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  1. And with those wise words by Len... an airline you probably havnt seen before
    15 points
  2. Hey Guys! This is my first post here. I'm a long time listener first time caller kinda guy ;^) but I feel compelled to chime in as I am certain I represent the majority of people excited about this plane. The silent majority - thousands of us! Those who check this page, or have subscribed to a YouTube page, or just wait for an announcement - basically those of us who are very familiar with high-end modern day flightsim addons and their development path. I've seen these topics get out of hand. To the degree that developers don't even show snippets of their work in development any longer. And where's the fun in that? Over in DCS world, we've been waiting for an F-18 Hornet for possibly longer than we've been waiting for this 737-300! Other DCS developers have stopped even announcing. Look at PMDG, you catch word of a product, and then not a peep.... for years. Let's not go down that road. I am worried that IXEG will stop showing previews, that we'll stop seeing screenshots. Personally it makes my day when I see some new screeny from these guys... or a video. Let's all ensure we keep it that way! Respect the devs, keep it positive, stay stoked! And be content in what is already the best flight-simulation technology to grace the home PC (and Mac) to date . Len
    12 points
  3. De-dusting DC-3 and flying around Sweden.
    7 points
  4. And, as far as I am aware (barring one product at this time due to multiple re-do's), all products have always been released, so whatever you're eluding to escapes me. That said, you are entitled to your opinion, and I'll respect that. I sincerely apologize for having offended you by announcing products are coming soon or almost here. More-so, I am sorry for having affected you with my words in prior time to provoke such disdain at this point and time. I can see you are passionate and upset about this to a very high level and regret you have such feelings. As I am not a developer of said products and those involved are working very hard (some of whom have quit their jobs to dedicate time to this and other projects) I would caution you to realize your words are then re-directed towards them. Tom, Jan, Morten, and Nils have worked tirelessly for five years to bring this product to life. They deserve the recognition, respect, and appreciation for all their hard work. I would hope you wouldn't go so low as to discredit such, but if you feel it as necessary as you just have to voice such lack of appreciation then I won't stop you. I can only wish you felt differently. To all others: My prior post still stands. This product is nothing short of remarkable, and as we all know, it will indeed be released.
    5 points
  5. Really, if we're being honest, this topic is about a video, butttttt.... Tom = Working on FMS code, as well as 3D items that had to be wrapped up and were to be expected to ship with version 1.0. VNAV continues to be the primary focus for Tom starting tomorrow after a short break to give his mind some rest and do some "easy" 3D. Sadly, he got quite ill last week while out at my office to work, so the last days have been relatively rough. In the evenings working on manuals and formatting them has been the norm, sick or not. Jan = Working with Tom on FMS testing as functionality gets implemented, and working on manuals. Me = Assisting in manuals and being overly obnoxious as per usual. Nils = Working on 3D and texturing Morten = Working on getting the paint kit in releasable fashion, as well bringing new UV maps/liveries up to speed, and just completed the new IXEG livery as seen in previous post of this thread It's a situation of the last 10% is always the hardest. You fill in the small things to make the overall product polished and complete.
    3 points
  6. Might be the only one, but I'm more excited about Jan's tutorials then the actual release :-D Sent from my SM-T211 using Tapatalk
    3 points
  7. They should really be banned from the store. People like him are the first ones buying this plane when its out. You dont deserve it. My respect to Cameron and the IXEG guys, staying calm like that. I couldnt do that. I would ban the s*** out of his account.
    3 points
  8. No! We really want this done right, and it's seriously almost there. This product is really something else. I know the whole team is excited for you all to get your hands on it, but I am especially excited. The level of immersion it creates is rather stunning...something I've never experienced in any add-on for any flight sim before, and it comes together at multiple angles...sounds, systems, ease of controls, flight model...it really is a work of art. Just hang in there. The wait has definitely yielded something spectacular, and waiting just a little longer will only make it that much better!
    3 points
  9. You are doing something wrong. The icing effects in X-Plane are definitely there. I just tried it. I get a marked increase in drag, and a marked decrease in lift. I attach a picture - try to display the same data on your screen, then hunt for icing conditions: Fly inside clouds with a temperature just below freezing. Careful: You must have a TAT below freezing, not an OAT. Also too cold - no icing. Snow won´t ice. All this is realistic. Also: Don´t have anti-ice equipment running (some planes might have this on by default). Jan
    3 points
  10. You guys really need to understand that they are working really hard to get this product out and have been for 5 years. As Cameron has said, many of them have quit their jobs, they wouldn't be making a risk like that if they didn't believe that the product they were putting out is really something. Just wait, I'm sure you guys won't be disappointed, from what I've seen, it's going to be an amazing product. And I know, no matter what I say there will still be people who are impatient, but I'm sure that a lot of you see how this will be a great product.
    2 points
  11. Well, a gentleman like you is certainly going to put money where his mouth is, correct? So how much would you be willing to put down to show us all the strength of your conviction? Jan
    2 points
  12. We appreciate your passion. We thank you for your patience.
    2 points
  13. That's not the plan anymore. "Soon" is a reference relative to the whole and still applies. Of course it is subjective....but I think we'll beat the vernal equinox. -tkyler
    2 points
  14. Perfect answer thanks Cameron! It makes sense and I now fully understand where you are coming from. Thank you for your understanding and polite response. Looking forward to the release when it's ready Cheers
    2 points
  15. Yes, it is stricken from the list. Other stuff will be announced later on.
    2 points
  16. XP's gear suspension model is pretty good in my opinion. The problem is - or has been - more that many designers either don't understand how it works or know how to find the real spring constants. The suspension consists of a spring and a damper, and both need to be right. Using XP default settings will in most cases give bad results because it is very soft, which will cause all sorts of problems - especially in a crosswind. So you need to use custom constants. XP's "wavey" runways as you say are a challenge though and one needs to compromise a bit on the damper to dampen that out. Having the right CG location is also a factor.
    1 point
  17. So, to get back to topic, what are you working on at the moment? The last thing I remember was that you were near final testing for the FMS but now you reverted to adding features? I'm sorry if this has been answered in the depths of this thread before, but even though I check this forum daily it's hard to keep up with useful information when threads are exploding like this.
    1 point
  18. Gentlemen, I have discussed this with Laminar and they have confirmed a change was made at the time of 10.40 that is causing the issue you are all experiencing with the throttles. I have tested a new build of X-Plane with the fix and all is now working as expected. This fix will be implemented in 10.45rc1. No definite date, but it should be soon. Thanks to all who provided details to help diagnose this problem.
    1 point
  19. Morten hahaha So I just want to eco what Cameron says. My actual job is as Sales Manager in the company I work fir, and in marketing basics, that is called expectation! You must create expectation to build a market for your product with "willing-to-buy" clients. I am also waiting for this release. I am not part of the dev team but hang in there. The things you appreciate most are those you are willing to pay more, and not only money, but also time. Bare with the guys. I am sure when we all get this bird flying will think "the wait was worth it". Greetings. Teban13 - Live to fly! Fly to live!
    1 point
  20. *("Hey Cam, can you block the IP of *simeg* so he can't purchase the aircraft untill a few weeks after everyone else?")* (Just kidding )
    1 point
  21. Actually, I am only using HD meshes from alpilotx.net.
    1 point
  22. Yes. It's called marketing. This is common in a business of selling product. For example...JetBlue announced service from New York to Daytona Beach 13 months ago. They started the route two weeks ago. They put it in people's head to be expecting ticket sales at some point (7 months later than the initial announcement, 6 months prior to commencement of service). Apple does this too. They tend to announce product and there is a several month waiting period. I would encourage you to read the original post again where it is very clear this product is not on any timeline. "Soon" is subjective. On that note, consider not contradicting yourself. We have not released news on version 3.1, yet you want it; you're asking for it in this last post. Will you then do your continual posting that it's not released in any reasonable timeframe according to your standard as you so often do? Thanks for your interest.
    1 point
  23. No Voodoo It is called reverse engineering. We use information from many sources; Real FDR data, Performance engineering manuals on both aircraft and engine (the real engineering stuff, not regular pilot operating manuals), and many hours in the big full motion simulators testing edge of the envelope situations. Finally, we have our real 737CL pilots do quality assurance tests on the feel and numbers inside the envelope. We have also "tuned" XP's flightmodel in many areas to get where we want. So we know (and can prove) that we are extremely close inside the envelope, and very close on the edges. Together with XP's superior flightmodel, this will give you a very unique experience handflying this aircraft. And actually, it will also dramatically improve realistic operations on autopilot. Your vertical profiles on climb and descend will be very realistic, engine performance in the entire envelope etc. So the "voodoo" is a combination of having the best information available, engineers that can understand it, programmers that can code it, and pilots that can test it, and offcourse the best sim platform M
    1 point
  24. Hi All, Today we began testing a new beta of Real Weather Connector which offers up some more refined clouds and colorations. These are the first tests in such a scenario when utilizing Real Weather Connector. The screenshots are taken at a range of altitudes during climb out from an area in California. Final screenshots are take at FL300.
    1 point
  25. SkyMaxx Pro v3.1 will do much to rid of this. As stated previously, we'll announce more on SMP 3.1 updates soon!
    1 point
  26. Just to provide an update, Real Weather Connector + SkyMaxx Pro 3.1 is totally decoupled from X-Plane's internal 3-layer limitation now. Internally weather is represented by a grid, and each cell of that grid can have up to 6 layers of clouds at any altitude. Development is moving fast The only limitation is the METAR data itself. If the METAR has been changed by an external weather engine to fit within X-Plane's default 3-layer system, then that's the only information we'll have available to us.
    1 point
  27. why is it not out now?! how long you want the thousands of people still have to wait? You have very often said ... Now release in Sight! and then they have not taken the plane to the market slow to get on the arm taken!
    -1 points
  28. I think we will never see a 737 of IXEG
    -2 points
  29. That's what you always say Cameron, 'soon or almost there' - So I'll believe it when I see it !! Lies, lies and more lies!!
    -3 points
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