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IXEG 737 Classic Plus - Releasing Friday, September 15th!


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8 minutes ago, laui said:

Hi, and the Hold page on fms? Its working? Thank you


This update is intended to be a foundation from which to continue improvements on the IXEG.  XP12 broke a lot of stuff and "band-aids" weren't going to get it done.  Towards that end, some answers to recurring questions..which will be regurgitated elsewhere at release.

  • Operational functionality is the same as V11 currently.  (i.e. no change to FMS)  Last 9 months were spent in 'repair' of areas broken in V12 and getting back to baseline.
  • Plan going forward is to focus on 4 areas (in no particular order).
    • FMS/vnav    
    • FMOD sounds  
    • New 3D exterior.
    • Mac ARM suppport
  • The above items will take a while.  We'll begin work on this immediately, indeed already in process.
  • Any cargo, 400/500 variants takes a back seat to the items above, if at all.  Minimal demand.
  • Unsure the time frame for ARM support.  I myself deal with this and run Rosetta currently.
    • we understand many MAC users may not find this acceptable until ARM support.  We're on it.
  • A new 3D exterior will be provided one day.  When so, the old liveries won't work; however, folks can still use the old 3D exterior if desired.
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This is fantastic news :). Just in time for the week-end. I loved this plane in XP-11 and am glad it is finally ready for XP12. I am stoked about all the changes and the hard work they have put into it. Also happy that this also will open the door for continued development in the future. Can't wait

Edited by alexaeglir
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On 9/13/2023 at 8:49 PM, Medway said:

Shows 84.99 now, used to be 74.99 I believe.


From sales page:

 EGPWS terrain display

Weather radar system with tilt, showing X-Plane´s precipitation, ground returns, allows overscanning

Hmm, that equates to around $140.00 in Australian currency.

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On 9/13/2023 at 7:04 AM, Cameron said:

We don't have any changes with regards to that, and being fully transparent, nothing has even started. That's a very long way out (if at all)!

Appreciate the response! Sorry for constantly pinging this question, this is probably the best 737 Classic rendition since the days of the Wilco 737 PIC and to see all of the 737 Classics brought to life would be a dream. It's one of the few addons I'm actively thinking about and hoping for the extra variants.

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a bit of of background about this whole variant thing.  The ability to upgrade our work and make variants is very much tied to both the toolchain we use to develop the IXEG, as well as our 'techniques'.   Like anything else, we get better over time at what we do and how we do things and the tools we use evolve as well.   In the beginning (2010), we used Blender 2.49, a software quite difficult to make changes in.  Also, we wrote our own exporting scripts to leverage emerging X-Plane tech.  So after some time, we have this enormous amount of data/assets in a software format that is aging (like every software title).  Fast forward a bit in the future and Blender 2.8 releases.....that was such a major....really major paradigm shift in organization of 3D assets....that it changed everything and we set about converting all our work to that format. Blender 2.49 was being abandoned by all.  That was a really really laborious and long process that you guys didn't see any change from from ..it was our own challenge to keep the IXEG poised for the future.  Even thinking about variants at this point wasn't an option.   Fast forward a bit more...we get everything into Blender 2.8, things settle down for a year or so, I work on the MU2, which handles...count em....6 variants... and then X-Plane 12 drops. *sigh...here we go again.  and so for the better part of a year, we start this process of integrating everything into X-Plane 12 format.  On top of that, I'm swapping out lots of code for more "template" code, getting ready to start some new products also and we've just been building this 'infrastructure' on top of Blender 2.8+ (now 3.6) and XP12 for quite a long time.  So....we still have to catch up on all that FMS stuff, still have to make the swap to FMOD and redo the 3D exterioro to keep the IXEG 'up with the times'....and after ALL that, then we can think about variants.  BUT....best we can tell, we are in a technical place to do so.  Its not that we don't want to...we just have 'the priority list' based on many years of customer input.   I know this stuff takes a while, but in my quiet moments, I remind myself that I've been flight simming since 1981...still do it, its a lifelong hobby, most of the 'IXEG type' customers are probably the same...and I should just keep on moving.   I'd like the variants in at some point...even those old mechnical ADIs / HSIs.   Fingers crossed we'll get there.



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27 minutes ago, tkyler said:


a bit of of background about this whole variant thing.  The ability to upgrade our work and make variants is very much tied to both the toolchain we use to develop the IXEG, as well as our 'techniques'.   Like anything else, we get better over time at what we do and how we do things and the tools we use evolve as well.   In the beginning (2010), we used Blender 2.49, a software quite difficult to make changes in.  Also, we wrote our own exporting scripts to leverage emerging X-Plane tech.  So after some time, we have this enormous amount of data/assets in a software format that is aging (like every software title).  Fast forward a bit in the future and Blender 2.8 releases.....that was such a major....really major paradigm shift in organization of 3D assets....that it changed everything and we set about converting all our work to that format. Blender 2.49 was being abandoned by all.  That was a really really laborious and long process that you guys didn't see any change from from ..it was our own challenge to keep the IXEG poised for the future.  Even thinking about variants at this point wasn't an option.   Fast forward a bit more...we get everything into Blender 2.8, things settle down for a year or so, I work on the MU2, which handles...count em....6 variants... and then X-Plane 12 drops. *sigh...here we go again.  and so for the better part of a year, we start this process of integrating everything into X-Plane 12 format.  On top of that, I'm swapping out lots of code for more "template" code, getting ready to start some new products also and we've just been building this 'infrastructure' on top of Blender 2.8+ (now 3.6) and XP12 for quite a long time.  So....we still have to catch up on all that FMS stuff, still have to make the swap to FMOD and redo the 3D exterioro to keep the IXEG 'up with the times'....and after ALL that, then we can think about variants.  BUT....best we can tell, we are in a technical place to do so.  Its not that we don't want to...we just have 'the priority list' based on many years of customer input.   I know this stuff takes a while, but in my quiet moments, I remind myself that I've been flight simming since 1981...still do it, its a lifelong hobby, most of the 'IXEG type' customers are probably the same...and I should just keep on moving.   I'd like the variants in at some point...even those old mechnical ADIs / HSIs.   Fingers crossed we'll get there.



Fantastic response! Love it when developers share the same motivations as the customers.

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