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Showing content with the highest reputation since 08/19/2011 in File Reviews

    congrats on the first community livery for the 650 oisin! Mattia
    5 points
    Finally a proper 'Canyon Blue'. Fantastic work!
    5 points
    Nice one! Small request, is there a way to remove the QS on the engines? Netjets Europe just got their first CL650 a few days ago (CS-CLA). CS-CLA | Bombardier CL-600-2B16 Challenger 650 | NetJets Europe | Pol Boleda-Spotters BCN-El Prat | JetPhotos
    4 points
    As always beautiful livery, thank you very much! For the airframe manager, real-world selcal on this particular bird is KQ-MP and MSN is 5974. Best regards
    3 points
    Needed to 5 star this paint job, very nice!
    3 points
    Looking good! I am the only one who's thinking that the TBM needs this... And we might need a lonngboard to explore the area
    3 points
    Beautiful livery, Plz make more liveries for the 734 RG Mod
    3 points
    Thank you for this!! My favorite livery for the Challenger! Really nice work.
    2 points
    Absolutely beautiful livery. Excellently made with the metallic stripe
    2 points
    Wow! Awesome! Can you do a blue version?
    2 points
  1. 1 point
    What an awesome livery! Thank you very much
    1 point
    Great work fidi, truly remarkable looking paint job. The cabin is especially beautiful and adds the to livery! Highly recommend!
    1 point
    Another extremely beautiful one! When will this guy stop? My harddisk is getting full!
    1 point
    could u please make a delta airlines one please
    1 point
    Thank you for the great livery! Danke!
    1 point
    For accurate cockpit placards: Source: https://jetpano.speedlight.at/air_independence/awbf/index.html
    1 point
    Very nice livery Christophe. Really suits the Challenger.
    1 point
    Just amazing! Very well done job! 5 stars. Waiting eagerly for own registration possibility!
    1 point
    Amazing liveries. You've got some mad skills. Thanks for sharing with us.
    1 point
    @ryeng87This is a fantastic livery! Thank you for a job well done and for the coordinated efforts that went into producing it! I for one will be spending many hours enjoying its beauty.
    1 point
    GREAT WORK,and may i ask how u make this livery or like is there a tutorial for this,i've always wanted to create my own,PS kinda time-wasting,and it's hard to align the picture
    1 point
    AWESOME LIVERY!! Should be able to rate it as a 10+ star rather than only 5.
    1 point
    My favorite one so far, thanks!
    1 point
    Beautiful Livery, thanks for sharing your hard work with us. This is a keeper. It takes a lot of time and effort to turn a livery out like this, my hat is off to ya.... Cheers....... and Blue Skies to ya!! JS
    1 point
    Awesome job, thanks so much. Nice seeing how many Challengers are around on Vatsim
    1 point
    Great job! Fits the 733 very nicely.
    1 point
    Masterwork! Thanks a lot for the paint, it's stunning! Just one note, would be even more perfect if you included painted winglets
    1 point
    Amazing attempt at a first time livery! I really thank you for creating this. It looks wonderful flying out of LWSK!
    1 point
    Thank you for properly using the bare metal layer. I love retro liveries, specially of defunct airlines that can only be brought back to life in the sim world (y)
    1 point
    Great repaint. I like the way that this file is finished to the up most professional standard and is very good quality. Nice to see the old FlyBe 737 paint again
    1 point
    Bravo! Thanks so much, this is beautiful livery and I'm glad we have -300 version to fly! Bill KGSP
    1 point
    Well done. I think this is the best SWA livery to date for this bird. Nice!
    1 point
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