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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/14/2016 in all areas

  1. Can I interest you in a Flashlight app in exchange for a complete copy of your cell phone data?
    3 points
  2. Version 1.0.0


    This is not a bare metal livery. Is only a layer for livery creation. Simply copy and paste in place.
    2 points
  3. Nice short flight from eddl to eham, this view on climbout. With realistic views like this and the most realsitic 733, XP is getting all my sim time now. Great work guys!
    2 points
  4. Commencing pushback from stand 29 at Moscow-Sheremetyevo, Russia [UUEE] VOR approach runway 27 at Varna, Bulgaria [LBWN] Excellent payware scenery by JustSim! Released today and available at simMarket Next i flew to Timisoara, Romania [LRTR] and finally Bucharest, Romania [LRBS] ...
    2 points
  5. While this is great news of course, I fear for the coming influx of useless crap (not necessarily from Aerosoft) such as: "X-Plane Trees" Ground breaking must have technology for the accurate squirrel appreciating simmers - only $15! "X-Plane Contrails, Wing Vortices" - ONLY $35!! <-- A MUST HAVE, IT WILL BLOW YOU AWAY (free copies to YouTubers) "X-Plane Window Fog" - Make you flight experience yet more accurate with lifelike window fogging - only $40! You know they are coming! Good problems to have tho ;^) Len
    2 points
  6. Received this email today from Tanguy. Awesome photo, so I thought I'd share it (with permission) I'm a B737 pilot with more than 1500h on B737/300/400/500W and wanna congrat IXEG for the amazing product you created. Im Very impresed with the fidelity. Still some minor bugs and fix but its awesome. Attached is a pic for you guys. Kind Regards! Tanguy
    1 point
  7. MALEV B737-3Y0 HA-LEG View File Malev livery for IXEG: HA-LEG. Enjoy! Submitter eurocat Submitted 05/14/2016 Category IXEG 737 Classic Livery For Click Here For Aircraft X-Plane Version(s) IXEGMALEV-HALEG.zip
    1 point
  8. Its minimal, but definitely noticeable. I would like to see it one day, but I agree there are many more important things that need to be finished.
    1 point
  9. no one eh? Fine, be that way, I went alone! u totally missed this Could have used a co btw, approach forgot me and made me overshoot the ils so i continued by hand. You really miss a co then. 2nd chance tomorrow eve requirements latest smartcopilot cfg IXEG 1.03 preferably fsgrw, not sure if server pushes the weather to the client alright. (no biggie if u dont have fsgrw, we use ivap weather) I use fsgrw with the 1 time static weather d/l (this gives me no hickups during flight, and not much changes in 1 hour anyway) smartcopilot2 port forward in router to your pc ip (really simple to do, i can explain in ts3 if need be) cold/dark 733 start preferably x-ivap for the atc from ivao TS3 for internal chat (i use a server called FSX FRA, which is almost always empty and make a temp channel there with pw) vodka (or beer/wine if that's your thing)
    1 point
  10. Heya, Saw your post in another section Watched a few vids about Malev, no idea what was said as no english captions but good old vids nonetheless Livery looks great Thanks Tony ps : No livery fies in download
    1 point
  11. Ortho is the photo scenery that sits below your autogen. Tony's w2xp is designed to work with photo scenery. For example your photo scenery is a 2d surface. While in the air that looks okay, on the ground or VFR it would not look very realistic. Tony's w2xp adds a 3d surface layer over the photo scenery using open street map data. Using the sat photo and w2xp you will have an accurate real world representation in your simulator. This is very similar to what you saw in your 32bit sim, if you have any experience with for example an Orbx region. The difference is that orthos plus w2xp is a very accurate representation of the real world. It's so accurate that you would be able to fly over your own house in the simulator. If the open street map data is good in your country, there will actually be a 3d model of your house in the simulator generated by w2xp. At the moment OSM data is the best in Europe, second best in the US. So if you fly a lot in either of these locations, your simulator is going to really shine. Do a google search for x-plane orthos for the various tools to create orthos for x-plane. Check out this video as an example of what ortho plus w2xp look like. Clearly you can see in this video it blows away anything in the 32bit sims. At the moment the w2xp developer has released several regional, and highly detailed areas. Norway, Massachutes, Great Britain, and a few others. Every continent is available, but as I said before OSM data in the global files may not be as good as for example Europe. In those areas you will not have much 3D generated over your 2D photo scenery.
    1 point
  12. 1. If you want better ground textures in addition to uhd mesh you will need ortho photoscenery. Use uhd as your mesh, with ortho photo scenery on top of it. Then put World2Xplane on top of your photoscenery. Do this and you should have no further reason to go back to 32bit simulation again. Take a look at some of josjjgibbs twitch steams as an example of what your simulator could look like. Default ground textures are terriable in my opnion. 2. As for seasonal textures, I believe there's a company working on them at the moment. However I'm so impressed with w2xp and orthos that I really don't think that I can ever go back to default textures, even if they where seasonal. See SeasonsXP here http://maxx-xp.com/?page_id=23 3. I think this is dependent on the skill of the developer. Have you seen Richard Nunes's SBGL scenery? X-Plane is in constant development. You should keep an eye on the X-Plane developers blog to see what's coming done the pipe. One of the most exciting things I'm looking forward to in 10.50 is better and more static aircraft models at default airports. The nice thing about X-Plane is the default airports are actually worthy of flying in and out of. KSEA and KATL are awesome just to name a few. Default airports are built by the community using a standardized set of tools and textures from Laminar. Keep in mind you need a good computer to get the most out X-Plane 10. Here is a list of specs to get the absolute best out of this great simulator. I7 4970K or better GTX 980 or better 4gb of VRAM is must, recommend Titan X with 12gb VRAM for the very best performance with the most autogen. At least 16gb of RAM, recommended 32gb of RAM... don't be skimpy with this. 960gb or greater SSD for X-Plane and add-ons 460gb or greater SSD for uhd mesh 6tb WD black for all of your photo scenery. Add more WB Black drives as needed but 6tb should be more than enough to get you started. 16zl is sufficient. Anything more than that , you will have a lot of stutters as your HDD works to keep up with the sim. If you have the money then 6tb of SSD with 17zl or greater, but unless you're VFR flyer you want see much difference.
    1 point
  13. Version 1.0.0


    Here is the Flybe airlines livery for the IXEG 737 Classic! Installation: Extract file to your \Aircraft\X-Aviation\IXEG 737 Classic\liveries I hope y'all enjoy, leave a comment!
    1 point
    Great repaint. I like the way that this file is finished to the up most professional standard and is very good quality. Nice to see the old FlyBe 737 paint again
    1 point
  14. Folks! A quick update on this. I just processed the AIDAP data which contain the NOTAMS that we need to parse. I also reviewed the ICAO DOC 1826, which defines the NOTAMS format (codes, abbreviations) and all necessary specifications. The NOTAM system is more standartized than initially expected. It seems, there is a great chance that parsing the NOTAMS for what we need it, will work, since the Q)-line of the NOTAM is distinct and clear. (See here the Code for dealing with VOR´s in NOTMAS) Code: (Q)NTAS - hints to a VOR that is unserviceable. A massive part of the NOTAMS use this codes! Only based on the Q)code for an unserviceable VOR (QNTAS) and Completely withdrawn (QNTAW) and some filtering/parsing, i do get pretty motivating results: The herein found VOR stations needs to be compared with the X-Plane Navaids and finally, the respective Navaid in X-Plane sould be failed (and maybe some hint given to the user). We will most probably not get a 100% result, since the NOTAMS E-Line can be quite a mess (as @niebiski said). Ben is aware of the fact that we need a dataref or something to inject those data, probably there is going to be a way in order to get that in future. It seems as if we could hang on to the subject. Essential technical requirements are met. At the points where these do not yet exist, it seems as if they were quite feasible. An indication of impossibility did not exist previously. Any support and ideas appreciated. You´ll be kept informed Stefan
    1 point
  15. Is has been overwhelming the amount of livery request I have gotten since I publish a few liveries with a bare metal. Thank you all for the kind compliments, but I simply can't attend all requests. I have decided to share the bare metal layer for others to attend the many requests and to use for your own liveries. and I will share this with two conditions: First is to give credit for the use of my work, and second is to post liveries using this layer exclusively at this site. I DO NOT approve the use if this image for work shared at ANY other location. I have my reasons which are beyond the intention of this post. If you want to use the layer, respect my request. I cut out the areas where bare metal is not supposed to go and added the cargo doors (which are never bare, polished metal, nose cone and a few missing lines. It should be available at the downloads area very soon. Tanks again for the kind comments. Enjoy PD. The sample image is a low quality JPEG file, the full size, high res image will be provided for free, so do not even try to fix it
    1 point
  16. Flybe IXEG 737 Classic V1.0.0 View File Here is the Flybe airlines livery for the IXEG 737 Classic! Installation: Extract file to your \Aircraft\X-Aviation\IXEG 737 Classic\liveries I hope y'all enjoy, leave a comment! Submitter TXGrunt Submitted 05/13/2016 Category IXEG 737 Classic Livery For Click Here For Aircraft X-Plane Version(s)
    1 point
  17. Below are some numbers for descent rates attainable and decel timing for a 737NG BBJ. Clean speed brakes speed brakes modded wing 0.78M / 280 knots 2200 fpm 2600 fpm 3100 fpm 250 knots 1700 fpm 1900 fpm 2300 fpm VREF 40 + 70 1100 fpm 1200 fpm 1400 fpm Losing airspeed can be difficult and may require a level flight segment. For planning purposes, it requires approximately 25 seconds and 2 NM to decelerate from 280 to 250 knots in level flight without speedbrakes. It requires an additional 35 seconds and 3 NM to decelerate to flaps up maneuvering speed at average gross weights. Using speedbrakes to aid in deceleration reduces these times and distances by approximately 50%. So in the BBJ, it takes roughly 1 minute and 5NM to go from 280 to flaps up maneuver speed. Think its a close enough reference or guide of how a 737-300 may perform? its about the same length, but does have a longer wing(117 vs 94).
    1 point
  18. Anytime, this is what real world guys should do to help the community and developers get as real as can be
    1 point
  19. I think this is where the "native" X-Plane user is going to clash with what the "convertee" wants. We see quite a few "what is this nonsense, i'd rather have a simple installer!" posts. This may not be true for people that have gotten to like the options X-Plane's environment gives you (copy paste/back up/move as you damn well please) but I can see this being the case for X-Plane's *potential* user base. That said, I don't think having more options for us and more revenue for developers could be a bad thing
    1 point
  20. Hello pilots I decided to share my first flightsim video here. It shows a takeoff from Bremens runway 27 during some CAT I weather when the engine decides to retire before the other aircraft parts ;-) There are some minor mistakes while handling the abnormal, but since I am not rated on the 737 AND I am flying this thing without a copilot I still think it was okay. But it's not a training video Have fun
    1 point
  21. Old school aircraft... old school way of taking notes. Putting on the paper every little detail (down to circuit breakers numbers). Did you know that DC-9 has a "special" course intercept mode called "fixed"?
    1 point
  22. merelles and mike, you bring up some good points. So, amazingly my training started with jets from the start. I had no flight experience at all except from flight sim. The training was vigorous and many washed out due to the fast and furious training profile. If you couldn't get basic flying concepts and twin engine jet operation at the same time, you were done. So this guy I flew C141Bs with invited me over to ride with him in a single engine piper type aircraft. I had no experience with prop aircraft and the extra 2 engine levers were intimidating. After some quick explanation during the climb, he gave me the aircraft. Immediately I knew flightsim was wrong because the controls were firm and rigid like the jets I flew. The FSX prop aircraft were super sensitive and twitchy. This aircraft had a heavy feel to it from the air loads. I found myself constantly trimming like in a jet aircraft. In jet aircraft, I find myself trimming every 3 to 5 knot change, pitch change, flap configuration change and power change. In FSX, you rarely trim unless holding altitude or trimming for glide path. I did notice that the plane was more responsive to gusts and wind change while jets had more delay and stability. Aircraft control felt normal though the prop sound change from the gust was unsettling. Engine controls were a different story. All of the precautions around the lever settings made me nervous, last thing I wanted to do was blow the engine. He took the aircraft to demo the pattern and described these different throttle settings around the pattern. He performed a touch n go and gave me the aircraft. Since things were slower, I was able to fly a squared pattern instead of the race track pattern at 180kts. Power settings were strange because I wanted to revert back to setting the throttle to maintain my desired speed. The landing was interesting. I wanted to flare higher due to my normal flare picture, but felt him add forward press to keep the sink coming. At flare, I set a pitch and let it come down as i would a jet. He laughed and said you have to hold it off, very counter intuitive. The second touch n go, I held it off, but felt him add a touch more back pressure. The third time was a charm and I couldn't believe the amount of back pressure needed to hold it off. The back pressure was almost the amount I use during rotation in a jet. Since that time I've flown props and have become very comfortable with them. I've yet to get a checkout in one. I know attempting to fly a prop is a bit scary with all of the engine precautions. Without having a person in the prop with me during the first time, I'm sure I'd risk killing myself. A friend and I wanted to go up during heavy crosswinds since I do it all the time in jet aircraft. After the first circuit in that prop and heavy gusty crosswinds, we quickly called it quits. Needless to say, it didn't feel right and we scared ourselves. Overload of senses can freeze you up as you said. I had this boom operator who was a private pilot. I once illegally let him in the right seat while we were in the Baghdad 500 flying the refueling track for hours. I figure, i'm a instructor pilot, why not. I clicked off the autopilot and had him follow the flight director to maintain the track. He fell into the ol focus on one thing trick. He could maintain heading, but not the altitude. He could maintain altitude, but not the heading. I had to take it from him a few times before he was able to settle down and fly a half decent pattern. I then clicked off the auto throttles and it ruined his world adding speed to his crosscheck. Just as you guys described, I think he fell victim to the overload though he was a private pilot. Things happen quickly in a GA aircraft. He would put in too much input, the plane would delay and suddenly respond and want to keep responding. I had to teach him to put in small inputs, allow the jet to respond and anticipate taking it out. He was getting into PIO too easy, plus he was shocked at how responsive to inputs this heavy jet was. You could fly with your finger tips. Speed control caught him off guard. I had to teach him to use the wrist wiggle technique to make small thrust adjustment. He didn't realize how long it took the jet to respond to thrust changes. A new guy can get in trouble by adding too much or reducing too much power. The DC10 was the first jet I flew that had quiet engines. You only hear the engines right after light off with this deep whooing sound before going silent at idle. Also going above 90%, that deep groan from the fans could be heard. During taxi, you don't hear them. The first indication that you are using too much thrust during taxi is the takeoff warning horn.
    1 point
  23. Version 1.0.0


    Frontier Airlines 'Foxy the red Fox' N319FL for the IXEG 737-300 If anyone wants another livery like this with a different animal feel free to request! Installation: Simply extract the file, and put it in \Aircraft\X-Aviation\IXEG 737 Classic\liveries Please leave a comment, and enjoy!
    1 point
  24. I hear you, the G550 must really be a "floater" However, it is a common misconception (also amongst pilots) that there is only one type of ground effect and that the floating is related to span. In fact there are atleast 2 types of ground effect. 1. Chord dominated 2. Span dominated There are several reasons why the G550 is such a "floater" compared to many other aircraft; -> The main wing has a very long root chord (relatively speaking) -> It has very little dihedral which places more of the wing in Chord GE. -> low aspect ratio (long chords) -> It has (relatively) short landingear. (chords gets close to ground) All this means that a very high % of the wing will be in well inside chord dominated GE close to ground (lift increase). And this is what the FSX/P3D (default flightmodel) has misunderstood, they only have one GE effect and have mixed up the two. So I can understand the designers there are having a hard time getting that right. Took me a while to convince Austin about this many years ago as well M
    1 point
  25. Well its up to you if you want to fly it or not, but come on, this beautiful bird is fresh out of the nest, give the devs time to fix some of the issues, you can't expect a perfect product on first release. Some just do not realize the complexity of the coding involved, thousands and thousands lines of code that the devs have to revise and go through every time someone reports a bug, also the programmer has to be sure that when fixing part of the code, the fix is not actually breaking something else. Believe me when I tell you, it's a very very complex process. Give it some time, after all It's only v1.03.
    1 point
  26. Just for the record, I believe this great blog was written in 2013 and posted at Avsim ( before the IXEG 737 was released). So we hope that Rick will be more pleased with the crosswind performance and the "wing low" technique now than he was with "the other sim" M
    1 point
  27. plain and simple, there is no chance at all that a simmer will be able to fly a real world jet for takeoff and landing without killing himself and others. just by sitting on the cabin, his brain/senses receiving massive amounts of feedback not trained for will paralyze him not being able to achieve 2 simple tasks like rolling centered and watching ias display. Surely an extreme simmer with serios simulation aircraft can learn and perform the procedures to get the jet up and running, even programing AP and the FMC mid flight. Going from A to B by itself? there is not the most minimal remote chance to achieve that. It is not about the aircraft systems by itself, it s about flying skills actually. You may be the master of formula 1 on the xbox, the first time you sit for real to drive a car your brain paralyzes and you make tons of mistakes. On a jet this is an immediate kill. This is not about knowing all the theories, is about your body and brain to have the proper training, feeling to execute it for real.
    1 point
  28. Indeed...this is a very rough week schedule wise. "Graduation time!" Family, events, etc. I am about to begin some serious FMS calibration work though, beginning next week....looking to squash bugs and work on missing features and improved LNAV and VNAV. After that, I'll definitely be interested in evaluating the shared copoilot situations. -tkyler
    1 point
  29. Hi Jan, Thanks. I've been retired now for 20 years. I flew BAC-11, B727, B757, B767 and MD11 and props before them. I guess it is a feeling - "seat of the pants" - thing. Maybe, my memory is getting a bit foggy. Ah, those were the good old days. It is good to see the ixeg B737 in XP-10 in such good detail. Keep up the good work. Flight simulators have come a long way.
    1 point
  30. I know you are never supposed to ask how much you make. I'm well old enough to know that. But I would never respond in a rude fasion. To the person above who was asking, I would say. "We won't disclose that information". A simple and not rude response.
    1 point
  31. Hi, I have done a first small complete flight (1 hour about) with a copilot, from cold and dark. Nils, you can eat your shoes. Cristiano, you can kiss me. One problem though, at some point the left CDU was unable to display the leg page. Probably a bug of the plane, not of smartco. I have done improvements of the configuration file : Don't use any axis for speed brakes. Only use mouse or buttons. If the master have an axis for the tiller, it can be used during the push back. From master to slave, fuel and payload are synchronized (at least starting cold and dark). Now doable after the connection. Also, always by master only, wiglets and gauges (in Preferences) are synchronized. The access door of manual extension gear does not work. (as guards). Each pilot have to open it. Remaining problems : Guards and gear door, i suspect a sound problem. Only devs can do something (smartco is on their to-do list) Spring loaded switches and knobs (APU, trims, clock), something is doable by the devs, as such switches and knobs works properly with the Saab. They are driven by 2 datarefs, one for the state of the button/switch, one for their movement. Some non implemented features we found during the flight : In plan mode, step on the right Leg page does not work. The Clock buttons (non animated) of the MCP are tied with the CHR button of the clock. Not sure, but buttons of the MCP launch the timer for block to block and in flight time, the CHR launch a separate timer. The month/year display 87. The hold/run/reset switch of the clock does nothing. A second transponder code is not stored. The switch ½ on the transponder panel only change the display ATC 1 to ATC 2. PS: what is the use of: ixeg/733/misc/my_weapon1_x, 1_y etc? Nils, please, go and test/improve it, easy if you have a lan with 2 computers. Claude. smartcopilot.zip
    1 point
  32. Totally agree @stevekirks! The fmc has bugs and is missing some key features, but based on the current efforts in only a week since release, I'm sure these fmc bugs will be squashed in no time. Once I know I can use the fmc wihout a chance of a crash, I'll be even more happy than what I am now (which is very happy )
    -1 points
  33. Three. Ask a silly question, get a silly answer.
    -1 points
  34. Do we have wingflex, I cant see it. This is very important for realistic atmosphere .
    -1 points
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