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Hi Captains!, We thought you'd like to see more shots of what SkyMaxx Pro v4 is bringing to the table. Our beta test group has been giving us great feedback and taking many pics for us to share. These are just a few of our favorites today! Thanks to @Yidahoo and @Attitude for taking these during their beta test experience!10 points
3 points
Thanks for the kind words! Pricing remains the same at $39.95, and all v3 customers receive a 50% discount.3 points
Marshall explains how to temporary overcome a couple of these things in his latest video. (all his videos are excellent btw )3 points
Hey guys just a basic "presentation" highlighting some of the key features that will be available in V4, more will be announced as a release draws closer......2 points
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We have never released a major update in less than a years time. I guess I should go to Adobe and Apple for their iPhone upgrade practices too! Shame on us bad companies for making a living and providing you with improvements at 50% the cost!2 points
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Without SMP my XP11 fps drop drastically, with it keeps running fine. This being said I cannot live without and I'm eagerly waiting for v4.2 points
3x no for me. I use FLCH or VS 99% of the time. Not because VNAV in most addon planes still needs some refinement, I just don't like to leave everything to the FMC.2 points
After playing with X-Plane 11 for a few days I came back to X-Plane 10/SkyMaxx because the clouds look awful without SkyMaxx.1 point
OK, considering your name and your user group Maxx-XP I suppose you are a developer for SMP. Why is it that some developers publishing for or within X-Aviation tend to give defiant answers? Customers will assume that you are just arrogant, which I believe (or atleast hope) isn't true. I kept quiet when Ben announced to discard his plans for releasing on linux because of a lonely troll, but this time I gotta speak up. Yes there are customers who are trolls, yes there are customers who ask the same annoying question over and over again, and yes there are ****heads, but you know what? Who cares? After all you want to sell your products, so be polite and treat your paying customers with respect, no matter how annoyed you are. Think before you post! When there are people asking the same question over and over again just create a polite and respectful template snippet that you can throw at them. As a customer I feel quite offended by statements like the one from JohnMAXX and it leaves a bad taste. Just be professional, I know this might be hard sometimes, but it's worth it. The comment of Cameron is perfectly fine, polite and respectful, why not go with such answers? Best regards, BaBene1 point
1 point
Having been in this market for over ten years in going to tell you that what looks good to you looks horrible to others. On the contrary, what looks horrible to you will look amazing to others. We face this battle with customers all the time. In the end, SkyMaxx Pro v4 is the result of listening to our vocal customer base. I'm sorry if it doesn't appeal to you, but we do hope it appeals to majority...it's certainly seeming so. Thanks for chiming in though, Rob!1 point
Haha, it's funny, because the few he talked down are the ones I liked the most!1 point
this is an amazing "Fine Art " Sky. Great work , congratulations.1 point
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Ah! Received the email and thought it was the release announcement! Anyway amazing screenshots! Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk1 point
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It is sad to make comparisons and even more when what you compare is the work of people, but it is human condition. And the truth, that beyond being screenshots, behind them is a way of working and a quality of product. So for me there is no color. Congratulations Sundog team1 point
Looks amazing. Thanks for all the dedicated, ongoing development!1 point
That really looks nice.. Thanks to all the team, excellent work. Alex1 point
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Looks great. Will continue to support SkyMaxx Pro for sure.1 point
Also, I hope you wont price it at a god damn eye watering $70 (Jesus!!!!)1 point
Looking forward to this - I had a look at the early videos and reviews of xEnviro (the obvious new competitor) and SkyMaxx is just smashing that out of the ballpark, I have to be honest...1 point
We are fully compatible with X-Plane 11 already. Laminar provided us some early access in the SMP 4 development phase to get a head start on that, so on day one of release we will be both X-Plane 10 and 11 compatible. There is code in SkyMaxx Pro v4 which will auto-detect which version of X-Plane you are using and apply the appropriate code within the plugin to that platform.1 point
Aeromexico (Current) XP11 default 737-800 View File AeroMexico Current livery for X-Plane's default 737-800 Submitter scubajuan_new Submitted 12/03/2016 Category Liveries Livery For Click Here For Aircraft X-Plane Version(s)1 point
VNAV works ok for basic flights - it starts having issues when the vertical parameters are getting complicated, like many speed and/or altitude restrictions... We plan to overhaul and improve on that in the future. 1.1 will not have any fixes regarding VNAV, beyond curing whatever gizmo-soft-crashes were caused by it. Jan1 point
We are not far from release time. I'll be sure to keep people updated.1 point
1 point
XP11 with dataref edit: http://www.avsim.com/topic/498866-xp11-haze-quantity-clouds-color-solved/page-11 point
I've never been so entertained by a forum thread. It seems flight simulation is home to some real maniacs! I would love to hear how these people complaining expect the development team to pay their bills whilst providing updates for free. SMP4 is looking great btw. Can't wait to get it up and running with XP11.1 point
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Ben has done so much donating in his 10 years of time with me it's not even funny. The dude is more of a class act than you may realize. SMP2 was $0. Free. The guy that got banned from Blue Sky Star in this thread joins a very small list of people banned in the last eight years. If we censored his post would be gone..it's not. But, his type of behavior is repeated from a few months ago. It was time to administrate and not moderate this time.1 point
My post was to point out that I DO NOT have mountains of money. Your rant does not even deserve to be addressed. You have no idea how tempting it is to say "fuck it" and walk away every time an idiot likes you comes in hurling abuse.1 point
Exactly. It is not my intention to make a critical Skymaxx4, absolutely not! However, I believe that before show the performance of Skymaxx4 must show the True performance in everyday use. The x-plane "common use" includes antialiasing 2x or 4x, and/or complex aircraft (example, Ixeg 737, Carenado, etc). Show 70 fps with Antialiasing Off and Default F22 is not a convincing demonstration.1 point
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This "proof" is not convincing. 70 fps with antialiasing Off and Default F22 not seem "exceptional" value. It is the norm. What will happen with AA 2x or 4x and complex payware aircraft? 70 fps again?1 point
I've seen a lot of people asking for proof of SMP4's framerate with the cloud draw distance cranked all the way up. Mind you, I don't have John's artistic touch, but here are a couple of shots of what's pretty much a worst case scenario - with the framerate display on. Blow 'em up and see for yourself. This is over the Chicago area right now, where there are multiple large, dense cloud layers of different types being fed in from Real Weather Connector. Remember your mileage will vary. Skymaxx Pro usually isn't your performance bottleneck; scenery, your rendering settings, and other addons often are.1 point
I have to say I find Xaviation one of the more friendly developers and look forward to see the V4 product. The product is not a Freeware product and I have no problem with that. The product does enhance xPlane considerably and I will no doubt end up buying the update. I am sure a considerable amount of work goes into the programming and I am am more than happy to pay towards that we all have someone to support.1 point
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Attached is the one I'm using. It's a rather complex setup involving a custom xjoymap script and config, which Xsaitekpanels calls into. This is to provide knob acceleration, so I can spin a knob fast to quickly change its value and then slow down to fine-tune it, just like in the real aircraft. If you don't want to run the custom xjoymap, just replace the xjoymap references in the xsaitekpanels.ini file with the standard commands to change AP settings from X-Plane. Caveats: I've disabled all switchpanel buttons except for the landing gear lever. I find they don't really map that well to the real aircraft. Feel free to reenable them by adding the appropriate lines. Be careful about avionics though, it might mess with the electrics in the aircraft. Also, even if you have the avionics button disabled, you need to keep its knob in the "on" position (and cycle it when you start the sim), otherwise Xsaitekpanels won't turn on any other panel. I've remapped some positions on the multipanel for my convenience. ALT controls right CRS knob and VS controls ALT knob on the MCP. I've changed the TRIM wheel to instead change vertical speed on the MCP, as in the real aircraft. I've changed the REV button on the multipanel to engage LVL CHG, since the 737 classic doesn't have a localizer backcourse roll mode. A/T switch on the multipanel is disabled. The real MCP has this knob on a solenoid that disengages when you press A/T disengage on the throttles. Obviously this can't be done on the multipanel, so I'd rather it doesn't mess with the simulation. ixeg 733 plugins.zip1 point