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  1. Captains, Mark your calendars! This Friday, September 15th, we're releasing the IXEG 737 Classic Plus! This is a next era re-brand for what the IXEG 737 Classic has become after many months of labor. The primary goal in this endeavor was to bring full X-Plane 12 compatibility to this amazing aircraft, squeeze in a few new features, and set the stage for improvements in the future. To us, it's a rebirth of a classic, tailored for X-Plane 12. Truly, stepping into the cockpit feels so good in the new X-Plane 12 environment! A Special Note on Pricing: For our customers who acquired the IXEG 737 Classic on or after February 7th, 2022, this update is for free for you to honor our promise of a free update at the time you made the purchase. As for our dedicated pilots who've been with us since the beginning and purchased the IXEG 737 Classic on or before February 6th, 2022, the upgrade to the Classic Plus version will be available at a nominal fee of $14.95 USD. We believe this price point offers tremendous value, and you'll have 60 days to take advantage of this upgrade offer once the product is released. The IXEG 737 Classic Plus doesn't just bring new features; it rejuvenates the entire flying experience, making this aircraft feel brand new. Here's a quick rundown of what's been brewing over the past 9 months: Fixes & Enhancements (from the XP11 version): Engine Bleed Configuration: Now accurately impacts Takeoff N1. FMS PERF Page: Resets to blank entries post-landing and deceleration below 60kts. Code Optimization: Streamlined and revamped for quicker future updates. Brand New Features for the XP12 Version: Wingflex: Experience the subtle flex of the 737's sturdy wing in our 3D model. 3D Cabin: Dive into a fully detailed cabin, complete with operational galleys (Fancy a cup of coffee?). Moving Cabin Doors: Open and close each cabin door, influencing differential pressure just like the cockpit windows. Loading Stations Concept: Assign weights to specific seat rows and cargo holds for accurate physical effects on the aircraft. Cockpit & Cabin Lighting: Updated for XP12's lighting engine, including interactive cabin lights. X-Plane GUI Integration: Set up your load and fuel seamlessly. GUI Enhancements: A fresh look for the IXEG interface, now VR-accessible. Hide Yoke: With default XP12 key assignment. FOV Slider: Added to preferences for a tailored viewing experience. Cockpit Windows: Upgraded to XP12 tech, showcasing rain and ice effects. Outside Lighting: Balanced for an immersive XP12 photometric experience. Aerodynamics & Engine Tuning: Optimized for XP12's advanced modeling. To our loyal customers transitioning from the X-Plane 11 version, we've poured countless hours into this upgrade, ensuring it's worth every penny. We're confident you'll find the enhancements enjoyable, and with the help of full X-Plane 12 compatibility, transformative! We can't wait for you to take to the skies with the IXEG 737 Classic Plus this Friday. Clear skies and happy flying! IXEG and X-Aviation
    29 points
  2. A year ago, a friend bought his son (now 14) a copy of the IXEG. Before, his son was not in a life place to desire/enjoy the 737 but has recently become interested in Aviation and flight simulation. Is he undedicated because he purchased within the last year? There are 'new' flight sim enthusiasts every day. They do not deserve to be called undedicated. For the rest of you folks who understand economics and the software dev cycle....and value your time / work and also respect the value/time of others work, I thank you and appreciate you. I know there's a of you out there. This update is intended to be a foundation from which to continue improvements on the IXEG. XP12 broke a lot of stuff and "band-aids" weren't going to get it done. Towards that end, some answers to recurring questions..which will be regurgitated elsewhere at release. Operational functionality is the same as V11 currently. (i.e. no change to FMS) Last 9 months were spent in 'repair' of areas broken in V12 and getting back to baseline. Plan going forward is to focus on 4 areas (in no particular order). FMS/vnav FMOD sounds New 3D exterior. Mac ARM suppport The above items will take a while. We'll begin work on this immediately, indeed already in process. Any cargo, 400/500 variants takes a back seat to the items above, if at all. Minimal demand. Unsure the time frame for ARM support. I myself deal with this and run Rosetta currently. we understand many MAC users may not find this acceptable until ARM support. We're on it. A new 3D exterior will be provided one day. When so, the old liveries won't work; however, folks can still use the old 3D exterior if desired. Again, I thank those who understand the economics! -TomK
    9 points
  3. At the end of the day, you have to look at it like a business and not a charity, mate. If yall can't grasp the idea of this then there is something wrong with everyone whinging about it.. It makes sense to me to honour the free upgrade to someone who has just recently spent $85 on a product to then have to again pay to upgrade it.. If you cant save £15 in the space of 2 or 3 etc years to upgrade then I don't know what to tell ya lol. A loyal customer like my self will happily pay to upgrade, you know, to support the developers. Jesus can we please just stop with it now cos im already in a bad mood, come home and read a bunch of schoolkids crying about a 10ner...
    7 points
  4. Just to put this in perspective, $15 is the price of two beers in a pub in Ireland.
    3 points
  5. Thanks for this, at any price its a steal. I suppose the rest will be trying to get there model T ford upgraded to the latest by ford. Wonder how far that will go.
    3 points
  6. 3 points
  7. I spent so much time studying the 737 using IXEG model. This is with emotion that I would have bought directly the update in X-Plane 12 if I would have been able... Congratulations for the achievement. It's a great model.
    2 points
  8. Thank you for sharing your experience. What I mentioned was based on the input from a long-serving 737-300 Captain. As with many things in aviation, practices can differ based on the airline, pilot preferences, and many other factors. This is why I qualified my statement with "in his days." If you'd like to discuss this in more depth, @Litjan, who's also well-versed in this area, would be more than happy to engage in a discussion, I'm sure.
    2 points
  9. Potato / Pa-tah-to it seems..... I recall one reviewer on Youtube once said, "The sounds of the IXEG are mediocre"...and recommended a "sound-pak" which was much better. He probably had tinitus Having used FMOD on the MU2, I have a reasonable feel for it and while it is powerful, It does take 2-3x the work in FMOD than it did in code only. That being said, it does open the door for more immersive sound implementations and certainly ensures future compatibility, which after this V11 / V12 transition work, has taken on a new level of importance for us. But reset assured, we'll make sure the sound immersion holds up. Its a major part of the experience for sure. -TomK
    2 points
  10. Your question isn't stupid at all! Yes, the sounds you loved in the XP11 version are indeed the result of the custom 3D sound engine created by @tkyler. This engine was developed before X-Plane integrated FMOD, and it's what gives our products like the IXEG 737 and the Saab their distinct audio quality. We're proud of the immersive sound experience it provides and are glad to hear you enjoy it as much as we do! One day it will sunset in favor of FMOD though.
    2 points
  11. Did it say there is a free upgrade to XP12 on the webpage the day you paid for it in 2018? The answer is no. Anything on a store page applies to people about to purchase, same thing if you bought a graphics card in 2018, and now its $400 cheaper in 2023 for the same card on the webpage, do you now expect to get a refund?
    2 points
  12. Correct me, If I remember it wrong,but you can't fly a holding by FMS. This bird has never been finished in XP 10/11. Now we have a useless 3D-Cabin and still no capability to fly a holding.
    2 points
  13. Looks great! Nice improvements~ Thanks @tkyler and team!
    2 points
  14. As I wrote earlier, I will buy the update for this really small amount of money on the first day, treating it as an expression of my great gratitude for the effort and the opportunity to enjoy this wonderful plane in XP12. Even though I still only use XP11 and it will probably be a long time before I switch to XP12. This symbolic fee is a thank you for the work of the Creators and an encouragement for their further updates. ;-)
    1 point
  15. @dr_nerdrage, Thank you for your feedback and understanding about the pricing. We truly appreciate your continued support! Regarding the time-limited upgrade options, we understand how it might be viewed from a consumer's perspective. The intent behind it is to offer a token of appreciation to our most dedicated users while balancing our business needs. We'll be sure to remind customers multiple times leading up to the conclusion of the discount period. To answer your question about future updates: it's our intention that the updates for "upgraders" will be free of charge. Thanks again for being a part of our community and for sharing your feedback. Looking forward to seeing you in the skies on Friday!
    1 point
  16. Errr... What? I flew the real B-737-300/400/500 for a major airline back in the 90s, and we used VNAV almost all the time, with the exception of some "old timers" that came from the DC-10, B-747-200/300 (due to age restrictions for International flights and came to the narrow body), and still did not have confidence in that technology (still new at the time) and always used LVL CHG in descents, but as I said before, they were just a few.
    1 point
  17. The FMOD sound pack is planned for a future update and won't be available immediately upon release. It's important to note that the IXEG 737 already boasts a custom 3D sound engine. So, when the transition to the FMOD sound pack is completed, the sound experience should remain largely consistent with what users have grown accustomed to. Most users will likely not even note the difference. As for the texture improvements on the external model, yes, the intention is to update some textures and 3D. As a whole, this product has help up quite well in that department though.
    1 point
  18. Pricing will reflect full retail after this period. A gentle reminder that this is not the first time you're hearing of this. You posted about it back in April, and you were given detailed replies as to the situation: https://forums.x-pilot.com/forums/topic/26540-ixeg-737-classic-for-x-plane-12-announcement/?do=findComment&comment=190694 We don't have any changes with regards to that, and being fully transparent, nothing has even started. That's a very long way out (if at all)! Yes, the v11 aircraft will stay available in your account! There was an e-mail that went out! Regarding VNAV: it's been explained by @Litjan that in his days of flying with a major airline on the 733, LVL CHG was favored over VNAV. We view it that all X-Plane 10 users got free upgrades to XP 11, and all XP 11 users got to enjoy it through the whole XP 11 run. That's years of time for their invested purchase. When XP 12 released, new customers needed assurance that their investment was not going to be dead in the water right after purchase. We needed to continue to fund the project to keep it alive. We feel the $14.95 reflects a fair value for an insane amount of work put in over the last 9 months. Hopefully majority of others will too. All original liveries will be included. All third party liveries will also continue to work, so nothing has changed there!
    1 point
  19. Hi, Just saying... if you accidently release this earlier than Friday, I won't complain.
    1 point
  20. Yeh I agree here .. I got mine in 2020 so guessing us loyal customers from the start have to pay more Should be the other way around
    1 point
  21. I'm not going to sleep anymore until the 15th. Really looking forward to doing a live with this bird
    1 point
  22. It might have been mentioned elsewhere but their website as he shows in the image clearly states FREE update - no mention of on or before date in 2022 so it is misleading. I have no issues with the nominal fee but as above they should have been clear.
    1 point
  23. My best advice, don't wait the 60 days to find out xD..
    1 point
  24. What happens after 60 days? Will I have to purchase it at full price?
    1 point
  25. Very much looking forward to taking the 733 out for a spin in XP12. Always been one of my favorite addons ever for XP with an amazing level of immersion. Excited for Friday!
    1 point
  26. Great news. Does the coffee maker work? You know the level of detail customers expect these days!
    1 point
  27. See the initial Press Release here for intentions going forward:
    1 point
  28. Wow!! Great news!! Thanks for all the effort and work done in this, since I have it, a masterpiece for XP11, so I can imagine what it will be in XP12, and the upgrade fee seems very reasonable to me, considering the upgrade features included!
    1 point
  29. I can certainly appreciate your anticipation and eagerness for the update. Currently, we're working diligently on adapting to the intricacies introduced by X-Plane 12, especially due to its major changes affecting our unique turbine engine model. While I'd love to give you a specific timeline, we're diving deep into a comprehensive re-write on multiple levels to ensure the best possible experience for our users. Therefore, it's difficult to pinpoint a release date. All I can assure you is that we're committed to getting it right, rather than rushing it. Quality takes time. We appreciate your patience and understanding. It'll definitely be worth the wait.
    1 point
  30. The Citation X by Laminar Research is my 2nd favorite business/corporate jet (it would be my fav if it was model to the standard of the CL650). I created a C750 checklist that turned out to be rather popular, but nothing compares to the video below: The default Cessna Citation X, by Laminar Research, is worth the purchase price of X-Plane, IMO.
    1 point
  31. Well the MU-2 detour work didn't help.....but beyond that, in the world of custom engineering / design work, there are unknowns in the process. Perhaps the results we are able to get out of x-plane might not be what we want and we have to backtrack and try different techniques, or we make conscious choices to implement things we didn't plan on implementing initially. May be the software we use is giving us fits (*cough Substance Painter). In estimating efforts for stuff like this, I like to call such targets, "personal carrots" we dangle in front of our own faces to keep us moving and motivated. I can reel off a large list of custom efforts that went well beyond time and cost estimates ....by Boeing, NASA, Icon aircraft, Cirrus, Space-X ...really smart folks with billions of bucks to work with etc...so it just comes with the territory. We're happy when we get it right...and just keep our heads down when we don't. One example though....we have working cabin doors. You can open these doors via the GUI by clicking a checkbox to have the doors open/close. BUT....I guarantee some folks will want to open these doors more like the real thing, by grabbing the handles and rotating them. So....I put that feature in, and it was a bit more work than clicking my heels together 3 times....and when I did that, now the checkboxes via the GUI need to reflect the door state if opened by mouse first. If you open the door halfway with the mouse and then open the GUI dialog....what do you see then, what should the checkboxes show? What feels natural and logical? This disconnect between possible actuation methods caused animating 'jumps' and I had to run a bunch of tests to see what worked and felt logical and natural, and add custom code to handle all that and it just added some extra time, etc. But in the end, I know that the customers that like to move stuff with the mouse will be happy and those that don't care can still use the checkboxes. But until I tried it, I wasn't exactly sure what worked best. I have to view the interactivity in this example from the perspective of a LOT of customers with different preferences and expectations. In the end, its a win-win for all customers, at the expense of my time estimate being delayed because I decided to add in a feature I didn't before, etc. There's been a few other areas regarding lighting that didn't quite work out like I hoped, eating up too many FPS and I had to backtrack and make some changes there also. Until I tried it though, I wasn't sure what the performance cost would be..and the alternative method turned out to be quite a bit of work. So...its stuff like this that stretches the time estimates. Your comment though, that you love the product gives me confidence that my choices when doing the work are mostly the right ones, and taking the time to do it right, even if it goes past my estimates, are usually worth it. -tkyler
    1 point
  32. I think now is a good time for a reminder that regardless of any state IXEG was in, X-Plane 12 broke existing functionality to the point the product literally doesn't work. You can't even use flaps in X-Plane 12. Because of code changes necessary to get it working again, a fee was bound to happen after 6 years of being on the market with no upgrade fees prior to this. As a whole, X-Aviation has always been overly fair with upgrade pricing, most of the time not charging any. We simply do not believe in this type of gouging when it's not warranted and the work to update something was very little on our end. At $14.95, it's a bargain to the work being invested on the porting front alone, and realities are people need to be able to live to produce. You're looking at this the wrong way. These new additions are intentional and designed to show commitment going forward. You're paying for the port to 12. We just happen to believe that we should also show good faith in improving the product along the way rather than just ship the port with a charge. Giving free upgrades to new customers who purchase products during transition phases (like X-Plane 11 becoming X-Plane 12) is very common in software. It is a way to retain customers who are uneasy about purchasing a software product when the next major version is so near. In our case, Laminar had already announced X-Plane 12 and new customers needed a reason to purchase a v11 plane rather than wait it out for v12, and thanks to Laminar announcing 12 so early, the time from announcement to release of 12 was over a year. That means a year of market uncertainty for consumers looking to buy things, which keeps us in business. The data we had showed sales were slumping in the market across the board for this reason alone, and by letting new customers know they could get the upgrade free, the confidence was instilled to make a purchase and also help keep food on our table. Heck, even Apple does this with some of their hardware, surprisingly. Most of the products in your install there have already had announced roadmaps for 12. Islander, TBM, and your two SR20's will be free of charge. If you have v2 of the MU-2, it too will be free of charge.
    1 point
  33. I fully support Cameron and tkyler when it comes to paying a price for an upgrade. I cannot understand the negativity expressed by some members when it comes to paying a small amount for the XP12 version of an aircraft they bought many years ago for XP11. I do not understand why someone would assume a free update when the developers need to do a lot of work for enabling the use of an aircraft on an upgraded platform. I would suggest these members to refrain from the 'costly' update to XP12. I also would support quality-developers opting for offering a subscription-based model: Customers paying a small amount yearly would receive updates and upgrades for free. Other customers will receive bug-fixes but need to pay for updates and upgrades. I am sure not everybody will be in support. This model may have pros and cons, but I see it as a viable basis for continuous development and improvement.
    1 point
  34. I purchased this aircraft on 11 February 2018. On the XAviation site it states clearly "X-Plane 12 update will be free." (Screenshot) No mention at all of having to pay for it again! What a farce! In the e-mail newsletter received 13 September 2023 it says that "customers purchasing on or before 6th February 2022, the upgrade will be available at $14.95 USD! XAviation got us again! I've been using this aircraft since 2018. Surely I should get the better deal being such a "dedicated pilot". The second time in a week that XAviation gives us a raw deal. First the LES Douglas DC3 which is to all purposes unusable and now the IXEG B737 sold again to loyal customers.
    -2 points
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