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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/23/2016 in all areas

  1. Here are a few more Id like to share with you all.....
    6 points
  2. I purchased this product on day one, and I think how it is handled is really very fair when you consider the following! .... SMP V1 Full price + every update to this version was free up until SMP V2 was released, than a discount price was offered and all updates to this version were free. The same process was continued into SMP V3. A lot of things were updated in these previous versions and I am delighted to only pay the reduced price for version 4. Nobody in their right mind is going to assemble a group of developers and build something like SMP sell it and continue on improving (for years now) for nothing! Business just doesn't work like that, nor does common sense!
    5 points
  3. It's quite possible, but for now we won't make promises for the unforseen potential of bugs in testing.
    3 points
  4. Captains, It is with a lot of enthusiasm and excitement that I get the opportunity to announce SkyMaxx Pro v4.0 to you today! A few people have speculated out there on whether we were announcing the next version soon, or what may be in it, and today we can tell you a whole lot more! Without question, SkyMaxx Pro v4 is going to be our most exciting of the SkyMaxx Pro series to date. The features it brings to the X-Plane experience are pretty awesome, so without further ado, the feature list for SkyMaxx Pro v4 is as follows (a preview video will follow soon): - Double your maximum cloud draw area! Big performance improvements allow clouds to be drawn across an area up to 320 km across surrounding your plane. Go ahead and crank up SMP's cloud draw area setting and achieve fast, realistic scenes at FL300 and above. - Did we mention big performance improvements? SMP4 is faster than ever. - New 3D precipitation system that represents rain, sleet, wet snow, and dry snow - as well as mixed precipitation that responds automatically to the ambient temperature. Precipitation is even lit by your landing lights! And an whole new precipitation control panel lets you tweak its appearance to your own liking. - Precipitation is tied to individual clouds in SMP4. Rain will start and stop realistically as you fly underneath or through the clouds. - All-new "HD Cloud Puffs" overcast representation! Fly through large, thick overcast layers built from real HD cloud photos, without killing your framerate. Overcast clouds have never looked so good from above and below. - Higher-resolution scattered and broken cumulus clouds, with twice the resolution as SMP3. - Cirrus and cirrocumulus clouds now move realistically relative to your plane's motion. - Works better than ever with Real Weather Connector: more accurate representations of ground fog, thunderstorm placement, and stratus/overcast cloud placement when used with RWC. - Adjusts lighting on distant cloud puffs at night ...and a few more unannounced features yet to come! Screenshots (Click to see large view): Showing the new, doubled maximum cloud draw distance (both images above 30,000 ft) with the new overcast! The all-new SkyMaxx Pro Precipitation Settings Window and showing off some SkyMaxx Pro 3D snow getting lit up by aircraft lights! As explained above, SkyMaxx Pro now has 3D rain, sleet, wet & dry snow! Showing the new HD Clouds Some 3D rain effects shown. Precipitation stops if you are not under a cloud! Showing some gorgeous clouds generated by SkyMaxx Pro 4 as we coast into the sunset. We're excited to show you more! Information on upgrade eligibility: SkyMaxx Pro v4 will be a paid upgrade for all current SkyMaxx Pro v3 owners. Those of you who qualify will receive a 50% off ($19.95 instead of $39.95) upgrade discount which will be valid for 60 days from the time SkyMaxx Pro v4 goes on sale. After this, the product will go to full price for all customers. Information on release: SkyMaxx Pro v4 will be released in as short order as possible. We currently have a beta team being assembled and about to go through Release Candidate builds. Once that is done it's on to packaging and release. We will keep everyone updated as we get closer to the release. It would be safe to say you can see SkyMaxx Pro v4 hit the store this USA holiday season! X-Plane 10 & 11: We will support both X-Plane 10 and 11. There will not be a separate cost for these products. If you purchase SkyMaxx Pro v4 you are assured compatibility with both (keep in mind if adjustments need to be made for X-Plane 11 it may not work on day one, but it will be as quickly as possible after as we will have early access copies to work with. Therefore, it is possible we have SkyMaxx Pro working on the first day of release for X-Plane 11 as well should changes really be necessary). Thanks to everyone for their continued support in this amazing product! See you in the skies!
    2 points
  5. All precipitation is now 3D.
    2 points
  6. One I've been looking forward to (thats also a hint)
    1 point
  7. Hi all, Nov 5th through the 12th myself and a few others will be flying around the world in 7 days flying 24/7 in the awesome ixeg 737. My Sim is a full size 737 cockpit built with all real parts that all work in unison with the IXEG 733. We need your help!!!! Come join us as we need more pilots. Even if it is just as a co-pilot working the flaps and gear Our charity this year is the Memorial Children,s Hospital here in South Bend. https://www.facebook.com/memorialchildrenshospital/ They are not for profit hospital for children and no child is turned away. If you can't join us, please find it in your heart to donate to this great cause during our event. I will post a link here in this thread and we will be streaming live on TwitchTV I hope this doesn't bother the developers of the ixeg and it would be awesome if you could come join us as well. Message me or post here if you want more details. Thank you, Rob
    1 point
  8. No longer will the guys from the other sims be able to criticize X-Plane or Sky Maxx Pro! I hope the framerates don't take a hit. Thanks for the dedication Cameron and fellow programmers. Your efforts are greatly appreciated! John
    1 point
  9. Thanks for the report, we have done some work on a similiar problem (where you have a sharp kink in the route), but this looks like something else... I will see if I can reproduce it on our 1.1 testbuild... Jan
    1 point
  10. Hi Pete, Yes, X-Aviation will be selling the DVDs of version 11.
    1 point
  11. If your willing to give this a try, turn your cloud detail down to 10%. I have an R9 380 as well 4GB. I'll enclose my log text. Log.txt
    1 point
  12. Exactly my problem also. Bought V2, then V3. I could never use V3 so that was a total waste of money. I am not even using V2 anymore. Like Mad Mat I am very reluctant to spend yet more money. Anyway, good to see the effort is still being put in to improve the product.
    1 point
  13. I'm curious if this really works with the frames. Mostly it does not work as you imagine it. But it looks really good! I let myself be surprised
    1 point
  14. I am a customer since the beginning of Skymaxx and I pay for all versions and every time there's a new version I pay even though I have a discount of 50% but the new customer that happens not pay a salt once for the same product in the end it pay less expensive than I think it is a injustice to loyal customers
    1 point
  15. Je suis client depuis le début de Skymaxx et je paye pour toutes les versions et à chaque fois qu'il y a une nouvelle version je paye encore même si j'ai un rabais de 50 % mais le tout nouveau client qui arrive ne paye qu'une sel fois pour le même produit au bout du compte il paye moin cher que moi , je crois qu'il y a une injustice pour les clients fidèle
    1 point
  16. IXEG, I'm happy to see that you update the windows cockpit after to see my liveries...is a pleasure!
    1 point
  17. landing @ LFKC ... watch the runway slope :-)
    1 point
  18. Looking forward to the IXEG 737 in XP11 with the new shaders and such. Bet it'll turn out even more spectacular as of right now
    1 point
  19. Just out of curiosity... the below incoming XP11 default 737NG cockpit has got somewhat IXEG style... my personal opinion. Could it be that some of you guys of IXEG had a hand on it? Free to tell lies..
    1 point
  20. Descend... Landing... And taxi!
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. The real FMS were a bit laggy - but we got some CPU upgrades in late 90´s and that made it a bit faster. The problem is that in the real plane - the FMS runs on one system, the outside visuals and the airplane runs on another system (reality!!) - so even if the FMS is laggy, the visuals and aircraft will stay crispy . Or as someone once put it: Life is a stupid game, but the visuals rock! In X-Plane, everything runs on one computer, so if your FMS becomes laggy due to a too large database, chances are that the rest of the simulator comes down with it... Jan
    1 point
  23. It has been a while, but I think we limit the navigational database not with absolute mileage but with a certain "maximum allowable difference in latitude and longitude". Therefore the database will be bigger around the equator, smaller towards the poles. The reason we did this is performance. The database has to be accessed all the time, and having too many entries will slow down searches a lot. This does not only affect FMS entries, but we also need to check if a certain fix is on the map to display it... this quickly becomes a burden. The maximum fuel load is about 16.000 kgs. Under favourable conditions (light aicraft, good winds) this will let the plane fly about 3.300 NM (no reserves). A more realistic range, which the plane will be able to do with reliability is ca. 2200 NM (normal load, average winds, reserves). Most airlines have databases in the FMS that covers their area of operation - there can be quite a difference in memory available. I will add the request for a larger database, but we have to check how performance holds up for that... Jan
    1 point
  24. If you fly 4 days a week and draw this horrible stuff, then you need to see a specialist. Please, I don't give a flying fuck if you ban me, you know it very well. With your horrible work and pay for updates, you will just lose your last 12 kittens and puppies that "admire" your project.
    0 points
  25. I fly about 4 days a week, have two eyes, and know how to see. I'd say the answer to that is a resounding "yes." This part of your post, and the part I just responded to above, make no sense to me as to why you said them in the first place. But, one more post like it with your -12 reputation on this forum will get you banned. Evidently most the people here don't agree with what you post in these forums either. I'm sure xEnviro has the potential to be a neat product. I know nothing about it, and likely never will. Right now it means nothing to me until it's released. Your comment of "last breath" implies I would be scared by this product, but to be honest with you, their less than 100 followers on Facebook and nothing on market does not exactly have me feeling worried in the least. They need to prove themselves first.
    -1 points
  26. Cameron, have you ever seen how real clouds look like? Or how real respect to your customers work? Last breath before Xenviro, all it is.
    -3 points
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