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  1. The TDS team have identified the issue and there'll be a fix in the first update.
    2 points
  2. Version 0.0.1-beta.6


    About This File About N1 Calculator This is a simple Fly With LUA script to read the N1 Alt/Temp data for the Torquesim CJ525 from .csv files and display the current max N1 value in a window for the current conditions and flight mode. It also reads and displays the recommended Climb Speeds for either Standard or Cruise climb when Climb in mode. Additionally there are options to display the N1 value on the Memo display and the Climb speed using the ASI bug for a more natural in-cockpit experience. The latest version of the code will always be available from it's Github Repository under "Releases" Prerequisites FlyWithLua plugin must be installed and working correctly - plugin was developed using FWL v2.8.10 on Windows 11. (The plugin should be be compatible with the Mac and Linux versions of the CJ525 and FWL but I'm unable to test and confirm that myself.) Installing N1 Calculator Extract the contents of the Zip file into the \plugins\FlyWithLua\Scripts folder including the CJ525_data folder (these are the .csv data files read by the plugin) Using N1 Calculator The plugin window should be automatically displayed when you start a flight in the CJ525. You can Change the Flight mode between Take-Off, Climb, Cruise and Go-Around using the List Box at the top and use the checkboxes to specify if engine Anti-Ice is on or off and whether to send the data to the In-cockpit Memo. When in Climb mode the window also shows the recommended Climb speed for the Altitude as well as a checkboxes to specify whether to send the Climb Speed to the ASI bug and select Cruise Climb. Note - when the Set Memo Display is set this prevents manual setting of the Memo fields so the checkbox should be disabled if the Memo are to be used for anything else. Similarly when the Set ASI Bug is set and the calculator is in climb mode the ASI Bug cannot be manually set. (it can be manually set in other modes even if the checkbox was set during Climb mode)
    2 points
  3. Performance is even better with auto ortho and X World installed than with default scenery. I run pretty high settings on a Mac XDR Display, so I'm definitely pushing pixels. It has no real issues running high end aircraft addons and scenery.
    1 point
  4. I asked about this earlier:
    1 point
  5. There is no new install model. The aircraft either uses Gizmo or it doesn't. By selecting to keep Gizmo installed, you are just allowing the products that need it to continue to work. The CitationJet itself will not use Gizmo no matter your selection. There's no need to re-install it. The DC-3 and the MU2 will not make this transition in the near term.
    1 point
  6. Only to feedback you, license freeze of an outdated installation in the same machine worked fine. Machine has not been freezed, only the licensing related to this datetime. thanks.
    1 point
  7. Ok, I deactivate previous activations and feedback you that all was fine. Thanks alot for your support!! Regards
    1 point
  8. I couldn't start working before 12.1 went final. Beyond this, 1 person, me, working on 2 aircraft support and 2 aircraft under development. Moreover, I'm slowly moving the code from Lua to Cpp, which I'm learning as I'm doing things. Mostly, the update is almost done, needs final touches to be ready.
    1 point
  9. Looking forward to a solution for the activation of the TDS GTNxi innthe mu2 too...
    1 point
  10. View File 2025 Customs and Border Decal Replace existing decals.dds in main objects folder, or add to specific livery's objects folder Big thanks to "Rich of Peak" for the reference photo, and ois650 for the 2024 to work off of Submitter Nemenoid Submitted 02/25/2025 Category Hot Start Challenger 650  
    1 point
  11. Hi, I bought the TDS GTNXi 750/650 for X-Plane 12 to replace the RXP plugin and I have to say that it works great on all the aircraft I own that already use the RXP plugin (in practice it replaces almost automatically, just disable RPX and activate the TDS even if it would be better to disable RXP from the plugins). The problem with the Mitsubishi Marquise MU-2 is that the system that allows the replacement of RXP with TDS is managed by gizmo through the configuration window for MU-2 that allows you to select the type of avionics available, which however does not detect the presence of the TDS (legacy VC Integration) and therefore does not activate it. I believe that if TOGA does not intervene it is not possible to use the TDS on this aircraft ... at this point, I kindly ask, if this update intervention is possible. Best regards
    1 point
  12. Good! Cause I'm thinking to add support for their 650 for both C23 and DC3.
    1 point
  13. TCAS also does not work with Traffic Global
    1 point
  14. Thanks for reporting this! I can confirm the problem with the packs - the cabin pressure should leak, but it appears to be almost completely airtight (resulting in 0 rate of climb with packs off), I will investigate the code! The FLT/GRD switch only works while the aircraft is on the ground, as soon as it lifts off, it is automatically entering flight mode.
    1 point
  15. Saved situation files are not very good at saving situations where the aircraft is very customized. It's not going to work on this product.
    1 point
  16. Version 1.1.2


    This repaint is made for the payware Challenger 650 by Hotstart. This livery was taken from a variety of close-up photos of the aircraft. To install, extract the liveries folder to: .\X-Plane\Aircraft\X-Aviation\CL650\liveries Optional: (WARNING IT WILL AFFECT ALL LIVERIES, BACKUP THE FOLDER OTHERWISE A FRESH REINSTALL WILL BE NEEDED TO REVERT) If you wish to use NetJets specific extra's, extract the plugins folder to: .\X-Plane\Aircraft\X-Aviation\CL650\plugins If you like the livery, feel free to leave feedback and if you spot any errors, please do point them out! If you want to use aspects of the livery in your paints you must credit this one or myself & John if it will be public. Enjoy! Side notes: If you want to use aspects of the livery in your paints you must credit this one or myself & John if your will be publicly downloaded. If you like the livery, feel free to leave some feedback and if you spot any errors, please do point them out! Matteo & John
    1 point
  17. https://airfightergr.github.io/les_dc3_docs/
    1 point
  18. Many Thanks Rolo, visually, you did a great job. I'm sure it was a lot of effort. I created a PDF viewer that works on my tablet. I'll give it a try, and see how that works out. Blueb
    1 point
  19. Lol, we are not far away from the glorious future where chatbots will fight with each other...I will just have to teach ChatGPT to read these forum threads for me...now what am I going to do with all of that free time? (I certainly won´t have to spend it on developing the 737 anymore, because ChatGPT will find an excuse for me not doing it ).
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. CJ525 N1 Calculator View File About This File About N1 Calculator This is a simple Fly With LUA script to read the N1 Alt/Temp data for the Torquesim CJ525 from .csv files and display the current max N1 value in a window for the current conditions and flight mode. It also reads and displays the recommended Climb Speeds for either Standard or Cruise climb when Climb in mode. Additionally there are options to display the N1 value on the Memo display and the Climb speed using the ASI bug for a more natural in-cockpit experience. The latest version of the code will always be available from it's Github Repository under "Releases" Prerequisites FlyWithLua plugin must be installed and working correctly - plugin was developed using FWL v2.8.10 on Windows 11. (The plugin should be be compatible with the Mac and Linux versions of the CJ525 and FWL but I'm unable to test and confirm that myself.) Installing N1 Calculator Extract the contents of the Zip file into the \plugins\FlyWithLua\Scripts folder including the CJ525_data folder (these are the .csv data files read by the plugin) Using N1 Calculator The plugin window should be automatically displayed when you start a flight in the CJ525. You can Change the Flight mode between Take-Off, Climb, Cruise and Go-Around using the List Box at the top and use the checkboxes to specify if engine Anti-Ice is on or off and whether to send the data to the In-cockpit Memo. When in Climb mode the window also shows the recommended Climb speed for the Altitude as well as a checkboxes to specify whether to send the Climb Speed to the ASI bug and select Cruise Climb. Note - when the Set Memo Display is set this prevents manual setting of the Memo fields so the checkbox should be disabled if the Memo are to be used for anything else. Similarly when the Set ASI Bug is set and the calculator is in climb mode the ASI Bug cannot be manually set. (it can be manually set in other modes even if the checkbox was set during Climb mode) Submitter Matchstick Submitted 02/10/2025 Category Plugins and Utilities  
    1 point
  22. Hi, probably a little one. But with the IXEG every time you load it , it reverts to some obscure freq. It would be nice if it could reset to the last known freq as most other aircraft do, saves a lot of bother if you are doing a reload at the same airport or changing planes.
    1 point
  23. Trying to set up my own SIMBRIEF profile but see that this version IXEG B737 Classic for XP12 (B733) has 102 seat capacity, rather than the 128-149. Is there anything I can do to have it allow 129 or more? (different livery, etc.?) also looking to the basic info to input that is specific to THIS version but have not been very successful. thx!
    1 point
  24. Spoken like someone who really knows what they're talking about!
    1 point
  25. I've restored X-Aviation.xpl that was quarantined from McAfee and added the exception. I've re-run the RSGG5-windows-x64-installer and launched X-Plane. It asked me to revalidate the X-Aviation licence (welcome sight!) and the G5 powered up! Thanks guys and have a great weekend!
    1 point
  26. Well ... that may bring on the dreaded issue of an "interim" weather radar solution again. I know you guys don't want to do it, and for good reasons, but please do weigh it against how offputting it can be to not have any weather depiction at all and enjoy the aircraft getting torn apart in a night-time thunderstorm that could not be seen.
    1 point
  27. I hazard a guess that most of the "weather radar" found in other addons is - admittedly - quite useful in giving you some depiction of what X-Plane may have generated as moisture and clouds around you. I am currently flying some Airbus addon and I am pretty happy that I have some sort of weather depiction on my ND. Still - in most cases, it fails to reproduce the real workings of a weather radar, with tilt, gain, ground clutter, and all the intricacies.
    1 point
  28. Mh. Too bad. I am so sick of running blind at night, hitting CBs and thunderstorms.
    1 point
  29. Hi Joachim, thanks for the info - yes, they are a bit more weak than in 11... and the one on the tail is missing indeed, we intend to add it back! Cheers, Jan
    1 point
  30. We don't mess with any of the radios ourselves, its all handled natively by the X1000 system (in the case of the G1000 powered SRs) or the X430s (in the case of the Entegra systems). Yes, those datarefs should be written to by those systems.
    1 point
  31. 2025.............? asking for a mate.
    1 point
  32. Version 1.0.0


    Enjoy! Optional electronic pack: unfortunately, the mod is not publicly available currently. All the credits to his author.
    1 point
  33. You will like her. I first purchased the Toga MU-2 for XP12 and, as Inibuilds showed up with the Mu for MSFS, I owned it too. What a Disappointment. No Comparison in Handling, Performance and System Depth to the Toga MU-2 in XP12. A complete different Level. Inibuilds can do it better but for only 10 Bucks, more seems not possible. I also prefer XP. I have MSFS2020 since the very first Pre-Alpha but lost Interest after the much to early Release to the Public.
    1 point
  34. These are for Friction Control for the Throttle and Condition Levers. They are working. Move them full forward with the Mouse and you can't move the Levers anymore.
    1 point
  35. Version 1.0.1


    This is a 4K-livery for the CIS Piper Seminole PA44, inspired by https://www.jetphotos.com/registration/N792ND To install, extract the zip file into the "liveries" folder. If you enjoy my work, consider supporting me on Patreon to cover some of the horrendous Adobe-costs ;).
    1 point
  36. Do you happen to have a working profile for the honeycomb bravo and C525? I'm having issues getting my autopilot buttons to function correctly from the honeycomb bravo. I've been trying to set up the datarefs, but don't have it figured out yet.
    1 point
  37. X-Plane 12 - Pilatus PC-12/47 - Sedona to Telluride Pilatus PC12/47 by Thranda Design Sedona Airport and Scenery by X-Codr Telluride Regional Airport UHD and Scenery by X-Codr
    1 point
  38. I’m a bit confused by your post, as the timeline doesn’t quite align. At the time of your purchase, there was no talk of an upgrade for a version of the simulator that didn’t yet exist, as we developers were not aware of X-Plane 12 at that point either. You purchased it two years before we ever mentioned a free upgrade to new purchasers. It is not possible for you to have "bought this aircraft because it included an upgrade to XP12." We'll post news when we're ready. I believe we're getting to a point of sooner than later.
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. It would be awesome if we could have steam instruments like Southwest had on their -300s.
    1 point
  41. Updated September 2023, Version 1.5 Hi everyone. While it seems to be the economically "smart" thing to do to NOT talk about the shortcomings of your product (and then sometimes to just ignore the complaints after you cash in the money), we are trying to run things a bit differently here at IXEG. I would therefore like to share a list of things that will NOT be in version 1.5, and also give a little background of why, and wether we are planning to add it later. I will try to make this list as encompassing as possible, if I forget something, please don´t sue me! I will add/remove from this list as warranted. Aircraft visual 3D model Ancilliary vehicles (catering, fuel truck, loading crew) - this is now accomplished by using the XP11 native ground vehicles, the docking locations for those are correctly added in planemaker. Cockpit keypad entry mechanism Omitted due to security reasons. Deployable emergency slides.Omitted due to time constraints, planning to add later. Deploying oxygen masks. Omitted due to time constraints, planning to add later. Sound effects/visual model for passengers and their (assumed) behaviour. Too complex a simulation off it´s own, most likely won´t be added for fear of having something repetitive or cheesy. Cabin crew voice interaction. You can communicate via menues that are invoked by pressing the cabin call button, though. FMS Pilot entered HOLDS. While we have database-inherent holds (like at the end of a missed approach), we won´t feature the HOLD page where you could enter all sorts of HOLDS. Omitted due to time constraints, definitely planning to add later. RTA feature. Omitted due to time constraints, planning to add later, but low priority. OFFSET feature. Omitted due to time constraints,planning to add later, but low priority. ABEAM points (after shortcutting route, for example). Omitted due to time constraints, definitely planning to add later. You CAN enter stuff in the FIX page, and "find" a PBD point that way (enter a fix, enter a radial and a distance to see the green radial and distance-circle) Entering descent wind forecast (normal wind entry on PERF INIT page possible). Display of "RTE DATA" on EHSI/map, i.e. showing ETA and restrictions next to waypoint. You can see that on the LEGS page, for now. Omitted due to time constraints, definitely planning to add later. Automatic entry of performance data (weight, etc.). We might include that for the "ready to fly" scenario, not decided yet. For now it must be entered manually, if FMS performance assistance is desired (not mandatory). Fully working PROGRESS page - we started to code it, but much of the things shown are placeholders. We expect this to be one of the first things we will add soon after release. Full VNAV functionality for descents with speed and/or altitude restrictions. The FMS gets confused by changing the cruising altitude while enroute and multiple descent restrictions and restrictions of a certain type. Basic unrestricted descents work, though. GUI Dedicated flight-planning software. We feel that this is not necessarily within the scope of our add-on. We model the plane like you get it after delivery from Seattle (+ free lifetime fuel!). There are plenty of flight-planning solutions out there, we include a basic "ballpark" fuel calculator. Complex and visually appealing load+trim software. We feel that clicking empty seats to fill them and pulling sliders to load cargo is fun for a few times - but really all you get is a weight and a center of gravity. And you might just as well set those directly in the gui. We have simple sliders and click-buttons for that (or you can use the default X-Plane menus). No way to output any CDU, EADI or EHSI onto an external device like iPad or such. Would like to have that (especially for cockpit builders), though. Exception: it is possible to use AirFMC, available at the Apple App Store. No pop-out 2D displays of flight instruments/CDU/EFIS to make reading or entering stuff easier, no hiding of yoke to not obscure view. We feel that the ergonomics (or lack of) an airliner cockpit is an important part of the experience, so we don´t want to "help" too much. We have "preview pop-ups" of the EHSI when making changes on the EFIS control panel to help you see if you have the right setup. Other systems Wxr radar returns can only be displayed on the left EHSI/map. Omitted due to time constraints, definitely planning to add later. Terrain colour display can only be shown on the left EHSI(map. Omitted due to time constraints, definitely planning to add later. Operating circuit breaker (CB). We decided that most CBs will never be moved in normal operation. We will add moveable CBs with the yellow collar later (to be used in abnormal situations), and possibly some others as well (standby altimeter vibrator!). Automatic startup/shutdown "macros". Won´t add that. This plane is about realistic operation (it´s not hard!). If not desired, just select "ready to fly" or "turnaround-state". IRS using "false" position. It is not possible to deliberately enter a "false" position and have the IRS align to that. The entry will be rejected unless reasonably close to the real position. In the real plane the GPS would also "correct" your wrong entry (if close enough) or warn you. A position far from the old "shutdown" position would be rejected once. A wrong latitude would be detected during the alignment process...It would be a lot of coding effort to maintain a "wrong" position with the corresponding effects (map-shift, etc.) A dedicated way to fly the same plane together in multiplayer. Note that SmartCopilot has made great progress in making our plane flyable with a crew of 2, and while not perfect yet, it is working very well, going by user reports: http://forums.x-pilot.com/forums/topic/9714-smartcopilot-first-attempt/?page=1 Volume control for radios/navaid ident checking. We have implemented a better volume (more loud), but it can not be adjusted yet. We are trying to be as upfront about the shortcomings of our model as possible. I have myself bought many aircraft for flight-simulations boasting great things, only to be disappointed. I want to avoid that for everyone, so if you find a "must have" feature on this list, I encourage you to hold off on purchase until we added your feature in a later patch. I could make a feature list of things we have that would take you hours to read, but instead you can assume that our plane can do everything that the real one does, except for the things noted above. Cheers, Jan
    1 point
  42. Sorry its not getting updated as fast as any of us would like. I wake up every day and have to make decisions about what to work on and balance my requirements against the customers. They never align for everybody and never will. Its not abandoned, it will get updated and updates will be free for many many years to come. -TK
    1 point
  43. Same. I've tried several of the others and they just don't come even close to the pleasure it provides. In a moment of weakness I even reinstalled MSFS2020 hoping to find something better (and ended up uninstalling it, again, less than a day later; that simulator ie "game" just isn't for me). The only thing I would enjoy more would be a TBM 960 (having auto-throttle would be perfection). For me, having tried the generic VisionJet, C172, and F14, XP12 now sits unused whilst I continue on with XP11 and the TBM900 ... and continue waiting & hoping (in equal proportions).
    1 point
  44. I purchased X-Plane 12 yeasterday. I'd love to say that it "blew me away", but the reality was that I was pretty disappointed; without my beloved TBM900 (the only airfraft I fly in the sim), X-Plane 12 is like a brain-dead patient in a hospital ... it's "there", but at the same time "all that I knew, loved, and remembered has gone". I took the 172 on a flight ... boring. I took the Citation on a flight ... even more boring. All I want is a TBM 900. As such I'll again be continuing on with XP-11 and the TBM 900 until we get the update. @Cameron& @Goran_M I appreciate that you good folks respond far more kindly to "carrots" than "sticks", and I know it involves more than just a "bit" of work (especially with the engine as you've previously mentioned), and I know that you're also busy with other things (like the Challenger) but even with all of that it's still my beflief that the wait for something like this should be measured in "a few months"; as it stands, it's looking more and more like the wait will be measured in "at least several years". I can't speak for others, but I would be more than happy to pay full price again (or even more) if it means I was able to get it up and running under X-Plane 12 in a more timely manner. If a gofundme page was setup to finance the new version being made a priority I'd happily donante a not inconsequential amount. I'm getting desperate here - and I suspect tht I'm not the only one.
    1 point
  45. A freighter version for the -400 has potential because the workload to produce that is "relatively" light. The -500, being a shorter variant would require a much more laborious effort to change both the 3D and the flight model, being geometrically disparate...and the return on investment in that, I believe, probably would not justify the efforts. While I think a freighter variant would appeal to a statistically smaller set of customer use cases, I recognize that there is still a place for it...and so I do want to do a -400 freighter at some point. ..and yes, I'm still working on the 733 every day...my carpel tunnel and "tennis elbow" remind me constantly. I think I can safely say at this point that we'll definitely put out a more informative report this week on whats going on with the development. -tkyler
    1 point
  46. Version 1.1.0


    This livery for the fabulous Hot Start Challenger 650 is adapted from a real world CL350 registered as OO-WEG. I hope you'll enjoy it. To install simply copy the "OO-WEG" Folder into xplane directory/Aircraft/X-Aviation/CL650/liveries Don't hesitate contacting me if you find errors or have suggestions in improving this repaint. Please do not redistribute this repaint without my permission.
    1 point
    Nice one! Small request, is there a way to remove the QS on the engines? Netjets Europe just got their first CL650 a few days ago (CS-CLA). CS-CLA | Bombardier CL-600-2B16 Challenger 650 | NetJets Europe | Pol Boleda-Spotters BCN-El Prat | JetPhotos
    1 point
  47. Captains, In the days since release of the Hot Start Challenger 650 there have been concerns that Gizmo and even the Challenger 650 plugins were causing a major performance impact. We went investigating this, and even got Laminar Research involved to understand what was happening under the hood of X-Plane to try and sort this out. As it turns out, Gizmo is NOT the source of problems, and neither is the 650 plugin; not directly, anyhow. What's happening is somewhat complicated, but I'll do my best to be descriptive, yet brief. X-Plane is programmed to use up all of your CPU cores in order to try and attain higher frame rates. In doing so, there's some major texture paging going on. The problem here is that it leaves almost no room for the Challenger to get its CPU operations done in the process, and mixed with a ton of texture paging, everything goes bust and tasks get stuck in a queue where X-Plane drastically slows down, things pause/stutter, and the experience becomes abysmal. If you happen to have your Plugin Manager open in X-Plane while this happens it will present itself as if Gizmo or the Challenger are using up an insane amount of performance, but this is actually just a mean trick when looking at it from a user perspective. X-Plane slows down so much that it LOOKS like our plugins are to blame as their tasks are not yet performed while X-Plane does other things. Before I go further, I should note, this is NOT applicable to everyone! Most customers here seem to have a great CPU/GPU combination that can handle all of this, but if you're one of the people on the struggling end of the spectrum, you'll want to keep reading this post! Version 1.1.0 of the Challenger 650 introduces a new installer that has a selection for GPUs with more or less than 6GB so we can best optimize your install for you. This will help with some of the VRAM/texture paging operations. That said, there's still more to the puzzle. Because X-Plane is using all the cores/threads on your CPU, it is not saving "room" for the Challenger 650 to do its operations efficiently and the CPU becomes oversubscribed. Laminar Research is likely to fix this issue for developers at a later date after X-Plane 12, so in the meantime we have a workaround to use that Laminar has sanctioned to give out to those affected. If you are affected by this issue, please do the following (this is for Windows users, as the issue seems most prevalent with Vulkan): 1. First, find X-Plane's application and create a shortcut so that we can create parameters. Right click on X-Plane > New > Shortcut 2. Right-click on your shortcut, and select Properties on its contextual menu to open the shortcut's Properties window. 3. The shortcut's Properties window is the place where you can add command-line parameters for that shortcut. Select the Shortcut tab and look for the Target field. 4. You will see a place that has the path to X-Plane labelled Target. X-Plane's path will be in quotes. At the end of the quotes, make sure there is a space after the quotes, then type/paste: --num_workers=n <== Replace the red 'n' with a number equal to three fewer processors/threads than your CPU has (this accounts for X-Plane's "main thread"). For example, if you have a 6 physical + 6 virtual processor CPU (known as Hyper-Threading for Intel and SMT for AMD) for a total of 12 threads ("logical processors" as Windows refers to them), you should put the number 9 in place of the red 'n'. Also be sure you have the TWO hyphens/dashes in front of "num_workers"! 5. You can now rename this shortcut to something like Challenger 650 if you like. That way you can just click this one when you know you'll be flying the Challenger. If you are unsure how many processors/threads your CPU has, go into your About Computer setting and Google your CPU model number to find out. Be sure to use the total number with Hyper-Threading/SMT (if enabled) as your starting point! We know this is a bit unorthodox, but we're doing our best to make whatever solutions we can for as many people as possible. Hopefully this makes your flying more enjoyable!
    1 point
  48. N2 sync is there to force the ATS system to synchronize the engine core speeds, and not the fan (N1) speeds as it does normally. There isn't a practical use for this in normal operation, but if you select it and walk to the rear cabin you'll hear the distinctive sound of the fans being out of sync with each other. You need to be in autopilot ALT hold, with a mach indication on the PFD tape rather than speed and the aircraft on the bug target mach.
    1 point
  49. Version 1.0.2


    Good morning , Please read the " READ ME " File to Install Some parts of the FBO are not fully painted ( trying to figure it out ) Happy flights with signature flight
    1 point
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