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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/21/2016 in all areas

  1. Captains, As is the usual tradition here, we now have our official preview video ready for you to view. As per usual, a special thanks goes to @redpiper1. There's not much to say here, other than we hope you enjoy! She'll be all yours soon.
    15 points
  2. I for one am glad of the x737 release timing. It will give everyone reason to be happy no matter their budget, OS or avionics prefs. More power to X-Plane. We're all on the same team.
    8 points
  3. Dear diary Saturday April 23rd 1pm gmt (x-plane timezone gmt -12hrs) Purchased the delicious 737 2pm : Finally managed to install the plane dohh ! 2:25pm : Found how to enter the front end of the plane, the cockpit i think it's called 2:30pm : Still stuck in the cockpit ! as i can't find the button for the flashlight to see where everything is (irl i have no idea yet what that key is hehe) 2:40pm : I'm sure some dials or buttons are supposed to light up ? 2:45pm : Figured the flashlight button hurrah 3:30pm : All these dials switches and buttons are scaring me 4:30pm : OK weird clicks and pops and is that smoke i can smell, damn hope it's the plane and not my pc 5:00pm : PC is fine, but i'm still worried about all this cockpit stuff, i do recognise the throttle levers though, so that's a blessing 5:05pm : Why is the master alarm going off while i accidentally tried lifting the landing gear lever upwards ? 5:10pm : One of these damned switches should start at least one engine ! 5:29 and 59secs pm : Righto, now to programme my flight 5:30pm : Teas ready babe, chicken curry n chips, coming darling 5:40pm : Ok so i eat fast and desperate to get this plane off the deck 6pm : Got her looking at the side of me (yea the boss aka fiancee), damn she's more addicted to the darn smp clouds than i am, gotta make out i know wth i'm doing 6:05pm : Would love a java babe, ok sweety i'll do us a coffee, off she plods to kitchen, now to get things moving along i gotta do somert fast, my fresh coffee takes 3mins, her jar cwap takes 4mins 6:06pm : HEY BABE, (gotta shout she's in kitchen doing us a java) fancy reading a pdf printout for the plane as my co-pilot, sure sweety, ok cool 6:36pm : Think she's going off me, i can't get moving so no clouds no love off her grrrrrrrrrrrrr and i'm losing my temper, java was too weak grrrrrrrrr but keep quiet about that 7:00pm : I'm resigned to admiring the external views for a while, my co-pilot pdf reader-outer has downed tools, blaming me for killing the plane, cheek of her ! 11:00pm : Dang, this manual sure is a lot to wade through for a noobs first payware plane purchase, i feel tired 11:15pm : SWEETY, YOU COMIN TO BED, (ahh the alarm call of amore) SURE, ok the manual can wait, if i'm that stupid, i'll check x-pilot forum or youtube tomorrow Coming Dear ! Yeah, i can see a few of these happening to me hehe But aint it gonna be fun learning, always is Have Fun Tony
    7 points
  4. ... we can release it just after them if you really want?
    5 points
  5. Yes, Tom and I go back many years to XPFW, also Peter and Cam has helped us out. So basically you can say the 733 has been in development well over a decade. If I recall correct, the XPFW 733 was the first heavy in XP to have a "somewhat" working 3D cockpit many years ago. Remember showing it off in xCannes in 2005. Here is a pic of the event. See if you can spot young versions of us and Austin. (Think Cam was too young at the time ) EDIT: Wrong pic, thisone is from 2005 in Cannes, below is from 2009 in Paris. Good old days X-Plane has made progress...
    5 points
  6. I just re-downloaded that for a trip down memory lane - My first ever published airline livery was for that plane! Oh my! And I only published that 6 months after the very first IXEG video was released - And 1 month before the IXEG blog came online! Oh, and its amazing to think how far we've come... I remember this being jaw-dropping when I first saw it! EDIT: Ok, Ok, so I couldn't resist re-downloading my old file and trying it - I probably haven't set eyes on that work since 2011... By my standards now it is dodgy as (14-year old me would be in awe of me now) but there is really something special about it And hey, still better than I expected from myself!
    5 points
  7. haha I had my pitchfork and torch ready!!! I have hardly been able to concentrate at work just watching 737 videos on the net over and over waiting to fly this wonderful bird. I have watched the ixeg 737 KPHX departure video at least 10 times this week. This is the pinnacle for me on X-plane. THis is the plane I bought x-plane for 3 years ago to be able to fly.
    4 points
  8. Almost 6 years ago... time flies when you are having fun..
    4 points
  9. I was on a trip to Czech Republic for the past few days and when I saw the title of this topic I thought to myself "Are you serious? Really? Now?". It was kind of funny to check the forum at least a couple of times a day and not to see the announcement and then here I see it while traveling. I'm glad that it is on the finish line at last and congratulations to the team for the result of a hard work.
    3 points
  10. Speaking of which... for me, it started here.
    3 points
  11. Take the first 24 hours to learn how to not crash and then join the all day Group Flight hosted by X-Plane Junkies on Sunday. We have a dedicated TeamSpeak so we can all help each other out and share great stories. Come fly all day or for a few legs. The whole schedule and details can be found here. Hope to see all you early adopters there! www.xplanejunkies.com/ixeg Capt. Rizzo
    3 points
  12. I cobbled together a stasis machine with a matrix cortex jack... it's all held together with some electrical tape, zip ties and an arduino but it got the job done...
    3 points
  13. It's like Tom doesn't even age. Probably a monthly bath in tears of impatient customers.
    3 points
  14. Captains, After six years of development the IXEG 737 Classic has been cleared to land! We're officially announcing Saturday, April 23, 2016 as the release date. Thanks to @froogle for also visiting the office to share his enthusiasm of the product and putting a mix on our traditional way of announcing releases! You're awesome, dude! There's been a lot of discussion over the last few years showcasing what to expect from this product, so we won't go too far into that, but I would like to provide a little bit more information for you... Release time: When we make announcements like this we make every attempt to get the product out close to midnight time the day of release. This means for some it may be Friday night if you are located in the USA. I cannot provide an exact time, but I would anticipate a release window between 12am-2am EST. Pricing: We will be announcing price (as we always do) once the product page is up and running. More details about the product as a whole will be there too. Liveries: There will be 20 liveries included upon release. They are: Air Berlin Air France Air Italy America West British Airways Condor Delta Retro Iberia IXEG Jet2 Linjeflyg Lufthansa Lufthansa Retro Norwegian SAS Southwest New Transaero United (tulip) US Air Varig We will be including a paint kit at release time. I want to caution people about attempting to make this thread about livery requests. Within a very short period of time I can promise you will see many free liveries out there on the various download libraries, so don't panic if you're initial request is not present in the above list! Manuals: The package will come with quite a bit of documentation, but we don't want this aircraft to be intimidating. Yes, it's definitely a study level simulation, but the included tutorials come in PDF and video form. While there's a lot to learn, we've made it as interactive and fun as possible for you. Reading big FCOMs can get rather boring to a lot of people, so we hope you enjoy this! We also recommend Mike Rays 737 handbook as a compliment to this product. His book is excellent and works quite nicely as a follow along guide for this product! Server load: I have noted a number of folks concerned about whether we can handle the initial demand. At X-Aviation, we have had some rather big releases in recent time and come to know what to expect pretty well with releases like this. The IXEG 737 release will be no different, and the installer will detect your location and balance the server loads appropriately. We anticipate a very smooth (and fast) experience for our customers. A lot of time is invested from our side to ensure you have a good experience with this! More than anything, and on behalf of @tkyler, @Litjan, @Morten, @Nils, @Ben Russell and myself, we want to say thank you for your continued interest, support, and motivation to keep going on this journey. It's been a long time coming, and our excitement is at an all-time high this week. None of this would be possible with you guys, our fans. Now, plan your routes, sit back, and light up those X-Plane skies with the 737 Classic this weekend! We know you guys will do us proud...you always do! Cheers! Cameron Where is all began years ago...
    2 points
  15. To celebrate the upcoming release of IXEG 737 Classics, I opened up one of my earliest downloaded aircraft back in I was using XP9: the XPFW 737-300, just wanted to start to have some feeling of the 737 Classics again. To my surprise, I found this: Look at those little words on the bottom of the picture... It's our dear @Morten and @tkyler! I wonder if there's any connection between this and IXEG 737 Classics... Anyway, let's all enjoy this upcoming weekend!
    2 points
  16. Noone is asking the important question......does it come with a coffee mug...
    2 points
  17. I guess you missed the "near release" notices back in, what, December?
    2 points
  18. Haha...while I get the joke, I should probably clarify... We have been set on this release timeframe internally for quite some time. The 737-300 and NG are actually quite different beasts, and no matter who would've released first I don't think would matter. It certainly wasn't on our radar as a potential "hurt" item. Those guys have done a great job, by the way!
    2 points
  19. I'm staring at him right now. He ages. A lot. I can see myself in one of them at least. We all certainly do go way back. For those unaware, I started the X-Plane Freeware Project back in December of 1999. Morten came on as on of the first members on the team and has been a nagging ache in my life ever since!
    2 points
  20. 2 points
  21. I've been searching Flight Aware for a puddle jumper that can put me in Nuku'alofa NFTF from KLAX by the end of the week so I can download the Classic 20-hours earlier
    2 points
  22. I don't know if I should watch Game of Thrones or study 737C this weekend...
    2 points
  23. Dear IXEG team, can you please think about exporting EADI & EHSI displays content to show on the second screen/second PC? This neat feature exists in DCS and in Falcon BMS for quite some time already so maybe you can do this as well in your product. In my mind the best option to do it is to copy displays textures in the shared memory like its done in Falcon BMS. And we as cockpit builders can use the same replication software as we already use for BMS. I understand this feature to be welcomed by small number of users, but the option to have at least EADI and EHSI on the second PC (laptop) will attract a lot of users. Thanks! Cheers, V
    1 point
  24. Hi guys, Is there a person that can make a PFPX profile for the 733 ? CMB Sent from Tapatalk
    1 point
  25. The VVI doesn't animate in replay mode...which when shooting videos is the common way of doing it, so you can focus on those great camera angles!. I couldn't tell you why....but my curiosity will force me to look at it one day. -tkyler
    1 point
  26. This should work: http://forum.aerosoft.com/index.php?/files/file/2816-pfpx-boeing-737cl-performance-profiles-pack/
    1 point
  27. No RAAS atm. Unsure if we'll add it as it is an "add on" for the most part. It did cross my mind though. When I wake up with nothing else of higher priority on my plate, I might do it as an option, I think it would be cool myself. -tkyler
    1 point
  28. Gorgeous video! Really captures how much a labour of love this aircraft has been. Also, oh my gosh that detail! Couldn't be more excited right now... This is a new chapter for X-Plane.
    1 point
  29. LOL!!! I thought I just needed a new chair. OK. OK. Put the pitch forks and flaming torches down. I don't care when it's released. I've only been an XPlane user for a few months, and haven't been waiting for this as long as some of you cranky old curmudgeons. I wish you all clear skys, minimal route changes, and zero XPlane crashes this weekend. Now, step away from the ledge, and go call a loved one...Hahahahahaha! Tim
    1 point
  30. It will be 5am to 7am on Saturday morning for the UK
    1 point
  31. Why not? It can really enrich the experience.
    1 point
  32. As long as it comes with a parachute i can live without a java mug lol Seriously, is it miami time zone whatever that is ? (that's around 5-7hrs from uk ?) Trying to figure out in my head but i'm not sure where i read the timezone (specific usa location i mean, then again my brain of late it could of been a down under timezone lol) Ohh, the boss (bless her) is chuffed with her soon to be purchase for me, showed her some yt vids lastnight, got her seal of approval, lovely hehe Have Fun Tony
    1 point
  33. That would be my luck Just mounted my old monitor on a £19.99 vesa swingy mount gizmo from B&M in readiness for the weekend crashing err i mean flying At least that was plane sailing ! get it, plane sailing dohh One thing about x-plane i've found, it sniffs out an unstable cpu overclock faster than cinebench/aida64/real-bench lmao Have Fun Tony ps : Is it just me, or is time for a change going real slow ? ! Also, my braincell is feeling the strain from swatting up on 737 basics What was it, six years in development, well, be six years in mastering the fms for me lmao
    1 point
  34. I am wondering if NavDataPro will be ready on Saturday. Today, there is no IXEG 737-300 listed. For this reason, I played a little bit with the base_ini.xml file of Navdata Pro and added the IXEG myself using the information I found on this forum. No idea if it will work or not :-) <!-- IXEG 737-300 --> <name>IXEG 737-300</name> <dataset>Level-D</dataset> <product_path>$SimPath</product_path> <install_path>$ProductPath\fmc_data</install_path> <cycle_info_path>$ProductPath\fmc_data</cycle_info_path> <category>X-Plane 10</category> At least, I can see something now :-) At the end, I hope Aerosoft will come up with a newer Version of NavDataPro that supports the IXEG before saturday. best regards, Sebastian
    1 point
  35. Wonderful. I replied to the Progress Update topic not too long ago, and this news was a pleasant surprise to someone like me who hasn't really got much time, if at all, to simulate flights. This will be a day-one purchase for me, mark my words. Well done to the developer team at IXEG; special mention to @Litjan who painstakingly put up all those YouTube videos for us to enjoy and preview the plane. As I've always said, his slightly German-accented, but perfect English, is icing on the cake. I especially enjoyed the 4-part series where he semi-roleplayed as a captain of a 737, waiting for coffee, etc. That was hilarious, I must say. I noticed, though, that @Cameron mentioned there would be an 'installer' for the simulation. While I think an installer makes it simpler to add an aircraft, actually managing it will be slightly more difficult, as several people I know have customised their X-Plane/Aircraft folders. Releasing the 737 Classic as a compressed archive such as .zip or .7z, to be decompressed at will would be the optimal solution, as most payware aircraft have been done. Do the developers/publishers have any comment on this?
    1 point
  36. Ah the XPFW says, good times. Seems like yesterday that I was flying their 767, 747,757 and 737
    1 point
  37. Never neglect preflight and she will be good to you Try not to make it a two minute flight
    1 point
  38. I should have got this plane in january as a birthday present, but unfortunately, I was told that the developers had to replace the rusty screws on the radar panel first, before its ready for release..i guess it's done, finally Congrats to the developers for being so persistent over 5...6 years developing this thing!
    1 point
  39. This is a reply from navigraph.. so I see some light in the tunnel ^^ http://www.avsim.com/topic/436428-ixeg/?p=3408621
    1 point
  40. You bet that the server will go down? You're going to lose. Unlike some sites, server load balancing is something we take quite seriously.
    1 point
  41. We appreciate the enthusiasm but this would delay the actual product release. Not going to happen, sorry.
    1 point
  42. OK, I have invested some time in testing. From my side, I couldn't find a specific issue with SMP or RWC. Instead, I discovered that my GPU load went up to 100% when running X-Plane, entailing a rise in CPU temperature to up to 85°C (still within TDP limits with a max of 91°C, but mind, I have a new computer with a Skylake i7 CPU and a Titan X) - so of course I was wondering what's causing this. With a lot of monitoring data recording and a round dozen of CTDed flights, I finally found out that there seems to be an issue with ansiotropic filtering. Once I disable it, the GPU load stays within "normal" limits and the temperature remains below 80°C, even when using RWC with a coverage of ~10k sqkm. I don't know what exactly the problem is (on an older system with a GTX 780 Ti and five years old Xeon CPUs anisotropic filtering did work, so possibly it's either it's a problem specific to the GeForce 900 series or an issue with the current 364.72 driver version).
    1 point
  43. It´s starting to wear on me that we only have 5 or 6 737s left at Lufthansa. Last flight is planned for something like October, and I really hope they will throw a farewell party, but for some reason I doubt it. I start taping and taking pictures of all the 737´s I see, my Copilots think I am crazy . Just yesterday I saw our newest model, D-ABEF! (Only a little over 20, still a youngster!). And what do we get to replace them? NEO´s... what a nightmare. Jan
    1 point
  44. You obviously did. Didn´t watch the videos closely enough! Bad Dr. Nerdrage! Start at 02:00 mins, if you are the impatient type Here is my stance on setting the CG and Weight: When we initially conceived this aircraft, we had the serious simulation user in mind. The guy who wants to experience what the real pilot experiences. This explains why we handle the CG and weight stuff the way we do. Let me tell you what part the pilot has in determining and setting weight and CG. The pilot gets an estimated zero-fuel-weight on his electronic flight plan. Together with his First Officer he reviews all flight parameters, and if he works for a decent airline that care for the life of their passengers, and not only their money, he gets to determine how much fuel (in excess of the legally required minimum) he takes. Obviously he can´t overload the aircraft, and sometimes you have to make a call between taking more fuel and leaving payload behind. Once the loading is completed (and no, the Captain doesn´t tell every passenger where he needs to sit), he gets a printout of the electronic load-sheet. A bunch of numbers, along with the actual Zero Fuel weight, and the CG. He punches those into the FMS and thats it. No clicking on seats. No sliding bars to fill cargo holds. No neat little represenation of load and trim envelope, moving CG´s or stuff like that. Now we know that you guys dig that stuff, though, and we might get to it later, for now this first release is favouring virtual pilots, not the virtual loadmasters. Jan
    1 point
  45. Thank you for reply! To me, clicking buttons on screen with the mouse is much further away from reality than typing letters on the keyboard. But as said: Let's wait for customer feedback after release. Pitty about AirTrack, but as expected Bassy regards Benjamin
    1 point
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