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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/07/2022 in all areas

  1. XPUIPC can be a nasty plugin. It hasn't been updated for quite some time and the developer doesn't respond to emails. I guess he doesn't care about it anymore. It's a real shame, because quite a few addon's and virtual airlines still rely on it. I started developing a replacement for it a while ago and had a prototype working, but this whole FSUIPC interface is so weird that I couldn't be bothered anymore. Life is too short... Version seems to work fine with the IXEG.
    2 points
  2. An excellent job. Awesome. Congratulations. Especially the faults section. But this section is ABSOLUTELY UNUSABLE if we don't have a QRH. Or something similar. It's just USELESS without abnormal and emergency procedures. We're just left to have fun when the birds hit the windshield (knowing they're not real birds). Too much money (for me) and too much work (for you) if you don't provide the minimum necessary documentation, if so, I regret buying this product.
    1 point
  3. Captains, In the days since release of the Hot Start Challenger 650 there have been concerns that Gizmo and even the Challenger 650 plugins were causing a major performance impact. We went investigating this, and even got Laminar Research involved to understand what was happening under the hood of X-Plane to try and sort this out. As it turns out, Gizmo is NOT the source of problems, and neither is the 650 plugin; not directly, anyhow. What's happening is somewhat complicated, but I'll do my best to be descriptive, yet brief. X-Plane is programmed to use up all of your CPU cores in order to try and attain higher frame rates. In doing so, there's some major texture paging going on. The problem here is that it leaves almost no room for the Challenger to get its CPU operations done in the process, and mixed with a ton of texture paging, everything goes bust and tasks get stuck in a queue where X-Plane drastically slows down, things pause/stutter, and the experience becomes abysmal. If you happen to have your Plugin Manager open in X-Plane while this happens it will present itself as if Gizmo or the Challenger are using up an insane amount of performance, but this is actually just a mean trick when looking at it from a user perspective. X-Plane slows down so much that it LOOKS like our plugins are to blame as their tasks are not yet performed while X-Plane does other things. Before I go further, I should note, this is NOT applicable to everyone! Most customers here seem to have a great CPU/GPU combination that can handle all of this, but if you're one of the people on the struggling end of the spectrum, you'll want to keep reading this post! Version 1.1.0 of the Challenger 650 introduces a new installer that has a selection for GPUs with more or less than 6GB so we can best optimize your install for you. This will help with some of the VRAM/texture paging operations. That said, there's still more to the puzzle. Because X-Plane is using all the cores/threads on your CPU, it is not saving "room" for the Challenger 650 to do its operations efficiently and the CPU becomes oversubscribed. Laminar Research is likely to fix this issue for developers at a later date after X-Plane 12, so in the meantime we have a workaround to use that Laminar has sanctioned to give out to those affected. If you are affected by this issue, please do the following (this is for Windows users, as the issue seems most prevalent with Vulkan): 1. First, find X-Plane's application and create a shortcut so that we can create parameters. Right click on X-Plane > New > Shortcut 2. Right-click on your shortcut, and select Properties on its contextual menu to open the shortcut's Properties window. 3. The shortcut's Properties window is the place where you can add command-line parameters for that shortcut. Select the Shortcut tab and look for the Target field. 4. You will see a place that has the path to X-Plane labelled Target. X-Plane's path will be in quotes. At the end of the quotes, make sure there is a space after the quotes, then type/paste: --num_workers=n <== Replace the red 'n' with a number equal to three fewer processors/threads than your CPU has (this accounts for X-Plane's "main thread"). For example, if you have a 6 physical + 6 virtual processor CPU (known as Hyper-Threading for Intel and SMT for AMD) for a total of 12 threads ("logical processors" as Windows refers to them), you should put the number 9 in place of the red 'n'. Also be sure you have the TWO hyphens/dashes in front of "num_workers"! 5. You can now rename this shortcut to something like Challenger 650 if you like. That way you can just click this one when you know you'll be flying the Challenger. If you are unsure how many processors/threads your CPU has, go into your About Computer setting and Google your CPU model number to find out. Be sure to use the total number with Hyper-Threading/SMT (if enabled) as your starting point! We know this is a bit unorthodox, but we're doing our best to make whatever solutions we can for as many people as possible. Hopefully this makes your flying more enjoyable!
    1 point
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Fictional Livery - Jet Charters
    1 point
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Fictional Livery for Challenger 650
    1 point
  6. The ILS radio simulation feels accurate to me, compared to real life. Being a bit off is not unrealistic, especially in gusty / turbulent conditions - being way off is called an unstable approach, and if every ILS was flown "on rails", airplanes would never need to go around. This simulation brings radio reception + avionics processing to you so you can see what it really feels like to fly that kind of approach. The more you practice the better you'll get at anticipating what the FD is commanding and you can stay ahead of those little oscillations to stay stable. Good luck!
    1 point
  7. I went through my custom scenery folder and edited everything with a ridiculously long name and that fixed it! Thank you
    1 point
  8. Hi @JJM. That is simply a forum to discuss the files. In the case of the 650, it's an alert system. Each file has it's own discussion, and those discussions are linked from the file library. What you'll want to browse for files is here: https://forums.x-pilot.com/files/ To see only 650 liveries, you can go here: https://forums.x-pilot.com/files/category/27-hot-start-challenger-650/
    1 point
  9. Also see here: https://hotstart.net/cl650/pins.html
    1 point
  10. I had same kind of crash and resolved by removing XPUIPC folder from \Resources\Plugin, I hope this help to others. Patricio Valdes
    1 point
  11. When you enter the FBO in Career Mode you use the built-in walking mode, it uses W (forward), A (backwards), S (left) and D (right) to move around.
    1 point
  12. I would suggest you reread this thread because I've done no assertion of what you claim I have. You are putting words in my mouth and that is not appreciated. The only one coming into this thread asserting any attitude is you. My questions are completely legitimate regarding a product I purchased that is marked as having Linux support and hasn't worked since release (almost a year). I would like to point out this line in particular. I understand Linux can be and is a pain and I understand business objectives change. I would say I've been extremely patient, so asking if Linux support is still on the horizon is not a far fetched question given it's been a year. This attitude wouldn't fly in any sales market. Imagine the outrage this would generate if this was applied to a non-software product. If you bought a car that advertised left and right turns, but then the steering wheel would not turn left, there would be problems. I work with vendors on a daily basis to get software running on Linux, it's only hard when you come into it with assumptions based on how Windows works. Such as building to a dot release specific version of software (just statically link), hard coding paths, or playing games with capitalization. Being Linux is the #1 server OS, it's obviously not too hard to support otherwise these large legacy IT enterprises would stick with a Unix like Solaris or AIX. I am doing exactly this and have said nothing about Coop so again to assert that I am doing otherwise is putting words in my mouth and conflating my intentions with your assumptions. I'm sad to see I've stirred up your saltiness but I hope you have a better day. Thank you! I placed the file and loaded the plane (before coping over OpenGPWS) and XP crashed. I then copied over OpenGPWS from the TBM900 and tested again. This time the aircraft loaded and is thus far functional. I will run it through some testing and report back. I took a look at the OpenGPWS.xpl and it was compiled for System V instead of Linux. This should be an easy argument change depending on how you're building/sourcing the software. Shipped with the SR22: $ readelf -h OpenGPWS.xpl ELF Header: Magic: 7f 45 4c 46 02 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Class: ELF64 Data: 2's complement, little endian Version: 1 (current) OS/ABI: UNIX - System V ABI Version: 0 Type: DYN (Shared object file) Machine: Advanced Micro Devices X86-64 Version: 0x1 Entry point address: 0x59800 Start of program headers: 64 (bytes into file) Start of section headers: 19413912 (bytes into file) Flags: 0x0 Size of this header: 64 (bytes) Size of program headers: 56 (bytes) Number of program headers: 8 Size of section headers: 64 (bytes) Number of section headers: 36 Section header string table index: 35 TBM900: $ readelf -h OpenGPWS.xpl ELF Header: Magic: 7f 45 4c 46 02 01 01 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Class: ELF64 Data: 2's complement, little endian Version: 1 (current) OS/ABI: UNIX - GNU ABI Version: 0 Type: DYN (Shared object file) Machine: Advanced Micro Devices X86-64 Version: 0x1 Entry point address: 0x6b000 Start of program headers: 64 (bytes into file) Start of section headers: 33307976 (bytes into file) Flags: 0x0 Size of this header: 64 (bytes) Size of program headers: 56 (bytes) Number of program headers: 8 Size of section headers: 64 (bytes) Number of section headers: 38 Section header string table index: 37 ps. Please don't take Cameron's representation of me as who I really am. I will help you debug until I'm blue in the face and I understand that issues occur and business objectives change. I'm not concerned with any of that as I understand how things go. I've been a Unix engineer in large enterprises for the past decade so I've seen my share of this.
    1 point
  13. it's not unusual for corporate pilots to start #2 engine while passengers are walking up and boarding the aircraft. After the copilot gets everyone one on board and closes the door, #1 engine is started. Things work differently in the GA/corporate aviation world than they do the airlines. As a corporate pilot, I'm the flight planner, dispatcher, ground services coordinator, fueling supervisor, de-icing supervisor, baggage loader, catering manager, ground transportation manager, crew accommodations/hotel manager, and lavatory servicing manager (i.e., I sometimes have to dump the honeypot). I've been a corporate pilot since 1988 and love every minute of it. That's why I really like HotStart's CL650! Rich Boll
    1 point
  14. Glad to hear you have it working. A few points: The reason xplane crashes with switching between 2d and VR is due to it running out of VRAM and crashing. The 8KX has a monstrous resolution so if you have any kind of super sampling at all, on a 3080 you will burn through VRAM in no time. I have a 3090 and even that can hardly handle the 8KX.. It'll be worth double checking all of your settings. I would suggest that you set the resolution percentage within steamVR to under 100% - and make sure you only use FXAA - no SSAA at all. I have developed a little workflow that seems to go quite well for the CL650 - I use a Valve Index now, but it's pretty much the same... You will need the latest version of MoveVR 1 Bind toggle VR to the keyboard ( I use 'v') - and in the settings leave VR disabled. 2 Load up xplane and the CL650 - do what you need to do in the FBO. Set the passengers to arrive in one or two minutes. 3 I have set commands to view the status of FBO actions, and to advance the passenger status to the next stage. (Ctrl-F and ctrl-P respectively) 4 Once loaded into the sim, press the pax advance key - and wait for the phone to ring. Answer it, tell them to send the passengers now. 5. Once you have cleared the dialogue boxes, you are free to enter VR. 6. When the fueller asks you to specify how much fuel you need, you may get a blue empty box appear - open up MoveVR (again, I have this bound to a key command) and open up the plugin menus, the last one in the list will be the fueller options. Click 'move to 2d'. 7. You can then use show desktop in steam VR, or lift your headset and interact with the fueller using the menu on the screen. 8. Repeat that step if he asks you for anything else. (Alternate: use the 2d fuel menu to fuel the aircraft skipping the fueller stuff) 9. Enjoy your flight! Once you land, and you are done, press your toggle VR button ('v') and then interact with the FBO to pick up the passengers. It probably sounds a bit long-winded, but it works for me every time and I've not had any big issues. Hopefully Toto will soon fix the menus so we can interact with them in VR, then the whole thing will be easy!
    1 point
  15. It’s actually using their own implementation (by OscarPilote, of Ortho4XP fame) that was originally done for their new Falcon 8X project, so looks totally different (wrong) compared to the G1000’s.
    1 point
  16. In my humbled opinion these should be pinned and recommended viewing for all Challenger sim pilots. The how and why explanations of everything a real captain does and the system explanations are above and beyond. The Collins Proline 21 system is really coming to life for me now and I appreciate its capabilities more every video he releases.
    1 point
  17. v0.102 is now available. totoritko has kindly provided me with wav files of his voice for my callout script.
    1 point
  18. I have a hot key bound to Avitab on my keyboard and I use it with some success. The problem is when Avitab opens up the image in my Oculus Quest 2 is really big, so I just grab the bottom edge to make it smaller, I can then use my mouse to do anything in Avitab, in VR, every time I open it I have to resize it this way unfortunately. On the same subject. I also have the Aerobask Eclipse 550 and it has it's own tablet with Avitab on it. I am able to do everything on this tablet including using Avitab and Navigraph, everything works without having to use any pop up window, I don't know how Aerobask did it(or Avitab) it just works great. The Aerobask Eclipse is the only one that works for me this way though.
    1 point
  19. Hello All, This will serve as a formal forum announcement that we have released the version 1.2.3 update for the CL650. All customers who have purchased the CL650 up till now have been sent an e-mail by X-Aviation with complete instructions on how to obtain your update. We have made this a very simple process! For those that purchase the CL650 from today forward, your purchased download will already be updated to version 1.2.3 for you. REMINDER! Some customers have experienced performance issues where FPS in sim got very low or unflyable. If this has happened to you, please read the following on how to handle the situation: What if I didn't get the update e-mail? If you did not receive your update e-mail don't fret! X-Aviation has updated our system to allow all customers to update with ease, regardless of whether you received an e-mail for the update! Here's what to do: 1. Login to your X-Aviation account here: https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/account_history.php  2. Find your original Challenger 650 download and re-download the file. It will download as the latest version! The following is a list of additions/fixes included: What's New / Changed: New Features: 2432: Want to export V-speeds via stable datarefs for 3rd party plugins Bugfixes: 2426: Fixed protruding mesh on AC external panel door 2433: Leg end course needs to be determined from the leg end point, not start point 2427: Copilot AOA vane cover shouldn't affect AUX AOA probe 2307: Crash due to satellite azimuth determination hitting a NAN value 2437: V-bar flight director roll should be absolute to the horizon, not the aircraft's wings 2439: When a SEC FPLN is entered, show the HOLD LIST page when selecting LSK 3R from IDX 2441: Don't show PPOS prompt when entering a hold in SEC LEGS 2454: Drop thread execution priority on any threads we don't strictly need 2455: X-TCAS workaround for XPMP network clients not setting weight-on-wheels wasn't functional 2456: Bird strike texture doesn't need alpha, so conserve some memory for it 2442: Add aliased commands for at_disc 2185: State restore to 1000ft from after landing leaves wheels spinning 2434: Cabin press prevents door opening on reposition to high elevation airport 2459: Fixed rotation animation of throttle labels 2460: Fixed rogue ambient occlusion on emergency exit 2461: Fixed gap between door depressurization flap space and inside of door Improvements: General fine tuning for performance Enjoy these latest updates, and stay tuned to the forum as we continually announce the latest happenings.
    1 point
  20. Is anyone else having this same type of issue with offline services? I am encountering a differential when using offline ATC. (Pilot2ATC)
    1 point
  21. Thank you for the reply, I wouldn't look down on someone reporting things and keep them as simple sim pilots. I have flown sims for 20 years and professionally in real life over 10. None on the aircraft that I've flown IRL doesn't behave like that. None. FD shouldn't be part of pilots movements but the other way around to be were APFD-system wants it to. I haven't flown with ProLine21A plane but I highly doubt that it should work like that.
    1 point
  22. The RW26R is displayed correctly in X-Plane 11. You have an incorrect display on the CL650 and you will need to fix it! You have a big mistake in 1969. I am posting for you an extract from the ARINC 424 database for the LFPG airfield. Please read it and show it to the lead programmer. They send you errors and help you test your software product for free. CL650 you poorly tested before selling. ARINC LFPG RW26R.docx
    -1 points
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