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  1. Version 1.1.2


    This repaint is made for the payware Challenger 650 by Hotstart. This livery was taken from a variety of close-up photos of the aircraft. To install, extract the liveries folder to: .\X-Plane\Aircraft\X-Aviation\CL650\liveries Optional: (WARNING IT WILL AFFECT ALL LIVERIES, BACKUP THE FOLDER OTHERWISE A FRESH REINSTALL WILL BE NEEDED TO REVERT) If you wish to use NetJets specific extra's, extract the plugins folder to: .\X-Plane\Aircraft\X-Aviation\CL650\plugins If you like the livery, feel free to leave feedback and if you spot any errors, please do point them out! If you want to use aspects of the livery in your paints you must credit this one or myself & John if it will be public. Enjoy! Side notes: If you want to use aspects of the livery in your paints you must credit this one or myself & John if your will be publicly downloaded. If you like the livery, feel free to leave some feedback and if you spot any errors, please do point them out! Matteo & John
    3 points
  2. View File Hot Start Challenger 650 NetJets Livery This repaint is made for the payware Challenger 650 by Hotstart. This paint was taken from a variety of close-up photos of the aircraft. Installation: To install, just extract the liveries file to: .......\X-Plane 11\Aircraft\X-Aviation\CL650\liveries Optional if you want netjets specific extra's extract plugins folder content to: (WARNING IT WILL AFFECT ALL LIVERIES, BACKUP THE FOLDER OTHERWISE A FRESH REINSTALL WILL BE NEEDED TO REVERT) .......\X-Plane 11\Aircraft\X-Aviation\CL650\plugins Start the simulator and enjoy!! Side notes: If you have any issues missing the QS, on the FMS on the Tuning page 2 you can add the QS in Flight-ID If you want to use aspects of the livery in your paints you must credit this one or myself & John if your will be publicly downloaded. If you like the livery, feel free to leave some feedback and if you spot any errors, please do point them out! Matteo & John Submitter pilot_matt Submitted 01/11/2022 Category Hot Start Challenger 650 Livery For https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-hot-start-challenger-650-p-212?osCsid=redmukm7he79lo2ou63juv11s1  
    3 points
  3. I'm hoping to have it out by midnight Friday 14th GMT+10. This will give everyone a weekend update and hopefully "peak enjoyment".
    2 points
  4. Might want to think about replacing or re-charging the cockpit fire extinguisher. No-go item
    2 points
  5. Please do not redistribute our cockpit object file, or any other files in the CL650. The obj files undergo constant changes through updates. Please, just post the self made vrconfig file, with instructions on how to implement it. I don't have any issues about vrconfig files being created, as long as there is a disclaimer stating that the file is not officially supported by X-Aviation, Hot Start or LES. If you want to modify the cockpit object file, please contact me directly, either though these forums or on discord, and I'm happy to work with you to help create one. If I have it in my blend file, I can export it with each update, so your one doesn't get overwritten. The very first update will have major changes to the cockpit object file.
    2 points
  6. Hello, Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I have reproduced this behaviour on my system and will log for fixing. Kind regards,
    2 points
  7. LINK HERE Note: aircraft name is clipped to 12 characters for custom airframes, sadly (limit does not apply to default profiles). Fixed by SimBrief Based on the already-accurate default CL60, with the following adjustments: equipment codes and extra flight plan remarks kindly provided by Graeme_77 here: OEW/BOW updated to match the Hot Start airframe without passengers (12,315 -> 12,556kg, includes two pilots) passenger weights updated to somewhat more closely match the randomized weights as simulated, going with 74+15kg so you can still carry 5 passengers+luggage and full fuel at MTOW if you are flying Kim Dotcom around (supposedly ~141kg or thereabouts), sorry, you will have to make adjustments, or just count him as two passengers see below for more information: Don't forget to add extra crew (anything above the two included in OEW) as passengers when planning your flight! Cheers, Tim
    2 points
  8. Can anybody tell me what this yellow "arc" showing on my left wing is (Flight controls). Thanks
    1 point
  9. Doesn't look like there is one yet. Use case: programmatically bind joystick hat switch to trims (seated) or walking mode movements (when walking). Right now I'll probably try to go with a condition where trim is operative vs. not, but the requested dataref would make this easier maybe? Regards, Tim
    1 point
  10. The Challenger 650 does not have FADEC, but there are engine controls and mechanical systems in place that affect how your lever position controls the engine. The most common issue seen reported with the simulation is the engines are not making "full power", or rather not achieving the rating on the N1 EICAS display. The reason for this is the engine has an N2 limit which varies based on total air temperature, which depends on aircraft speed and temperature. The TAT is shown on the PFD left side datablock, Don't climb at too low an indicated airspeed or mach, and keep an eye on the TAT. This chart shows what's going on, and will also included in the Operations Reference Document when possible. Keep i mind the chart shows Corrected N2, but gives you an idea of what is actually going on.
    1 point
  11. What does this system do? Can't seem to find an explanation of this
    1 point
  12. Hello Everyone, I think I set up everything for the approach, but for some reason I'm getting a NO APPR error on the PFD and the plane would not pick up and follow the LOC and GS. Am I missing something? According to the FMS guide it should be automatic. B the way, where can I find the Quickstart guide? In the documents forlder I have 5 PDFs neither of them is a QS. Thanks in advance
    1 point
  13. Edit: SimBrief now has added MACH 0.74 and MACH 0.72 cruise profiles to their CL60 profile, so the discussion below is mostly irrelevant now. I've requested that SimBrief add an LRC cruise schedule to their CL60 profile if possible, to make it easier to plan range-topping missions such as London to New York westbound: https://forum.navigraph.com/t/cl60-cruise-schedules/7076 In the meantime, the most economical profile available is MACH 0.77. For those who have access to the actual fuel tables for the CL60, is there a way the LRC cruise could be expressed as a fuel factor relative to MACH 0.77 cruise, let's say over a ~3,500-3,600nm air distance? SimBrief's fuel factor will also apply to climb and descent, but over longer ranges this matters somewhat less. I guess, for planning purposes, we would have: a fuel factor that applies to a specific air distance we would scale said fuel factor based on actual air distance (either linearly or using another recommended method) Regards, Tim
    1 point
  14. If it happens again, I'll try my best to give steps to reproduce, but I'm honestly not sure how I did this. The only way I can reproduce this is to manually set a PCU jam failure and reset that failure through the failure menu. I restarted X-Plane and that removed the CAS message associated with the failure menu, but not the indications on the synoptics page. To remove the entirety of the failure (CAS and amber synoptics), I had to shut down the aircraft fully, removing AC and DC power. Once I powered on the aircraft again, I had normal indications on the flight controls synoptics page.
    1 point
  15. With the help of severniae, the VR config file has been modified to allow for better VR manipulation of switches, knobs and a few additional hot spots. I have attached the updated VR config file to drop into your CL650 aircraft folder. Should you want to have the pressure manual alt 3 way switch to work properly in VR (overhead panel top right of the aircraft red switch), You will need to go into the Cockpit OBJ file and change the following. locate the similar text and replace it with the one provided here. (The x/y/z was changed a bit to allow for the proper manipulation) ATTR_manip_command_axis hand 0 -0.050000001 0 CL650/overhead/press/man/alt_up CL650/overhead/press/man/alt_down Manual Altitude Select. If you don't do this, you will get a VR config file error, but it won't impact anything. You can just click understood and keep it moving. Please note the DISCLAIMER, the file is not officially supported by X-Aviation, Hot Start or LES CL650_vrconfig.txt
    1 point
  16. Hello, This is a known issue and is slated for fix. Thanks
    1 point
  17. We do not need further reports of this, as it's been discussed above already. This topic is locked for the time being.
    1 point
  18. This plane does that - so usually about a minute out, you get the TOD 'ding' followed by the VPATH notification with the pink VPATH diamond. At the same time, the thrust reduces and the plane pitches down to follow the path (again, honouring any ALT and SPD restrictions). I'm pretty sure you could fly it almost down to the threshold like this, although I don't think it will land itself!
    1 point
  19. Since we are all trying different things it might be good to compare two different files. I develop on Linux but fly VR on Windows so was looking for something similar to what I use on Linux. I use Notebook++ to look at files on Windows and found that there is a plugin for it called compare that seems to do what I was looking for. Hope this help in our quest to make this a even better VR aircraft.
    1 point
  20. Hi! I'm not familiar with the plugin itself, but I believe this is due to the aircraft using a fully custom electrical system, and therefore not setting the expected data refs to indicate the avionics are powered. This has been logged and is being worked on
    1 point
  21. Hi Ed! Thanks for the report. I believe your issue was that you entered "5000A" -- "at or above 5000ft". Therefore, the VNAV solver starts at your most restrictive constraint (the @2100ft one for CF27), then projects the 3° profile back. 5000A doesn't require the solver to put you at 5000ft, but anywhere above that, so it won't show in the VNAV window, because VNAV is not aiming for 5000ft, just checking that whatever profile it comes up with passes SUM above 5000ft. If you want to make sure that VNAV gets to SUM at 5000ft, you can just enter "5000" as the constraint, and once you do so it will show up in the VNAV window. I hope that makes sense!
    1 point
  22. In non-persistent mode there’s no FBO to tell how many pax there are so you use the X-Plane weight & balance interface to set the payload (and only payload, don’t touch fuel!). In real life you don’t magic people into existence by typing into the FMS so you don’t in this simulation either.
    1 point
  23. With the approval to distribute, the attached OBJ file has been modified to be used to help allow for Yoke Manipulation. Please note the DISCLAIMER, the file is not officially supported by X-Aviation, Hot Start or LES. I have also included the VR config file that you can adjust to your liking if needed. If you are unfamiliar with how to use the file, download the obj file and drop it into the CL650 object folder and overwrite. You can then drop the VR config txt file into the CL650 aircraft file and you'll be all set. CL650_cockpit.obj CL650_vrconfig.txt
    1 point
  24. Hi Goran, No problem. I was unaware I could not redistribute the OBJ file as I figured it was only an OBJ file and not the whole plane or information. I only distributed the OBJ file to help any VR users on a quick fix (before an update) to allow for yoke manipulation. I didn't add any files, I only made some wording changes to allow for a proper VR config file to be created so as to not have a crash when loading the plane. I ran into that issue a few times. I don't normally post anything, but I saw some frustration among VR users and figured I could quickly help for the short time being when I figured it out myself. If in the future I need to make some changes and want to help fellow VR users, I will reach out to you directly before considering distribution. I understand there will be updates and I'm sure all the kinks will be worked out. I have several of your products and the VR work is very nice after some time. If in the future you guys need any beta testers for VR in an aircraft, please let me know and I will be glad to help as best I can. Have a great one!
    1 point
  25. In order for the test to be completed successfully, cowl anti-ice needs to be on.
    1 point
  26. “That's understandable. If the product doesn't suit the kind of simulation you are interested in then it's great there are other addons that suit your needs better. Simulation isn't a game of "collect them all" - some products fit some people, others don't, and it's great to have variety. Regarding the failure system, some of the testers and consultants have been working on training scenarios, including handling notes and extracts from the abnormal procedures for the aircraft. The intention is to develop this over the life of the product to use the failure system to train sim pilots on Challenger 650 operation, just like real life pilots are trained at recurrent simulator visits“ …Graeme_77….I’ve probably failed to express myself correctly. Please accept my apologies for that. The fact that you had “testers and consultants “ that helped HOT START develop this add on “by the book” it is simply no doubt!….Anyway look at “BlackBird_GR “ answer. That is what I ( tried..) to get. I only asked some ( legal..) way to give us customers a way to put our hands on some sort of FCOM/Manuals/QRH. I’m an Airline Pilot and I don’t care flying a single engine approach or dealing with loss of Hydraulic system simply “guessing “ or trying to “figure out” the solution. The only approach I have to the so called “abnormal/emergency scenarios “ is through the study-interpretation of the books/manuals. And I don’t care if such books are current or experied. I simply need something to rely on when dealing with an Emergency…..anyway BlackBird_GR has already answers and sorted out the whole tread.So it is no point discuss this thread any further. Anyway please understand that I allow myself to criticize you only because I know you’re the best decelopers for XPlane so far. Rest assured thanks for this amazing add on please keep updating this amazing aircraft:-)
    1 point
  27. Uploaded a new version as someone brought to my attention the throttle reverser and idle/shutoff bindings were missing from the original. See post above
    1 point
  28. Thanks for your quick reply. Sad they are gone, but in this case I just can’t await the release of XP12 and the according update of the Classic 737.
    1 point
  29. Here's my latest profile. It includes the bindings listed above as well as all of the MCP functions and applicable annunciator lights. A couple notes: The "Auto Pilot" button is only mapped to engage the autopilot. You must map a different button for the disconnects. The "REV" button on the FCP is mapped to VNAV as I find this to be more useful than mapping it to backcourse. None of the toggle switches below the FCP have been mapped. Bravo-CL650-fixed.json
    1 point
  30. Is this the new "my ashtray is full, i need to buy a new car"? Bloody throwaway society...
    1 point
  31. Here's another screen showing a bit later - this is after I put myself in a 2500fpm VS descent. As you can see it's got the 5000' restriction on the PFD but no sign of it in the VNAV window. I'm also going way too fast I realise!
    1 point
  32. "Pressure altitude" is the altitude on a standard pressure setting, i.e. what the altitude would indicate if the QNH was 1013 hPa. https://skybrary.aero/articles/hot-and-high-operations
    1 point
  33. That's understandable. If the product doesn't suit the kind of simulation you are interested in then it's great there are other addons that suit your needs better. Simulation isn't a game of "collect them all" - some products fit some people, others don't, and it's great to have variety. Regarding the failure system, some of the testers and consultants have been working on training scenarios, including handling notes and extracts from the abnormal procedures for the aircraft. The intention is to develop this over the life of the product to use the failure system to train sim pilots on Challenger 650 operation, just like real life pilots are trained at recurrent simulator visits.
    1 point
  34. Is there any way to adjust the volume level of the voices that come with the Challenger 650 (i.e. Jenny and specifically the copilot)? For some reason they are significantly louder than anything else in my game and changing the various mixer levels within X-Plane doesn't seem to do anything. Thanks!
    1 point
  35. Version 1.0.0


    Repaint of N242CK for the Hot Start Challenger 650. Operated by Kalitta Air on behalf of AirMed International, a fee for service air ambulance airline.
    1 point
  36. I had the same problem and I don't know what happened either
    1 point
  37. I put together a little write up here (for people that come across this thread via a search)
    1 point
  38. Nothing anyone has suggested has worked for me, thanks for trying to help. I wish a DEVELOPER OF THIS AIRCRAFT would actually respond to this thread and try to help me out...I understand it is the weekend, but it is very frustrating when there is a bug that I have tested to try to get around a million different ways and still have nothing. It also is very sad to see only the community trying to help each other out on this and no devs have tried helping.
    1 point
  39. Adding screenshots of the above mentioned dark refueling panel. I dont use any Shaders or similar plugins.
    1 point
  40. Thank you for the reply, I wouldn't look down on someone reporting things and keep them as simple sim pilots. I have flown sims for 20 years and professionally in real life over 10. None on the aircraft that I've flown IRL doesn't behave like that. None. FD shouldn't be part of pilots movements but the other way around to be were APFD-system wants it to. I haven't flown with ProLine21A plane but I highly doubt that it should work like that.
    1 point
  41. View File Hot Start - Challenger 650 - Bombardier House Livery This is the Bombardier House livery for the Challenger 650 by Hotstart. The reg use is the C-GZKL. Some details are missing, see it as a WIP. Happy Landings Submitter Meilstroms Submitted 01/09/2022 Category Hot Start Challenger 650 Livery For https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-hot-start-challenger-650-p-212  
    1 point
  42. Have any, and are any devs going to comment and help those with this issue out? I spent $120 on a module that I had very high hopes for and I can't even move it anywhere without having an issue. I have talked to countless people that had a NWS issue and none of them have had this problem to this extent. I have reinstalled and tried everything possible from recalibrating my joystick, and doing everything that @amyinorbit instructed and still got nothing. I really wish someone who worked on this plane could provide further guidance because this product is very useless to me if I can't move it from the ramp area.
    1 point
  43. If you bind CL650/checklist/prev_checklist you can go back in the checklists and find Quick Turn Checklist. It doesn't have custom audio implemented yet, that's a known issue.
    1 point
  44. Thanks for posting these. All issues are known and will be fixed soon.
    1 point
  45. Hi Chroode, Here's the buttons
    1 point
  46. The aircraft developer can't really create a workaround for that, that's an issue within the driver. I'm dev on the FJS Q400 and the "fix" we have is more of a placebo, it works in some cases but makes things worse in others. I know it's not a satisfying answer, I'm sorry for that, but until AMD decides to do something about it there's not much for the team to do.
    1 point
  47. Yes they are, and we should have put them in the Operations Reference doc. Sorry about that. PBN/A1L1B1C1D1O1S2T1 M-SBDE1E2E3FGHIJ1J4J5J7M3RWXYZ/LB1V1D1
    1 point
  48. Honeycomb Alpha? Saitek Switch Panels? In both cases make sure the avionics switch is on. Please let me know if this helps.
    1 point
  49. Before this turns into another FS vs XP thread, I'll say we've got the FS2020 SDK, and we know what is going into it. And that's where our information will stop. All I want to say about this is that FS2020 is a flight sim. X-Plane is a flight sim. Both have lived and grown alongside each other for the better part of 2-3 decades. MSFS development has stopped once or twice in those 20-30 years, but it has never had an effect on X-Plane to the extent of "Laminar will go out of business." Use whatever you want to use. It's up to Laminar and the X-Plane developers to keep people interested in X-Plane to the point where the community will show enough interest in it to keep using it. We all have our own, individual preferences. And rightly so. Let the products speak for themselves.
    1 point
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