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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/17/2023 in all areas

  1. Hi everyone! Thanks for everyone´s support and feedback for our initial launch of the IXEG 737 in XP12. This post will detail the bugs that were reported and confirmed by us. This post will be updated regularly and shall serve as a tool to check if something you observe has already been reported. Activation issues with the DRM that revolve around the "Level 2 check" failing - fixed Wiper switches not working - fixed for next patch Standby airspeed indicator drum not moving - fixed for next patch Bullseye windows on doors 3L and 3R too far outboard - fixed for next patch VRconfig.txt file missing - fixed for next patch Starter not strong enough at high density altitudes - fixed for next patch Engine start process going too fast - improved (total duration matches) but fix in LR´s court Wing illumination light not working - fixed for next patch Visual texture glitch on underside of left wing - fixed for next patch Taxi light a bit too dim MCP backlighting a bit too dim Window heat OFF logic reversed for right side windows - fixed for next patch No turnoff light for right side - fixed for next patch INVALID ENTRY message when trying to manually enter a V1 on TAKEOFF REF page - fixed for next patch Pitch up moment change during liftoff and landing too strong - fixed for next patch Idle fuel flow too low - fixed for next patch No CDU backlit keys - fixed for next patch. FMC / Gizmo crash when executing VNAV calc with only one waypoint in LEGS - fixed for next patch. ECAM gauge needles not lit up at night - fixed for next patch. Added four commands to command the fuel lever to idle/cutoff. For hardware binding to buttons/switches. Linked to default XP commands to connect/disconnect/toggle the GPU. Helpful for VR users. Cockpit door default to pen in the Turn-around mode Cockpit door occludes front galley lighting at night when closed. Fuel Crossfeed annunciator dimmer (less bright) when crossfeed valve open. Was too bright. - fixed for next patch.
    7 points
  2. Wondering if its good to start a known issues topic locked and updated by developer with comments, that way people "might" read it and not repeat the same issue over and over.
    4 points
  3. Closing this topic. Starting to spend too much time reading the same reports. We have a good idea what the issue is. thank you all for your reports. -Tom
    3 points
  4. Just Rename the file from Boeing737-300Pu.set to IXEG737ClassicP.set .
    3 points
  5. Hi and thanks for the feedback - I will doublecheck the starter power at high altitudes (MMMX), the move to XP12 created some headaches regarding starting. We have no control over the fuel scheduling and we might have to resort to some scripting to tame the spool up after fuel introduction. I have also noticed that power requirements for taxiing were a bit high in our latest version, Laminar is changing wheel parameters a bit in the upcoming next version (less wheel weight, tiny increase of hub friction for the "stopped" case) and I will retune the rolling behavior when that drops. I look forward to your further reports, it has been 11 years since I last released the parking brake of a 737-300 and memories fade fast... Cheers, Jan
    3 points
  6. http://togasim.com/ixeg_15_whatsnew/
    2 points
  7. That's correct, that's my opinion. It becomes a bit of risk from business perspective when many people share the same sentiments. Watch flightdeck2sim stream and read user comments. In addition, having so few users on XP12 and the aforementioned comments, don't expect mega sales any time soon.
    2 points
  8. I am speaking out as I see it. Please watch the last stream from Q8 Pilot, he shares similar sentiments. I believe you can do better especially what I see in MSFS in terms of graphical fidelity/sounds. Either way, remove the expiry date from the Coupon. This way customers are not forced to pay for something they don't want until the promised changes (if any are delivered). This is how software industry works, you don't pay upfront for promises, you pay for deliverables. Please don't take this personally, but this is how it is right now. If you want some references look at: PMDG 737 Upcoming BlueBird's 757 Upcoming Airbus 380
    2 points
  9. You will have to wait for us to fix the wiper switches.
    2 points
  10. Yes, this is also known - ever since I became a Captain in 2008 I lost all interest in making the right side more functional . Just kidding, of course - we have plans to improve the FO side functionality in the future, not sure if we can get WXR and Terrain working, but at least get the POS INIT, PLAN mode (and also the PLAN mode while IRS not aligned yet) should be possible!
    2 points
  11. Yes, this is due to new physics in X-Plane 12 - they are representing real world effects, but are probably a bit too strong in the case of our 737. Austin models the downwash of the wings making the air go "down" behind the wings - and if the horizontal stabilizer is in this downwash, it gets more effect (pushes tail down). So if the plane lifts the nose, the tail moves close to the ground into an area where the air can not "flow down" anymore (because the ground is in the way). It looses effectiveness and the pilot has to "pull more" to make the nose keep going up. Once the plane is out of the ground effect climbing, this effect gets re-established and you can "relax" the pull a bit. The real 737 has the same effect: You initiate rotation fairly easily, then the plane "stops" rotating when you reach about 10 degrees and you have to pull MORE to keep the nose going up (recommended is 3 deg per second rotation rate). Once the plane is lifted off and climbs out, you can relax this extra pull. Its almost as if there was a "resistance" to the nose moving up around 10 degrees pitch. It works the same on landing, the closer you get to the ground, the more you have to "pull" to keep your nose from dropping. This is more pronounced now in XP12 and one has to adjust the technique: When passing 50 feet, make sure to keep nose up at the same pitch! When passing 30 feet, pull nose up by 3 degrees and HOLD IT THERE. At 20 feet, pull power back to idle.
    2 points
  12. This is what the FMC defaults to. The pilot has to enter the correct values. You can see the actual trim setting in %MAC in the default X-Plane weight and balance gui. Set this value into the FMC and then set the resulting value on the trim wheel prior to takeoff.
    2 points
  13. Thanks for the nice words! As Tom said, we are not done "tuning" the flightmodel and I know that the plane feels a tad different from XP11. I sense that it reacts to the controls a bit more "briskly", but I tried reducing control authority but then found it lacking in some extreme cases (slow flight, forward CG, etc). So it may be a matter of tuning deflection times. The effect at lift-off is realistic, though. The real plane will pitch up readily at Vr, then hesitate notable at around 10 degrees and you have to "learn" to give it more elevator input at around 9 degree to keep the rotation rate smooth, then relax it as you near the normal pitch attitude after liftoff (15-20 deg). There is a bit of a "nose down" effect in X-Plane as you get close to the ground, it is a realistic effect, but maybe a tad too strong for a 737...it is a function of the plane´s geometry and we have no influence over it. The reason is the stabilizer being in the downwash of the wings during normal flight, but near the ground this downwash is stopped by the ground, so the stabilizer has less "nose up" effect (relative wind not coming from "slightly above" anymore).
    2 points
  14. if cut/paste is the way you and Osamah you see it...then I think you guys may need some glasses...or better ones (see screenshot....if you can ) Seriously..just some good natured ribbing. What's really going on here is, "ok, yes you clearly did a LOT of work on that cabin Tom, but I don't care about the cabin at all..so it might as well be the same thing..what about the stuff I want?...holds, a virtual FBO...animated passengers". .....and that perspective @Splash is OK with me. I get it, I really do. We know what will get said before it gets said. ..this isn't our first rodeo. Osamah isn't telling us anything we don't know...he's basically telling us he wished there was something new, but we were quite clear this "port" wouldn't have much new that you could see. Oh there's a ton of new stuff for sure...but its under the hood where you can't see it and indeed you guys may not see the benfits of that for a time yet. But there are a lot of customers who can and do still enjoy it while we improve it. ..and that's why we do this. But therein lies our path, to leverage this work we know is important and start working towards those things we know you want. Things we knew you'd want long before Osamah or flightdeck2sim said it. Jan said it well...we hope you join in when you finally do see what you like. Tom
    1 point
  15. This isnt' the kind of thing I'd normally throw out there....I don't like excuses, but there is some behind the scenes info on whats going on time wise. ...and I know how hard the team is working despite the circumstances. We had planned the release earlier, when everyone was avail to support, but my elderly mother had a AAA (Aortic aneurism) a short while ago and I had to bolt out of town for the emergency, and this delayed the release. I don't want sympathies or well wishes here or in PMs, please keep those to yourself.....that's not what this post is for. This delay pushed the release back a bit.....to this weekend where some of our team are out of town (one out of country) for events with their families they scheduled months ago...and unable to work efficiently as they'd like. They're trying the best they can..and we're trying to get back together as fast as possible so we can get on with the business of improving the IXEG. We'll be hitting this hard tomorrow as well. We are fully committed to getting everyone up and running. This post is simply to let folks know that "life happened" to us these past few weeks and we're not just ignoring folks or don't care, or have lowered our standards. With all that said, I'll be hammering away all week on the things I can control. The other team members will continue as well and we'll be running on all cylinders again very shortly. TomK
    1 point
  16. I can not predict how fast we will be able to implement HOLD and offset, but HOLD and PROG page are very high on the priority list. You can - however - fly all procedures without those functions, you can use the FIX page to put in the holding fix and paint in the radials and then just use HDG SEL and the stopwatch to fly holdings. You can also fly all profiles in selected modes like vertical speed or FL Change and adhere to profile descents that way just fine. No idea about better pushback, sorry. All the best, Jan
    1 point
  17. soooooooooooo any update on the license issue? 3 days now with the plane and not able to fly it.... no answer on the ticket either, I supported ixeg back in 2021 but now im a little disappointed, not good....
    1 point
  18. Not at all, really appreciate it. That is how the community should work, thanks for your effort in tune it up, I'll try yours with the my reverb and let you know how ended up! Thanks again!!!!
    1 point
  19. I just checked the default Airbus 300. Same problem.
    1 point
  20. @berilojr - I just tried your vr file with my Rift S. Thank you very much for your work - almost everything works very well. However, I couldn't turn on a few knobs (of course I'm not talking about the wipers ) ): ... and the movement of some knobs is very slow - especially the knobs for adjusting the brightness of the cockpit lighting and the NAV1/2 setting. Perhaps it's specific to my Rift S, if it works perfectly for you. Anyway, I took the liberty (I hope, you won't be angry) to modify your vr file for the needs of my Rift S and I'm posting it here just in case. Now is working beautifully for me now, so thank you again for sharing Your work. ;-) B733_vrconfig.txt
    1 point
  21. Hi guys, bugs I noticed: (I have xplane v12.06 no beta, no plugins, only x.aviation plugin) -wipers switch not working, (tried to control via keyboard bid but got Lua script error) -FMC fuel predictions are completely incorrect and destination fuel prediction is missing on PROG page 1 -standby IAS showing 0 all the time. (i double check it in warm weather so no icing issue)
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. I believe so - I always have it on "Engines running", just to make sure ;-)
    1 point
  24. Ok, than I have to pardon... I will check ✔️ "start with engines running" as well and see if anything changes, although I happily have no problems.
    1 point
  25. You ALWAYS want to have the selection on "Start with engines running" in the X-Plane aircraft selection menu.
    1 point
  26. Not at all, this is your file after all, I just change few stuff, not needed even to ask, I'm feeling very honored to help somehow. Thank you!
    1 point
  27. Yes. you also suffer from the level 2 check failure - this should get resolved soon (X-Aviation is working on it) 0:07:56.725 G64: debug: IXEG: Level-2 check FAILED
    1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. I am using the standard "50%" settings and that seems to work good for me.
    1 point
  30. I have a very strange behaviour as well with rotation. I have to pull the yoke quite a lot and nothing happens and suddendly it "snaps" airborne and I have to correct a lot by pushing the yoke
    1 point
  31. I am not sure, but I think it does not depend on if you upgraded or bought new. It seems to depend on other things like plugins installed and/or internet connectivity settings.
    1 point
  32. I sent an email to x-aviation support with my order history. Scott
    1 point
  33. @berilojr If you want to, post your vrconfig.txt here for now so people can use it in the interim until we can get the fixed version in. Thanks for your help!
    1 point
  34. That was it. An external trim wheel was the culprit. I unplugged the device and fired up the Classic and no typewriter. Looks like a total computer power down and startup didn't reset that device. I did fire it up again with the device and the sound is not present. Thank you for your help and the awesome products you have created.
    1 point
  35. What we have so far......or the 'clues' we have so far rather......suggest that in each of these cases, something is blocking our plugin from getting on the network and communicating with XA servers. This could be another plugin (as in the case of @haraldh above) ...or a firewall config....an ad-blocker, etc. If we can isolate further and code around it, we certainly will....but not all plugins play nice in the X-Plane sandbox. We're trying to isolate some commonalities between cases and still collecting datapoints from some users helping out, so we're sorting through it. Everybody helping out is spread all over the world though but we'll get through this quickly. -TK
    1 point
  36. yes, into resources > plugins. it's only necessary if you need to connect to an external source (like Smartcars for a virtual airline or Volanta)
    1 point
  37. What I did was start a flight with the 737 which worked fine, then went back to the main menu and started the flight from a different location, which then fails to load the aircraft properly because of the Level 2 authentication failure. On my system at least, even with no plugins enabled this error appears 100% reproducible.
    1 point
  38. Thx fopr reporting @Obo, indeed this is the highest priority item. We are collecting data from all who've experienced this. If I may ask, would you please delete your log.txt file from the root X-Plane folder, and then start X-plane and load up the IXEG? ...then shut down X-Plane....and finally post your log.txt file here. This will give us a clean log.txt file to use as a data point with others. I am confident we will get this worked out and I'm sorry you're dealing with this at the onset...I know anticipating is high atm. We will continue to work through all these isses and get to those IXEG improvements so you can use it for a long time to come. -TomK
    1 point
  39. Regarding the FMS vnav / restrictions ....that has always been buggy and "on our list" for a long time. We will continue to work steadily on all our roadmap items, the FMS included. Its high priority for sure. -tk
    1 point
  40. Touche´ ---motivation to get back to work. -tk
    1 point
  41. Hi @judeb, I think what is probably happening (I just tested this) is that the autopilot stay on when you override the modes (the green CMD still shows) but you revert to CWS (control wheel steering) modes (shown in yellow). You can´t disengage the autopilot by moving the joystick, it will only fall back to CWS and the autopilot warning light flashes (but no warble).
    1 point
  42. Hey Jan! Thx for the reply. Yup, the parameters for the new aircraft model in LR changed really odd for some things. For me also has been a bit a while the last time I flew the 300, but since it was my first airliner (this one and the 200), getting into the IXEG is just like riding a bike and all the muscle memory comes back to life. So far this is the only thing that I caught, yesterday also could be a bit of the VOR/LOC capturing after heading the course to intercept the radial in a VOR/DME approach. The flag turned green on the FMA annunciator at the EADI but the plane did not turn to the bearing. I will try another approach today and let you know. I managed to configure a descent profile for the Honeycomb Bravo and Alpha to drive the MCP pretty decent. Let me know if you will be interested in trying it...
    1 point
  43. You are experiencing the same problem, as (almost) everyone else is since release, it fails level 2 activation check, only IXEG can sort it out! we'll have to be patient and wait for a fix
    1 point
  44. There is also some kind of an upnormality with AutoOrtho users. Please if you use AutoOrtho 0.6 or later, make sure you are runing xplane 12 first with a default cessna and then load the IXEG. Otherwise you are runing without sounds and some other issues as well. I have notice this the hard way!!.
    1 point
  45. Hi everyone, just landed and got home, 11h flight from SBGR... just catching up on the posts here and wanted to let you know that I will take over for a bit, after taking a nap, only had about 3h of break on the flight. Weight and balance + fuel has to be set up through the default X-Plane menu for now Spool up times for engine start is a known subject, we can not control the fuel scheduling in X-Plane 12 and therefore this is a function of engine inertia...we are looking at a way to slow it down a bit more XPUIPC does not work in its latest version, use the one posted in this thread earlier (this covers most "throttle does not move" issues Activation problems will need to be solved with X-Aviation support Discount email problems will also need to be solved with X-Aviation support When encountering unexplicable problems the default X-Plane troubleshooting rule applies: Remove all (other) plugins and try again, if it works, add the removed plugins one by one to see which one is conflicting Further discussion of problems and issues will be handled in the "Support" subsection of this forum. We are determined to get the first patch out with the most common and pressing problems fixed first, thanks for everyone´s patience and help in finding and eliminating bugs! Cheers, Jan
    1 point
  46. Let me see If I got this right. For the dedicated pilots, you have a payware upgrade, for the undedicated, a freeware upgrade? Also, XP11 Version will still be the same cr*p, but with better N1 modeling lool
    1 point
  47. This is conciously done this way and I don't think we'll be changing it. Your suggestion is essentially how it was done before, and maintaining four installers for various scenarios (BN2B, BN2T, G5, and G500) gets very complicated not only for us, but also the customer should they later want those options. I won't bore you with all the scenarios a customer could get "stuck" in with regards to all of this, but I'll leave it at the fact that this is a much cleaner solution to many problems. That said, you bring up a good point on not being able to discern which is which, so we should probably make that more obvious in the icons.
    1 point
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