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  1. sidneyschwartz


    Never thought I'd say this on a public forum, but I seem to be having problems with my Gizmo. After installing 1.6.3 I got the following error messages: I downloaded and re-installed the Gizmo plugin... The Gizmo sidebar appears, but is lacking the Saab options. Can someone tell me which version of Gizmo I need and where to get it? Thanks.
  2. Thanks, I always turn on nosewheel steering as part of pre-start.
  3. I can't get any braking at all. Seems that no matter which braking option I choose from the list, it sets the parking brakes, or does nothing.
  4. Reverse thrust works, just barely. Way too slow to be of any practical use. Can this be fixed? And how'd they get the panels on that video to look so realistic?
  5. Is anyone else having problems with BetterPushback? It doesn't seem to like the update. Zig-zagging while pushing back, not knowing when to stop, and if I start the engines while pushing back it pretty much loses it's mind. What's the RW procedure for push & start with this plane? Start before pushing? Start while pushing? Start after push is complete?
  6. On current flight problem is occurring when climbing using IAS mode. Set target altitude, activate IAS mode on autopilot, set speed bug.
  7. 1. Cruising at 20,000, get cleared to descend. 2. Set target altitude to 12,000. 3. Click IAS button on autopilot. Speed bugs moves to current speed and IAS indicator on EADI appears and begins blinking. 4. Reduce throttle. Autopilot reduces pitch to maintain target speed. IAS indicator continues to blink until target altitude reached, goes back to green ALTS display. Noticed on this last flight that the problem does not occur when climbing using IAS mode.
  8. Not sure if this is a bug or not. When descending using IAS mode, the selected speed shown on the EADI is constantly blinking, even though the autopilot maintains the speed correctly. Is that right?
  9. Yes, I'm using the XPRealistic plugin, so that's probably the culprit. I actually have it set for minimum head movement, as I find it distracting. There's still some very slight movement, though, and apparently tha's enough to cause the problem. Moving the default position of the camera forward a bit helped some....I'll fiddle with it some more til I find the sweet spot. Thanks for your help.
  10. Respectfully, I don't think this applies to what I was doing. In no case when this occured was I moving the camera position back. In the first case I was moving the camera position up. In all the other cases I did not move the camera position at all. If the "blue view"" appears consistently when I advance the throttle to 64% on takeoff, how can this have anything to do with the rear wall of the cockpit?
  11. Thank you. Another pretty odd thing is happening. Here I'm on final. I "raise my seat" a bit for a better view and the view out the windscreen changes to a solid light blue. If I return to the default view, or raise the seat even more, the blue goes away and I can see again. This happens consistently. This also happens on take off once throttle reaches 64% and CTOT engages. Also sometimes when braking after touching down. I also notices that the coffee maker I ordered has not been installed. If this is due to a lack of space, feel free to get rid of something useless, like the co-pilot's seat.
  12. Thanks much for all the improvements. Has Climb mode been changed? In the previous version it worked perfectly...the pitch changed to match the airspeed to the three bug positions when pressing the Climb button. Now the bug still moves but the autopilot doesn't change the pitch to match the bug...nothing seems to happen.
  13. Updating the driver seems to have done the trick. Thanks again.
  14. No changes. And I'm pretty sure I updated the Nvidia driver recently. I'll double check that. Thanks.
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