to maintaining the aircraft, even though I'm not sure exactly when updates will be. We have a plan, we try and stick with it, sometimes we slip, but we have never "forgotten about it". I like to say the IXEG is "perpetually in my inbox". Roadmap is the FMOD sound conversions still....and then the system updates. I am sure I'll have to repeat this later, but the "updates" period will also be quite lengthy because of the aforementioned (shit rolling downhill) situation I have to deal with. Getting through this phase is akin to the large efforts required to bring the IXEG to V12 and was unforseen, but its here on my doorstep just the same. Trudging through it, complaints and all, is the only way to ensure the IXEG survives into the future and those updates eventually come. The IXEG still has a lot of old tech and rebuilding it completely anew is a big task. I'm sorry again about the silence. -tkyler
    12 points
  4. Hello All, This will serve as an official announcement that we have released update version 1.8 for the CL650. All customers who have purchased the CL650 up till now have been sent an e-mail by X-Aviation with complete instructions on how to obtain your update. We have made this a very simple process! For those that purchase the CL650 from today forward, your purchased download will already be updated to version 1.8 for you. What if I didn't get the update e-mail? If you did not receive your update e-mail don't fret! X-Aviation has updated our system to allow all customers to update with ease, regardless of whether you received an e-mail for the update! Here's what to do: 1. Login to your X-Aviation account here: https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/account_history.php  2. Find your original Challenger 650 download and re-download the file. It will download as the latest version! The following is a list of additions/fixes included: Release Highlights: Added support for Zink rendering mode in XP12. This should provide a good amount of performance uplift to AMD GPU users. Nvidia users should see some improvements to framerate stability. Hovering mouse over PFD & MFD will now bring up semi-transparent popups for DCP & CCP, to allow easier manipulation of display settings without having to look down on the pedestal. The forward equipment bay is now modeled, including the main battery disconnect, TRUs and all CBs. Use this to disconnect the main battery now, instead of the Ground Services menu. Aft equipment bay isn't complete yet, so use the menu method to disconnect the APU battery. The radome can be opened to allow looking at the antenna & nose HIDs lights more easily. FLC DESCENT mode now retards throttles more slowly and stops moving after 4 seconds, releasing manual control back to the pilot. You may need to manually adjust throttles after this to achieve fully idle FLC descents. When VRAM-limited, texture blurries on the cockpit textures should be much less frequent now, since we've marked them as "high-res" and so X-Plane should prioritize them over other textures. Changing cockpit lighting now immediately causes X-Plane to refresh the reflection cubemap to avoid windshield glare at night in XP12 Worked around issues with some FMOD sound triggers not working in XP12, even though the exact same FMOD sounds work fine in XP11. Retuned the "buzzsaw" sound to be more audible and closer to the real airplane both outside and inside. Several hundred bugfixes (see full commit log below). Bugfixes Commit Log: 3DMODEL: Wings 3DMODEL: Exterior labels 3DMODEL: Vertical Tail - Added Canadian Flag 3DMODEL: Exterior Labels - Fixed animation for labels on nose equipment door 3DMODEL: Circuit Breakers - A lot of clean up. Re-aligning. 3DMODEL: Cockpit Object - Flipped rt and ic 3DMODEL: Cockpit Object - Changed PTT switch commands 3DMODEL: Control Columns - Remodelled PTT switches. Animated PTT switches and added manipulators to cockpit object 3DMODEL: Cockpit Object - Deleted obsolete objects that were not being used. 0004533: Typo in ECS study window due to line break in source file 0004532: Very long leg's distance incorrectly calculated after sequencing 0004530: FPLN WIND UPDATE with no wind data in the GFS dataset crashes 0004529: Show LNV1 instead of LNV2 on right side when in TO mode and NAV is armed 0004525: CTD due to assertion "is_valid_hdg(crs)" failed in leg_start_crs 0004528: Remove superfluous abus include from win_keeper.h 0004524: Passing last waypoint doesn't trigger flight plan sequencing 0004521: Shared cockpit guest's ATS MSD isn't respecting IND LTS setting 0004517: Departure path vertical estimation should be started from TER the not DER 0004515: IRS alignment is susceptible to bad biasing if the airplane heading was drifting very slowly during the alignment 0002753: Boarding lights on overhead 0004510: Implement auto-restart of the alignment if the computed latitude disagrees with GPS latitude 0004508: Add IRU debug log uploading to beta build when a bad alignment is detected 0004505: Handling of FA legs is broken 0004501: AoA datarefs aren't sync'ed to shared cockpit guest, generating spurious wingtip particle effects 0004499: Engine sounds are incorrect on shared cockpit guest 0004498: Add further hardening against bogus GFS data being ingested into fx_lin in phys.c 0004496: Broken GFS data from NOAA with zero altitudes trips an assertion check for field ordering 0004495: Entering a non-existent airway into the second VIA line in the AIRWAY INTERSECTION page crashes 0004491: Retune N1 buzz noise to match reference recordings a lot more closely 0004489: Don't treat '+' altitude constraints on climb/misap legs as being required for path termination 0004488: Doors page on GCP has misspelled "hydraulics" 0004482: OpenGPWS generates spurious chatter on XP11 about missing -ele png files only present in XP12 0004479: Use C++ designated initializers in user_settings.cc 0004476: TAWS terrain texture shows garbage in Zink mode at startup 0004474: glReadPixels in TAWS terrain elevation readback can cause 20ms stutter every 10 seconds on Nvidia drivers without Zink 0004471: MFD UPR MENU doesn't properly time out when CHARTS is displayed while the menu is visible 0004473: Do not auto-adjust the cruise altitude when no manual cruise altitude has been entered by the pilot 0004472: Ignore descent speed constraints in history if the leg has been bypassed by direct-to or manual active-from 0004216: CTD due to assertion "tune->cont.name != ((void *)0)" failed in nav_cont_draw_cb 0004466: XFLOW zone open_ratio is being applied incorrectly 0003321: Main door closing handle isn't making a sound when closed in XP12 0004460: EFIS miscompare and comparator operation CAS messages aren't generating audio and aren't behaving correctly 0003665: NAV-to-NAV transfer should be working without off-side NAV source being FMS 0002277: 2D overlays drawn out of proportion on multi-monitor 0004442: Split up time-in-nav and time-to-nav parameters in IRS Study window into two fields 0004456: Refactor LNAV capture law to avoid lethargic steering when entering a direct-to 0004424: When FD is operating in slaved mode, display master-side LNV FMA, not on-side 0004445: Hints updated Pt II: Add securing checklist hint image 0004454: Minor memory leak issues in OpenGPWS and OpenWXR 0004453: OrbX TrueEarth GB scenery DSFs are causing OpenGPWS to crash due to DSF parsing bug 0004449: Add PERF INIT INVALID CDU message 0004439: Add "MORE INFO" clickable links on study windows showing data displays 0004437: SAT2200 unit should operate even if only IRS position is available 0004425: Implement five LRN snowflakes on PFD 0004436: Refactor IRS alignment and tracking code to fix persisteng drift issues on XP12.07+ 0004438: abus should randomize module boot times a little 0004433: Engaging FLC should always sync speed target to current speed 0004435: FMC3 VNAV Path study window menu item is misspelled as "VPATH Path" 0004432: Typo in user settings tooltip describing F/O Assists go-around actions 0004429: Descent speed constraint can become applied too early 0004428: Hoppie CPDLC translator doesn't handle VVI arguments correctly 0004427: Ram air valve simulation must use a split flow model to allow for air draft to the OFV during motion 0004426: Accessing miscellaneous tab in User Settings while shared cockpit guest will crash 0004419: CIFP parser could include spurious PRDAT record in subsequent approach procedure if preceding approach was missing a MAP 0004417: Transitioning packs onto engines with anti-ice on shouldn't remove TO thrust if currently active 0004415: Simplify SplitMaxLenIter::next() implementation to remove a superfluous temporary variable 0004414: Optimize objkill subsystem and add kill datarefs for every object we don't absolutely need to be visible 0004412: Don't report LPV NOT AVAILABLE when approach is set to RNP mode in ARR DATA 0004411: Increase GPS WAAS map download timeout from 10 seconds to 30 seconds 0004409: When FLEX thrust is above TO thrust, set FLEX equal to TO thrust, don't blank FLEX thrust 0004408: split_with_max_len won't return any text lines if the input string has zero-length 0004407: pl21_text2lines trips assertion failure when double space next to newline is encountered 0004406: Use linear interpolation instead of orthographic projection for placing the aircraft symbol on charts 0004405: Don't allow sending TAKEOFF vspeeds in the air and APPROACH vspeeds on the ground 0004391: Spurious APPR NOT AVAILABLE FMS message when no approach is selected for an airport and we're within the terminal area 0004390: Remove old XP11 datarefs from librain when running on XP12 0004389: Refactor C++ version of PHYS_GET to use more natural C++ constructs to copy the field instead of memcpy 0004388: Remove superfluous IOC route entry 0004387: Revive atmosphere study screen for stock XP12 weather and display what atmospheric info we have from XP12 0004383: TAWS Mode 5 is missing front-course check 0004382: Dummy devices XM_RADIO, EVS_HTR_FAIRING and EVS_HTR_WINDOW should be removed 0004381: FDR MSGS column isn't recording FCC messages 0004379: ETA display on FROM waypoint is showing current time, not waypoint passage time 0004380: Move C string handling out of plrs into rust2c crate 0004378: Remove activation from older beta releases to force beta users to update 0004377: WASD walking can get stuck permanently if multiple opposing keys are pressed at the same time 0004376: Reduce the number of deprecated datarefs in phys.c being resolved in XP12 0004375: Flight plans containing legs with co-located terminators but with different names will crash when viewed on the LEGS page 0004367: FMS should prefer offset hold entry up to 5° away from an exact course reversal 0004316: Updated documentation for V1.8 0004366: Rewrite most data access URLs in the avionics to use our own server to avoid breakage when they change in the future 0004360: Celestrak URLs need to change to restore Iridium functionality 0004364: DDS textures are screwy in 3D rendered panel popups, so disable them until a solution is found 0004361: Implement flight plan fuzzer to help fix persistent flight plan construction bugs 0004362: Implement CHECK HEADING REF FMS message 0004363: Remove non-functional CMake SANITIZE build option 0004359: Regenerate Panel_layout.png from latest changes 0004358: FLAP MOTOR OVHT should say FLAPS MOTOR OVHT 0004356: Reloading the aircraft on EXT AC generator shouldn't cause a power cycle 0004355: PL21 configurations need to rebuilt cleanly every time build_release is run 0004354: Several corner cases of description code 4 IAF coding not handled correctly 0004351: Swapping or activating SEC FPLN breaks AIRWAY INTERSECTION logic and primary/secondary flight plan flag 0004028: LPV and RNP ARM should annunciate when in the terminal area, not when APPR is pushed 0004348: If no CRZ ALT is set, upcoming DES speed constraints are applied too early 0004346: C99 VLAs are considered harmful and must be removed across the board 0004345: Accessing Navigraph charts for EDDF or EDDL on macOS causes a crash 0004344: Optional types in libacfutils break build due to structcheck.sh not declaring __STDC_VERSION__ 0004342: Refactor is_null.rs to remove superfluous "return" keywords 0004341: Mismatched return type in libpnlren causing build breakage under certain conditions 0004340: Migrate to new generic optional.h implementation in libacfutils 0004339: Restructure FMC subsystem serializing refactor to get rid of needless trait methods 0004338: Add tooltips to User Settings window 0004337: Don't skip drawing TO waypoint when it is the first waypoint in the flight plan and it is a direct-to 0004335: Adjust pnlren.conf Y coordinates for glareshield to match new glareshield model 0004323: Descent path computation crashes when encountering a course-cut that produces a negative length 0004332: Implement customizable INOP stickers and CB collars 0004334: Update simbrief screenshots in FMS primer with new Simbrief UI 0004333: LPV NOT AVAILABLE FMS message should have been amber, not white 0004325: Tooltips don't display correctly in popped-out windows 0004324: If PERF INIT wind component exceeds TAS, this results in assertion trip in FPLN performance solver 0004322: Bulk fuel temp should be rounded before being compared against threshold value on SUMRY page 0004319: Implement MAX DEMO CROSSWIND message 0004317: Direct-to lead estimation is using the wrong turn radius in the presence of significant wind component 0004317: Direct-to lead estimation is using the wrong turn radius in the presence of significant wind component 0004313: Don't inject DESC_CODE1_FLY_OVER based on leg sequence, use dynamic fly-over determination in flight 0004177: VNAV window descent constraint can overlap DES ADVISORY text 0004308: Entering direct can break vertical path computations 0004312: Refactor symbol lookup facilities for crash reporting on Windows 0004311: AFD menus should be rendered on top of failboxes, not below 0004310: Refine climb constraint decoding functions to use more optional types 0004305: Attempting to copy back the BRG/DIST to an ABEAM FIX which is coincident with its REF FIX crashes 0004304: Rear cargo compartment is missing from XP11 ACF 0004302: Refine C interface in Rust part of pl21 codebase 0004301: Refactor FMS code to use a lot more optional floats for integrity checking 0004300: HUD shouldn't lose HDG when performing automatic reversion from MAG to TRUE in the polar region 0004299: If airplane is dragged around on the map, the EFIS sometimes reverts to TRUE heading reference 0004293: CTD due to [fpl.c:1891]: assertion "is_valid_alt_m(pos.elev)" failed 0004270: SVS sky color needs to be a deeper blue - take 2 0004290: keytool needs to link zlib from libacfutils, not from the OS 0004289: Implement anti-stick protection for momentary and pushbutton switches 0004277: Gear touchdown smoke particles have excessive emissive lighting 0004282: Hover-popups don't display until regular-popup is opened/closed 0004284: Implement SEND NA-NOT IN SYNC message 0004283: Spurious VSPEEDS DISAGREE message shows after cross-side FMC is shut down after landing 0004280: Beta update notification must not say that the installer will preserve liveries and saved views 0004278: Add Rust panic logging facility 0004270: SVS sky color needs to be a deeper blue 0004271: CDU and ISI brightness setting should be being restored between avionics resets 0004268: Show a cyan 'H' next to the DTG value when active nav source is VOR/LOC and DME hold is active 0004267: Nvidia driver on Linux is causing spurious GL errors in libsvs after the simulator windows is resized and aircraft is reloaded 0004189: Extraneous error logs from OpenGPWS [Cannot stat xxx.dsf] when searching scenery for tiles 0004266: DCU_TAWS_enums.h is using the wrong define in include guard 0004265: Refactor and replace header file parsing for runtime config files and remove dependency on ucppi library 0004265: Refactor and replace header file parsing for runtime config files and remove dependency on ucppi library 0004192: Attempting to enter airport XES0003 crashes due to tripping airport ID code length check in DEP/ARR subsystem 0003879: VNAV handling of CF-to-CF turnaround on DISIT1G still needs improvement 0004262: UNABLE FPLN ALT check on FACF should use coded constraint rather than effective path construction constraint 0004261: Entering FPLN average winds as wind components can crash if the FPLN contains descent legs without a determinate course 0004259: LPV approaches with intermediate fixes in the final segment cause a reversion to non-LPV presentation 0004164: CTD due to assertion rl->type == RL_APPCH failed (0x0 == 0x4) in ap_ctl_main 0003874: CTD due to assertion mach >= 0 failed (1.#QNAN0 >= 0.000000) in solve_vnav_crz_des 0004207: CTD due to [fpl_path.c:4328]: assertion burn >= 0 failed in update_perf_acf_state 0004258: FMC shouldn't drop PATH CAP enable flag when VPATH mode is active and vertical guidance is angular 0004257: Obstacle database refresh logic was missing 0004255: ca-bundle build broken due to libcurl internal changes 0004254: Implement serialization support in AIRWAY INTERSECTION subsystem 0004253: SEC PERF fuel needs to be cleared when SEC FPLN is reinitialized 0004251: SEC PERF fuel planning is completely incorrect 0004250: Possible race condition when resizing the FMC VNAV Path window 0004249: XP12.08a4 has changed the sim/cockpit/electrical/generator_EQ dataref to read-only, causing an assertion failure 0004248: Implement AIRWAY INTERSECTION page and flight plan construction logic 0004247: Represent 64-bit integers from abus to X-Plane dataref interface as byte arrays 0004245: libradio distort API must not be dllexport on Windows when building for X-Plane 0004244: TAWS TAD function should utilize TCF height during terrain intersection check, rather than a fixed 30ft 0004243: Left FCC isn't receiving R-FMC input data, causing failure to steer using LNV2 0004242: Don't prevent nav-to-nav transfer inside of the FAF, provided we've still got the MAP ahead of us 0003782: METAR, etc., lookup broken due to URL changes at AviationWeather.gov 0004241: When UPnP router responds with error during GetExternalIPAddress request, netlink_upnp crashes with an assertion failure 0004240: libpnlren's glpriv.h got renamed, breaking the build 0002078: BPB drops CL650 nosewheel when it starts moving 0004239: libturbine can crash during engine thermalization when long delta-time results in large oil flow into a bearing 0004237: Engines shouldn't flame out during fuel exhaustion from only one side of the fuel system 0004238: APU negative-G fuel pickup misbehaves when right main tank is exhausted 0004236: EXTERNAL DOOR OPEN CAS needs to show for radome, fwd eqpt and APU control door open as well 0004235: SEC FPLN progress data doesn't get cleared out after a database swap 0004233: Reduce thrust limit recalculation interval from 1 Hz to 0.25 Hz 0004232: Bump macOS minimum version requirement to 10.15 due to requirement for aligned_alloc() 0004199: Thrust limit should not auto-fallback to CLB when TO becomes unavailable at 15k 0004231: Prevent elapsed value passed into main_floop_cb from being zero or negative 0004230: Add smoke puffs when touching down and/or the tire skids 0004229: Fix typo carried over from documentation to say PRVDR in SBAS status message instead of PVRDR 0004228: When the current copyout leg is in the missed approach, copyout the entire missed approach 0004226: C++ warning and Clang build breakage fixes 0004225: Build breakage due to unused variables under clang 0003949: Sending V-speeds once already posted shouldn't remove them 0004224: If cross-side FMS cannot send v-speeds, the on-side FMS should show VSPEEDS DISAGREE instead of VSPEEDS DESELECTED 0004222: Refactor pause-at-TOD setting in user settings to give the exact reason for why it is not armed 0004221: Reduce cabin window glass thickness to reduce its thermal inertia 0004220: IRS aligning in windy conditions leads to excessive tilt error 0004219: If FMS position gets set to NULL_GEO_POS3, that causes a crash 0004218: IRS SET HDG needs to set TRUE heading when FMS is in TRUE heading mode 0004215: Loading .FMS file with embedded SID incorrectly sequences past first TO waypoint 0004214: Implement workaround if .FMS file contains spurious transition which is actually the last/first waypoint name on SID/STAR 0004213: Honeywell TCAS appears to be using 100 ft hysterhesis in both directions when entering/leaving SL2 0004212: Going direct-to the exit waypoint of a hold crashes 0004211: Immediate realign option in INS study menu is misspelled 0004210: librain commit 72981e9d broke CL650 build 0004209: Turn midpoint determination is broken when next leg is PI 0004179: CTD due to assertion next_leg->segs.main.type == FPL_SEG_STRT failed (0x0 == 0x1) in update_lnv_output 0004208: I28R at KMOD trips up VNAV path constructor due to IF at DLRAY including a VNAV constraint that should be ignored when virtual 0004206: Terminal waypoints shouldn't be considered in waypoint lookup unless the associated airport is in one of the flight plans 0004205: Constructed runway waypoints are using the ISO-3166 country codes instead of ICAO region codes 0004203: Reduce BATTERY OFF CAS message voltage threshold to 5V 0004202: Link DC ELEC BATT OFF legend directly to the corresponding CAS message 0004201: Misaligned hold tracks 0004195: Pushing START on refuel pump should confirm a flashing PRESET value without needing an explicit ENTER 0004194: Need support for RNP approach route type coding introduced in ARINC 424-19 0004186: The MFD checklist needs support for a RETURN TO MENU trailing item in addition to a NEXT CKLIST item 0004185: Add another CL650 operator checklist from user The_Doppi to the repo 0004184: New function attributes for thread_create() in libacfutils is causing build breakage due to missing return value check 0004183: First page on electronic checklist shouldn't have an automatic empty line inserted at the start 0004181: Refactor of libelec API for open-sourcing work requires aircraft-side changes to accommodate 0004178: Build breakage in fpl test program due to changes in airac.h interfaces 0004176: Synthesize an IF leg on STARs/IAPs if they start with a hold leg 0004175: Inserting a new direct-to leg in front of a HF leg won't insert a mandatory disco and crash in the path constructor 0004174: Panel popup code can crash in replay mode when X-Plane passes a negative delta-time value to the flight loop callback 0004172: Rewrite fuel price fetch system to account for upstream EIA API changes 0004173: Print log message if the user hasn't set their Hoppie logon code in user settings 0004165: CMU subsystem shouldn't be leaking Hoppie logon creds into log file 0004170: Add address sanitization to debug build infrastructure 0004169: Attempting to enter an invalid A/C TYPE in DEPART CLX should give INVALID ENTRY error 0004168: Do not permit PATH capture if we're in an altitude-changing mode if the ALT SEL is above aircraft altitude 0004159: BARO-SET PFD MENU design is incorrect and should allow fine setting of QNH value, not just STD/QNH swap 0004158: libacfutils commit 01e7b60a changed ZERO_FREE semantics and leads to crashes 0004155: Netlink connection check is prone to livelocking if remote end keeps spamming spurious input 0004156: Add explicit client HELLO message to avoid the server spamming the client with unwanted messages during the connection check 0004154: GCC __attribute__((packed)) behavior differs between compiler versions when targeting MinGW 0004153: Add fast-build option to build_release script 0004152: abus wire link info timeouts are too tight and can cause spurious failures 0004150: Netlink TCP sockets weren't being explicitly closed, only shutdown 0004149: Drop nanomsg-ng and rewrite netlink to use plain TLS sockets 0004147: CHECK FUEL AT [DEST|ALTN] messages need to behave differently when performance mode is MEASURED or MANUAL 0004146: hoppie_cpdlc_init function leaks the resolved struct addrinfo 0004145: Netlink connections are unreliable from Linux guest to Windows host 0004143: chk_data_base_dates_uses_rtc should default to true, not false 0004058: CTD due to assertion avl_find(&arpt->procs, proc, &where) == ((void *)0) failed in finalize_proc 0004139: LPV approaches need to switch angular guidance as soon as FAF leg gets sequenced 0004138: SVS crashes when encountering a runway with a 'T' suffix for true heading-reference 0004137: ABS() macro has been moved in libacfutils to math.h 0004136: Optimize SVS to perform a lot better on top of Zink (and in general) 0004135: Fire bottle squib electrical continuity test must fail after the squib has fired 0004134: Engine fire bottle squib test switch wiring is crossed 0004133: Foreground rendering mode in libsvs is causing crash in zink on reload or exit 0004131: Cleanly separate ABUS_NET functionality to allow for easier non-netlink building 0004130: Rewrite MFD VNAV window calculation for FPA and VSR 0004129: Provide a command to temporarily override ATS inputs by the user's physical joystick throttle inputs 0004128: Manually connecting a leg to a CF leg should convert the CF to a TF 0004127: Do not allow deleting a discontinuity preceding an FA, FC, FD or FM leg 0004125: FC leg names should incorporate the leg course in the name, rather than the distance 0004126: FA, FC, FD and FM legs should synthetize start leg in the database in case they are not preceded by a coded leg of matching fix 0004124: FA, FC, FD and FM legs should initialize lateral position in LNAV path solver to wpt1 not wpt2 0004099: ATS needs to retard throttles on FLC descent more slowly and permit manual user input after 4 seconds 0004123: Don't allow turn-anticipation until TKE < 30° instead of 90° 0004122: VNAV debug page should show GPS ALT when guidance is using geometric LPV GP, instead of barometric 0004121: VNAV speed algorithm needs to use actual VPA to waypoint instead of estimated angle for scheduling of the VNAV deceleration ramp 0004120: VPATH study window needs to use GPS altitude for drawing when guidance is using GS or LPV GP for steering 0004119: Add GS/GP symbol to FMC VPATH study window 0004117: Do not perform GP path blending to the LPV path, enforce a hard jump instead 0004097: When entering a direct into an empty flight plan, do not sequence the single waypoint into the FROM position immediately 0004116: Don't list header line on LEGS as (DIR) on direct-to legs when a manual direct-to is performed 0004114: Rewrite leg course handling to add support for true-reference procedures 0004113: CHECK APPROACH REF should actually say CHECK APPROACH PERF 0004110: Refine X-Plane FMS parser error reporting to make procedure loading failures clearer 0004109: Add workaround for LittleNavMap's use of DEP/DES instead of ADEP/ADES in FMS flight plans 0004100: Attempting to go direct-to an off-route waypoint while on an airway segment causes a crash 0004108: Discard missed approach status of leg when copy-out occurs due to procedure re-insert 0004107: Show TKE on VNAV debug with one decimal point of precision when TKE < 9.9° 0004106: SPD/ALT LIM header was misaligned on VNAV DEBUG page 1/2 0004101: Rewrite VSR advisory donut algorithm 0004104: Don't search for hold legs for VNAV PLAN SPD past the MAP when on approach 0004103: Hold decel algorithm should use 0 for min VPA, not FPL_MIN_VPA 0004098: Rewrite VNAV plan speed algorithm from the ground up 0004058: CTD due to assertion avl_find(&arpt->procs, proc, &where) == ((void *)0) failed in finalize_proc Debug logging, not a fix. 0004088: VNAV must enforce a level segment following FACF even when the subsequent leg encodes no vangle 0004094: Inserting ZEFFR7 without an originating runway livelocks the FPL edit machinery 0004092: Climb VNAV can erroneously select a descent leg for the climb VNAV speed cap 0004093: Trigger FPL path rebuild immediately when a new FMC fuel value is set by the pilot 0004091: Smooth leg join on FROM leg should be replaced by turn arrow after sequencing 0004089: Show speed limits for legs on VNAV path study screen 0004087: Refactor VNAV speed selection to always respect the active phase and upcoming climb and descent constraints 0003933: LIRM NDB 06R missed approach causes bad intercept path construction in turn anticipator 0004086: MFD window should show destination fuel in amber when predicted landing fuel is less than RESV FUEL 0004085: If a procedure is broken in the navdb due to a bad waypoint line parse, finalize_proc never gets called 0004082: VPAs computed on DIRECT-TO page are inconsistent with actual vertical direct-to path construction algorithm 0004081: FMC VNAV path visualizer is altitude-checking the wrong struct field 0004080: VNAV alt cap shouldn't be applied past a direct-to leg 0004078: Don't show hold turn direction in LEGS header encoding 0004077: Immediately rebuild flight plan path when a hold auto-exit arming action occurs 0004076: Convert LEGS heading to HOLD AT for HA and HF holds if the user elects to continue the hold after the entry is complete 0004072: HA and HF legs should be split into two lines on LEGS page 0004073: Honor descent leg speed constraints in VNAV cruise phase 0004070: Expand LOC capture range to DDM<0.3 and simplify steering algorithm to not pre-steer using CRS needle 0004068: Shorten loc_cap_delay by 0.5s 0004065: Remove Airbus-style runway waypoint name format 0004063: Refactor TA/TL picker for leg altitude display to work better when viewing the arrival while still on the ground 0004061: Implement waypoint database lookup delay 0004060: Implement simulation of processing delay of flight plan edit operations and path recomputation 0004054: Turn radius predictor should take subsequent altitude constraints into account to limit its total altitude change prediction 0004052: Altitude descriptors of type 'J' aren't being treated as AT constraints by the VPATH constructor 0004051: Don't place TOC/TOD marker on the FROM leg 0004049: FMC VNAV path visualizer isn't drawing actual TOD marker in green 0004048: Refactor approach e-charts SPLIT view to use new Navigraph chart section regions 0004035: to/clb/crz/mct headings on thrust limit page should be fully left justified 0004047: Add a VNAV path visualizer to FMC study menu 0004046: UNABLE CRZ ALT message must appear irrespective of whether we're close to the vpath or not 0004045: TOC position determination fails if the same leg also performs a descent 0004043: Numerical instability in radio path solver is causing GPS jammers to sometimes miscalculate power and exceed range 0004036: formatting differences on LEGS page with no flight plan 0004042: Distance estimation through lateral discontinuities needs refinement to allow for better vpath estimation 0004041: Empty transition passed in string_procedure needs to be interpreted as the "vectors" transition by default 0004040: fpl test program should use vectors transition in absence of dot-specified approach transition 0004039: Refine Hoppie speed parsing to support Mach specification with optional period and leading zero digit 0004038: Expand VDLMA station generation to include airports with "INFO", "AIRPORT" and "CONTROL" in their 1050 records 0004029: RF leg presentation on LEGS page should use a different line header format saying "ARC" instead of the leg length 0004027: Rework network livery sync for shared cockpit to work around six character liveries causing a crash when Windows is hosting 0004026: Separate debug version GPS jammer file for development purposes 0004025: GPS jammer file start/end date format needs to be more natural 0004020: Adjusting altitude pre-selector at speeds below Mach 0.4 disables FMS speed control 0004023: Retune XP12 flap drag & lift model to more closely match ops reference 0004021: Wayplane-terminated legs must not sequence when the TDV flag is set and the initial turn hasn't been completed yet 0003987: Update Anti-Skid response in Quick Turn electronic checklist 0004014: Passed descent speed constraint picker needs to skip over discontinuities to prevent speedup after passing a vectoring leg 0004003: Rolling mouse wheel on lower half of PFD/MFD popups should roll the RANGE knob on the associated DCP 0004002: TOD TTG calculation is using the wrong leg length when close in 0004001: Implement mouse-hover CCP/DCP popups for PFDs and MFDs 0004000: Performing a leg-shorten and conversion to direct leg should drop coded turn direction 0003999: Editing speed on vertically direct-to leg shouldn't clear the vertical direct-to flag and reset the VPA 0003998: When turn-anticipation code sees >179° turn angle, the DTG & TTG values have undefined behavior 0003988: VNAV doesn't use the proper path source leg when direct-to a waypoint and haven't passed preceding waypoint terminator yet 0003995: TDR and TSS need to use wire signal from PSEU for WOW, not ARINC 429 data and set Mode S GND automatically 0003973: Preset QNH resets to 29.92/1013 at kias<>mach auto-transition 0003991: Screen and window contents appear flipped on Windows when using an AMD GPU in Zink mode on XP12 0003990: Performing maual RWY UPDATE with only the originating runway causes a crash 0003989: Update USCG direct-download GPS almanac URL 0003985: laser_pointer_lamp must be array-only not auto-scalar, otherwise DRE crashes attempting to read the dataref as scalar 0003983: Export cabin door status to X-Plane door_open_ratio dataref 0003981: Implement new XP12 Mode-S transponder_mode enums 0003982: Add AIRAC database unit test to attempt to add every airport, runway, SID, STAR and approach combo into the FPL 0003980: Pause-at-TOD doesn't correctly recognize an autotically increased cruise altitude following a step climb 0003979: Refactor mt_cairo_render to reduce VRAM usage 0003977: APU FIRE button cover isn't auto-closing after timeout or actuation 0003976: Regmark on cockpit placard doesn't get auto-normalized 0003975: HUD not rendering on fbo:1 in beta14 0003974: Add Zink GL driver support 0003972: mt_cairo_render coherent memory mode is prone to flashing due to race conditions between render and present threads 0003970: Refactor cabin info system to avoid generating a background GL context for texture loading 0003967: VNAV path needs to stop path smoothing when it encounters a direct-to leg 0003966: Descent constraint isn't properly clearing advisory descent path status flag 0003932: Heavy black lines showing at panel gaps 0003964: PL21 panel popup system should use mt_cairo_uploader when not in coherent mode 0003961: X-TCAS build is broken due to is_valid_alt needing to be renamed to is_valid_alt_m 0003957: Manual leg in downtrack causes PATH arming check to fail 0003946: Implement Windows<->macOS/Linux interoperability for shared cockpit 0003936: Don't automatically show IP address of incoming shared cockpit connection in authorization prompt 0003931: PFD isn't correctly rounding down the minutes on the TTG indication 0003920: Don't generate a BOC indication if we're already at the final altitude (cruise or misap) 0003929: TOD capture lead should take current VS into account 0003930: ALT CAP steering is unstable on XP11 as a consequence of using pitch-attitude-rate as proxy for G load rate 0003927: VPATH capture is occurring immediately when diverging from the path 0003924: Refine actual TOD placement algorithm to avoid corner cases where the TOD falls on the boundary between legs 0003923: Drop VPATH mode immediately when FMC is no longer sennding the VNV_PATH_CAP signal 0003919: VDEV jump at FACF isn't forcing a vertical discontinuity and a VPTCH reversion 0003917: Actual TOD TTG computation is quite inaccurate and diverges a lot from planned TOD at longer ranges 0003918: Actual TOD placement fails when descent VPA is changed such that the starting leg of the descent changes 0003916: Modify SOCL rules to use non-capture gains for all path tracking to avoid wobbly steering at high speed and shallow bank limits 0003875: Refactor TOD capture logic and displace TOD point based on actual capture start point 0003913: FMC crashes determing approach RNP after a leg connect from STAR to approach 0003907: Refactor solve_des algorithm to avoid relying on having a preceding leg to construct a descent path on the current leg 0003906: constrain_path_alt_at_from_leg non-null end_fix check is inverted 0003905: Refactor fixed-pitch target steering to avoid oscillations in severe turbulence 0003904: Angular vertical deviation mode activates too early on LPV approaches 0003903: Refactor GP and PATH steering to use G-load instead of pitch target 0003900: Hold leg in vpath causes vert dev computation to fail 0003896: Reduce bank angle for initial DIR-TO turn prediction to shallow up the turn a bit and give it more room 0003883: Refactor and clean up wind direction data from IRS to represent wind-from direction 0003893: Real airplane doesn't limit roll to a target turn rate 0003885: Don't show range-to-alt-sel on PPOS when in VOR display mode 0002765: Prevent stock XP auto-throttle from engaging 0003890: When A429 bytes word length changes between versions, deserializing bus with word can cause memory corruption 0003889: Range-to-alt-sel should hide when 100 ft from target altitude, not 200 ft 0003878: Close-to-TOD trigger condition should be calculated as distance from origin, not distance to path 0003887: Don't recompute TOD point while on GS mode 0003886: Refactor AP control loops to use roll rate and G-load targets 0003884: Transposed arguments in VOR parameter update function call causes radial rate to be calculated incorrectly 0003880: DME radio failures are loaded before module instance number is initialized 0003876: Refactor direct-to to avoid generating a (DIR) IF pseudo waypoint and breaking up the flight plan into pieces 0003846: TOD point on current leg needs to be recomputed from present altitude 0003873: Implement circular range limiting on map lights 0003870: Inhibit external door manipulations while in motion 0003872: Add overhead map light pan and tilt manipulation 0003868: Generate a log entry for when loading an alternate from simbrief fails 0003866: Trying to go direct to a waypoint following a discontinuity which is more than 4000NM for away trips a distance assertion 0003867: Waypoint sorting on SELECT WPT page when invoked from FPLN page is broken if the preceding leg is a discontinuity 0003854: Bank limit for the AP in HDG mode should be 27.5° 0003863: On XP12 modify array index 4 to change the absolute nits brightness, not the brightness scalar 0003862: Laser pointer needs to be much brighter on XP11 0003860: Implement laser pointer integrated with shared cockpit to allow point at things for the other pilot 0003858: "Stanby" typo in failure manager, 34-Nav 0003853: ATS MSD needs to show amber FAIL while ATS computer is booting up 0003852: Refactor map source on MFD and nav source on PFD indications and add failure flags 0003851: When FMS has no current position, trying to SET POS crashes 0003850: Add automatic brightness control to the cockpit EFB 0003845: 1/2 bank limit at high altitude should be imposed only by the FCCs, not by the FMC's LNAV steering algorithm 0003838: LNAV capture will not occur if the TAE is very small 0003843: Implement TRU fans 0003842: Implement switch manipulation for battery connections 0003841: DF legs do not encode TDV flag even when they require a specific turn 0003840: Add support for persistent coherent memory in mt_cairo_render 0003839: Refactor hold steering to use BAR algorithm 0003836: MFD window should show -MANUAL- and -MEASURED- line when in the respective FMC performance mode 0003763: Loading a failure scenario doesn't get transmitted over the network to the other host 0003834: Fix incorrect uses of find_nrst_appch_leg which would get confused by a disconnected approach leg 0003833: When starting leg to LPV approach becomes disconnected due to DIRECT-TO, LPV/RNP toggle stops working 0003832: Add objkill datarefs to forward equipment bay 0003830: Doing VNAV direct when resulting sin(VPA) * dist_to_prev_wpt lies between 30,478m and 100,000m will crash 0003829: Pushing LSK 5R on FPLN page 1 acts on the first flight plan route line instead of being inactive 0003827: Excessive TKE check in wayplane termination will fail if called on very first runloop iteration after leg sequence 0003824: HSTCU should declare itself offline even when only the MCU's AC power input fails 0003823: AC ESS BUS power status determination needs to use relay K1XD pin A2 signal 0003822: AC 1/2 AUTOXFER CAS messages must have same trigger as AUTO XFER FAIL lamp drivers 0003821: 24-51 UTIL OFF (lamp only) trigger is incorrect 0003820: AC ESS ALTN and ESS PWR ALTN lamp driver conditions incorrect 0003819: ESS TRU 1 and ESS TRU 2 CAS messages should be white status, not amber cautions 0003817: Use BAR algorithm XTK limit to determine when to capture LNAV 0003811: Selecting origin SID on ILS approach crashes in nav-to-nav transfer frequency lookup code 0003796: Refactor LNAV & VNAV to new constant-radius steering algorithm 0003804: User settings window shouldn't show "(null)" when WAN IP address determination fails during UPnP setup 0003800: Leg sequence-based overfly determination needs to be dynamic and mustn't be pre-applied during procedure load 0003802: FPL sequencer can fire too early when leg change angle is too small 0003801: Refactor leg termination to use wayplane and arc radial terminations for the appropriate legs 0003799: Fuselage must not be killed when forward equipment bay doors are open 0003797: When on-side nav source is not FMS then on-side nav radio tuning mode cannot be auto 0003794: Nav-to-nav won't detect approach if a leg shorten is performed which places an approach transition leg in front of the FAF 0003793: If the last waypoint on the FPLN is missing a constraint, VNAV path construction isn't honoring preceding at-or-below constraint 0003791: When an ARINC 429 data word type changes, don't trip an assertion after deserializing a state with the wrong type on the bus 0003790: Glideslope reference line on HUD should show flaps are extended, not only when fully extended 0002445: "Design Studio" not set in the ACF 0003779: Selecting VECTORS transition should always insert discontinuity ahead of IAP legs 0003780: Refine LNAV gain scheduling to more closely match real world avionics behavior 0003778: Do not arm PATH mode when not navigating on FMS nav source 0003772: ISI brightness isn't preserved in airframe state 0003770: Refactor LNAV steering code to follow real avionics algorithm much more closely 0003768: Sudden reposition downwards can crash in FPL path solver due to altitude underflow 0003673: AT OR ABOVE constraints on the FACF should be treated as AT constraints 0003767: Guest position is mismatched to host when host is on XP11 and guest on XP12 0003766: Make wind entry more strict to reject any junk in the wind speed portion 0003764: Refactor R/T-I/C switch on yoke and clean up REU interface for unified radio keying behavior 0003762: Setting FLIGHT ID on ATC/TCAS CONTROL page isn't functional 0003761: FPLN page is missing support for PDW lat-lon entry format 0003760: Implement PDW entry in shorthand ARINC 424 format 0003759: Visual presentation of hstab angle is disconnected from physical stabilizer trim state on XP12 0003755: Control wheel PTT switch description is reversed in switch_list.txt 0003754: Pushing [LEGS] key while showing LEGS to get to page 1 with a leg in the scratchpad shouldn't clear out the edit hint 0003753: PSEU should start MLG retraction after a timeout even if NLG cannot be retracted 0003752: NOSE DOOR OPEN message must be inhibited during nose landing gear transition 0003751: Hack XP12 brightness of ATS MSD to workaround bad behavior at dawn/dusk 0003750: Refactor HDG mode turn locking to avoid overshooting the heading target at high rates of turn 0003749: Parallel and offset hold entries weren't complying with refined DO-236 hold steering 0003746: FLC activation on overspeed shouldn't sync speed bug to current airspeed 0003747: Turn anticipation needs to use algorithm described in DO-236 in section 0003745: Holding pattern construction isn't compliant with DO-236 rules 0003744: Fix completely incorrect computation of TKE 0003740: Toggling NAV radio to auto tuning doesn't clear set-by-id flag when cross-side CDU tuning is disabled 0003741: Manually tuning DME freq should switch VOR tuning to manual 0000874: 3xTune Inhib = COM 1 set to 121.5 0003742: Back-feeding of ENGN_FF is setting kg/hr when it should be setting in kg/s 0003738: Add key lock mechanism to forward equipment bay doors 0003737: String replacement of $MSN was truncating 5-character MSN at 4-characters 0003735: Reflection rebuild dataref had a typo in it 0003734: Mark cockpit OBJs with text on them as hi-res to avoid blurries in XP12 when the sim is having VRAM limitation issues 0003730: Deleting VNAV constraints on deduplicated enroute legs doesn't clear constraint class flag 0003729: Pushing LSK 6L on FIX INFO page shouldn't return to the INDEX 0003728: Update CL650 Shared Cockpit Quick Start Guide to version 1.1 000xxxx: libcpdlc update 000xxxx: libacfutils update 000xxxx: Refine XP12 flap drag coefficients to bring performance closer to Ops Reference manual Enjoy these latest updates, and stay tuned to the forum as we continually announce the latest happenings.
    8 points
  5. Version 1.0.0


    This is a livery for the Hot Start Challenger 650, inspired by https://www.planespotters.net/photo/166301/1203-luftwaffe-german-air-force-bombardier-cl-600-2a12-challenger-601 To install, extract the zip file into the "liveries" folder.
    8 points
  6. @gemster18 I understand your frustration regarding the TBM 900 not yet being updated for X-Plane 12 compatibility while other aircraft, like the IXEG 737-300, have already been updated. The teams that work on these products are different people. As has been previously mentioned here, the TBM team (Hot Start) is actively working on a TBM update that has proved to be a major challenge, and ultimately a big re-work of how the product is done. Each aircraft presents unique challenges during the update process, and our goal is to deliver a stable and high-quality product that meets our standards and your expectations. We appreciate your patience as we continue to work on the X-Plane 12 TBM 900 version. We value your feedback and are committed to providing the best possible experience for our customers.
    8 points
  7. Version 1.0.2


    This is a livery for the Hot Start Challenger 650, inspired by https://www.jetphotos.com/registration/PS-RDR To install, extract the zip file into the "liveries" folder. You can supply your own registration, PS-RDR is not printed on the cowlings.
    8 points
  8. One of my favorite combinations of aircraft: classic cockpit, optional GTN/GNS units to suit anyone's taste, all packaged in a reasonably fast jet to do fun flights around the country. Can't wait to share it with the world!
    7 points
  9. I understand this - and I also like to have "development updates" on the games I play, stuff that the devs work on, plans for the future, just some chatter to read and follow along with. But we at IXEG are now just a small 2 person team with "real" jobs and families and shifting life priorities. We already talked a bit about what we could envision in the future... right now there is nothing to talk about. Tom is working slowly on converting the sounds to FMOD (which will not make them sound different at all) and we are still planning to fix some stuff like the VNAV and HOLDs, but a timeline can not be given and doing so would just not be reputable. For me the IXEG 737 project at this point is purely a labor of love. The income I get is negligible and my motivation is purely from my love for the aircraft and the good vibes and emotions I get when interacting with the users. If you want to see the 737 get developed further in the future, don´t take that motivation away. Posts like yours are a good way to kill that motivation. So as harsh as that may sound: There is nothing to talk about right now and we are also not some YouTube or Instagram channel who needs to post new content every day to keep his followers engaged.
    7 points
  10. Version 1.0.1


    This is a replica of the livery of the LX-AMB aircraft of the Luxembourg Air Ambulance. The wings and wings normal textures are available as 8K textures to show the wings in more detail. There are three optional folders included. 1. optional - 4K textures for the wings 2. optional - the fuselage with the logo of the crown next to the door (in the original there is not, at least on the pictures of the plane) 3. optional - without dirt textures 4. optional - Vertical stabilizer texture for Custom Registration Have fun with it and if someone happens to have an original picture of the right wing I would be happy if he would share it. Unfortunately there is no picture of it on the internet as the right winglet is free interpretation.
    6 points
  11. We'll be integrating the new API for weather radar once X-Plane finalizes that API and releases the feature. It seems to be a very promising new feature from X-Plane!
    6 points
  12. Sorry its not getting updated as fast as any of us would like. I wake up every day and have to make decisions about what to work on and balance my requirements against the customers. They never align for everybody and never will. Its not abandoned, it will get updated and updates will be free for many many years to come. -TK
    6 points
  13. Version 1.0.1


    Welcome to the Tamarack Active Winglet mod for the TorqueSim CitationJet 525! The real winglet makes the Citation up to 33% more fuel efficient by reducing drag and turbulence. However this mod is purely visual for the time being. To install just follow the installation guide provided in the Zip file. Enjoy!
    5 points
  14. Version 1.0.0


    This is a livery for the Hot Start Challenger 650, inspired by https://www.jetphotos.com/registration/OH-WIC To install, extract the zip file into the "liveries" folder. You can supply your own registration, OH-WIC is not printed on the cowlings.
    5 points
  15. Captains, We are thrilled to announce that on Saturday, December 14th, at 12:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (17:00 Zulu Time), the Take Command! CitationJet 525 for X-Plane 12 will be available for purchase. This release marks the culmination of over five years of meticulous development, bringing you an unparalleled flight simulation experience. The CitationJet 525 has been crafted with extreme precision, utilizing cutting-edge technologies and a passionate attention to detail. From the fully custom Honeywell avionics suite to the advanced systems depth, every aspect of this aircraft has been designed to replicate the real-world flying experience. Whether you’re a seasoned pilot or a flight simulation enthusiast, the CitationJet 525 carries on the growing Take Command! product line and provides you an immersive journey into the skies. Join us as we take flight with this remarkable aircraft. Prepare to explore the skies with a simulation that continues TorqueSim's standards in realism and immersion. We can’t wait for you to experience the passion poured into this project. Mark your calendars for December 14th at noon EST (17:00 Zulu) and be among the first to pilot the Take Command! CitationJet 525. Want to learn more?... Product Page Live Streams Initial Announcement Avionics Overview
    5 points
  16. As much as I love the Challenger, I needed a smaller, simpler jet to just hop in and go. And it's an 80s Citation. Can't be happier.
    5 points
  17. Version 1.0.0


    This is a livery for the Hot Start Challenger 650, inspired by https://www.jetphotos.com/photo/10660488 To install, extract the zip file into the "liveries" folder. You can supply your own registration, C-GZUM is not printed on the cowlings. This livery is in 8K. Hello Pilsner
    5 points
  18. Version 1.0.0


    This is a livery for the Hot Start Challenger 650, inspired by https://www.jetphotos.com/registration/D-AJAN To install, extract the zip file into the "liveries" folder. You can supply your own registration, D-AJAN is not printed on the cowlings.
    5 points
  19. Sorry for quietness....the MU2 has been sitting at 95%+ done for the next update for a while. I decided last second to tweak the EGTs so as to have a proper crossover from Torque Limited to Temp limited at altitude...and that set off a round of flight testing I need to wrap up. The summer has just been packed full of activities, not all fun, lots of travel and its been a challenge to find blocks of time. Oshkosh is next week and is my last big activity for the year, so in speaking with Cameron, I plan to wrap up this update asap right after. ...and on a hopefully good note, XP12 new weather radar finally drops in 12.2 so I'll be squeezing that into the OEM variants, which along with the EGT will round out my "not done yet" list for the major features and I can then start messing about with improving the performance, systems accuracy and adding more liveries. -TK
    5 points
  20. Version 1.1.0


    This is a livery for the Hot Start Challenger 650, inspired by https://www.jetphotos.com/registration/D-AFAD To install, extract the zip file into the "liveries" folder. You can supply your own registration, D-AFAD is not printed on the cowlings (but the German flag is).
    5 points
  21. Version 1.0.0


    This is a livery for the Hot Start Challenger 650, inspired by https://www.jetphotos.com/registration/C-FKNN To install, extract the zip file into the "liveries" folder. You can supply your own registration, C-FKNN is not printed on the cowlings.
    5 points
  22. The bulk of that time was spent on the CL650 update, as there was quite a bit to take care of. As there's only 2 of us, we have to prioritize the work according to various factors. Is there an ETA? Not one that we can safely stick to. We loosely planned to push out the last update for the CL650 within 2 years of release. That deadline passed 3 months ago. We're putting in the hours to get both the TBM and CL650 done as soon as we can, as we want to move on to the next project. All I ca n promise is we aren't going anywhere, and we're working to get everything done.
    5 points
  23. Version 1.0.0


    This is a livery for the Hot Start Challenger 650, inspired by https://www.jetphotos.com/registration/HB-JSF To install, extract the zip file into the "liveries" folder. You can supply your own registration, HB-JSF is not printed on the cowlings.
    4 points
  24. I’m a bit confused by your post, as the timeline doesn’t quite align. At the time of your purchase, there was no talk of an upgrade for a version of the simulator that didn’t yet exist, as we developers were not aware of X-Plane 12 at that point either. You purchased it two years before we ever mentioned a free upgrade to new purchasers. It is not possible for you to have "bought this aircraft because it included an upgrade to XP12." We'll post news when we're ready. I believe we're getting to a point of sooner than later.
    4 points
  25. Version 1.0.1


    This is a 4K-livery for the TorqueSim CJ525, inspired by https://www.jetphotos.com/registration/HA-KAR. To install, extract the zip file into the "liveries" folder. This also works without the winglets, the extra file just gets ignored. You can change the registration using the TorqueSim livery generator tool. If you enjoy my work, consider supporting me on Patreon to cover some of the horrendous Adobe-costs ;).
    4 points
  26. I wanted to share a simple modification I made to the flight model to make an allowance for the reduced drag from the winglets. In the TorqueSim Discord channel, ProfessorCrash said the range increase is 300nm from 1100nm to 1400nm, a 27% increase in range. I therefore reduced the fuselage coefficient of drag (cd) by 27% from 0.058 to 0.049. I assumed a min cd of 0.025 (Plane Maker manual states a very sleek fuselage has a cd of 0.025) and deducted 27% from the difference between the min cd and the current cd, i.e. 0.058 - (0.27 x (0.058 - 0.025)) = 0.049. In my test flights to date, I am achieving range proportionate with ProfessorCrash's Tamarack performance graph. If you want to try this, the line to change in the CJ525.acf file is: P _body/0/_part_cd 0.049
    4 points
  27. Pils: Quite right. For whomever it might help, I first upgraded to the final ver of Monterey (macOS 12). No discernible improvement in the problems discussed above. Then upgraded to the final ver of Ventura (macOS 13, the highest OS my computer can handle). As far as I have explored so far, everything appears to be working as it should. Which is great, cuz I REALLY wanted to like this plane.
    4 points
  28. Version 1.0.0


    This is a livery for the TorqueSim CJ525, inspired by https://www.jetphotos.com/registration/OE-FGC To install, extract the zip file into the "liveries" folder. You can change the registration using the TorqueSim tooling.
    4 points
  29. I just doublechecked, indeed the light in the forward entry area does NOT turn off when the cockpit door closes and the camera is in the cockpit area - I will talk to Tom and see if we want to implement this (again). Thanks for the headsup, @manguras!
    4 points
  30. Nice work! I'm really looking forward to the release. I fly the CL650, but the Citationjet-525 model is what I lacked for short-range jet flights. Good luck!
    4 points
  31. Crossfill is something TDS is investigating adding per our discussions with them. I think this will likely be a v1.x feature by them if they can get it going.
    4 points
  32. Flying the SR-22 is a unique model! I'm really looking forward to the CitationJet 525! I am sure that the model will turn out to be a masterpiece in the world of simulators.
    4 points
  33. I don't really want to sound like a broken record, but it is getting worked on. We've been working on the 650 and the TBM, with Saso trying to get as much of the 650 updates done as possible for V1.8. Now that 1.8 is out, we can both dedicate more time to the TBM, and finally get that wrapped up as quickly as possible.
    4 points
  34. Well, after strugling a lot with differente solutions, i decided to do myself an excel sheet to make the job. I'm not a native speaker, so i did it like i could. Do your best to use it. W&B CL650.xlsx
    4 points
  35. Half-baked update? I flew this 737 today and even with all the X-Plane 12 updates since the IXEG's last update, it still flies nicely. Maybe a few quirks, but certainly not "half-baked". It followed my flight plan perfectly, LNAV, VNAV, Auto Throttle and Autopilot all worked as they were supposed to, landed nicely (although a little firm), but in all was a good flight and good experience.
    4 points
  36. Version 1.0.0


    This is a livery for the Hot Start Challenger 650, inspired by https://www.jetphotos.com/registration/N400ES Apparently this aircraft was operated by Disney before. To install, extract the zip file into the "liveries" folder. You can supply your own registration, N400ES is not printed on the cowlings. This livery is in 8K.
    4 points
  37. I guess they dont, thats why they hired all those extra people, just to mock us all, and I guess all the graphic improvements, CPU performance currently worked on and all the weather, aerodynamics improvements come about because they dont care. I wonder how many user really care about laminars efforst??
    4 points
  38. Version 1.0.0


    This is a livery for the Hot Start Challenger 650. Original design. To install, extract the zip file into the "liveries" folder. You can supply your own registration, HB-MNT is not printed on the cowlings. There are no country flags on the tail. You can add your own if you're so inclined.
    4 points
  39. 4 points
  40. Version 1.0.0


    This is a livery for the Hot Start Challenger 650, inspired by Avionique Simulation, who make a CCP/DCP panel for the CL60. To install, extract the zip file into the "liveries" folder. You can supply your own registration, F-AVQE is not printed on the cowlings.
    4 points
  41. Ah, thank you for the beautiful pictures - they bring back fond memories of flying the Classic for 12 years! The NG is supposed to fly fairly similar to the Classic (although most variants are a bit heavier), I am sure you will enjoy it!! I assume the difference might be like the one between 747-400 and 747-8 (the ones I fly now), they are subtle but noticeable nonetheless. Good luck and success with your type rating, all the best, Jan
    4 points
  42. Version 1.0.0


    4 points
  43. Yes - we're looking into adding it!
    3 points
  44. Version 1.0.0


    This is a livery for the CIS Piper Seminole PA44, inspired by https://www.jetphotos.com/aircraft/manufacturer/Piper/serial/447995308. To install, extract the zip file into the "liveries" folder.
    3 points
  45. I used to fly these with the classic radio suite, No GPS, an outdated database in the FMC, a paper chart on my lap and the owner serving me pepsi and peanuts. Good old days. Will buy this for sure! Nice work!
    3 points
  46. We deeply value your enthusiasm for our upcoming project and understand the eagerness for updates. We want to assure you that we’re committed to sharing news when we feel we have meaningful and exciting progress to report - something worth your time and interest. Each development team has its own approach, and for us, this process is a labor of love. Great things take time, and ensuring the highest quality often requires patience. Over the years, we’ve learned from experience (both ours and others) that sharing tentative dates or updates prematurely often leads to misunderstandings and misplaced expectations. For this reason, we’ve adopted a more measured approach, focusing on progress behind the scenes until we’re closer to the finish line. We recognize this approach may not align with everyone’s preference for frequent updates, but we believe it’s the best way to ensure we deliver a product we’re proud of, without the pressure that can sometimes detract from creativity and quality. Rest assured, updates will come, but only when the time is right and not out of external pressure, and because we’re confident we have something truly worthwhile to share. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we continue to work diligently. Thank you for your support and trust in what we’re building. The TBM is a fun plane, and we're looking forward to the finish line.
    3 points
  47. Version 1.0.0


    This livery is inspired by D-GAST, a Seneca III: https://www.jetphotos.com/registration/D-GAST. The simulated airplane is a Seneca II, so slight modifications where made and I didn't include the company logo. Tried recreating it, wasn't really worth the hassle. Hope you enjoy it!
    3 points
  48. Version 1.0.0


    N624MY is a Challenger 605 presented here for the Hot Start Challenger 650. Please do not modify or redistribute without permission.
    3 points
  49. Version 1.0.2


    Good morning , Please read the " READ ME " File to Install Some parts of the FBO are not fully painted ( trying to figure it out ) Happy flights with signature flight
    3 points
  50. Documents attached updated 20th December 2022. Latest versions are always available in ...\Aircraft\X-Aviation\CL650\Documentation directory. IMPORTANT: you must be signed in to download the PDFs below. Not a user yet? Head over to Sign Up. 1128340285_CL650FMSPrimer.pdf CL650 Operations Reference.pdf 1323904309_CL650ExpandedNormalProcedures.pdf CL650 Checklists.pdf CL650 Checklists - Printable.pdf CL650 Flexible Take-Off.pdf CL650 Shared Cockpit Quick Start Guide.pdf
    3 points
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