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  1. Depend on the operator and what they have available. Many operators use a flight planning service that also contracts with a performance engineering service provider. For the business aviation fleet, that is usually Aircraft Performance Group: Aircraft Performance Group: APG (flyapg.com) APG provides the airline-style airport runway analysis. If you're familiar with TOPCAT (FlightSimSoft.com), it is the same thing. You would simply run a landing analysis report for the airport of intended use and then see if the maximum landing weight meets your requirements. In the US, for part 135 or 91K operators, their minimum field length is normally based on actual landing distance allowing the aircraft to stop within 60% of the runway's declared landing distance available. This minimum field length is increased by 15% if the runway is forecast to be slippery or wet at the ETA. Some operators can reduce the runway required to where the actual landing distance will bring the aircraft to a stop within 80% of runway's LDA. With EASA, they do not permit this type of reduction...yet. Last I heard, they are looking at it. On the QRH for the CL650, for different pressure altitudes there is a chart that provide the "LFL" or Landing Field Length both for a dry runway and a wet runway for each weight at a given pressure altitude. Since LFL "assumes" standard temperature, there are no corrections provided for temperature. The chart for a given pressure altitude also give the actual landing distance (ALD) at various landing weights and temperatures. These QRH chars can be used if you do not have access to an airport runway analysis service. One more thing to consider is the landing climb requirement and approach climb requirement. Landing climb requires a minimum 3.4% climb gradient, 8 seconds after go around thrust is selected, with the aircraft in the full landing configuration. Most turbojets, this requirement is not limiting. The other requirement is the approach climb requirement, which requires a 2.1% climb gradient at maximum go around thrust with one engine inoperative, in the approach configuration for a go-around, and with the landing gear retracted. This a "spot" or snapshot performance requirement at the start of the OEI go around. On the QRH charts, I noticed that ALD data is not provided above certain temperatures at certain higher pressure altitudes. Most likely reason is that the aircraft does not meet the approach climb requirement at those pressure altitudes and temperatures. A closer look at the performance charts in the AFM would likely confirm. If you would like a good primer on transport airplane performance, may I refer you to the NBAA website that host the FAA TAPP WG performance videos: Aircraft Climb Performance Videos | NBAA - National Business Aviation Association They're also available on YouTube from the FAA. Here's the first of four: Thanks, Rich Boll
    3 points
  2. Similar here, dancing around with noticeable speed changes, but on RNP APP EDFM RWY 27, AP coupled, 23011KT 200V260, smoothened out the moment I disconnected AP
    1 point
  3. I also experienced these oscillations only on approach. I was doing the ILS 17R into KSDF. I intercepted the localizer on vectors at about 8DME and the aircraft auto-transferred to green needles correctly and captured the glideslope. The aircraft appeared to be completely centered on the glideslope while descending but the flight director would continuously oscillate. I disconnected the autopilot and noticed the flight director behavior continued. While the autopilot was turned off, I turned off and then re-enabled the flight director, re-armed APPR, and then the autopilot, but the behavior continued. Winds were around 210 degrees at 14kts. Had 12 passengers and about 3000lbs of fuel left on approach.
    1 point
  4. Just had the same oscillations ILS approach for landing at EGKK (Gatwick) QNH1010 winds 270/10 rw 26L approach speed 125Kts, version 1.5.2. Never had on any previous flights with older versions (first full flight with this version). No problems with climb.
    1 point
  5. 10-4. Thanks for that. I know you all are busy and the plane is amazing!
    1 point
  6. Folks, this is not a Hot Start issue. You need to push IVAO client teams to work on this. You will notice that X-Pilot works perfectly.
    1 point
  7. It would be really nice if I could, from the XP menu, select which checklist I want, without cycling through them all. Also if the Next Checklist and Prev Checklist menu items could indicate which ones they are, that also would be helpful. Minor point, but would be nice to have. Thanks for consideration.
    1 point
  8. I'll have to check to see if it made it in the update. It is definitely fixed, and I'm looking at it right now in my blend file.
    1 point
  9. Worse yet, they mix them. Some states are using PANS-OPS for procedure development, but then not applying the requirements for those procedures during flight operations. For example, PANS-OPS in some circumstances requires the use of an alignment hold to enter a procedure turn or teardrop course reversal. There is one state in the western hemisphere that designs their approaches based on PANS-OPS with the alignment hold published, but when you say you're going to do it, it can throw ATC for loop because they are not expecting it.
    1 point
  10. @oisin650 Please find attached the mp4 of the crash. I cut out cruise, descent and landing as those went as expected (minus a semi awkward landing in 34 knot gusting with 14knots of it being crosswind. I also cut out the stupidly long taxi I had to do due to poor planning on arrival runway (needed opposite side of Orlando). However, I show the post-landing checklist, engine shutdown and securing. It was on securing, I shut down the APU GEN, clicked the ISO and 10th Stage buttons, went to press packs and the CTD happened. Hopefully this helps! If you need other portions of the flight let me know! Do know, I didn't record take off nor climb, forgot to start OBS.. so only have cruise and onwards. CL60_CTD.mp4
    1 point
  11. It won't arm because you've no takeoff N1 value. Enter the temperature in your thrust limit page and try again.
    1 point
  12. Thanks for reporting! I've forwarded this on.
    1 point
  13. Hello All, This will serve as a formal forum announcement that we have released the version 1.5.2 update for the CL650. All customers who have purchased the CL650 up till now have been sent an e-mail by X-Aviation with complete instructions on how to obtain your update. We have made this a very simple process! For those that purchase the CL650 from today forward, your purchased download will already be updated to version 1.5.2 for you. What if I didn't get the update e-mail? If you did not receive your update e-mail don't fret! X-Aviation has updated our system to allow all customers to update with ease, regardless of whether you received an e-mail for the update! Here's what to do: 1. Login to your X-Aviation account here: https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/account_history.php  2. Find your original Challenger 650 download and re-download the file. It will download as the latest version! The following is a list of additions/fixes included: What's New / Changed: New Features: 2690: Add a clickspot for inspecting wing surfaces during preflight 2708: Add support for xPilot’s SELCAL datarefs 2716: Implement FANS CPDLC support 2732: Implemented DEP CLX, OCEAN CLX and ATS LOG datalink subsystems Enhancements: 2691: Redesigned the overnight icing accumulation algorithm to use real METAR data 2688: Add support for detecting POSCON client for disabling realistic altimetry feature 2698: Implement workaround for FMod sound bug when loading the airplane with sound muted 2699: Implement dataref interface for libfail to allow 3rd party software to trigger our failures 2320: User request for dataref to indicate when in “walking mode” Bugfixes: 2683: ABEAM REF distance and time isn't working correctly 2687: V-bar FD vertical deflection & rotation stacking should be reversed so the V-bar rotates around the nose indicator 2692: Reduce landing and taxi light brightness to be a bit closer to reality 2648: KEUG I16R with EUG transition is handled incorrectly for the subsequent leg intercept off the procedure turn 2409: Shrink or hide manipulators for engine fire push buttons so they can’t be clicked by mistake 2685: Manual ENG BLEED setting isn't being cross-talked between FMCs 2693: afm_mgr has a potential deadlock due to locking inversion if a state load coincides with a state save 2694: THRUST LIMIT page 2/2 shouldn't be selectable in the air 2695: Smooth FPLN leg joins should anticipate turn radius changes due to climbs 2697: CPC PID derivative rate was still causing oscillations when reloading a climb state at higher ISA around mid-20 thousands 2487: CTD - CL650[chart_prov_navigraph.c:1086]: assertion "chartdb_add_chart(arpt, chart)" failed 2721: Receiving a ATIS datalink message should show green DATALINK advisory CAS 2730: Reduce initial engine parameter variance a bit to help avoid unusually high ITT deviations 2775: Fix radial are off by a few degrees 2776: ATS posts an FMC ERR when FMS3 is selected as active on the left side 2779: Descent altitude constraints can stick past the waypoint where they are applicable 2780: Compressor stalls should stop when the engine is shut down 2773: PFD SVS rendering distance too short 2768: Changing NAV SRC while OEI causes CTD 2784: Small amount of aileron trim causes persistent monitored AP disconnects due to servo misalignment alarm firing 2769: DCT fix in FMS followed by pressing NAV causes CTD 2767: CTD when attempting to use invalid AFCS data 2749: Hold exit followed by FPL disco. clear = CTD 2785: Newly created airframe has right hand side cabin window blinds closed 2786: Engine hydraulic SOVs were being ignored when determining engine-driven pump operation 2787: Manual date setting on STATUS page results in setting incorrect year 2789: Make tail refuel pump fatter by 1mm to avoid spurious AUX TANK HEAVY CAS messages 2791: PBPB waypoint entry when first WPT SEL has 1 option and second WPT SEL has more than 1, empty WPT SEL shows instead 2792: PBPB waypoint checker should be using the passed selection lookup type, instead of defaulting to database-only 2793: WPT SEL screen should return to the caller's subpage 2777: Fix page missing Lat/Lon Cross small text 2795: FLT LOG fuel used needs to allow entering DELETE to reset the value 2796: TERM WX should allow for non-ICAO station IDs 2794: Add a checklist menu item to manually stop the FO's go-around flow 2797: is_valid_icao_code should allow for numbers in IDs 2798: Invalid ICAO code in FPLN RECALL page isn't generating an INVALID ENTRY error Enjoy these latest updates, and stay tuned to the forum as we continually announce the latest happenings.
    1 point
  14. Version 1.0.0


    Here's N777QX for the superb CL60 from HotStart. Enjoy! Please do not modify & reupload/resdistribute without contacting me.
    1 point
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