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manguras last won the day on April 12 2023

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    FNLU - Luanda Angola

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  1. I couldn't leave to report that the light in the front gallery, even with the cockpit door closed, lets light pass through to the front of the cockpit. 2024-11-15 16-37-49.mp4
  2. I'll try what you suggest and see what happens. Thanks
  3. Despite the significant changes for compatibility with XP12, the airplane remains more pleasant to fly in the XP11. I have noticed many features lost in the Plus version such as the ground effect in flare, rigidity and a lot of sensitivity in taxi, engine parameters in the start sequence, etc... Well we will see what happens next in future updates. 2024-11-15 15-47-19.mp4
  4. I would like to see again the motion effect shock absorbers on the xp12 version 2024-10-24 16-29-29.mp4
  5. To remember the past and current best moments with the classic IXEG and some missing features from the xp11 v xp12 version. Post your best photos and videos here..
  6. I have finished the configuration to use the KLN90B on the MU2 and everything is working fine. Can anyone confirm if this configuration allowed the aircraft to follow the KLN active FPL track?
  7. Hi everyone. I’m doing the 737NG type and had the opportunity to know the 737 300/400/500 pilot training device. It’s loyally beautiful. An authentic legendary classic. Pity not to have the opportunity to fly in the real. I share here with you my emotion and satisfaction. Thanks IXEG for the experience. IMG_1873.mov IMG_1870.mov
  8. Hi IXEG Team. Can you bring back this amazing and realistic effect, when braking the plane the shock absorbers behaviour? 883276915_2024-01-2808-48-19.mp4
  9. Hello @Cameron Thanks for quick response. will try this.
  10. Testing V1.5.2 I have not preference preset menu, load GUI pop up appearing in sim. I'm using x-plane 12.0.8b1
  11. Regarding the wing light.. In my case, I see the wing lit up but the source where the light comes from is as if it were inactive.
  12. Request livery from Trans Air Congo TAC
  13. Thanks IXEG team for the V1.5. In addition to some bugs mentioned, I would like to see the effect of dynamic suspension on the wheels as in XP11. No motion pumping when taxiing, breaks, etc (The suspension is stiff like a car with broken springs). The front gallery light is reflected in the cockpit even with the cabin door closed at night. The taxi, landing light has low intensity and no wing light. Best regards
  14. @paulo Rodrigues Não precisa eliminar o xp11. Caso tenha bastante espaço no seu PC, você pode ter os dois instalado mas precisa adquirir o xp12 visto que são plataformas diferentes ou seja não é possível atualizar de um para o outro.
  15. Friend, find the answer here
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