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  1. I would agree with that. no telling where I got that..probably a photo from someone else's "remodled Moo"....but its that way in the manual for sure. I'll adjust. Good catch! But I do find it a bit weird to pull the switches "back" to make the lights "extend forward" Gonna get some comments on this I think...but we do have the documentation. -TomK
    2 points
  2. I hope I'm posting this in the right place. If not, forgive me. I never knew this aircraft was so sexy. I'm learning to fly it and am enjoying all the quarks it presents. It's different from what I'm use to. If you haven't already, you guys gotta check out this video:
    2 points
  3. I'm posting this all over so folks know. Major hardware binding change coming in the next update. should simplify things greatly. Bindings will be to throttle 3/4 for dual throttles, no response curves needed... which fixes a ton of issues because 1/2 are hardwired to internal Laminar code that I previously had to fight with and users usually got caught in the middle. -TomK
    2 points
  4. should be in next update. Just got it working last night. -TomK
    2 points
  5. Thx Alec. Its a process for sure. Being 'solo' on this particular project makes it a bit tough in that I have to spend time on the 3D whereas in the team scenario, someone could "improving the interface" during that time etc.. So my methodology is to get everything that is "tactile"..stuff you.see / touch / hear / operate.....get it so folks can fly it with their hardware....and then when all that's stable, I can start throwing in "luxuries".....GUIs...more prefs...failures....weight/balance stuff. etc. I mean...I love this thing..it'll get plenty of attention going forward still.
    2 points
  6. Hello all. I will endeavor to support and address issues on the MU-2 as rapidly as practical. The period after a release is always fraught with bugs and challenges, frustration and impatience. I have been there myself and please ask for your patience. I'd like to think that those who know me know I'll continue to support this product for many years to come and provide you a great value for your money! I am located in the GMT-6 timezone and work reasonably normal daylight hours. I generally don't work Sundays (though may converse on Sundays).
    1 point
  7. Captains, The Mitsubishi MU-2 is somewhat of a special aircraft for us at X-Aviation, primarily because it was the first product ever sold when we opened our store 14 years ago. Since that initial release in 2008, @tkyler has kept the MU-2 relevant in our catalog and updated it free of charge through four major versions of X-Plane. That's quite a long time of dedication! Today, we're officially announcing Friday, July 15, 2022 as the release date for v2 of this great aircraft! This isn't just an update to the existing aircraft! It's an entirely new code base, 3D model and FMOD sound simulation. It is truly a new product. Streamers: Please join us for some live streaming sessions and chats! We have lined up several streams this week to showcase the aircraft. The first stream will be today/tomorrow (depending on where you live) with Reflected Reality's@Graeme_77 , July 10th at 1700UTC (1PM Eastern Time for US Residents). Following that, on Tuesday, July 12th, JonFly will be streaming at 8pm Eastern. We have a third stream being lined up, and we'll be sure to leave an announcement about that once timing is finalized. Release time: We are a USA based company, and you can anticipate the release to occur in the afternoon on Friday. We'll update with a better time as the product nears closer to release. Pricing: We will be announcing price (as we always do) once the product page is up and running. More details about the product as a whole will be there too. Upgrades: We want to thank our loyal MU-2 customers for supporting us over the years, and there's no better way to do that than to offer up a nice discount for v1 users! Later in the week (but prior to release), we will be sending out $20 discount coupons to all current v1 customers to use towards the purchase of v2. Please Note: These discount coupons will be valid for 60 days, after which upgrade discounts will end. Secure your discount early to not forget! Manuals: The MU2 v2 will come with online based documentation. We will release that documentation here prior to release so people may get a better grasp of what the v2 product offers. That said, the stream sessions will be an even better opportunity to see what the product has to offer! Re-Branding Starting with this release, X-Scenery will be re-branding to TOGA Simulations to better align identity with products. @tkyler will still be the primary developer behind the brand, so outside of the name, nothing else changes. Want to learn more about what Version 2 of the MU-2 has to offer? Check out the Work in Progress threads here:
    1 point
  8. I actually tried early on, but wasn't happy with either the sound samples I had....nor the hardware handling till last night The new throttle mappings will come out at the next update. With the implementation of the "TBM-style" throttle option, this will make implementing those sound much easier across differing configurations. So really its a matter of getting just the right samples...and once I have those, putting those sounds in is a 30 minute affair...at which point we can get it out to you guys. So yes...definitely on a short todo list. -TomK
    1 point
  9. There were a lot of holes in the landing light controls....I wired them up to their respective busses, including the extension motor..so the whole external lighting just got revamped. I'm putting in commands for those landing lights now.
    1 point
  10. Update: sim/flightmodel2/wing/flap1_deg[0] dataref Works and gives the right information I want to show, it seems to work well in all other planes. So I think is better to change this on my side. We can consider this problem solved. Thank you very much for all of your help.
    1 point
  11. I found that I can cover (nearly) all Linux users by providing one build for the Ubuntu and one for the Arch Linux distribution family. Unfortunately I haven't found a way yet to create a build catering to both, Ubuntu and Arch based distributions (experience gathered with the FSEconomy client). With the M1 architecture, Mac also adds an additional required build, bringing the total up to 5 builds (Win, Intel Mac, M1 Mac, Ubuntu, Arch).
    1 point
  12. Thanks for chiming in. The Linux market share for Xplane is very small. Even so it's still useful to know that some % of that small over-all % would be willing to purchase if product was available. Out of curiosity, what flavour of Linux are you using? -if-gizmo(and thus the mu2..) was made Linux compatible some time during the Xp12 run it would be for a very specific distro of Linux. Anything else would be 100% at the risk of the end users and no support would be offered. The potential issues are simply to varied and time consuming relative to the number of sales made.
    1 point
  13. Hello, I downloaded my profile for the MU-2 on the Aerosoft website : https://forum.aerosoft.com/index.php?/files/file/6481-toga-simulation-mu-2-honeycomb-bravo-profile/ The altitude selection via the rotary knobs is still missing. I am waiting for a new dataref to update the profile. Cheers, Daniel.
    1 point
  14. Ahhh, this was my issue. Honeycomb Alpha. Rebound the Avionics On and Avionics Off to "Do Nothing" and this seemed to have solved my issue.
    1 point
  15. There's a difference between a dev's time, and a customer choosing to be one of the few staying behind in X-Plane 11. That's ultimately your decision, but the explanation by @GridiroN was spot on. We will be implementing things like rain in XP 12. Making X-Plane 11 features that only work in OpenGL at this point is not a good use of developer time given the proximity of X-Plane 12. That's where 99% of the customers will be headed!
    1 point
  16. XP12 will have this built in. There's no point in using dev time to add this to XP11, when it only works for OpenGL.
    1 point
  17. OK....shame on me for not thinking this one through. Each of those switches (left/right) don't do anything by themselves of course...so the only reason I included the command/animation was so that users could move them individually when inevitably poking around the cockpit, since I want to make all the controls actuable. But I didn't bother to think folks might actually have hardware that have two trim switches and need to move them both. Guess I need deeper pockets for fancier hardware.....wife is gonna love that! I'll defintely make a pass at mapping the trim functionality to the broader range of trim commands by XP and also my custom ones above.
    1 point
  18. Have you looked in the documentation directory?
    1 point
  19. Hello. i would like to present a short video with some nice shots with my beloved TBM 900. have fun flying along!
    1 point
  20. Not at all. There is just a lot of logistics with regards to deploying a release. Its a process and we have a checklist and are working through it. Release is always an exciting time...but also a time to wisely 'slow down' just a bit and make sure we dont' miss something. We don't want to take off with our fuel valve set to OFF. -Tom
    1 point
  21. Thank you.....and especially since I just spent the last 3 hours tweaking the 5-blade prop animation because I didn't like it (wobbled too much). No more!! https://www.dropbox.com/s/8gxp6uyghjbcri0/prop_anim_3.mp4?dl=0
    1 point
  22. Maybe it is a more complex issue to fix then we understand? Not really sure but its just a pain to disable monitors and then reset them just to get oil in the plane. I would really like to read all of the startup checks/sequence instructions also, someone spent a lot of time and effort building those menus. It seems like there would be more talk of this because since there are a lot of multi-monitor setups out there. Trying to be patient (they obviously did a TON of work when you look at the update list) but I really would like to see this moved up in priority. Maybe we are the only ones with this issue?
    1 point
  23. Version 1.0.0


    This is my rendition of Stibnite Airfield (ID41), Yellow Pine, Idaho, USA. It is purely library-based and doesn't contain any custom objects. It features the curved runway, some vegetation and a simple cabin. I recommend using it with ortho scenery (the screenshots were made using VStates Idaho) - the default mesh has some glitches in the area. Libraries required: MisterX Library CDB Library 3D People Library
    1 point
  24. Laminar Research has posted a new trailer showcasing the default Cirrus SR22 in X-Plane 12. The video showcases FMOD sounds, including the aircraft and environment, and the visuals of the world as depicted in X-Plane 12's new lighting engine. You can watch the video from YouTube here:
    1 point
  25. Version 1.0.1


    Librain implementation for Laminar's Cessna 172SP. This implementation is based on an improved version of Laminar's xLua plugin (included) by "aeroplane" and a small part, by me. This way, you avoid to use an extra plugin to get rain effects. C-172SP G1000 Walkaround Do the following to make it work (credits Todir): Open the file Cessna_172SP_G1000_cockpit.obj with a text editor. Find the last line starting with IDX (should be IDX5455 - Line 7428) Add just below and above the line that says ANIM_begin the line: ATTR_cockpit. Save the file and enjoy flying in the rain! In the future will be included in the download. SPECIALLY FOR DEVELOPERS/TINKERS! : You can use this release as an example of how to use the librain plugin with xLua. ABOUT xLua Plugin : The xLua plugin here is an improved version of Laminar's xLua plugin, which already exists in the aircraft. The new version adds the ability to: Print log info to Log.txt file for debugging. Returns a global variable "acfFolder", a string with the full path of aircraft's folder. LICENCE: MIT
    1 point
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