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Captains, We are pleased to offer you a free upgrade to version 1.0.2 of the IXEG 737 Classic! Just like with our previous update, we will use the HotFix upgrade system here. Rather than going and re-downloading an entire aircraft package, or having to go through a full re-install process, we will be offering more immediate code changes through this delivery method. In short, it's quick, easy, and kind of fun! Please read below how to install this update! But first, here's what's in it... Version 1.0.2 introduces the following fixes: Solves issue where cockpit windows would not open under certain conditions when they should Entry of high ZFW numbers now accepted and fixed Solves issue where FMC weight entry got changed between kg/lb Fixes an issue where N1 Limit was not going to CRZ during VNAV cruise Clicking on FMC after pulling up MENU now displays INIT REF page Packs now adjustable by a sound slider Vertical Speed Indicator now works in replay mode Strobe lights now work in replay mode Engine fire handles no longer cause soft crash Blinding effect now removed. We will re-consider our approach on this later Fixes soft crash when adding a STAR on right side CDU Fixes soft crash when deleting a "disco" twice while in plan mode Adjusted checklist legibility in dark lit scenarios Solves an issue where Navigraph data cycle information was not displayed correctly Light test fixed to work fully in cold and dark Solves issue where spoilers would come up on touchdown even when not armed LOC and GS flags dont display anymore when station still out of range, instead the deviation pointers are removed from the scales Protection against some soft crashes happening just before touchdown. Removed a way to skip the alignment time of the IRS unit Waypoint altitude speed restriction entry overhaul Swaps inverted the key commands for spoilers To upgrade your aircraft to version 1.0.2 please follow the below steps: Open X-Plane and the 737 Classic as your aircraft In the X-Plane menu bar at top, select Plugins > Gizmo64 > Windows > HotFix You will be asked to enter in your HotFix ID. Copy and paste in the following: 3910e80e1a40dc6b3875d00d95333488 Click 'Update' Once it has downloaded and installed, click 'Reboot' and you'll be done! Thank you for all of your support! Blue Skies, X-Aviation6 points
5 points
I'm happy to announce the release of v1.0 of the Let L-410 for X-Plane 10.45+ with 3D cockpit. After nearly 6 years of bumpy development and a long beta testing phase, the Let L-410 is here. This is the point where I say "stop" for v1.0. You never really can finish a plane. Still, there are awful lots of things to do. But let's leave those for v2.0 You can download the plane from http://x-plane.hu/L-410/ FEATURES: Detailed 3D cockpit Built-in Garmin GPS Realistic engine and flight model (~95% matching real data) Instrument and cockpit lighting Yoke can be hidden Basic anti and de-ice system Custom engine sounds Custom engine startup Checklist for XCheclist All basic instruments are working, you can either fly RNAV with Garmin or NON-RNAV (VOR2VOR) flights with the NAV instruments. Bugfixes, of course, will come after release, so I'll keep updating this version. PROMO VIDEO https://youtu.be/ZEpOkoPd9t8 TUTORIAL FLIGHT https://youtu.be/XihlwN_t610 THANKS I’d like to thank all the support and feedback I got from various people while developing this plane. The project took a long time to finish - with breaks - but it worth every minute. I’d like to thank Imre Kurucz, Attila Kotan, and Tibor Kokai for the images, videos and the support they gave since the beginning. There are a lot more people who gave inspiration and encouragement to finish the Let L-410, cannot name them specifically, but sometimes their word gave me the last push. Big thanks to the beta testing team: Tamas Eibel, Karoly Molnar, Lars N. and Gyorgy Buki CONTACT Follow the further development at http://bit.ly/1VUCwvj You can post your feedback here at the forum, or send me an email to mihaly.alberti [at] x-plane.hu Twitter: @xplanehu4 points
2019-08-02: An update for SmartCo 3.0.0 2017/08/25 A little update for BetterPushback 0.44 and above 2017/07/22 skiselkov did a hard work to give us his BetterPushback smartcopilot compatible. Please, read the readme. Tested with X Plane 11 and the 1.2 release. It's here as usual: https://sky4crew.com/download/ 2017/07/01 Only tested with X Plane 10, and the new plugin (2.07) https://sky4crew.com/download/ Fixed a bug with throttle. Tfc buttons synchronized. seats are synch. We can go to the toilets. A new one, cabin door, (but no joy with cargo), Winglets, gauges, eyebrow Master only: Ground Services tab, can (and must) set fuel, payload and CG. No more flicker with buttons and knobs spring loaded (APU switch, rudder trim knob, fire test ...........) standby altimeter As before, nothing to do with the guards, Init Pos by captain only). Waiting for a fix, you can use EZ Pushback (By master) If you are newbie with smartco, read the readme.3 points
Two hot-fixes in one week..... what great service and commitment. You know, it's not just the aircraft (which on it's own is amazing), and/or XP; it's this crew and their support and dedication to the product that really add tremendous value. You guys have raised the bar! Bruce.3 points
3 points
Found this while searching for FCOMs and other PDFs for the -300 http://www.boeing.com/commercial/aeromagazine/articles/qtr_02_10/pdfs/AERO_FuelConsSeries.pdf Great article on cost indexes direct from Boeing... Steve3 points
I think he's allowed to be excited about the IXEG product in the IXEG forums. We need to steer clear of "what developer did this first" type of talk, please. No need for such type of debates in here. This isn't a 757, 767, or 777 after all.3 points
I asked this recently and yes, the latest hotfix will also include all the previous ones.2 points
All I can say it's BIG THANK YOU!!!! It's a pleasure flying this plane. I have a mid11 Imac 2,70 ghz, 16 gb ram and only a ATI Radeon 512 mb and I can fly at 20 FPS!!! the only thing is I have to fly in reduced window mode (not full screen) and mid settings, but holy cow... it goes flawlessly!!!!!2 points
2 points
Great info Steve, thanks for this. I worked in flight planning before I went flying and found that on the Classic a cost index over 100 would just burn more fuel and save you pretty much no time. I found CI 70 to be a good figure if you are running late and want to make up time. Also a CI over 100 puts your speeds right up next to the VMO/MMO and can be very dangerous in even smooth but variable winds in flight. Our company sometimes tries to give us a CI of 150 and doesn't really think of what this will command from the aircraft, and how close to the margins it puts us. As airmen we will reduce our speeds as appropriate to give ourselves a margin of safety, This prevents us having to fill out an "air safety report" for over-speeding :-). Shifty2 points
Don't forget the fantastic KAVX scenery! Although you probably don't want to go there in the 733 I would pick a GA aircraft friom KLAX during a break.2 points
IXEG 737-300 British Airways Landor View File British Airways Landor For The IXEG Boeing 737-300 This Livery was used for nearly 15 years Enjoy the Repaint ! Emma Bentley x Submitter EmmaBentley Submitted 04/26/2016 Category Heavy Metal Livery For Click Here For Aircraft X-Plane Version(s)2 points
2 points
As a self-proclaimed sound professional for flight simulators, you should also know the air density, temperature, and more variables plays into this. You simply adding growl at some earlier stage is not going to be accurate. What I'm telling you is you're contradicting the advice and expertise of real professionals intimate with the aircraft. All that aside, sound is subjective. I've heard your sound packs before, so hearing you say it needs to be made better makes me drop my jaw just a little bit. I could easily tell you I feel your sound packs should be improved and corrected too! In the end, I ask that you please not make the IXEG forum area a promotional hotspot for some creation to place money in your pocket. We've got a ways to go yet for that!2 points
The CG is not given in the ground service pop up menu, but has to be set (default is 20% MAC). I think HerrSchwarz's question is more pointing at "what CG would be realsitic for a GW of X tons". To illustrate that, I have emptied the aircraft of all payload and fuel to demonstrate that the CG still points at 20% (unless you change it - cf attached screenshots). If I remember correctly, this was already discussed during development phase - there's a thread about load mgmt somewhere, concluding that IXEG will not take care of the load management, since this is normally not the pilot's job. Remains the (very valid) question what is a good value to set... The CG is not directly depending on the GW. When the aircraft is empty (no fuel, no PAX, no cargo) it does have a distinct EW and CG (which is individual per aircraft, not by type, so usually you get this information alongside with the aircraft from the manufacturer). Adding fuel normally changes this in a characteristic way (since fuel is normally always distributed the same way when fuelling - wing tanks first and balanced, then center tank). So fuelling to an amount of x kgs should always result in the same CG (as long as there's no other payload). As soon as you change the ZFW (i. e. add PAX or cargo), the story starts becoming interesting: normally the CG impact is calculated based on seat row population and assignment of cargo to the FWD and AFT cargo compartments. Since you don't have most of this information (neither the neutral CG, nor the fuelling impact nor the redistribution of PAX and cargo), you cannot calculate the correct CG (even if you have a load mgmt software for a 733 at hand), you can only set the CG to something convenient. Something resulting in a TO trim of between 2 and 5 (i. e. valid TO trim range) is technically ok - just keep in mind that the CG is travelling forwards during flight (fuel is being stored behind the CG), so if you already take off with a very low CG (e. g. 4%) you will have a very "heavy nose" on flare... The proposed standard value (20%) is well chosen by IXEG - althoug you will rarely have such a nicely balanced aircraft, this hits quite the middle of the allowed TO trim range.2 points
1 point
1 point
Hi Lena, I think it should also be noted that the POS INIT page doesnt yet work on the right CDU - its slated for fixing soon, though. The default view position is set up for the Captain´s head position - but you can easily set views up for the FO side (using X-Plane´s quickview system) and also use our IXEG view system (it has a FO preset), and also alter and save those views. So in conclusion, there is really not much to get into the way of your virtual carreed as 737 FO . Happy landings, Jan1 point
It looks like with this update the IXEG 737 is really ready to fly with pounds instead of kilograms, which is good for my US-based birds. The only thing is it still shows "kgs" on the fuel dials, even when I am set to use imperial units. Is there still something on the to-do list to make those readouts reflect the units that are in use (in the real bird do the "kgs" lights just turn off if configured for imperial, or do they get replaced with "lbs" lights?). But while I'm here, I'll take the opportunity to say what an amazing job you've done and how much I love the plane! I've only ever dipped my feet in X-Plane before but as a PMDG/RealAir/Majestic guy I was never satisfied with the (lack of) perfection of X-Plane aircraft. You guys have definitely cleared that bar with the 737 Classic! Thank you!1 point
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1 point
those curves are giving me a hard time... not an expert, so I'll try my best. time for flying.. hehe.. anyway this one will be up tomorrow.1 point
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1 point
Fantastic news. Thank you for all the time and work invested in this airframe and I am really looking forward to fly it soon...1 point
1 point
DBA livery Boeing 733 IXEG View File DBA livery for the IXEG Boeing 737-300 Reg: D-ADII Submitter Niilo Submitted 04/29/2016 Category Heavy Metal Livery For Click Here For Aircraft X-Plane Version(s)1 point
You are AMAZING!!! thanks so much dude!, i just have one question not trying to be nit picky but..are you going to paint the winglits with the southwest logo? i know its still WIP so just asking..again thank you so much! and heres a Ref pic if you need it1 point
Is she a new beta tester? That's how you can catch even the most unexpected bugs!! [emoji6]1 point
1 point
....crazy i am looking out the cockpit window to the engine and what do i see at this windy day: in addition to this Topsimulation they have added Windmilling and that in relation to the windgust you can hear .....crazy1 point
1 point
IXEG 737-300 American Airlines N674AA View File Old American Airlines livery for the IXEG 737-300. No winglets as N674AA did not have them. More liveries @ https://www.facebook.com/krankyliveries Submitter kranky65 Submitted 04/28/2016 Category Heavy Metal Livery For Click Here For Aircraft X-Plane Version(s)1 point
IXEG 737-300 SouthWest N315SW View File Canyon Blue SouthWest livery for the IXEG 737-300. No winglets because N315SW did not have them. find more liveries @ https://www.facebook.com/krankyliveries Submitter kranky65 Submitted 04/28/2016 Category Heavy Metal Livery For Click Here For Aircraft X-Plane Version(s)1 point
Transbrasil PT-TEJ for IXEG Boeing 737-300 View File Transbrasil repaint for the amazing 737-300 model from IXEG! Transbrasil reg, PT-TEJ. I hope you like it! Submitter fscabral Submitted 04/28/2016 Category IXEG 737 Classic Livery For Click Here For Aircraft X-Plane Version(s)1 point
1 point
Based on my experience here, x-aviation have done a very good job with their customers. Just look in the support forums in here and facebook pages, and you will see that their relations are very good!1 point
Were you just schooling me about professionalism with a response like this? If you'd like to discuss some ad space please contact me. I'm sorry, but I just don't "buy" a self-proclaimed sound professional who has the obvious intention to sell sound packs to come in here and do anything but knock the sounds. It's in your better interests to do just that and pad your pockets. As much as you want to knock me, that respect you're talking about goes both ways my friend. I've got thousands of posts here, and plenty helpful. You're 5 posts in and already have an attitude. Leave it at the doorstep next time, please.1 point
We don't have any kind of estimates for release yet, but it is very close. It's quite a significant update.1 point
He is not the only one "Extremely Pleased" I have stopped using "Prepar3d Who"1 point
1 point
when you open the aircraft menus on the left, or pressing IDENT on the FMC says 1.0 or 1.0.1? if 1.0 then you need to pull up the email from x-aviation it contains the instructions to install the HFIX1 point
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1 point
The growl comes when the fan blade tip speed goes supersonic. In other words, the bigger diameter N1 and and higher rpm the more growl. On the Classic CFM56-3 it starts about N1 90%+ I think, so you will not hear it very often in real.1 point
Please implement EVERYTHING ELSE on the list before even thinking about adding wing flex.1 point
1 point
I've been working on a plugin for the CRJ-200 which simulates the co-pilot, flight attendant, ground crew and passengers in a realistic way. For now it's only for the CRJ-200 (my favorite plane) but other popular planes should follow. A few features : - Fully voiced co-pilot, flight attendant, public announcements and even ground crew. All done by professional voice actors. - Fully voiced, realistic and dynamic checklists for the CRJ-200. And the co-pilot will perform its duties during landing/take-off. It's like a light (but still very realistic) version of FS2Crew. - Generate a dispatch sheet with a realistic schedule, Fuel/CG/VSpeeds calculations, METAR data etc. - Flight scoring and passengers reactions (like in the excellent FSX plugin FSPassengers). Your passengers will react if you perform dangerous maneuvers, applaud your nice landing but won't be happy if you don't follow the announced schedule. - Fully customizable flights (origin/destination, passengers, cargo etc). Each flight can be logged in HTML format. - You can even order a coffee from the flight attendant while cruising. Yup, it took me two days to code this, i regret nothing. If you enjoy the CRJ-200 and flying in a realistic way, I think you will love this plugin.1 point