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I'll just add that at the edge of the envelope and *slightly* beyond we have implemented Level D simulator behavior. So e.g. in a stall you will get a similar behavior. Same with extreme controls deflections (rollrates, pitchrates, beta angles on engine out etc.) We also model drag rise and loss of engine efficiency at overspeed. M11 points
There is no special tweaking of the flightmodel outside of the normal envelope by us. So what you will get will depend on X-Plane´s flight model. This is - by the way - the same as in the big Level D simulators. Certified flightmodel only within the envelope, outside its just extrapolation and guesswork. Jan6 points
Do you really want me to take this post seriously ? I bet not. This is a forum wich is about a flight-sim ( a flightsim to be taken seriously, though its also on the shelfs in game-shops and it has users below ten years old ) But, as you asked for it. My kids sometimes exploit their father to make unreasonable and fatigue-inducing flights. In the end I send them to bed and have some flight-fun for myself. I hope this helps with your investigation.4 points
That's exactly what the work in progress section here is for. PLENTY of screenshots in the gallery on the website already otherwise.2 points
1 point
Not sure what's more hilarious - how corny this is or the fact that that is the Area 51 shuttle 737 livery, which I doubt any "every passenger" would ever be on board.1 point
Jan, maybe a stupid question, but I was wondering if a professional pilot still can be immersed in a desktop flightsim. Or to rephrase my question, with your hands-on experience on the 737 how do you perceive the model you made? As a "mini-me" of the real thing?1 point
Clouds more than 50km away are, as Cameron said, drawn as "dynamically generated imposters." In order to preserve performance, we draw these distant clouds as 2D textures, and only update them when your viewpoint moves by some significant amount. The other big flight simulators use a similar trick as well. Usually it's not too noticeable, but if you're moving at high speeds and looking sideways relative to your motion, you start to see how the illusion works. As you've already found, bringing in the draw distance to less than 50km eliminates the imposters, leaving you with only true 3D clouds in the scene. It's working as intended; it's a trade off between perfection and performance.1 point
Count your blessings when you've a tester with deep systems knowledge and a large stamina. Happy bug hunting1 point
Indeed in most I agree. So I know some folks are curious just what takes our time...and Jan found yet another interesting bug that resulted in what we call a 'soft crash'....enough to cause the FMS to be useless in this scenario. So when you input route data (procedures), the FMS does all its 'calculating bizness' as you press the buttons, but when you enter a procedure for the first time in a new route, some variables like "true course to next waypoint" don't exist until the calculation has run at least once. Well the legs page shows these values and if you happen to have had the copilot CDU on the legs page while you enter say, a arrival procedure, then the copilot CDU tries to access these values so it can display it....and being they didn't exists yet, would cause a soft crash. The solution was as simple as testing if the values exist of course, standard stuff .... but unless you happen to have the copilot CDU on the legs page WHILE entering the first procedure of the route and WHILE doing so only in the air...you (me actually) would never see this bug because I rarely use both CDUs, except during ground testing and never try to enter data while in the air (need to be coding, not flying). Such is Jan's existence and thoroughness though, I am impressed what this guy finds. It will bode well for all of us I think! -tkyler1 point
You can solve that descent with full flaps, gear down and spoilers full1 point
Amazing! I might have to steal your flight plan instead of my original one. I'll definitely be doing a lot of SWA and Alaska Airlines though......it's so frustrating I can never fly any of their routes in X-Plane! The IXEG 733 will change all of that...1 point
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1 point
well here's a little report, just so you know we're not sitting around doing nothing. We are polishing up lots of little corners many won't see. As I said, the reason we are doing so is not a matter of pursuing perfection, but rather is because when you put this in thousands of hands, they will find these issues and if they cause crashes, that is no bueno as we like to say here in San Antonio TX. So today, I was addressing parts of the N1 limit page, for derate stuffs. So here's a CDU entry pattern you probably don't see much. Say you select "TO-1" derate....that will automatically select the "CLB-1" derate mode (so the throttles do not advance in the transition from Takeoff to climb phase....Boeing says that confuses the pilot dontcha know eh?). And then lets say you enter a assumed Temperature value....well depending on the temperature entered, that too might automatically derate the CLB thrust, not only to CLB-1 mode, but maybe CLB-2 if its hot enough......so far so good. But then lets say you decide to delete the TO-1 mode....well the CLB thrust mode may or may not revert to one of the reduced mode..... or not dependent on the assumed temperature entered.....and there are a myriad of other potential combos that may or may not get entered. Here's a little video to show several different combinations that have to be tested....and there are quite a few more patterns other than what is shown here. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/955680/n1_limitOPT.mp41 point
1 point
Have to call bs on this There is as little use in posting impatience as there is in patience. Both have the same validity, though i seriously doubt even you really have the patience you proclaim. No need to call people childish imho. i dare say most of us waiting are impatient at the least after 6 years, nothing wrong with that. But since it is not in our hands most just wait in silence. Its almost summer again in the northern hemisphere so go outside and do something else than f5 on the progress thread . It will eventually release im sure. Go study fcoms and flows or something otherwise you will likely use only a fraction of the systems you have been waiting for, for 6 years.1 point
I don't know if you read the post you just commented on. The testing stage does not come with a lot of updates. All you would get is: "we are testing the vnav" . EDIT: Updates don't happen as often as you want.1 point
All due respect, Jan, but please don't question the abilities of Bill, Bob and Jebediah1 point
1 point
Thanks for the credits - but quite the opposite is true! Since I tend to operate the plane the way it was intended, I don´t cover the way that 90% of our customers will use it. They don´t know or don´t care for the proper procedures, limitations and system behaviour. We have to get ready for a myriad of support questions like "you guys forgot the mixture lever!" and "wtf, I can´t find the ignition keys!" Few customers will really know or take the time to learn how to operate this plane, and we want to see where our model is showing faults. This is why this second round of beta-testers will focus on people with no real 737 experience. We already know that this plane behaves correctly when flown correctly - now we want to find out if it behaves correctly when flown by Kerbals! Cheers, Jan1 point
I was wondering though, if they have a closed group of betatesters, maybe they could lift the NDA for them so that they can post some screenshots from their test flights? That would keep all of us happy (and our mouths shut) and meanwhile the team could peacefully continue working towards releasing the plane. Just a thought.1 point
So Morten, you provide us real cockpit images in night now? I rather see IXEG cockpit1 point
The guy has asked me on Skype, in private message, and on here, as well as to other team members. He was told politely many times we were not seeking more beta testers. He's not asking for a progress update. I (or anyone) really didn't need you to chime back. No one was "moderated". I asked him to "please stop asking." Simple request. Don't blow this up. I'm now going to politely ask you to please discontinue any attempt to moderate or derail this topic. Further discussion on this will NOT be had, and that's definitely my warning to you.-1 points
Then your post had absolutely no business being in this topic. Back on topic, please. To all others: We have a pretty awesome product to discuss here! Let's keep it clean and on topic. Further posts like A121017's will be removed from the topic so as to keep this thread what it's really about. Nice screenshot Morten!-1 points