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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/06/2016 in all areas

  1. Hi guys, I justed wanted to say congrats and thank you for this wonderful addon! You really did a great job! I started flying the 737 classic in FS2002 with the dreamfleet 737 (does anyone remeber? ) and since then I always hoped for a 737 calssic like yours! The atmosphere is unbelievable (the sounds, the lighting, the graphics, the symmetry of the flight deck, the....)! I'm an P3D pilot but I only bought myself Xplane, to be able to enjoy your work. And I have to say that it was the best thing I did for a long time in flight simulation! This bird is going to be heads up with PMDG and Majestic as soon as you implement all stuff you listed. And making a thread where you show all the "shortcomings" of a product is just amazing! Such honesty is really trustworthy and I'm happy to support you and your hard work with spending some money on this airplane. I wish every developer would handle things like that. You're rellay a great role model in this part. All the best, (I have to fly it now ) Julian
    4 points
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Air Europa livery for the IXEG 737 Reg: EC-FUT
    2 points
  3. I think we are quite accustomed to poor simulations, when ixeg simulates not only basic systems but complex systems that runs beyond the pilot on the real thing we see issues everywhere you better watch this
    2 points
  4. Nok Air livery pack -Part 1 for IXEG 737 View File This livery pack include 5 liveries. HS-TDF HS-TDB HS-DDP HS-DDN HS-DDQ Enjoy!!! Submitter MWM Submitted 05/06/2016 Category IXEG 737 Classic Livery For Click Here For Aircraft X-Plane Version(s)
    2 points
  5. After ordering the new handles I played around with settings in X-plane. You don´t need a script if you use Saiteks software and drivers and setup lever 3 with "bands" to output keyboard presses. In X-plane I setup custom keycommands for each flapsetting. No more "14,6" flaps Just make sure to install the drivers from Saitek or else it won´t output keypresses. (I use CTRL+Shift+ "numbers" for each flapsetting. Also, I use "advanced command" in Saiteks software to make sure the lever doesn´t hold the keys for more than a second or less.) Some white electricaltape and a permanent marker to mark the settings on the throttle quadrant. Modded the base to sit a little lower
    2 points
  6. Hi all, Just wanted to say thank you for all the comments on my promo vid for the IXEG 737 Classic. I had a blast making it :-)
    2 points
  7. Won't take quite that long. But it'll be worth the wait. Losing our texture artist was a huge setback, but we're in the final stages of overcoming that. A few changes have been made to the panel. When I'm done with texturing and animating everything on the panel, I'll post a few screenshots of everything working with the code we have in place.
    2 points
  8. Turkish Pegasus Airlines Flight Izmir ( ltbj ) to Istanbul ( ltba )
    2 points
  9. Hanging around at Molokai My FO hanging out of the window (enjoying the view) Check captain missing the flight This runway is short and bumpy! Very funny for approach practicing (I cheated, got there by the Let L-410 ) Just got off - that's something for low GW, flaps 15 and full TO thrust... Molokai showing its rough side Molokai hiding behind SkyMaxx Pro
    2 points
  10. Hi, quick info for EFASS users: The Flightplan-Export plugin for the IXEG is ready. How to install: Start EFASS Click File -> Addon Downloader Double-Click the plugin "Export to IXEG 737" to download it Click away all those messages and restart EFASS Export-Path for flightplans: <X-Plane-Folder>\Aircraft\X-Aviation\IXEG 737 Classic\coroutes Loading the flightplan: Go to the RTE-Page of the FMC and enter the Departure-ICAO and the Destination-ICAO without space into the Co-Rte-Field. Example EDDLDTTA ALWAYS USE THE SAME AIRAC CYCLE FOR EFASS AND THE 737! ALSO THE SAME PUBLISHER (NAVIGRAPH/AEROSOFT). OTHERWISE YOU MAY GET A MESSAGE LIKE "AIRPORTS MISSING" Cheers, Cosmo
    1 point
  11. Just want to say that I'm absolutely STUNNED by the work all of you are doing. The quality and number of repaints is just AMAZING!!!I still havn't seen one livery that looked bad.. Last time I counted a few days ago we had about 100 liveries total, now it's many more - INCREDIBLE! And whats also fun is all the "exotic" ones that you rarely see - some I've never even heard of before. And not to mention all the retro liveries that bring back sooo many memories I thought I'd be up to my ears in livery requests right after release - but don't think I got more than a couple and those you have already have taken care of . So thank you all for helping to keep the legend of this magnificent machine alive for many years to come - Have a great and hopefully "bugfree" weekend everyone
    1 point
  12. Geneve (LSGG) to Genoa (LIMJ). Photo Mesh built using g2xpl with European OSM Data. Come watch a live stream on Twitch here Cheers, Josh
    1 point
  13. watch your IAS target .84, the aircraft is pointing the nose way down to increase its speed to .84. this is a known bug. When you clic FLCH the aircraft should keep its speed and because throttles are retarded to idle it should put the nose down a bit to mantain its present speed. BUT when you press FLCH the speed re-sets to .84 MAC (due to the bug) and the aircraft dives down like crazy trying to reach target speed. edit: forgot to say, workaround is press FLCH and immediately reconfigure IAS target as per your present speed to have a nice FLCH descend rate
    1 point
  14. Speaking of politeness, I think what Ben was getting at was in the same way it's impolite to ask about one's income, it's a similar situation here. The answer directly to your question is: we aren't going to be disclosing sales figures. There's a lot, and we're happy about it, but that's all there is to really say.
    1 point
  15. Air New Zealand Holidays View File Hello to everyone who's enjoying iXEG 737! Air New Zealand HOLIDAYS is ready Hope you like it Submitter Veace Submitted 05/06/2016 Category IXEG 737 Classic Livery For Click Here For Aircraft X-Plane Version(s)
    1 point
  16. Could there be an idea to have these in its own category? Easier to subscibe to, easier to update and follow
    1 point
  17. Gmail auto places it there. This is a new "feature" of theirs. Doesn't sound like you ever have missed any, so I don't see why you should now.
    1 point
  18. probably because of the fact that this bug isnt a crucial one :-)
    1 point
  19. Accept marketing offers or no updates for you, son!
    1 point
  20. Air Europa livery Boeing 733 IXEG View File Air Europa livery for the IXEG 737 Reg: EC-FUT Submitter Niilo Submitted 05/06/2016 Category IXEG 737 Classic Livery For Click Here For Aircraft X-Plane Version(s)
    1 point
  21. Some profiles give wrong fuel calculations. In EFASS menu, go to Aircrafts, online database (cloud). In the search box, just put IXEG, and look for IXEG 737-300 Working Fuel Calculations by a guy named Maturesh (thanks a lot dude) This one works fine for me! BTW if you're not happy with the fuel calculation, for example with the reserve fuel, you can edit the amount. Go to Edit Menu and Customize fuel. Change the values... and good to go!
    1 point
  22. The RNP approaches at PSP require an FMS capable of plotting and following curved RF (radius-to-fix) legs. The FMS in the 737-300 was designed and certified long before RNP RF procedures were implemented. Unless it had extensive avionics upgrades, a real 737-300 would not legally be able to fly any of the RNP approach procedures at PSP, and would likely show similar distortion on the NAV display if it did try to follow the approach course. The only instrument approach legally available to a typical 737-300 at Palm Springs would be the VOR/GPS-B
    1 point
  23. interesting. Yea, the FMS is kicking into descent mode during the calculation, which is why the deviation pointer pops up and the CLB page goes blanks (as it thinks the climb phase is over). Will look into this for sure. -tkyler
    1 point
  24. I'm also interested I have both the Saitek X-52 and the Rudder Pedals. I would like the pedals to work exactly as the pedals of the real aircraft and the Z-axis (yaw) of my X-52 joystick to become the tiller. Is this even possible?
    1 point
  25. lanmancz is partly right: You need the little black placard for both manual and standby operation - not for auto. Flying in manual is an absolute emergency, fallback mode. You want to somehow keep the aircraft pressurized - any movement of the thrust levers will change the influx of air, and you would have to change the position of the outflow valve - try it, it is fully modeled! In standby you will set the CABIN ALT to departure elevation -200, then switch to FLT. During cruise you set the CAB ALT to the suggest value according to your cruising altitude. When descending, you set the CABIN ALT to landing elevation -200. This pretty much mimics what the AUTO mode is doing, too. Jan
    1 point
  26. I think Laminar Research has a done a good job with their scenery gateway idea. For years users have complained about the lack of scenery in X-Plane. Giving the community the tools to create and populate the world with airports was genius. Often simmers will point out how one of the downfalls of XPX is flying into a baron wasteland. Well that's all changing, take a look at some of the work that the community has done so far, and with each new version of XPX more new airports are released. X-Plane's version of a "generic" airport scenery blows away any generic airport in the other simulators. Some of this "generic" work could easily pass for pay ware, and it's actually default. Thanks to those of you out there that are contributing to the X-Plane scenery gateway. Take a look at some of the latest work in Osamah;s latest video below.
    1 point
  27. I would like to know as well.
    1 point
  28. Carenado C90 full size : http://pasteboard.co/Gm13XVo.jpg
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. Madrid to Leon. UHD Spain.
    1 point
  31. Today I did my 30th hour of flight according to my logbook,and only had experienced one problem (but now I know it was caused by consecutive flight), so It´s possible. I don´t know if it's good luck or what,but I'm having the best experience with Xplane I've ever had.
    1 point
  32. I think they will create an update just for you within the next few seconds... :-) Greetings, Sebastian
    1 point
  33. You are wrong, though Jan
    1 point
  34. If I may, I want to input my desire for this to be modelled! I like to record videos doing approaches. What I do typically is take-off, fly straight to the IAF and enter the holding over that waypoint while I prepare and brief for the approach. Without a good way of entering the hold, I won't be able to just let LNAV make me fly in circles over the IAF and be able to forget about it while I install and prepare everything.
    1 point
  35. @Cameron Why would he need to provide an order number to form this opinion? It's a broad statement I know but your request for an order number and revelation about his lack of purchase is not something of interest to anyone reading this thread. If you know he's trolling, lock the thread and just move on.
    1 point
  36. The CG is not given in the ground service pop up menu, but has to be set (default is 20% MAC). I think HerrSchwarz's question is more pointing at "what CG would be realsitic for a GW of X tons". To illustrate that, I have emptied the aircraft of all payload and fuel to demonstrate that the CG still points at 20% (unless you change it - cf attached screenshots). If I remember correctly, this was already discussed during development phase - there's a thread about load mgmt somewhere, concluding that IXEG will not take care of the load management, since this is normally not the pilot's job. Remains the (very valid) question what is a good value to set... The CG is not directly depending on the GW. When the aircraft is empty (no fuel, no PAX, no cargo) it does have a distinct EW and CG (which is individual per aircraft, not by type, so usually you get this information alongside with the aircraft from the manufacturer). Adding fuel normally changes this in a characteristic way (since fuel is normally always distributed the same way when fuelling - wing tanks first and balanced, then center tank). So fuelling to an amount of x kgs should always result in the same CG (as long as there's no other payload). As soon as you change the ZFW (i. e. add PAX or cargo), the story starts becoming interesting: normally the CG impact is calculated based on seat row population and assignment of cargo to the FWD and AFT cargo compartments. Since you don't have most of this information (neither the neutral CG, nor the fuelling impact nor the redistribution of PAX and cargo), you cannot calculate the correct CG (even if you have a load mgmt software for a 733 at hand), you can only set the CG to something convenient. Something resulting in a TO trim of between 2 and 5 (i. e. valid TO trim range) is technically ok - just keep in mind that the CG is travelling forwards during flight (fuel is being stored behind the CG), so if you already take off with a very low CG (e. g. 4%) you will have a very "heavy nose" on flare... The proposed standard value (20%) is well chosen by IXEG - althoug you will rarely have such a nicely balanced aircraft, this hits quite the middle of the allowed TO trim range.
    1 point
  37. Version 0.7.2W


    Real Land Israel is an on going project to populate the country , as real as it could be. A while ago we released V0.7 of this project , however we decided to organize things so that there will be 3 parts of the project: The middle part of the country , the northern one and eventually the southern part. V 0.7W focus is on the middle part mainly to cover all Ben Gurion Intl (LLBG) airport approaches and departures , fully covered with thousands of hand placed custom autogen and hundreds of Land Marks in the area. More over , we included 2 heliports In "Ichilov" and "tel hashomer" hospitals , and a BETA version of Sde Dov (LLSD) which will be enhanced in the future. Eventually , our goal is to cover CVFR routes around the country and also some main local airports. Before Installation - This project should be used with *64BIT* version only due to memory limits in the 32BIT one. - Please remove any scenery for Israel , including the former Version of this project. - Open Scenery X is *required* (The newest version from 30 May 2015!!) : http://www.opensceneryx.com/ - Make sure you have the last stable version of Xplane - (Recommended but not required) Enhanced street lights : - See included documentation for additional recommended enhancements to find the download link for the photoreal. Download Links: Airports: http://www.mediafire.com/download/qbn831pkrcjcpck/Airports.zip Mesh: http://www.mediafire.com/download/370jcugxlw4pr74/IXPT+Israel+Mesh.zip Autogen: http://www.mediafire.com/download/oxa7a3rk7n3zr0g/IXPT+AutogenW.zip Landmarks: http://www.mediafire.com/download/4s36o9s7wfwlke2/IXPT+Israel+Landmarks.zip IXPTeam Library: http://www.mediafire.com/download/u8hyaco06wazfuq/IXPTeam_Library.zip Installation - Download All the present folders - Open every .zip file , and drag it's content to Custom Scnery. - Load Xplane , so that it will automatically add the extensions inside the Scenery_Packs.ini - Quit Xplane and open the Scenery_Packs.ini file and make sure that the order is correct (otherwise you may have many missing buildings) ; SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/IXPT Sde Dov LLSD/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/IXPT Tel Hashomer LLSM/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/IXPT Sourasky LLIC/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/IXPT Israel Landmarks/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/IXPT AutogenW/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/IXPTeam_Library/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/OpenSceneryX/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/IXPT Photoscenery/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/IXPT Israel Mesh/ Performance Please note that this project is meant to be used with modern hardware , just like Xplane when you use it in high settings. Our recommendation is to run this project with HDR ON. The first thing that you should check is your VRAM consumption , focusing on the textures resolution , this project may consume A LOT of video memory. These are our suggestions based on our tests , however it may vary because it's not an accurate science: - If you have a 6GB+ card you can use "Extreme" AND "compress textures to save Vram" OFF - If you have a 4GB+ card you can use "Extreme" AND "compress textures to save Vram" ON - If you have a 2GB+ card you can use "Very High" AND "compress textures to save Vram" OFF - If you have a 1GB+ card you can use "high" AND "compress textures to save Vram" ON If you have less than 1GB of Vram it's not recommended to run this project. Known Issues - Sometimes , even though you didn't exceed your Vram limit , when first loading Xplane frames will go up slowly and then get stuck on ~10FPS. It's NOT a bug in our project , we think it may be related to Xplane itself , however you can wait a couple of minutes to get those lost frames , or you can go to your Rendering settings , change the AA settings , go back to the flight , and then again in your Rendering settings you can go back to your original AA. - Some parts of the ground are censored/pixelated , it's *NOT * a bug. When we will release airports , we will enhance the censored/pixelated areas around them. Before reporting a BUG , please make sure you perfectly followed all the instructions. Credits and supports given by other developers - Tomer Haim for some of the landmarks that were converted from an existing MSFS scenery - Israeli Scenery Projects team for some of the landmarks that were converted from an existing MSFS scenery - Niv Tesler for some of the landmarks that were converted from an existing MSFS scenery - Bar Rodoy for some of the landmarks that were converted from an existing MSFS scenery - FlyByGuy for his wonderful objects that he is uploading every day - This project is done by Israeli Xplane Team (IXPT) Our next projects - Real Land Israel 08W - Another airport in the country Pictures: https://www.flickr.com/photos/105003633@N02/sets/72157659093263029/ We hope you ENJOY! By IXPT
    1 point
  38. Hiya's, Before darting off to see some glamorous highly finnessed video, just get that notion out of your head lol I only upload stupid items that mean something to me, i am deffo not a YT vid guru, so Osamah/thomas to name a few don't panic you've nothing to fear hehe I just did a quick vid to show what i can get with a load of sceneries/free plane and a somewhat aged gpu Before the link, my rig specs as it stands today W10 Pro x64 Asus rampage v extreme 5820k @ 4.7ghz watercooled R9 290x @ 1267/1354 watercooled 32gb DDR4 3200 @ 3000 Only a very short vid, as said i'm no yt guru, just pause on settings on full screen and you should see them Maybe of help to see what actual lower-scale settings can achieve in this 3.1 version, sure blows my mind hehe Have Fun Tony ps : Lowest fps is approx 25/27 and in open areas maxed at vsync 60, average 30-35 in clouds and scenery on the deck
    1 point
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