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IXEG 737 Classic for X-Plane 12 Announcement


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3 hours ago, leinsters said:

I just found out about the upgrade and don't understand why there's a countdown clock ticking down to not being able to avail of the upgrade price? I don't even have XPlane12 but fully intend to reinvest in flight simming when I get back to normal life. Why is X-Aviation / IXEG playing this card when Toliss, Flight Factor, Colimata and others allow for their upgrades whenever the consumer wants?? It stinks of bad customer relations and poor business decisions. Not really sure what X-Aviation and IXEG are afraid of or thinking. I know it's only $15, but it's the principal of the matter. I essentially need to pay $15 for something I don't even use at the moment, so I don't have to pay $84.95 later. Anybody for a free pizza? 

People need to feed there families, he could of done his real job and earned a lot more money, but he chose to stick it out and give us the best 737 classic ever while putting up with the whiners and complainers. Yes they do know what they are in for. You should be happy.

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5 hours ago, leinsters said:

Not really sure what X-Aviation and IXEG are afraid of or thinking

We're thinking "time is money".    My mortgage payments runs on a timeframe...my internet fees...my software subscriptions, my commissions.....special offers in the mail......all time frame limited to encourage folks to act to keep the economic cycle moving.   Time and money is inextricably linked.  Without this principle, no business would survive and we've have no products...no add-ons, no x-plane,  etc.   Who is John Galt anyhow.


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17 hours ago, leinsters said:

I just found out about the upgrade and don't understand why there's a countdown clock ticking down to not being able to avail of the upgrade price? I don't even have XPlane12 but fully intend to reinvest in flight simming when I get back to normal life.

Just so you know, the X-Plane price offered is limited, but it will soon increase (tic...tac...tic...tac):D

Read  Buy It - X-Plane

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On 10/4/2023 at 5:03 PM, Litjan said:

Tom explained it in the recent video he did with Q8pilot - he had to make a decision whether to continue developing the 737 or going down another road in his life to make money.

And he needs to eat now, he can´t go hungry for a few months with people on the fence waiting if they want to maybe update or not ("I want to wait until they put in the holds...").

That is why we nudge people to pay the money now.

That makes sense, thank you for the info that I missed somewhere else on the internet. I'm a fan and supporter of your group, I just hope you do continue development of this aircraft after everyone pays the upgrade fee. I read somewhere that the FMC can't manage holds? not sure if this is the case or not but it's certainly something I would like to see. 

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24 minutes ago, leinsters said:

That makes sense, thank you for the info that I missed somewhere else on the internet. I'm a fan and supporter of your group, I just hope you do continue development of this aircraft after everyone pays the upgrade fee. I read somewhere that the FMC can't manage holds? not sure if this is the case or not but it's certainly something I would like to see. 

I suggest going back and reading the very first post of this thread. :)

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First, I would like to thank the developers of IXEG_737 for a great model, I really liked it.
I have several questions. First, is it possible to display the Primary Flight Display and the Electronic Horizontal Situation Indicator in a separate window. Over time, my eyesight is no longer good, and I feel uncomfortable without such an opportunity.

The second question is whether it is planned to make a manager of fuel, cargo and passenger loading in the FMS in the future.




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Hello Pavel,

currently there is no option to show the displays in separate windows, but there may be in the future. One way to make the appear larger is to get a larger monitor and sit closer to it, that is what I do.

We won´t do the loading and fueling in the FMS, but there will be a new and improved GUI that will allow loading and fueling the plane to your heart´s content - I am working on that with Tom at the moment.

Cheers, Jan

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13 hours ago, CornAddict said:

Have you considered using xtextureextractor? It's great to create popouts on aircraft without such a native function.


I have been using XP not so long ago, about a year, until XP12 I ignored this simulator, although now I am delighted with it.
Although I do scenery development, previously for Prepar3D, now for MSFS, while I'm wary of installing additional plugins for XP12.
I haven't heard of xtextureextractor before. Thanks for the link, I'll definitely read it and maybe try it.

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On 9/17/2023 at 6:20 PM, Cameron said:

It's quite intriguing to observe the range of opinions and interpretations surrounding the release and uptake of X-Plane versions. To set the record straight, X-Plane 12 has seen the most substantial sales of any X-Plane release that Laminar has ever put out. Although I'm unable to share specific numbers, it's essential to base opinions on factual data.

Contrary to some perceptions, X-Plane 11 is largely considered by many in the industry as a platform that has seen its prime. The vast majority of the market has transitioned to X-Plane 12.

Sales of Xplane 12 is one thing. Buying add-ons for it is another thing. The more accurate metric would is how many people use Xplane on daily basis compared to MSFS. ... and then how many people buy add-ons for Xplane compared to MSFS. 

In addition, comparing XP12 sales to XP11 may not be the number you are looking for but sales of XP12 to MSFS would give you more better and accurate idea.

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7 minutes ago, Splash said:

but sales of XP12 to MSFS would give you more better and accurate idea.

I REALLY don´t want this thread to devolve into the same old same old "my sim is better than your sim" discussion.

We X-Plane people don´t care how many copies MSFS sells (maybe a little bit, the more the better since it introduces people to the flightsim genre that might try X-Plane as well later on), we only care about how many copies we sell and if those are enough to cover our cost and make us enough money to keep doing this.

We could make a LOT more money coding some farm game where you can raise pigs or plant barley, but we like making airplanes better.

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8 hours ago, Splash said:

Sales of Xplane 12 is one thing. Buying add-ons for it is another thing.

We respect your opinion and understand where you're coming from. The flight simulation community is diverse and people have strong feelings towards their preferred platforms. You do come off quite bias rather than basing your opinion on factual information (like actual IXEG or other product sales numbers, which we have plenty of data on). Both X-Plane and MSFS offer different experiences, and our internal data does indicate a positive trend for X-Plane 12.

Let's focus on providing the best simulation experience for everyone, regardless of the platform they prefer.

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I currently have XP11 & 12, P3dV5 & ^, and MSFS on computer. Yes i have a lot of drive space mainly M.2. New machine last spring after 5 years with the previous one.

In the not too distant future XP11 and P3dV5 will be removed as more add-ons are available for others.

I like V5 for the aircraft and weather. Wx radar seems to be the best developed on this sim and as a retired Cdn pilot I find for me WX radar adds to the immersion factor. I suspect V6 will end up being just as good. The majestic Dash8 works well and on short final are the Xtreme prototypes Lears and somewhere behind that is the MadDog. Plus for those in Canada there is good add-on scenery from one coast to the other and up into the high arctic. This sim will come together nicely as time goes on.

MSFS....The scenery is great and the add-on selection is very good for both aircraft and scenery. that said for me the aircraft are missing something except for those at the top of the food chain without naming them. WX has gotten much better or time. It's good but for me is missing something.

XP12....After taking a break from XP12 and spending time on the other sims then coming back to it I am blown away by the aircraft available and some of the add-on scenery. If I had to choose only one sim it would probably be XP12. Different strokes for different folks. A couple OEM aircraft are worth mentioning...the Citation 10 is interesting but having never flown one I can't speak to its accuracy but it seems well done on the whole. The other is the King Air C90. The last years of my career were mainly in a gov't office but I was checked out on the 90, yes the one with the gutless -20/21 engines* modelled here, got upwards of 100 hrs/year including annual Level C/D sim training) and when i first fired up the XP11 demo I was really surprised just how well it was done right down to the cockpit being almost identical to the one I flew (eventually upgraded to the G1000 - I did miss the old analog).Add-on aircraft for XP12 are very good.

*Having flown turbine RW in the 70s, 80s I was no stranger to temping out on a warm day and the need to be smooth when extracting max performance available.

XP12 does pretty much everything well and I'm really enjoying it. Quite enjoy this 7370300.


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Getting close to next patch.  As Q8 mentioned, the Preflight menu was a "step back", but I still contend we had to take that step back to take some steps forward.  So in the next patch, the following GUI will be avail on the PREFLIGHT tab.

From this GUI, you'll be able to set the start state as usual (via the RESTART button + checkbox state).  Also the quick "Plan fuel calculator" for quick fuel calcs is back.  For loading fuel, you'll now use a "Aircraft fuel request" panel to add your fuel.  You can hit the 'typical' button, which uses a common fuel config for most short hauls...or the "plan fuel" button, which takes its fuel amount from the "plan fuel calculator" ...or finally, you just move the sliders manually.  Each of these actions constitutes a 'fuel request'.   As fuel is requested, then you will see the amount requested below, along with the estimated time to refuel.  If you have the "real time fueling" pref enabled, then this will be on the order of minutes normally, but if that preference is unchecked, then the estimated time will show only a few seconds.   To actually add the fuel, you hit the 'start fueling' button.  The 'meters' on the right show the requested fuel (red lines) as well as the actual fuel.

The load sheet GUI is used to configure the weight and CG of the aircraft, by adding passengers and cargo and shifting the cargo around.  I don't have passenger shifting atm, they're currently 'well balanced' throughout.  You can drag a slider to add/remove passengers.   There is also a "weight factor" slider, that defaults to one, which represents 'average weights" for humans / baggage"....BUT if you want to overload the plane, or simulate say, a plane full of Sumo wrestlers, then you can up this slider to add some extra "density" to the passenger cabin payload.

There's a pulldown to view the cabin vs. cargo hold.  When viewing the cargo hold,  there'll be two sliders, one for "additional cargo", which is cargo not related to the passengers, which many airlines do carry...and there'll also be a "bias slider", where you can shift cargo between the front/rear holds to adjust the CG range and get the trim units value.  Adjusting the cargo hold loading between front/rear is the preferred way to tweak the CG.

Sorry we had to backtrack a bit before we could get this back in, but hope it helps maintain immersion by not having to go to the default XP menus for fuel and payload. 

Down below is what the cargo sliders look like (more or less...this was a few days back and there's been some slight improvements since then)



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21 hours ago, tkyler said:

Down below is what the cargo sliders look like (more or less...this was a few days back and there's been some slight improvements since then).

You've been busy. :) Looks good. One suggestion that comes to mind immediately; I know some people are going to prefer direct text input for any slider, as in the default interface.


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4 hours ago, Pavel1971 said:

Will a cargo version of the model for XP12 also be in the plans? 

may be, but not for a long time.  This is the same answer given each time this question is asked.  And the video does not show "a cargo version", but rather the "cargo hold" for a passenger version.  Different things.

45 minutes ago, Pils said:

One suggestion that comes to mind immediately; I know some people are going to prefer direct text input for any slider, as in the default interface.

I'm sure you're quite right Pils...and we'll keep that on our 'nice to have' list to be looked at in the future.    Its mostly a space issue atm, given that its integrated into the "main GUI window".   So just a matter of redesign and working it in at some point.


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