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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/03/2016 in all areas

  1. The subject is very complicated and not many people can understand and follow an explanation of this. Just in a nutshell: The variation in X-Plane is not always accurate - I made it and it is going to be accurate in 2020 and a bit inaccurate before and after that (it gets worse later, then I will have to make a new table for Austin). The radials of most VOR´s are not accurate - i.e. Radial 360 is not pointing in the direction of 360. This is because the variation changes, and they would have to physically adjust the VOR´s to keep up, and they don´t do that. So it is perfectly normal to track a VOR radial with a different magnetic track than the radials "name". Jan
    2 points
  2. Looking good! All I see is quality in these screen shots.
    2 points
  3. Late evening flight from Nizhny Novgorod, Russia [UWGG] to Minsk, Belarus [UMMS]
    2 points
  4. Hello to all, we are pleased to announce that it has added another slice of Antarctica showing that we trust to your liking: Matthias has released Antarctica4XPlane Part. 2: This second part covers the Victoria Land and the northern part of the Transantarctic Mountains up to 80 ° S. You can download here: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/33228-antarctica-part-2/ Meanwhile Paolo has completed a number of sceneries for Part 1 and Part 2, downloadable here: (Deployment will occur in the near WE so I'll update this post as soon as possible by pressing the corresponding link) Finally I mark I started a work of systematization of information available on the web with regard to these bases in Antarctica: the aim is also to propose to the Antarctica4XPlane users to make one part. The data that I have collected may be useful in this sense and the link to the topic that I prepared in .org forum is this: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/forums/topic/104019-aaa-carpenters-locksmiths-masons-wanted-part-i-part-ii/ We wish you good flights. Nino
    2 points
  5. Hey there! Most things I have right now are just bare mesh awaiting their lovely textures...but I will display just a few shots of some of my current work this week. Right now I am working on KARB which is one of the airports right outside of DTW. It is nothing too special but it is important to the local Metro operations and will be a great addition to those flying smaller aircraft in and out of the Detroit area. I have learned so much these last few months and I think the time has been well spent. I have been testing and testing and testing to get things exactly the way I see them in my insideheadfunspace. Here are just a few WIP shots of the hand painted ground textures and a couple other bits like the Ann Arbor area orthophotos, Downtown Detroit and very precise airport lighting...Helps when you live next door...
    2 points
  6. Difference in EGT/Oil Qty and pressue is normal and intended - different levels, different engine age, it is random. If you open the crossfeed, fuel will never balance if you keep all pumps on - this is a common misconception! One set of pumps is always a "bit" stronger than the other, and if you understand fluid dynamics, you will see that that tank will then supply fuel exclusively. To balance fuel: Turn open crossfeed. Turn OFF the fuel pumps for the tank with less fuel (memorize: Low fuel - low pressure). Wait until levels equalize, then turn on all pumps again and close crossfeed. Jan
    1 point
  7. But you can assign all the numpad numbers for this views and "cycle" through your numpad keys...
    1 point
  8. BOTH methods are there not to use 100% of the engine thrust capabilities, because working the engines up to their 100% capabilities periodically shorten their lives considerably, risk failures operating at maximum temps, increases their maintenance costs exponentially. DERATE method. The aircraft manufacturer pre-program derated profiles available to the pilot via the FMC. As said above on my first post they act as a semi-permanent % derate. The engines IXEG modeled on this bird have 20k (20,000 lbs of thrust each). Selecting CLB-1 you will have a pre-set fixed 5% reduction during TO and CLB, selecting CLB-2 you will have a 20% reduction. CLB-1 washes out about at 15k ft, CLB-2 washes out about FL300 if my memory is correct. REDUCED method (also known as flex, assumed temp) You have a range of OAT temperatures you can enter to fool the engines and get reduced thrust to save the engines as well, this offers much more granularity to the exact present conditions weight, temps, etc. And yes under this method you may recurre to 100% thrust if required.
    1 point
  9. Beautiful Steve! This will set a new bar for XP scenery! Have you made any progress on DTW recently? It'll be my first stop on my RTW flight, so I'm looking forward to it.
    1 point
  10. XPlanePort, glad I could help – and hoping this solves your problem Bassy regards Benjamin
    1 point
  11. Lol, yes haha, that's where I did my instrument rating, it was my home airport. Thank you! And yes I am using 1.0.5. Cheers!
    1 point
  12. Ok, so it seems to be widespread - I am already on the dev build for the next version - where Nils did some changing of the pointers for the wind-sound... I think it was previously getting the wrong soundsample. At any rate, I am not hearing anything like this on my build, so I would assume that this is fixed for the first "real" update. We are planning to do one more hotfix before that one, though - and this fix will probably not be part of that (only code, no content). Jan
    1 point
  13. Good idéa.. I can also join a read_me in the .zip. I just need a help, as my English is sometimes unclear. cmbaviator are you with me for o proper translation?
    1 point
  14. I heard that too I thought it is intended and is caused by gusting wind... But maybe that's wrong... Sebastian
    1 point
  15. This is excellent advice, and the way I do it - even in the real plane. The electric trim is too sensitive at those speeds. Grab the trim wheel with the mouse-hand and move just a bit. Jan
    1 point
  16. Sorry,This was a non-tech issue that had to do with the initial transaction itself,Thank You very much for asking.Cheers
    1 point
  17. Your answers helped immensely. Thank you very much. Tim
    1 point
  18. Hi @Phantom88 what is your problem if you mind sharing it here? it may help other people as well
    1 point
  19. Yes, this is not on a per aircraft basis license, so your 1 year purchase will provide you all cycle updates (they are monthly) for all of your hangar. How the updates work? A). xplane navdatabase. The fmc data manager app that navigraph provides will update the xplane general nav database. More and more aircraft points their FMCs/GARMINs to read nav information from the xplane navdatabase. Once you update the xplane navdatabase via the FMS manager from navigraph all those aircraft are automatically updated as well because their read xplane database. No need to upgrade those aircraft databases. All FF 757/767/777 and all Garmin based birds fall under this category so far. B). aircraft own database. Some aircraft uses their own navdatabase, such us Rotate MD, IXEG733, so you have to update their navdatabase held under their own folder structure. This is were the FMC manager app from Navigraph has to recognize them to properly update them. All existing xplane addons are recognized as of now, and if any new aircraft comes into play navigraph will surely include/support it. hope this clarifies
    1 point
  20. In the midst of the C23 upgrade and the Saab update, I've been giving this one a little bit of color.
    1 point
  21. Do you like X-Plane 10? Do you want to see continued high quality sceneries like this developer is building? If so support this project with your money. This is only my opinion, but I think that XPX has a problem. This platform has so much potential. However we have a freeware first mentality in this community. Because of this way of thinking, XPX has been saturated with garbage. There's a reason why the recently announced LOWI is coming to every platform other than XPX. That's because Aerosoft knows that you will not buy it. No you prefer to use a garbage freeware version instead, but then complain that we don't have any quality scenery in XPX. No FlyTampa, FlightBeam, FSDT or Taxi2Gate for us. The freeware junk is just to competitive. This developer is bringing us top quality with KDTW. I have followed this project since it was announced. I'm writing this in hopes that you will all BUY this scenery so that the developer will continue to support the best FS platform which is XPX. The reason developers continue to support an old 32Bit platform is because the customers BUY it. Yes they give money for quality scenery. Based on these screens I have very high hopes for this developer. And I hope all of you will show your support for this work.
    1 point
  22. Well.... I DID IT! I enjoyed to to the maximum. I have made two videos, both videos were recorded LIVE, I did not know the outcome but all ended up nice despite some rough hand flying while CTL ( Circling To Land). You can see the proof of live recording, you can see the cars on the ground moving which will not be shown in X-Plane reply. Just FYI: NDB RWY 26 at YMEN with Circle To Land on RWY 8, Custom X-Plane weather: Overcast 1900, Winds 90 at 10 First video, I was using ADF set to NDB ( Magenta Arrow) , NAV1 VOR set to no frequency and OBS set to RWY 8 heading to help me with flying the circuit. NAV2 VOR Set to nearest VOR to give me DME and an idea when I should expect ADF needle to start moving. Second video is where I had a rough time, I thought I will crash. After Autopilot disengaging things were quite rough but as you see all ended up nice. Enjoy! Cheers, AJ
    1 point
  23. Looks like you've dug yourself a nice little hole trying to activate on as many machines for as many people as you can. Zero sympathy for people who think even "marginal" piracy like a hackintosh is ok. Even less sympathy for sharing with your brother.
    -1 points
  24. What?? These are all my machines (except my brothers) Ben. They have all been activated from the same IP and are still on the same IP address. I'm not handing out my license to others, why these accusations? We are flying together, in fact, he doesn't need these payware anymore either since running them on the dedicated system is enough... Jeez, why the bad attitude?
    -1 points
  25. How about I help myself to the food in your fridge and we see what your attitude is like when I'm done eating?
    -1 points
  26. "Since me and my brother live together and also fly together SM was also installed on his MacBook. " "on both our MacBooks and on my dedicated system with Hackintosh/OSX" You are a thief.
    -1 points
  27. Hello Guys (and Girls (if any)), 
 I created a support ticket almost 2 weeks ago (Ticket #YR1BG, Sat, 05/21/16) that I still haven't received any reply to. I'm eager to get SkyMAXX (SM) working on my new system so the wait is kind of torture. Are you ignoring me?  
 My problem is that I have built a new dedicated system for X-Plane and while doing so I wanted to test different OS to see which runs best with X-Plane. 
 Originally I used my MacBook, then I tried Mac OS X on the new system, then Debian (which I found you sadly didn't support (yet)) and lastly Windows 7. Since me and my brother live together and also fly together SM was also installed on his MacBook. The idea is to have X-Plane running on the dedicated system while me and my brother use our two MacBooks as Pilot/Copilot. 
 So... My problem is that since I have installed SM (and also the Saab 340A I purchased) on both our MacBooks and on my dedicated system with Hackintosh/OSX all my three activation slots have been used. When trying to activate SM on the Win 7 install it throws the "Activation slots used" message. I haven't tried activating the Saab yet but I'm assuming the same thing will happen. 
 I didn't think of the activation limit when installing, if I had then I would have waited with installing SM and the Saab until I had decided on which system to use. 
 Could you please help me with this. As I wrote in the ticket I don't need them on my MacBook anymore but uninstalling them didn't "reactivate" one slot. 
 Best regards Jonas
    -1 points
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