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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/27/2022 in all areas

  1. well definitely to improve it where it needs it ...Regarding the 750Txi, that's more on Garmin probably as RealityXP just 'ports' their simulator. As far as other plans...David has kindly offered to provide some performance data, which I'll seek to incorporate into the Moo. I see my imminent Moo 'todos' (things I'm unhappy with) to be...in no particular order or priority: Flight model improvements (chasing numbers), EGT, Fuel Flow, SRL behavior, performance, etc....more liveries, and the first 2-3 seconds of the engine starting sounds (gear whine). To me, those are the basics at least. Not quite sure what I'll look at after that just yet. As far as timing, I am indeed full time on X-Plane...but the holidays and IXEG work have taken precedence while Laminar has gotten XP12 stabilized. I'll tend to rotate every few weeks between projects and 'binge' the work and the IXEG is getting the binge treatment atm; however, the Moo's turn is coming back around quite soon....and I have a 3rd project in the works also that gets chipped on 'nights and weekends'....but won't take on any more than 3. Better to have a few quality pieces that I can maintain for years than get all strewn out with new models. -TomK
    3 points
  2. Actually, yes.. lol I started the Youtube channel to educate potential buyers of the plane to be honest.. So far, it is easier for me to fly.. I think I need VR to make this work for me, never realized how much I look around.. Baby pictures below. My cockpit is very similar to the one modeled. Do you think there will be a 750Txi version in this sim?
    2 points
  3. Yes and I suspect this is part of the issue. My main monitor is 5120x1440. I have two additional smaller monitors. One 1024x768 that is set to be used at "2d panel only", which I use to display a MFD. The other is unused by the sim. I am away from my PC for a couple days but I'll provide a screenshot when able. And as far as I could tell, those are the only two things that seem to be bugged for me. Everything else works and is clickable where is should be.
    1 point
  4. You have a lot of rudder input going in (see the slip indicator below the FMAs), most likely unintentionally, but at Mach .80 even a small amount of input has a big impact. You should recalibrate your Yaw axis, and if there's still an issue, configure a dead zone at the centre of it.
    1 point
  5. Turn the display and lamps’ brightness down! Your eyes are too sensitive at night.
    1 point
  6. -Yes, by explicitly selecting the sound settings, as you suggested, and setting the sound volumes, everything is now working, thanks! Thanks for a fantastic simulation of the CL650, worth every cent!!
    1 point
  7. Hello all.. New to the flight sim world, but not new to the MU2.. Just downloaded 12 and the MU2 mod, and the Realsim G500.. I still see the advertisment for the G500 in the game even though the mod is installed, should I assume that is just something to wait for until it is ported to ver 12? David MU2B60 owner..
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. RealityXP GNS and GTN have been updated to 2.5.0 (GNS) resp. 2.6.0 (GTN). These new versions support XP12, so one item less to worry about
    1 point
  10. I don't think that will be the case. There's a few reasons: 1. We anticipate some big changes for the 12 run 2. It's quite clear in our customer data that 12 is already HIGHLY adopted and favored this early on. It will only continue that direction moving forward. Spending time on previous builds of X-Plane will not be advantageous of the teams time or for majority of our customers. We will continue to offer the current 11 build for install, but to keep two platforms in development is highly unlikely.
    1 point
  11. Thanks a lot and... Great aircraft!
    1 point
  12. View File N872BC - HotStart Challenger 650 Challnger 604 N872BC presented here for the HotStart Challenger 650. Please do not modify and redistribute or upload without permission. Submitter reversethrust Submitted 12/19/2022 Category Hot Start Challenger 650 Livery For https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-hot-start-challenger-650-p-212  
    1 point
  13. Hmmm Actually.. She flies so well in XP-11 I still might drag her through a few years.. Out of all the add-ons I have this one is one of my faves. Flying to Manchester :D.
    1 point
  14. Today some high altitude flightmodel testing for the conversion. The picture shows steady state at FL350 and M.74 with 46.000kgs. Book values (official POH) are: 82.8%N1 and 1009kg/h FF.
    1 point
  15. This is a really interesting topic.......the ability to evaluate how safely/smoothly you got the plane from point a to point b. For me currently I know I can get to point b in one piece....but in the real world how well did I do it? It would be really cool to get a report of....you left your landing lights on (Toto) or you violated the altitude/speed restriction on your SID.
    1 point
  16. Hi, have you checked out the StableApproach plugin? It can be really useful for assessing your approach with criteias such as glideslope deviation if on an ILS with a ton of other features. It also has a config tuned for the CL60 that should automatically download when you load up the challenger. However this plugin focuses on the numbers and wont really give your "passenger satisfaction survey" that you want. The only plugin that I am aware of that might do this is PACX by TFDi but I have 0 experience with this plugin and its paid so you would need to do some research into that.
    1 point
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