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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/29/2021 in all areas

  1. We are currently on Version 1.1.13 beta 12, which was sent out a few days ago. There were 3 fixes in that version (The less fixes there are, the closer we get to a release) If that version proves bug free, the update will be considered ready.
    3 points
  2. Updating the driver seems to have done the trick. Thanks again.
    2 points
  3. In addition to the VNAV work we have also these fixes lined up for the next update: Improvements * Added switch in aircraft file to always force experimental flight model on * Improved tracking ability of nosewheel in tight turns (less skidding) * A "direct to" turn will not attempt to re-intercept the line between current aircraft position and the waypoint * Yoke checklist can now be flipped up and down and yellow bug goes all the way to top again * Added a dataref to indicate if autothrottle is active or not * Added a preference to "pause on Top of Descent" Bug fixes * Fixed right-hand windshield wiper 3D * Fixed fuel gauge testcycle * Fixed leading-edge devices lighttest button * Fixed EGT needle on steam gauges not going higher than 800C * Fixed hydraulic accumulator pressure on modern gauges always showing full pressure * Autopilot trim cutout switches will now also stop the speed trim * Scavange pump will not trigger unless a center-tank pumpswitch has been turned on then off * Animated stopwatch buttons * Vertical speed scrollwheel can now turn "infinitely" (instead of running against an invisible turn limit) Cheers, Jan
    2 points
  4. You are welcome. This is my favorite package so far. Thank you!
    1 point
  5. This is a fun surprise to receive in my inbox...hurry and take my money! :D
    1 point
  6. It will release at 4:30pm EST (30 minutes from now)
    1 point
  7. A discount code was sent to your e-mail on Jan. 22nd. Do a search for X-Aviation.com to see if you can find it there.
    1 point
  8. Thanks @sundog and team for the hard work!
    1 point
  9. Hi, Is it better with this one? smartcopilot.zip
    1 point
  10. That't typical behaviour for carburettor icing, which obviously depends on weather. you can have carb icing at 15C on low throttle settings. this lua-script pops up values is you have carb icing, or you can assign the command FlyWithLua/BN2P/Toggle_CarbIceDisplay to display it constantly. if PLANE_ICAO == "BN2P" then CarbIce = dataref_table("sim/flightmodel/engine/ENGN_crbice") create_command("FlyWithLua/BN2P/Toggle_CarbIceDisplay", "Toggles the CarbIceDisplay", "CI_displaytoggle()", "", "") showCID = 0 function CI_displaytoggle() if showCID == 0 then showCID = 1 else showCID = 0 end end function show_CarbIce() if showCID == 1 or (CarbIce[0] + CarbIce[1]) > 0.02 then draw_string(50, 70, "L Carb Ice: " .. math.floor(CarbIce[0]*1000)/1000) draw_string(50, 50, "R Carb Ice: " .. math.floor(CarbIce[1]*1000)/1000) end end do_every_draw("show_CarbIce()") end Carb icing is most pronounced in high humidity air with low throttle settings.
    1 point
  11. Quick update: We are deep into the VNAV rewrite. Not just poking around and tweaking....we're cutting out huge swaths of inefficient code....and I have to say, its going really well so far. I believe this will make the VNAV calculations an order of magnitude easier to perform.....and if there are any issues during testing, at least I don't believe it will be "whack-a-mole" where one bug creates another. We'll keep you posted. We are working on this regularly at this juncture. -tkyler
    1 point
  12. Completely new FMOD in the works. Once I am done I will post a video showcasing it and if it needs any improvements I will take the necessary steps to correct it. I once had it near perfect...Then stuff happened...
    1 point
  13. Just so that no one can say I didn´t test 1.32 long enough...
    1 point
  14. Hey, great job. Following instructions - and I’m a pilot IRL also - can't get your SR22 to turn over. Oh yes, great job. Fifty five bucks for what? Using Saitek TPM, switch panel, T16000 stick (alpha yoke also available) and trying to use RealSimGear, too, but that's hopeless. What's the secret, except for calling oneself a sim company and making money off customers? Is this the best you can do? I followed instructions, primed appropriately, did it all by the numbers. Your plane just sits there. Fifty five bucks, folks.
    -1 points
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