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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/29/2020 in all areas

  1. You need to know some new concepts. -True heading (212 shown by the IRS display). This is the TRUE heading the aircraft is following in relation to earth's geographical north (not the magnetic north) the difference between true vs magnetic varies across the globe, you may see isogonic lines/charts -ND heading (244). The NAV display shows the heading the aircraft's nose is pointing in order to maintain the desired magnetic course 236. Since you have a VERY STRONG crosswind coming from the right, AP is pointing the aircraft's nose to 244 in order to compensate those strong winds trying to drift the aircraft out of desired 236 track. if no crosswind components were present ND heading and planned magnetic course should match. -Magnetic course. This is the magnetic course the aircraft should follow as per the flight plan. hope this helps
    3 points
  2. Thanks a lot @mmerelles I checked out the WAC and saw that theres a 24 degree magnetic shift on the region I was flying. I added the 24 degree to the 212 tracking showing on IRS and in fact it gives the 236 magnetic tracking the ND shows.
    2 points
  3. Video Series on the BN-2 Islander: Cheers and thanks again for ALL of your videos and tutorials available on YT. @Graeme Guys &Gals, give him a "like", too Oliver
    2 points
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Bush missions your thing? Look no further. Installation: Unzip contents into BN-2 liveries folder. N2119V - As seen in the video below.
    1 point
  5. Version 1.0.0


    This Livery is a fictional paint for the Torquesim BN-2 Islander. The Black panel and Brown seats can be found at the below link Simply extract the zip to a safe location and copy/paste the Private N428BN folder to your Torquesim BN-2 liveries folder. Enjoy.
    1 point
  6. Most people have had quite good results with the experimental flight model, both work well. We are going to be tuning for the experimental flight model soon, but for now you can go with either.
    1 point
  7. After you saved the datarefs.txt and commands.txt, you need to restart the Xplane, and load a flight with bn-2 in order to activate the custom datarefs and commands. Check spad.next window for connection status. After that you'll be able to see the custom ones in the list as well. Keep in mind, custom ones will only be visible when sim is running and aircraft is loaded. Some of the bn-2 switches are controlled by generic switch datarefs. Those may be elusive to find, as dataref editor does not show those command groups separately. In such a case try using data monitor of spad next. You can load as much datarefs as possible and monitor those in realtime. I can compile a quick device profile for you if you like. Just let me know which functions you want the switch panel buttons assigned.
    1 point
  8. Just want to say this update together with X-Plane 11.50b12 is super stable for me. Already completed several long flight legs with 0 issues contrary to beta 11. Using SMP latest, RWC, ASXP and alot of heavy scenery. So thank you for the constant updates and support.
    1 point
  9. No, I don't look at reviews. I'm aware that there are situations where things don't look perfect in VR. I've been working to improve it all along and continue to do so.
    1 point
  10. Hi, it looks like you have some button or axis assigned to your pitch trim. We are using the default X-Plane trim commands, so you should be able to see/cure this by using the controller setup interface in X-Plane. Another possibility is that you have fly-with-lua or XPUIPC installed and have mapped some function to the "trim nose down" command. PS: (We don´t have MCAS, so thats not it! ) Cheers, Jan
    1 point
  11. If anyone has a link to a good tail logo that would be great had to hack this one together so it's ok for now since a fellow on FB asked for one. Aer Arann link
    1 point
  12. Well spotted on checking it was missing, reinstalleed and working again, so now have to find what is removing it, many thanks Coop Regards Dave H
    1 point
  13. Hi Coop, The DME problem was only once or twice, and it may have been after another plane had been flown - which can muck things up. I had another problem today, with PilotEdge crashing the sim as soon as I connected. I removed the new XPRealistic Pro, and then things were OK. The trouble is, I have too many plugins and a lot of scenery. I have moved some of the plugins out, because things do interact. See your own support system for a couple of screenshots and the log.txt.
    1 point
  14. Ok..another week gone by. 60 more hours of rewrite on the FMS route editing and guess what, we're still easily 95% of the way done Seriously, we are into the more hardcore route editing features now, the really fringe type of data entry patterns...changing your mind "mid transition" selection for example, or selecting a STAR, then approach, going to other pages, then coming back to select another STAR, then TRANS, then swap to a runway with an extension, then shortcut points, etc. Testing earlier in the week had us redesign some other algorithms and we figured we should just power through the work now so it gets done right and we can move on to VNAV without worrying about fragile route editing. With the algorithm structure in place, what remains is simply comprehensive testing/debugging of those algorithms via diverse route entry patterns until the route builds as expected in all cases, for both Navigraph and Aersoft datasets. As soon as that happens, we'll get the patch out. We're working on it daily. -tkyler
    1 point
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