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  1. Guys, have patience - Goran has the files and has assured me he will work on it - in the meantime I will put together instructions on how to implement my vrconfig and cockpit switches, just give me a few days....
    3 points
  2. If I had a dollar for every "X-Plane rolls left" post I've seen over the years..... I wonder how many of them have been from this exact thing. Thanks for posting your findings. :)
    2 points
  3. Worked out what it was and it was pilot error! Slightly embarassing but i was resting my foot on my rudder pedals :D Please delete this post if neccessary.
    2 points
  4. Version 1.0.0


    I tried to create a livery of the Swiss Air-Rescue REGA jet HB-JWA as good as possible. It's not 100% accurate. But i hope you enjoy it and wish you smooth flights.
    2 points
  5. Hello All, This will serve as a formal forum announcement that we have released the version 1.1.0 update for the CL650. All customers who have purchased the CL650 up till now have been sent an e-mail by X-Aviation with complete instructions on how to obtain your update. We have made this a very simple process! For those that purchase the CL650 from today forward, your purchased download will already be updated to version 1.1.0 for you. IMPORTANT! Some customers have experienced performance issues where FPS in sim got very low or unflyable. If this has happened to you, please read the following on how to handle the situation: NOTE: This update brings the simulation of gear pins and probe covers. Be sure to conduct a proper pre-flight check of the aircraft to avoid issues with retracting the gear or air data. For more information, please watch the following videos: https://hotstart.net/cl650/pins.html https://hotstart.net/cl650/covers.html https://hotstart.net/cl650/chocks.html What if I didn't get the update e-mail? If you did not receive your update e-mail don't fret! X-Aviation has updated our system to allow all customers to update with ease, regardless of whether you received an e-mail for the update! Here's what to do: 1. Login to your X-Aviation account here: https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/account_history.php  2. Find your original Challenger 650 download and re-download the file. It will download as the latest version! The following is a list of additions/fixes included: What's New / Changed: New Features: 2264: Added oxygen refill feature 2263: Added oxygen service gauge 2266: Implemented fire extinguisher bottle servicing 2334: Implemented replay support of doors and switches 2339: Implemented animating chocks during replay 2375: Implemented gear pins 2375: Added physically simulated probe cover flags 2393: Added downscaled texture version for GPUs with less VRAM 2404: Added a new hint window at the top of the screen to help with potentially missing preflight 2418: Added and animated window shades with drag manipulators Documentation: 2383: Included training scenarios document in release documentation package 2384: Updated "Expanded Normal Procedures" and "Operations Reference" docs with latest copies from Graeme 2385: Engine start checklist hint image needs to instruct pilot to push boost pumps back in before starting left engine 2386: Flight compartment checklist hint image 42 needs to mention combined IGNITION message, not two separate ones 2387: Flight compartment checklist hint image 66 needs to mention ATS and NAV arming 2388: Auto-install stock failure scenarios into Output/Failure Scenarios Bugfixes: 2239: Setting landing lights to on should also turn on the taxi lights 2240: Don't allow manipulating probe covers mid-flight 2242: Ice detector wasn't taking its cover into account in determining ice accumulation 2252: Truck hoses and cables weren't showing up in sim 2249: Cabin Environment Study window, text error. 2245: Ground elec power access panel sometimes didn't close when removing ground AC power 2255: Activating a new SID in the air can crash if the departure waypoint is an airport and has the DIR-TO-FROM flag set 2259: ASU hose wouldn't disconnect if the ASU was shut down and the airplane moved 2260: AFCS VS PID needs to respond a bit more slowly, to avoid overshooting the VS target 2261: Airframe manager was reporting spurious distances when reloading a nearby state 2269: FL alert must avoid triggering if a baro switch causes a bump-up in altitude 2273: Do not exclude non-IFR airports out of the airport database 2281: FMC aiport database shouldn't exclude airports with only grass runways 2284: Airportdb could crash if it encounters an airport with no name 2285: Typo on refuel-defuel study window labeled left main tank as right main 2287: HOLD page FIX ETA line should be populated any time we have an ETA to the waypoint 2288: PAX DOOR STOW should show when T-handle isn't stowed, not when T-handle cover is left open 2293: IRS units fail crossing antemeridian / international date line 2304: TSS isn't resetting X-TCAS output ops resulting use-after-free crash during soft reload on boot 2312: Crash due to phys lock assertion fail 2316: When an airport is part of an FMS flight plan or simbrief route, the route parse will fail 2317: Regmark object needs to be separate with Outside lighting mode to allow the logo light to illuminate it 2318: Bus short circuit failures weren't working 2322: Wind component indication on MFD DATA NAV STATUS page was reversed from actual components 2330: Need to control X-Plane default light datarefs to get the beacons to show spills in sim 2328: CDU LW =/= MFD LW 2291: CBP-4 No animation on line C 2333: Entering a distant waypoint into final descent could crash due to bad altitude computation 2340: ALT hold function shouldn't be affected by baro setting changes 2344: SPKR volume button on ACP isn't lighting up when pushed in 2345: FAA charts provider didn't work on Windows due to CA list not being configured 2338: Crash when entering FBO: assertion "mgr->filenames[active] != ((void *)0)" failed: 2305: Crash after deleting a standalone HOLD at the end of a procedure 2342: Crash during datalink upload of flight plan. Crash occurs in error reporting code 2336: DEP/ARR crash 2325: BRT and OFF labels are in the wrong positions on lighting controls 2313: Entering excessively low ISA deviation on PERF INIT page will crash due to negative fuel burn 2314: Nose light spill missing 2354: Don't lock out 112.00 MHz, it's VHF channel 57X 2352: ISI is still prone to "toppling" 2359: Refueler should also be using US gallons in US territories outside of the contiguous States 2360: Takeoff and landing computer should round weights to nearest 100s to avoid non-obvious VSPEEDS DISAGREE 2361: Automatic transition from ALTS CAP or ALTV to ALT captures the wrong altitude 2358: NRST APTS page crashes when it encounters a non-ICAO airport 2364: LNAV might turn the wrong way on a course or heading intercept leg 2366: N1 split or overspeed should put ATS in DISENG'D, not FAIL 2376: Duplicate dataref registration in abus wire is causing a crash when datarefs are accessed in DRE 2380: APU hobbs isn't set on initial load if the APU ECU is powered down 2381: Using default X-Plane checklist command binding crashes 2394: If IAPS breaker pops due to FCC overload, it can enter an inescapable excessive power-draw-reset state 2395: FMS elevation should be using GPS HYB INS elevation so LPV approaches work correctly with misset altimeter 2398: AC UTIL BUS 2 was labeled as "UTIL BUS 1" on AC synoptic page 2400: Operating the T-handle shouldn't be possible while the locking handle is up 2349: CTD when starting new flight. 2401: libswitch can crash on init if replay worker thread isn't initialized before first floop call 2367: Modifying SEC LEGS causes crash when PRI has legs 2410: FREQ CONV breaker was permanently popped out and couldn't be manipulated 2411: Hidden not-yet-functional oxygen flow indicator on cockpit oxygen mask panel 2412: Reanimated main door curtain to avoid clipping through its cover door 2413: Left ACP integral lighting was non-functional 2414: Closed up holes around control columns on cockpit floor 2415: Fixed animations for right side ADF1 and 2. Fixed VHF3 on left side 2416: Added PA selection on ACPs 2417: Removed extraneous latch from lavatory door 2419: Re-animated misaligned rudder pedal on Pilots side 2421: Fixed manipulator not animating for door pull-up assist handle 2424: Fixed white halo around text on cabin side panels Improvements: 397: Missing cabin speaker chime for SEAT BELT and NO SMOKING signs. 2244: Engine start hand signal should check for the presence of probe covers 2253: Write back to X-Plane to override windshield icing datarefs to prevent spurious windshield icing 2251: Ship a default outdated GPS almanac for people who are in geo-blocked countries and cannot fetch new almanacs 2256: Fueler should knock if he's trying to get in but the door is closed 2258: Added rudimentary XP systems bridge to force avionics_on and avoid network client sound issues 2262: Increased ground effect a smidge to match closer to real life landing attitude 2265: Yokes need to be upscaled by 15% 2271: Sync up X-Plane barometer setting to ours, so Vatsim clients like xPilot report correct baro altitude 2270: After detecting online flight, don't revert to temperate effects until landing 2275: Disable checking the weight-on-wheels flag in X-Plane TCAS data as libxpmp doesn't set it right 2294: TEMP COMP should default to OFF on a new airframe 2319: Increased the size of the beacon spill to 4m 2341: Need PA position on ACP mic selector 2343: Added support for simbrief PBD waypoint specifications in XP11 flight plans 2346: Regmark appareance editor needs an option to hide the automatic regmark for custom painted ones 2348: Tires take too long to spin down on their own 2357: Write back engine running status into X-Plane ENGN_running dataref 2382: Implemented CAS takeoff and landing inhibits 2390: Drop AFD and HUD drawing priority to low on Windows to help prioritize X-Plane on overloaded CPUs 2391: Apply texture downscaling to objects that got missed in authoring 2399: Implemented remaining fuel on NRST APTS page 2402: Prevent parking brake from being selected without first pressing down the pedal brakes 2405: Surrounded cockpit and cabin in null manipulator to prevent clicking through to exterior manipulators and vice versa 2406: Made all manipulators on exterior panels simple click toggles instead of drag 2407: Hide main door pop-out clickspot when the outer door handle is rotated 2420: Added black areas behind external service panels when the door is closed to prevent light shining through 2422: Fixed Wood texture having excessive grain and increased glossiness 2423: Added current customs sticker 2425: Added animated door locking indicator next to T-handle Enjoy these latest updates, and stay tuned to the forum as we continually announce the latest happenings.
    2 points
  6. Version 2.2.1


    This is a 3D model of the Challenger 650 for use when flying in online networks like VATSIM. This will be visible for multiplayer traffic flying type code CL60. Downloading and Installation Instructions: Download and then extract the CL60 folder into your pilot client CSL folder (X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/xPilot/Resources/CSL/Bluebell/ for default installs) to see this model. This model includes lights (Nav, Beacon, Landing), retractable gear, and rotating engines. There are also animated Flaps, Spoilers, Speedbrakes, and Taxi Lights, but there appears to be some dataref issues (these don't appear to animate in the sim). Hopefully we can have HotStart resolve with future updates! I do hope that we see a proper CSL done by Hot Start and the goal wasn't to replace that, but in the meantime I hope the community can enjoy this work! This model uses some parts from the XCSL C750, which were shared with permission. Please do not resell this work. Thank you!
    1 point
  7. I prefer not to use a persistent state and just want to setup and fly like I do with other planes. When I do that, i am struggling with fueling the airplane. When I select fuel truck, I get the pop up that appears to be the fuel interaction screen, but I am unable to select what I want loaded. I am sure I am doing something wrong so any assistance would be great. Thank you! Also, is there a way to use the FBO side of things and not keep the persistent state?
    1 point
  8. The PFD stall warning doesn't show up when the SPS is tested, but does in an actual stall
    1 point
  9. The issue I think is because HS cull any objects / textures that aren't in view - for some reason being close to the ground culls the external textures in VR, I think it's because in VR, you are never *truly* in outside view. Easy workaround in steam VR is to use OVR advanced settings to define an offset that moves your head position up a little.
    1 point
  10. You need to increase your airspeed if possible or descent to warmer air.
    1 point
  11. On the real airplane the only way to determine the oil quantity exactly is to open the engine cowl and look at the sight gauge on the oil tank. That is not something a pilot would ever do, as opening the cowl requires a ladder and tools. There is no gauge in the cockpit instrument system that will show the total engine oil quantity. The oil servicing system in the aft compartment is the normal way to check oil. Obviously that can only be done on the ground before flight. The lights will either tell you that the engine reservoir is “full” or that it is not. If it is not full, the only thing you can do is add oil using the electric oil pump until the “full” light comes on, and note how much the quantity decreased in the oil servicing tank. The servicing tank holds about 6 quarts/liters of oil. On the CRJ-200, which has the same engine as the 650, we find that the engines typically need about 1 quart every 10 hours.
    1 point
  12. You need to take into account the fact that the os runs its gui on the gpu. You probably had a Web browser open, also using gpu resources. Possibly Spotify, probably gpu again. And then theres memory fragmentation. Turn the texture quality down and you should see improvement. There is also a beta gizmo update brewing that should lead to less dropped frames but it won't fix drasticly overloaded and struggling system resource contention that drags on for multiple seconds.
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. Agreed, my comments are for potential customers who may question if the Hotstart 650 is 'worth' the price.
    1 point
  15. I think that is the only way. In the real airplane the FMS resets after landing roll once you go below a certain ground speed, iirc. We specifically did not implement clearing out the PERF pages because sometimes people just "want to start over" on the flightplan and not fill out all that information again (as it probably hasn´t changed, or can be overwritten if it did). If you want to start with a totally clean slate, just "reboot gizmo" - either in Gizmo pop-out menu or you can even bind a key or button to it. Cheers, Jan
    1 point
  16. Hey ladbound, Thank you for the come back and for sharing your file. It was a GREAT help. This Challenger 650 is fantastic, lot to learn. My biggest hurdle is the FMC/FMS whatever it's called. Most of the GA aircraft that I mess with have the Garmin 750. So I have problems with flight plans that have disconnects. Guess I'll get the hang of it sooner or later. Fantastic plane, no complaints. Cheers..... and Blue Skies to ya!! JS
    1 point
  17. I want to tread lightly here. I don't want to call this a "bug", but more a shortsighted situation for the day Laminar didn't account for coming as soon as it did. The workaround we gave is essentially what you can expect to be mostly baked into X-Plane 12, where we'll be able to tell X-Plane ourselves how many CPU cores to reserve for us. Right now you're having to manually do that with the info we gave you. In other words, it will put the responsibility back on us to tell X-Plane what to do once Laminar allows that. I can't speak to performance of 12 as a whole, or if the texture paging system is more refined in 12 either. It's possible it is, or it's possible it's the same as now, in which case you should not assume a miracle change. Just setting the proper expectation here, and setting the record straight that calling this a bug is also not correct. Your CPU is a 16 threaded machine, so you really wouldn't be in the camp of people we would expect to use the guidance we provided either. Keep in mind that we also aren't personally auditing everyone's configuration. Ortho scenery, object scenery, rendering settings, etc all bring this stuff into play. I'd be interested to see your X-Plane rendering settings just for the sake of knowing. Any ortho scenery here too that the paging system is playing around with?
    1 point
  18. Yes, that appears to be the same issue.
    1 point
  19. Appreciate it. If it's not possible, all good. Holding down a key should be possible, works on all the other knobs.
    1 point
  20. Hi guys, things are working again. Thank you. Did deleted the CL650 output folder and checked the default audio.
    1 point
  21. @Graeme_77Actually, most of the “moan” that is heard from the CF34 engine as it is coming up to speed during start is caused by the change in position of the variable inlet guide vanes in the LP compressor section. These vanes optimize the airflow through the compressor for the current N1 speed to prevent blade stalls. The sound should be the same on every start, whether the engine is hot or cold. I am a CRJ-200 mechanic and that aircraft uses the same model CF34 as the 650 There is also a noticeable “whoomp” at the moment the fuel ignites in the combuster.
    1 point
  22. Yes indeed, that's expected behaviour with a hot engine. The reason is the sound is a resonance caused by combustor & flame aerodynamics. When the combustor is hot, the aerodynamics change ever so slightly that it simply doesn't induce that resonance anymore.
    1 point
  23. Version 2


    Jeflite livery for the Hotstart CL650. Registration used is the OH-WIW, but can be easily modified with the airframe manager to match the OH-WIC. Enjoy !
    1 point
    Beautiful Livery, thanks for sharing your hard work with us. This is a keeper. It takes a lot of time and effort to turn a livery out like this, my hat is off to ya.... Cheers....... and Blue Skies to ya!! JS
    1 point
  24. That's an X-Plane limitation unfortunately. Because the aircraft is an "interior" object and the ground services are "scenery" the aircraft always takes priority. It's really annoying, and the developers did their best to find a way round it, but for now it's not fixable. If you use exterior camera you won't have this - it's only walk mode / interior camera that has this effect.
    1 point
  25. Do you get the "ghost" thrust levers at the bottom right of the screen? When the aircraft levers are not in the same position as your hardware they are disconnected from each other. All you need to do is align the hardware with the aircraft levers and they'll connect together - the ghost lever overlay at the bottom right is there to help with this. If you can't see the overlay, try moving the hardware levers fully forward, then fully back and they should reconnect with the aircraft. Let me know if you still have issue after trying this.
    1 point
  26. Try switching Try changing your audio output device in Windows, then changing it back. Also, try assigning one device as the "default communication device". The reason for this is audio initialization in the GPWS engine failed. Usually just doing these actions solves that problem
    1 point
  27. This’ll have to be looked at by the developer at a later time of the day. In the meantime the last thing you can try is backing up and then deleting the CL650 directory from Output. This will reset all saved state.
    1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. Thanks for sharing your deeply knowledgeable insight Oliver, Not being a corporate pilot, I didn't realize that in the real thing the pilot had to get out of his seat, head over to the touch screen panel above the sink, press an announcement button, and then head back to his seat each time. But now I know ;-)
    1 point
  30. Hello, Navigate to your LEGS page and locate the waypoint which has had a constraint applied. Input the required level into the scratchpad and use the appropriate right side LSK (line select key) to transfer the information from the scratchpad. Some additional information below that you may find useful: - To enter an altitude simply input "6000" or "12000". To enter a flight level input "F310" or "FL310" - If you're given an "at or above" put "A" afterwards, eg. "6000A". - If you're given an "at or below" put "B" afterwards, eg. "F270B" - If you're given a "between" enter the lower altitude, then "A", then the upper altitude and "B" - eg. "7000A9000B" - You can also input a speed restriction at the same time, eg. "250/10000" or "220/5000" using the forward slash to separate.
    1 point
  31. View File Challenger - CSL Model This is a 3D model of the Challenger 650 for use when flying in online networks like VATSIM. This will be visible for multiplayer traffic flying type code CL60. Downloading and Installation Instructions: Download and then extract the CL60 folder into your pilot client CSL folder (X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/xPilot/Resources/CSL/Bluebell/ for default installs) to see this model. This model includes lights (Nav, Beacon, Landing), retractable gear, and rotating engines. There are also animated Flaps, Spoilers, Speedbrakes, and Taxi Lights, but there appears to be some dataref issues (these don't appear to animate in the sim). Hopefully we can have HotStart resolve with future updates! I do hope that we see a proper CSL done by Hot Start and the goal wasn't to replace that, but in the meantime I hope the community can enjoy this work! This model uses some parts from the XCSL C750, which were shared with permission. Please do not resell this work. Thank you! Submitter flanisher Submitted 01/14/2022 Category Hot Start Challenger 650 Livery For https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-hot-start-challenger-650-p-212  
    1 point
  32. Documents last updated 20th December 2022 IMPORTANT: you must be signed in to download the PDFs below. Not a user yet? Head over to Sign Up. 1128340285_CL650FMSPrimer.pdf CL650 Operations Reference.pdf 1323904309_CL650ExpandedNormalProcedures.pdf CL650 Checklists.pdf CL650 Checklists - Printable.pdf CL650 Flexible Take-Off.pdf CL650 Shared Cockpit Quick Start Guide.pdf
    1 point
  33. another quick update. Not much has changed since the last report, except I'm a whole lot further along on my MU2 project than I was at last report. X-Plane is still full time work for me and I'm making steady progress towards returning to this guy. Jan is standing by for the aftermath of the MU2 release when we jump back onto this guy full time and work the FMC and other 3D for a good while I'm sure. I suspect we'll be back on the IXEG by the summer months. -tkyler
    1 point
  34. I'm having the same issue. Tried restarting X-Plane multiple times, all other planes work okay as long as I don't spawn in the CL650 prior to any other aircraft.
    1 point
  35. I would really like to see a user manual that elaborates on some non-aircraft specific features, like the HotStart FBO and such.
    1 point
  36. Hey Kari, To get winds into the CDU, go to Index (IDX), Route Menu, LSK 6 R Then FPLN Wind Update LSK L4 This will bring a mostly empty page, this is fine, anod nothing to worry about, click "SEND" LSK 5 R and the winds will start to be requested and downloaded. This may take a while depending on how many waypoints you've got, and how good your VHF Datalink signal is, when it's done, you'll just need to "Exec" the new wind data.
    1 point
  37. Hi, Due to my health condition I can’t always run through the complete checklist and start procedure. I expected to find an engines running state at least in the non-career mode. Could you consider adding such a state (or share one with me, lol)?
    1 point
  38. Once you've got the engines running once, go to Airframe Manager and save a state "Engines Running". You can then reload that at any point. You can also load it without selecting "Restore Position and Trajectory" and you can start that Engines Running state anywhere. It's a slightly DIY approach to an ready to go state, but as so much of the avionics are set to your personal preference it's probably better to have a one-time setup like this than have something fixed and unchangeable for a state. Hope this helps for now. Having some ready to go states in the non-career mode is something the testing team have requested too - the hope is the developers will be able to get a feel for how people are using this feature in the first few weeks, and decide how best to proceed. A bit more info about state saving here:
    1 point
  39. If worse comes to worst I could take this as an opportunity to redo them...maybe with XP12 .
    1 point
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