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Captains, We are pleased to offer you a free upgrade to version 1.0.3 of the IXEG 737 Classic! Just like with our previous update, we will use the HotFix upgrade system here. Rather than going and re-downloading an entire aircraft package, or having to go through a full re-install process, we will be offering more immediate code changes through this delivery method. In short, it's quick, easy, and kind of fun! Please read below how to install this update! But first, here's what's in it... Version 1.0.3 introduces the following fixes: Various fixes to sound engine. Some sounds being heard when they should not and vice versa. New datarefs added for XPUIPC and CDU Display so remote CDUs can be developed. Fix to soft crash scenario when sequencing 2nd to last waypoint and last point was part of an airway (not procedure or direct) Spoiler keystrokes now more in line with XP Standard. 4 is "extended", 3 is "lay flat" Fix to several soft crash scenarios when crossing T/D. Tweaked magnitude of reverse thrust / N1% Flight recorder test now affects requisite annunciator. Fix for soft crash when erroneously using a slash to enter OAT on the PERF INIT page Fix for many soft crashes relating to arrivals where the deceleration at the Speed Restriction Altitude crosses a waypoint with a ABOVE restriction. VNAV calculation only. Some temporary protections put on the PROGRESS page to minimize soft crashes until the page is officially completed and endorsed. Day/Date fields on the POS INIT page swapped to confirm to title line. Tweak to oversensitive toe brakes. Tweak to improve some compatibility with Saitek equipment. Can set fuel level using the preflight dialog now. Fixed bug relating to soft crash and actuating the Fire Handles Fuel entry on the PERF INIT page takes decimals now. It was rounding up/down before. Gross Weight and VRef values on the approach page now update during flight. Imperial GW values stays in imperial units, instead of reverting back to metric. Adjustment to incorrect mach target speeds when switching AP pitch modes from VNAV. HUD forward view is now available. Spoilers deploy when armed for all cases. Before, for some users, they did not depending on their preference settings. Can now select SID transitions on LSK1 (2nd page and higher). Before, attempting to select SID trans on LSK 1 would do nothing. Some data is now saved between flights, particularly fuel and MCP settings. Tweak to cabin temperature adjustment Can enter CG on PERF INIT page now. Fix to GPU disconnecting when randomizing ground services. Fix to N1 activating during approach some times. CG now adjustable on the TAKEOFF page. Trim updates accordingly. New wind sound file in effect To upgrade your aircraft to version 1.0.3 please follow the below steps: Open X-Plane and the 737 Classic as your aircraft In the X-Plane menu bar at top, select Plugins > Gizmo64 > Windows > HotFix You will be asked to enter in your HotFix ID. Copy and paste in the following: d62572f9dea3e9e264f7c96a735abb6b Click 'Update' Once it has downloaded and installed, click 'Reboot' and you'll be done! Thank you for all of your support! Blue Skies, X-Aviation8 points
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Hi everyone, please help us scrutinize this - with every patch - despite careful testing - there is the chance that we introduce new bugs or don´t quite get the old ones (anyone said "spoilers"?? ). Would love to hear your feedback on this and keep the reports on bugs (in the support forum) coming! Highest priority of course are still the gizmo-softcrashes - though I do hope that we have reigned these in further signifcantly with this patch. Happy landings, Jan3 points
Some additional background on the TA/RA switch. (I am an avionics tech for a corporate jet operator). As long as the transponder is in "standby" mode on the ground, it is OK to leave the TCAS set to TA/RA. The TCAS processor is a separate unit from the ATC transponder. It has two directional receiving antennas - one on top of the fuselage, and one below. These antennas receive signals from the transponders of other other aircraft in flight, and the TCAS calculates the bearing, distance and relative altitude of airborne targets. The TCAS has no transmitting ability on its own. In order to send interrogations to other aircraft (known as "squitter"), the TCAS uses the transmitter portion of the aircraft's transponder as its link to the outside world. As long as the transponder is selected to standby (either manually, or automatically via weight-on-wheels sensors), the TCAS cannot transmit. In years past, it was always standard practice to place an aircraft's transponder in STBY mode as soon as exiting the runway after landing, and to not turn it on until entering the runway for takeoff. Now, however, many large airports with heavy traffic volumes are equipped with surface detection radar known as ASDE-X, which permits ground controllers to see the exact positions of taxiing aircraft, even at night or in conditions of poor visibility. At such airports, all aircraft moving on taxiways are required to turn their transponders "on", so ground controllers can see them on ASDE-X. In this situation, the pilot should turn the TCAS to STBY or OFF, to prevent it from sending squitter interrogations through the transponder, which could cause false TCAS alerts in other aircraft which are in the process of taking off or approaching for landing. Many aircraft are equipped with ATC control panels which combine both TCAS and transponder control in a single rotary knob - with transponder modes coming first, followed by TCAS modes. The control panel emulated in the IXEG 737 is one in which the transponder and TCAS mode selectors are separate.3 points
2 points
Any chance that we will see a turnaround state where the GPU is connected and powering the aircraft? A so called "Long Turnaround"?2 points
Apple and all public companies are required to make public their results/balances and everyone in the world has the right to know such information to invest on them or not. Asking a private business how many copies they sold could have very good intentions but unfortunately they response could harm them badly. So it is just fine they reserve their right not to make this information public the same way anyone could ask you about your family bank account statement, salary, etc. and you keep it private. Laminar doesn't make public how many xplane copues they have sold, no one makes this information public. Unless public companies as said above.2 points
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I think we are quite accustomed to poor simulations, when ixeg simulates not only basic systems but complex systems that runs beyond the pilot on the real thing we see issues everywhere you better watch this2 points
In the case of "bent" tracks at MTHG, it similar to the issue I responded to in another topic entitled "Cheesy route drawing at KPSP". Like the RNAV approaches at Palm Springs, the RNAV02 approach at Toncontin is an RNP RNAV approach which uses curved leg segments. Typically, the FMS in a r/w 737-300 would NOT be capable of flying RNP. At the time that the FMS in the Classic 737 was designed, curved RF legs did not exist. Not all RNAV approaches are RNP, but those which are, cannot be flown by a "stock" 733. That's not to say that other types of distorted track displays in the IXEG 737 might not be caused by programming bugs, but in this instance, it is a limitation of the real aircraft, which might very well display similar track distortion if an RNP approach was attempted.2 points
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I've had the temptation to do this ever since I bought it, sorry IXEG (probably not sorry). I assure you, we landed safely.1 point
Thanks Jan. I'm actually flying 3-4 routes per day and all is good, just this LROP airport giving me the monkey business. I'll wait patiently, thanks!1 point
Interesting. May want to re-title the post as NSFW or youngsters because of the language though. Tim1 point
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You are right - this was a last-ditch effort to get this into the patch and there has been some confusion about what the right behaviour of that page should be. For now enjoy the fact that the TAKEOFF page will always show the correct trim setting - a luxury that the real pilots don´t have . Jan1 point
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Thanks for following up and reporting! This issue didnt make it into 1.0.3 but is already in our log... will bump it up due to the crash! Jan1 point
Air Europe livery Boeing 733 IXEG View File This is the original Air Europe livery which from an Air Europe subsidiary Air Europa modified. Reg: G-BMTF Submitter Niilo Submitted 05/07/2016 Category IXEG 737 Classic Livery For Click Here For Aircraft X-Plane Version(s)1 point
The route drawing "rules" are a bit complicated. With over a million possible route combinations, we are going to improve the LNAV 'rules' for various situations during a tuning phase. The "bend" is not a bug, its as intended for the moment. It is a "re-intercept" of the leg between the two waypoints, which IS valid for legs over a certain length...though that length is not defined anywhere, but more "common sense" -tkyler1 point
<ERASE is active after an initial route EXEC. ...and you need to 'undo' your changes relative to the active route. If no route is active yet (due to no EXEC), there is nothing to "erase" per se....and the method here is to simply overwrite what you have before. -tkyler1 point
1 point
No I didn't duplicate GPU as it's already built-in the IXEG model. I just put a couple of cones around it You can see it all in the screenshot. One thing that is not in the screenshot is the IXEG built-in high pressure unit as it's in the same place as the forward catering truck. You can use APU instead if you want to keep your passengers comfy1 point
SkyExpress for Boeing 737-300 IXEG View File SkyExpress livery for Boeing 737-300 IXEG Submitter Alex_Temnyakov Submitted 05/06/2016 Category IXEG 737 Classic Livery For Click Here For Aircraft X-Plane Version(s)1 point
NordStar for Boeing 737-300 IXEG View File NordStar livery for Boeing 737-300 IXEG Submitter Alex_Temnyakov Submitted 05/06/2016 Category IXEG 737 Classic Livery For Click Here For Aircraft X-Plane Version(s)1 point
Nordavia for Boeing 737-300 IXEG View File Nordavia - Regional airlines livery for Boeing 737-300 IXEG Submitter Alex_Temnyakov Submitted 05/06/2016 Category IXEG 737 Classic Livery For Click Here For Aircraft X-Plane Version(s)1 point
Sun Country B733 for IXEG View File Sun Country Airlines ficticious B733 livery for IXEG. Submitter nellhama Submitted 05/06/2016 Category IXEG 737 Classic Livery For Click Here For Aircraft X-Plane Version(s)1 point
IXEG 737-300 Eastern Airlines [Fictional] N276EA Livery View File This is an Eastern Airlines Livery for the IXEG 737-300. The real plane is a 737-800 and it does have winglets. Let me know if you see anything wrong and i will try and fix it! Like me on Facebook for updates, make requests, WIP, etc! https://www.facebook.com/cessnaroxliveries Submitter cessnarox Submitted 05/06/2016 Category IXEG 737 Classic Livery For Click Here For Aircraft X-Plane Version(s)1 point
Belavia for Boeing 737-300 IXEG View File Belavia livery for Boeing 737-300 IXEG Submitter Alex_Temnyakov Submitted 05/06/2016 Category IXEG 737 Classic Livery For Click Here For Aircraft X-Plane Version(s)1 point
Hello, I have a question. How come you have not yet realized the HOLD function in this wonderful airplane. ????1 point
LELN - Leon (Virgen del Camino) - Spain View File Please, rate and/or comment it. Thanks so much. Por favor, evalúe y/o coméntelo. Muchas gracias. *************************************************************************************************** [ENGLISH] The scenery needs checked "Runways follow terrain contours" option and HDR activated for a correct ilumination. This scenery don't need any aditional library but... Some objects used in this scenery are from: - Flags of the world (link broken). - 3D people library (link broken). - OpenSceneryX ( http://www.opensceneryx.com/ ). - Autogate ( http://marginal.org.uk/x-planescenery/plugins.html ). - C101 from freeware LESA - Matacan - Salamanca Airport by JRollon. Thanks to my family and to Mr. Antón García and Mr. Jorge Álvarez for his selfless collaboration in this project. Thank you very much to all PUE, in general, for their tests and support. (c) Luis Mtnez. 2016 - Freeware. Forbiden their sale or rent. (c) Plus Ultra Virtual Airlines Virtual ( http://www.plusultrava.es/ ). (c) Pilotos Virtuales España ( http://www.pilotosvirtuales.es/ ). If changes are made on scenery, please, report. *************************************************************************************************** [ESPAÑOL] El escenario necesita la opción "Pistas siguen contornos del terreno" y HDR activado para una correcta iluminación. Éste escenario no necesita ninguna librería adicional, pero... Algunos objetos usados en él, son de: - Flags of the world (enlace roto). - 3D people library (enlace roto). - OpenSceneryX ( http://www.opensceneryx.com/ ). - Autogate ( http://marginal.org.uk/x-planescenery/plugins.html ). - C101 del aeropuerto gratuito LESA - Matacan - Salamanca de JRollon. Agradecimientos a mi familia así como a D. Antón Egea y D. Jorge Álvarez por su colaboración desinteresada en este proyecto. Muchas gracias a todos los PUE, en general, por sus tests y apoyo. (c) Luis Mtnez. 2016 - Freeware. Prohibida su venta o alquiler. (c) Plus Ultra Virtual Airlines Virtual ( http://www.plusultrava.es/ ). (c) Pilotos Virtuales España ( http://www.pilotosvirtuales.es/ ). Si se hacen modificaciones en el escenario, por favor, comuníquelo. Submitter hades_esp Submitted 04/22/2016 Category DSF Scenery Packages X-Plane Version(s)1 point
First of all I find myself in a position where I must retract on certain posts . Just had time to look at the web page selling the ixeg 737 and i notice that it mentions down near the bottom of the page that manuals and tutorials are included in documentation --- call me old fashioned but i would be looking for these under " manuals " and or " tutorials " ------ i have spent most of my time since I converted to X Plane flying the 172 VFR --- I used to fly jets IFR when I was using FS98 and FS X --- in FS 98 ( may be wrong with the edition number it`s son long ago ) we had something like EFASS and Plan G and you could fly the flight plan including SIDS and STARS using the AP and it was something I got used to --- but in X Plane it was different and I did venture into IFR in X Plane on VATSIM and I found myself floundering and with not enough time to enter a new learning curve and never enough time to fly the hours that I used to fly -- so -- I went back to VFR and the 172 and mostly on VATSIM I was flying circuits . The ixeg 737 has come along at just the right time for me --i have a little bit more time now to relearn ----- and now i have the need for manuals and tutorials whereas I didn`t before --- let me say that the ixeg 737 is absolutely stunning in every way possible --- and I am hoping that the patch has fixed most of the teething problems although I am reluctant to download and apply because of my experiences last week . I hope that they can sell 25,000 copies which is $ 1,875,000 --- that would really put them in business and god knows what they could do then ----- don`t know --- is 25,000 overstretched --- they do deserve to sell that number because it is easily one of the best FS AC ever produced ! FMC --- I didn`t realize that you have to use the slash key to enter the OAT ie \ 55 --- but i understand that you don`t have to use the + or - key so i don`t know how the FMC knows whether the OAT is plus or minus . I couldn`t confirm the v speeds --- and then I did something which enabled me to do so --- don`t know what it was that I had not entered ---- probably an incorrect wieght or something -- will persevere with this and report back when I know what I did wrong . Route --- was entering egcc to egll --- unable to enter HON so had to miss that fix off ---- will try to find out where I went wrong with that one and report back if I find out what was wrong . There are some very very good videos on YOUTUBE now ----- there was one by Osamah Alabdullah ---- I think he was flying out of a german airport ( think it was Munich ) and much of his flight was at night ----- he was asked on YOUTUBE what the scenery was but answered he would post another video about scenery next week --- does anyone know what the scenery was because it was stunning ? I am still annoyed about being charged for the Mike Ray Download Manual --- I would have eagerly paid more for a hard copy if they had refunded but to buy a hard copy now will mean that I have paid far too much --- even if they had charged me for an upgrade it would have been ok --- anyway -- I will think twice before I buy form them again . This is what I have done --- I opened up the tutorials and copied without the pictures manually to save printer ink and paper and printed on something like half the pages ---- could I help by posting these pages or would that be infringeing copyright ? What I may do is to issue a tutorial in list form like i did before by using Mike Rays tutorials --- they are on the org site somewhere . It will be a quick guide with a sample route . I must spend more time learning how to enter fuel etc etc --- I think i have got the route thing sorted --- oh yes ---- how do you enter a hold in the FMC if asked by ATC to hold when for instance you are near your destination . Saw a video yesterday --- a TBM being flown to airport in Florida for an annual check and some ---- and I sat there thinking how much I miss RW flying --- so --- thank god for X Plane and the ixeg 737 --- well worth the 6 years wait ---- HATS OFF TO IXEG AND THE TEAM ---- Jans tutorials are excellent although a closer view of the FMS would have been helpful when entering information !1 point
This is an amazing level of support and response! Keep it up guys! Well done! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
Always a great way to start the weekend flying! Thanks guys! Just tested it out at the gate, well done!1 point
Hi guys, I think the issue you are seeing reported in this thread may actually be a bug. When turning directly to a new waypoint, the plane should just make a simple turn, not re-intercept the line between the current position and the new waypoint. We will look at that during the tuning phase... Jan1 point
And a track distortion can happen on a basic RNAV Departure too ? ++ [emoji4] The results with a true RNP approach are unpredictable, since the FMS is not capable of dealing with curved leg segments - but other strange graphics artifacts on normal RNAV approaches or departures may indeed be bugs which have to be addressed by the developers. The issue with incorrect or disappearing speed/altitude constraints may be something else entirely. I believe it was mentioned that improvements in this area may be forthcoming in the next patch.1 point
1 point
watch your IAS target .84, the aircraft is pointing the nose way down to increase its speed to .84. this is a known bug. When you clic FLCH the aircraft should keep its speed and because throttles are retarded to idle it should put the nose down a bit to mantain its present speed. BUT when you press FLCH the speed re-sets to .84 MAC (due to the bug) and the aircraft dives down like crazy trying to reach target speed. edit: forgot to say, workaround is press FLCH and immediately reconfigure IAS target as per your present speed to have a nice FLCH descend rate1 point
You should have included a debug log for this flight. That would allow us to generate a vnav profile and understand the step descent.1 point
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interesting. Yea, the FMS is kicking into descent mode during the calculation, which is why the deviation pointer pops up and the CLB page goes blanks (as it thinks the climb phase is over). Will look into this for sure. -tkyler1 point
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What I liked about the video was that the Pilot wasn't nerdily obsessed with checklists and procedures, but clearly spoke as someone who flew for a living. It was entertaining, truthful and free!!!! IXEG are clearly on the case with the few anomalies so I'm not worried about that. This Aircraft is fun... I like the BIG LOUD NOISES and the general feeling of it being alive. The load manager/ preflight is simple and quick, I hate loading a Simulated plane seat by seat and messing about for hours before I can get in the air but it's also not simplified in its systems. Tim013, are you a Banjo player? I pass the time on long flights by playing tunes on my Gold-Tone. P.S. and I have to say, the cockpit is a work of art by anyones standards.1 point
Oh, ok - this is something we need to address. You are clearing a speed restriction that is associated to a waypoint. I am not even sure if you can do it on the CLB page on the real plane - but it should be done on the LEGs page (use DELETE) to remove the restriction associated with that waypoint. I will talk to Tom, maybe we can allow this entry to be made on the CLB page as well, or we at least pop an INVALID DELETE. What you are seeing is certainly a bug, so thanks for reporting that! Jan1 point
I also applaud the work done here! I will certainly try myself, and by the time we have killed the most bugs, your SmartCopilot will be working perfectly, I am sure! Jan1 point