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Everything posted by Pils

  1. First step in troubleshooting: Remove all third party plugins except Gizmo64 (especially garbage like SAM).
  2. https://discord.com/channels/397379810067742721/397408003348889600/1098619351113932820
  3. If CDU 1 is blank when you press the FMS function then you probably have a popped circuit breaker.
  4. Attach your Log.txt from a session where this issue occurs and we’ll see.
  5. This usually means you're not following the checklists closely enough and are not waiting for A/C power to be applied to the aircraft and the FMS2/3 to power up before using FMS1 to set up databases, enter flight plan, etc.
  6. Not your fault. It wasn’t really messaged/communicated that well by Laminar, to be honest.
  7. The Zink incompatibility has been known for a long time, but the developer has chosen for next update of the Challenger to have an extended development and beta cycle, so there’s a lot of fixes that aren’t released to “the world” yet. If you’d like to join the Discord and get access to the beta then you’d be welcome!
  8. Did you restart the sim afterwards? Please provide screenshot of Graphics settings and Log.txt from X-Plane, please. Thanks.
  9. A bit rude, but ok. I can't confirm without the Log.txt from X-Plane, but 12.1.0 made the Zink plugin bridge the default, and V1.7 of the Challenger does not support this option. If you disable it then you'll be back to 12.0 behaviour.
  10. https://discord.gg/cq4B783U I'm not sure, to be honest. In that scenario a manual nav source switch may be required. I'll try it in the beta. Do you publish video of the issues you mentioned?
  11. It's the same on PL21, except the knob is on the PFD's control panel.
  12. (WebFMC is a far superior solution regardless.)
  13. I made a couple of videos to demonstrate the difference: 1. Early APPR: 2. LNAV/VNAV:
  14. I tried this approach in the V1.8 beta (highly recommended!), and was not able to replicate a NO APPR condition using standard procedures. There may be an inconsistency with the earlier implementation of the terminal area approach logic. However, a couple of tips when using Collins Pro Line avionics that are different from Boeing or Airbus: When performing an ILS (or LOC) approach, coming from FMS navigation, it is advised not to arm approach (APPR) before being inbound to the glideslope intercept point (or FAF when on a LOC approach), and established on the final approach course. In the case of ILS Z 08 at BUR, that's the point roughly 2nm before BUDDE (or BUDDE itself for LOC). One can arrive at this point using LNAV/VPATH (or VVS if desired). This is especially important at some airports with multiple step-downs on the intermediate approach segment, and there's an outside air temperature that can cause altimetry errors sufficient for the glideslope to be below these constraints. If on vectors from ATC (or self-vectoring) using heading select (HDG), then one should limit one's intercept angle to the localizer to ~30 degrees, and not to arm approach when too far laterally from the localizer as otherwise a false beam capture may occur. Hope that helps.
  15. Did any of these apply? APPR button is pressed before the FMS has completed the NAV-to-NAV set up. The navigation radio does not tune to the required frequency. FMS is deselected and then re-selected as the navigation source after the Nav-to-Nav set up has completed and Approach mode has been selected. The approach is selected into the flight plan in the terminal area when the Approach mode is active, FMS is not the navigation source, and FMS is re-selected as the navigation source. Are you on the Hot Start Discord? In future it may be easier to troubleshoot these issues in "real time" with the community.
  16. See the GA roll mode in the FMAs? That tells me you've accidently pressed TO/GA and put the plane into Go-Around Mode. In which case the FD is commanding wings level.
  17. Unless it’s at https://www.smartcockpit.com/my-aircraft/bombardier-challenger-604/ I’m not aware of it.
  18. Terminal weather (as provided by the US Aviation Weather Center) is no longer available in V1.7 (the current shipping stable release) due to upstream data service changes.
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