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  1. Version 1.1.1


    This livery is based off of a CL30, N887LC. I had to make some design decisions since is a different aircraft, but I hope it represents it well! A picture of the reference aircraft can be found here: https://flightaware.com/photos/view/977583-2c0f9340c251ff5d9a0a17d6ca19587db9552b06/staffpicksmonth/sort/date/page/1
    2 points
  2. Each yoke has one, kinda hidden behind. You can bind a key or joystick button via datarefs.
    2 points
  3. Issue solved, fix will be in next version."I've added a delay at boot before icing is applied. That should hopefully give enough time to any weather injector to come alive. I've also implemented historical METAR reading for the nearest station, which will give accurate temps and weather evolution. This mechanism is used if we detect that real weather has been configured by the user (either using X-Plane's weather, ASXP, xEnviro or XP-NOAA)."
    2 points
  4. Version v0.105


    Hello Captains! A LUA-script for v-speed callouts for the HotStart Challenger 650 v1.2 or higher. It includes callouts for 80 knots, V1, Vr, V2 (V2 is optional) and positiv rate / gear up. Feel free to leave a comment if you liked the script (or not) Requirement: The script requires FlyWithLua: Download the correct version for your simulator. FlyWithLua for X-Plane 11: - https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/38445-flywithlua-ng-next-generation-edition-for-x-plane-11-win-lin-mac/ FlyWithLua for X-Plane 12: - https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/82888-flywithlua-ng-next-generation-plus-edition-for-x-plane-12-win-lin-mac/ Installation: - Unzip the files in [X-Plane]\Resources\plugins\FlyWithLua\Scripts You should get a structure something like this. Settings: Edit the Wizball_CL650_vSpeed.lua for the settings. -- Set to true to enable "V2" callout and false to disable. true and false have to be written with lowercase letters. local Enable_V2 = false -- Set to true to enable "Positive rate/Gear up" callout and false to disable. true and false have to be written with lowercase letters. local EnablePosGearUp = true -- Set to 1 for callout by totoritko(HotStart). Set 2 for callout by xplana. local CalloutVoice = 1 -- Change "SoundLevel" to adjust volume for the callouts. Adjust between 0.10 min - 1.00 max. -- Recommended value for CalloutVoice 1 - 0.70 - For CalloutVoice 2 - 0.30 local SoundLevel = 0.70 How to use: Just make sure you set the vSpeeds in the FMS and you will get the callouts. Demo: Known bugs/limitations: - Non at the moment. Credits: totoritko and xplana for the callouts
    1 point
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Hi all, This is just a quick fictional challenger livery I made to test out the paintkit. I fly it around a lot as G-HONK or N6005E so if you see me around, feel free to say hello Just posting it here in case it's useful for anyone else.
    1 point
  6. I will as the build proceeds. Still doing modeling with Fusion 360 right now. -M.
    1 point
  7. Issue solved, fix will be in next version. "I've added a delay at boot before icing is applied. That should hopefully give enough time to any weather injector to come alive. I've also implemented historical METAR reading for the nearest station, which will give accurate temps and weather evolution. This mechanism is used if we detect that real weather has been configured by the user (either using X-Plane's weather, ASXP, xEnviro or XP-NOAA)."
    1 point
  8. hi, using FIX page, you put PYE than your radial
    1 point
  9. Hi CaptCrash, et al, This morning, I flew v1.3.1 (need to download the new version) and looked closely at the flight director behavior. When basic pitch modes like ALT, VALT, FLC, and VPATH are active, the flight behavior appears to be correct in that the FD pitch bar does not move and follow aircraft pitch changes. In other words, you can fly the airplane symbol up and down through the FD pitch bar, and bar does not initially move and also follow the FD pitch bar as is shown in the video when an APPR LOC and GS are active. I flew the ILS 1R at KICT and the FD pitch bar exhibited the same behavior. As shown in the video, if an aircraft pitch change is made, the FD pitch bar initially follows that pitch change, e.g., pitch the nose up a few degrees, and the FD pitch bar follows it for a few degrees until the GS begins to deflect. I spoke to a friend who worked at Collins for a number 15 years and trained us on the Collins equipment about this and show him the video. He said that was not how it works. The FD pitch bar should remain steady and initially not move with the pitch change, and in fact, in anticipation of the GS needle moving downward it should deflect slightly downward. What the HS CL650 is doing with the respect to the ILS GS and the FD pitch command is not correct. Next, I flew the RNAV (GPS) Y 1R at KICT. The approach was flown with LPV Level of Service (LOS). Initially, I used VNAV to descend through the T-Legs from BACAY. When tracking the VNAV in VPATH vertical mode, the FD pitch bar behaved as expected. In other words, you could change the aircraft's pitch attitude through the FD pitch bar without that command bar also moving. Naturally, as deviated off the VNAV path, the FD pitch bar would command a return to the path. Approaching the FAF (CUTIK), I selected APP Mode and the vertical guidance changed to VGP. In VGP mode, the FD pitch bar behaved like it does in the ILS GS mode, and as shown in the video. The FD pitch bar moves with aircraft pitch changes. As noted, this makes it very hard to track the FD command bars and track the VGP path. Next, I came back and again flew the RNAV (GPS) Y 1R at KICT. This time, I downgraded the approach to LNAV/VNAV LOS by selected the ARRIVAL DATA page, selecting the APPR MODE to "RNP", which selected the GP MODE To "BARO". (see screen shots attached). So instead of flying LPV SBAS generated angular vertical guidance, the FMS would be using Baro-VNAV, linear guidance just like in the en route phase, but with smaller scaling. On this approach with LNV and VPATH as the FD modes, the FD pitch bar behaved as expected. The FD pitch command bar did not move and follow with aircraft pitch changes, but rather remained steady until there was a vertical path deviation at which it showed a command correction to return to the path. It appears that the flight director issue is in both the ILS GS and LPV VGP vertical modes, that the FD pitch bar will initially follow a pitch change before it computes that maybe it shouldn't have, and then as the GS or VGP moves from the centered, "on glideslope/glidepath" position, the FD pitch bar initiates a command correction to command a pitch change to the return the aircraft to the glideslope/glidepath. In both cases, as the aircraft pitch changes, the in GS or VGP, the FD pitch bar should not change and initially follow the aircraft pitch change. It should not move until the GS or GP needle begins to move off path, or according to my source from Collins, it should make a slight anticipatory command opposite of the pitch change to return the aircraft to GS/GP. At the very least, the FD pitch command bar should mimic the behavior in VPATH or the other basic FD pitch modes like ALT. These easily demonstrated in level flight with ALT engaged, in a descent following a vertical path and in VPATH mode, or on an RNAV approach using RNP and BARO set in the ARRIVAL DATA page (ps...kudos for getting this page right!). I hope that this will help with the troubleshooting. Thanks, Rich
    1 point
  10. This is likely just X-Plane’s lack of any occlusion/shadowing by the fuselage when the sun in low. But maybe @Goran_Mcan do something with materials to tone it down. Otherwise we’ll just have to hope X-Plane 12 improves the situation.
    1 point
  11. v0.102 is now available. totoritko has kindly provided me with wav files of his voice for my callout script.
    1 point
  12. another quick update. Not much has changed since the last report, except I'm a whole lot further along on my MU2 project than I was at last report. X-Plane is still full time work for me and I'm making steady progress towards returning to this guy. Jan is standing by for the aftermath of the MU2 release when we jump back onto this guy full time and work the FMC and other 3D for a good while I'm sure. I suspect we'll be back on the IXEG by the summer months. -tkyler
    1 point
  13. Hi, first of all thank you for this wonderful work. I am very impressed and excited. Back to the topic. I have linked my GoFlight MCP so far, but what I am missing are the datarefs for the selected altitude, speed and heading. I mean so that I can get the digital display connected to the MCP. Thanks
    1 point
  14. Those are not currently available to X-Plane. I’ll pass on the interest to the developers.
    1 point
  15. I appreciate the comments, but, ummm...HotStart A340?
    1 point
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