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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/31/2022 in all areas

  1. Definitely an overhaul of the scenery system in some form. Ideally something to do with licensed orthos. Not holding my breath, but one can dream.
    3 points
  2. We've learned better than to give dates; however, we have a very well defined 'todo' checklist and are working towards this every day, full time, whereas in the past that was not the case. As such, it'll be more than a few weeks, but less than several months, there is a LOT of stuff to test. We customized a whole lot of things that have to be audited, assessed and in many cases, 'removed and patched over'. We are very committed to this guy though and definitely have improvements coming not too far down the road.
    2 points
  3. All this info is really promising guys, I'm flying her a few times a week still, based in KMEM and flying the night freighter routes, good fun just now considering the crazy weather in the USA. Put in 50 hrs of flying according to my records in the 2 months! Happy to help with any testing if need be, just let me know.
    1 point
  4. We want to take our focus away from turboprops for a little while. We've had meetings and discussed the next project. But for now, the focus for Saso will be on the TBM XP12 update, while I continue with more 650 updates and a few things on the DC3.
    1 point
  5. I had to set it to the sec data base.
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. It does not matter if you purchase it now or later. The XP 11 version gets a free update to 12. Of course, if you want to wait that's no problem either.
    1 point
  8. We don't have any timeline for the moment. Early Access is just that, and dust will need to settle a bit before we start distributing XP 12 updates.
    1 point
  9. Yes. https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-hot-start-tbm-900-p-158
    1 point
  10. Not something we're going to be discussing here. If your "friend" sent you a copy of the aircraft then they too are a software pirate. This is both illegal and deeply insulting not only to the developers who have spent years of their life developing this project, but also to everybody else on the forum who spent their own, hard and honestly earned cash on this product. I'm locking this thread to protect ClearForTakeoff from the impeding community fallout, as that sort of thing does no good for a community forum. I'll also add the strong recommendation that they, and their friend, consider how they value simulation products and the community, and consider the fact you are, in no uncertain terms, stealing from a small, dedicated group of developers that have done nothing but good for the wider sim community.
    1 point
  11. are you seriously admitting to running a pirate copy on here? If you like the aircraft buy it, if being out 120 dollars is life changing for you then you have bigger problems than FPS on a sim plane. Anyway. it's not FPS heavy on my machine It runs fine in VR for me. 2080TI 9700k 32 GB ram
    1 point
  12. 1 ACTION at the top right means that you need to do it. 2 ACTION means the FO will do it, and CONFIRM means you have to check it.
    1 point
  13. Before this turns into another FS vs XP thread, I'll say we've got the FS2020 SDK, and we know what is going into it. And that's where our information will stop. All I want to say about this is that FS2020 is a flight sim. X-Plane is a flight sim. Both have lived and grown alongside each other for the better part of 2-3 decades. MSFS development has stopped once or twice in those 20-30 years, but it has never had an effect on X-Plane to the extent of "Laminar will go out of business." Use whatever you want to use. It's up to Laminar and the X-Plane developers to keep people interested in X-Plane to the point where the community will show enough interest in it to keep using it. We all have our own, individual preferences. And rightly so. Let the products speak for themselves.
    1 point
  14. Yeah a private copy does sounds bad, and I deeply apologize about that. But anyhow I can't and will not spend 115 dollar on a unflyable aircraft. If it does gets more FPS after being activated, I will purchase it immediately.
    -1 points
  15. Hi! I let my friend send me a pure Cl650 file (Without activated) for me to see how's the performance goes in my PC And it only goes about 20 fps in cookpit and cabin, 25 fps outside ....... eh I tried to decrease my graphic setting, but still nearly the same fps So, is it get the same FPS after I purchase this aircraft and activate it? Will it be more or less? The current FPS is totally unflyable to me 2070s+i7 9700f+16g
    -1 points
  16. Well folks, i must say i truly enjoy X plane, but i will be honest with you. i have been using FSX for years. And i occasionally used X plane when i had problems with FSX. When FSX died in 2006 , when they fired all of the folks at Microsoft. Fsx went by the wayside. Other developers took over and did there best to keep it up and running. I decided to go fully with X plane , and i really started to enjoy X -plane , when Hotstart came out with the TBN 900. That was a plane like no other. I have been siming for 25 plus years and that plane i have enjoyed the most. Even PDMG , did not impress me like that plane did. But i always missed FSX for some reason. So what does Microsoft do, they are coming out with a sim that looks impossible to pull off. I mean if they are serious about what they are about to release. I'm talking about FSX 2020. From what im seeing in the Sim, I cannot wait for the release. If it does what they claim that this sim will do. X plane you are in trouble. I believe even hardcore X planers will make the switch just to see if its real. And if it is as good as they say it will be. Any true sim gamer will have no choice but to make the switch. After all this is what we have been waiting for , is it not. Years of tweaking , and adding files , more software to make software better. Adding this file to make this file work. Upgrading computers just to get a few more frame rates to get more realism. ETC. Is this the Flightsim we have all been waiting for. and im talking about us guys that have been siming for years. We have more software that we care to remember. I'm chomping at the bit waiting for the release. My computer is all ready set up for it. I have all-ways upgraded my com, ahead of the curve. So what am i saying, im saying That X plane had better get busy in keeping up with , whats about to come out. Even Stevo kinevo is waiting on 2020 to come out . And he uses X planes Hotstart to practice with. So what does that tell you. Hotstart i suggest you get busy with a 2020 TBN900/940 , or you will start to loose clientele. I love your Tbn 900, but if 2020 is that good, i will have no choice but to put you on the shelf. And i suspect that X-plane will start to loose customers also. Look at it this way, when Uber and lyft came on the market, yellow cab literally lost 60 to 70 percent of there business. They waited to long to catch up with the times, and now its to late for them. nobody but the hardcore folks use the yellow cab. So X plane , i suggest you start to get busy real fast and get your sim up to Parr fast. Microsoft looks like they spent tons of money and the best developers out there and the best technology to get , what looks like the best ever sim to come out. X plane , to me seems like it was a one man show trying to do it all by himself. Just my opinion on that. I always looked at Laminar Research as a one man show. I dont know why but , that's the way i saw it compared to FSX. When FSX failed in 2006, that's when i started to get more involved in X plane. It was very good , but lacking some of the things i loved about FSX. The x plane flight model was superb, but was lacking in other things that made it excellent . It always in its earlier days seem like a ghost town when flying there excellent planes. You were alone all the time, that is if you loaded there extra packaged to feel more like you were not alone. But it still took more software to make it seem more real. FSX , even though there planes were not that good, they gave you the full package, atc, better graphics, dumb al planes all over the place running into each other. But you did not feel alone. X plane got better down thru the years always competing with FSX. When FSX failed , Xplane became the king of the Sims. Well X plane you have work to do, and so does Hotstart with your TBM900. If FSX 2020 does what they say it will do, you will loose customers. Just look at the reviews and what folks are saying about 2020 and Youtube. there are all excited and cannot wait for the release. Well folks, i know i will be shot down for my half a cents worth of blabbing, but i have been flying sims longer than most of you folks age. I'm older than dirt, so i can take it. Nuuf Said. RobertC
    -1 points
  17. Waiting you make Hot Start Challenger 650 compatible with XP12 to buy it. No chance to spend 114.95 USD for an aircraft that is only supported by XP11.
    -1 points
  18. I already removed XP11 from my PC, no space and time for both. Weather in XP11 is not an option if we compare with XP12. While your lovely aircraft's (TBM900 and Challenger) are not ready for XP12, I will spend my time with other aircraft already compatible with XP12).
    -1 points
  19. The price for this well reviewed plane is Way too high. Is there a sale coming up?
    -1 points
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