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Plugins and Utilities

81 files

  1. Aircraft Trip log

    Excel document replica of an aircraft technical log for logging flight and cycle data.



  2. XMidiCtrl - A MIDI Controller Plugin for X-Plane

    About this plugin
    You have a MIDI Controller at home with lots of buttons and knobs? Why not use it with your favourite aircraft to control the autopilot and many other functions! XMidiCtrl is a plugin for X-Plane 11, which allows you to connect MIDI controllers to X-Plane commands and datarefs without the need of additional software.
    The plugin was developed for X-Plane 11.50+ / 12 and supports Microsoft Windows, Linux and macOS (universal build).
    The following devices are officially supported:
    Behringer X Touch Mini The following devices are known to work:
    Behringer BCR2000 Behringer X-Touch Compact Loupedeck Live XMidiCtrl is open source: GitHub page
    Create different profiles for your aircrafts Bind knobs and buttons of your controller to X-Plane Commands and DataRefs Simulate push and pull functions for buttons (normal button press = push, long botton press = pull) Send MIDI messages to the MIDI device to illuminate buttons when certain modes are active (e.g. autopilot, heading mode, ...) Developed in C++ with no performance impact in your simulator  
    If you like XMidiCtrl and want to support its further development then you can donate.
    Detailed documentation of the plugin and all mapping options can be found here.
    If you need support or want to chat about the plugin then please visit the official support forum.
    Extract the ZIP file and move its entire XMidiCtrl folder into your ..\X-Plane\Resources\plugins directory.
    I have included the following examples as well as overlays to print out in the examples folder:
    ToLiss A321 Hot Start TBM 900 Hot Start Challenger 650 IXEG 737-300 ZIBO 737-800 iniBuilds A310 Felis Boeing 747-200  
    I included a template for the Behringer X-Touch Mini in the templates folder of the installation package. This template includes an example mapping and further information about the supported mapping options. I have also included my hardware configuration of the Behringer X-Touch Mini in the same folder. You can apply those settings using the X-Touch Editor from Behringer.
    To use the template file, simply copy it into your aircraft folder and start adding commands and/or datarefs for your buttons and encoders.
    When a new aircraft is loaded, the plugin will search in the aircraft directory for a file called XMidiCtrl.toml. The profile uses the TOML language and holds information about the MIDI devices to be used and the mappings of the encoders and buttons. Further information about the TOML syntax can be found here. The configuration of XMidiCtrl might be a bit intimidating at the beginning, but it is quite straight forward. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you run into problems.



  3. Xsaitekpanels for Hot Start Challenger 650

    I made these 2 files from scripts made by Pils, Ronmont and Abiofly

    Made for the combi of Switch Panel - Radio Panel and Multi Panel
    Do what it's suppose to do with these  
    Switch Panel
    MAG=             nothing yet
    ALT =             Electrique Gen 1 and 2 (on and off)
    Avionics master =     Connect AC external power
    De-Ice =        Wing and Cowl (on and off)
    Pitot Heat =         Wshld/wing and probes (on and off)
    Cowl =            Nose Steer and Thrust reversers L+R (armed and off)
    Panel =         nothing yet
    Multi panel
    Auto throttle switch = nothing yet
    Doesn't work yet AP engage switch using the dataref CL650/FCP/ap_eng
    Radio Panel
    Pretty much what's it supposed to do

    You are free to change and update these files but if you do please let the community knows it



  4. Hot Start Challenger 650 - Second Anniversary Group Flight (OFPs, Decal)

    Hot Start Challenger 650 - Second Anniversary Group Flight (OFPs, Decal)



  5. Ground Handling Deluxe SET for IXEG 737-300 for X-Plane 12

    This is a custom set for the IXEG 737-300 X-Plane 12 version.
    It is compatible with Ground Handling Deluxe by JarDesign.
    You must own the Ground Handling Plugin Deluxe edition by Jar Design, 
    in order to use this file. For the istallation just move the file IXEG737ClassicP.set to the
    :\X-Plane 12\Resources\plugins\GndHandling\Sets\Custom
    folder and enjoy



  6. Enable random failures for HotStart Challenger 650

    This LUA script enables random failures for the HotStart Challenger 650.
    The script requires FlyWithLua: Download the correct version for your simulator.

    FlyWithLua for X-Plane 11:
    - https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/38445-flywithlua-ng-next-generation-edition-for-x-plane-11-win-lin-mac/
    FlyWithLua for X-Plane 12:
    - https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/82888-flywithlua-ng-next-generation-plus-edition-for-x-plane-12-win-lin-mac/
    - Unzip the files in [X-Plane]\Resources\plugins\FlyWithLua\Scripts
    Settings: (edit the lua script)
    -- Here you set if the failures should be default enabled or disabled when your starting up X-Plane.
    -- You can also enable and disable this option (for the current session) in the FlyWithLua menu.
    -- Set true to enable failures, false to disable. Default is true. true and false have to be written with lowercase letters.
    EnableFailures_WizVar = true
    -- Mean time between failures (MTBF) is the predicted elapsed time between inherent failures of a system during operation.
    -- Default is MTBF_hours = 10.0
    local MTBF_hours = 10.0
    -- Max failures pr session
    -- Default is Max_Failures = 2
    local Max_Failures = 2

    -- Severity 1 to 5. 1 least severe, 5 most severe. i.e. if you select 3, you will get failures from severity 1 to 3.
    local Severity = 5
    -- Clear all failures when starting x-plane. Default is false. true and false have to be written with lowercase letters.
    local ClearAllFailures = false
    When a failure occurs it will log the event to the logfile Wizball_CL650_Failures.log in your X-Plane root folder.

    This graph shows a example how often you can expect a failure when you set the MTBF to 10 hours.

    Failures included in the script:
    CL650/failures/systems/ats/failed/state Auto Throttle System has failed CL650/failures/systems/ats/msd/1/failed/state Left ATS MSD has failed CL650/failures/systems/ats/msd/2/failed/state Right ATS MSD has failed CL650/failures/systems/afcs/yd/1/failed/state Yaw Damper Channel 1 has failed CL650/failures/systems/afcs/yd/2/failed/state Yaw Damper Channel 2 has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/HTR_L_WSHLD_1/failed/state Left windshield heater 1 has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/HTR_L_WSHLD_2/failed/state Left windshield heater 2 has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/R_WSHLD_1/failed/state R windshield heater 1 has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/R_WSHLD_2/failed/state R windshield heater 2 has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/HTR_R_WIND/failed/state Right window heater has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/CABIN_TEMP_SENSE/failed/state Cabin temperature sensor has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/LDG_TAXI_LTS_R_NOSE/failed/state Right nose LDG-taxi lights has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/LDG_TAXI_LTS_R_WING/failed/state Right wing LDG-taxi lights has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/HTR_L_WIND/failed/state Left window heater has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/ANTI_SKID_1/failed/state Anti-skid 1 has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/AUTO_THROTTLE/failed/state Autothrottle has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/CABIN_TEMP_CONT_AUTO/failed/state Cabin temp ctrl (auto) has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/ANTI_SKID_2/failed/state Anti-skid 2 has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/STAB_CH_1_HSTCU/failed/state Stab trim channel 1 ctrl has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/STAB_CH_2_HSTCU/failed/state Stab trim channel 2 controller has failed CL650/failures/systems/iceprot/wnd_heat/1/failed/state Left window heat has failed CL650/failures/systems/iceprot/wnd_heat/2/failed/state Left windshield heat has failed CL650/failures/systems/iceprot/wnd_heat/3/failed/state Right windshield heat has failed CL650/failures/systems/iceprot/wnd_heat/4/failed/state Right window heat has failed CL650/failures/env/birdstrike/strike/state Birdstrike that doesn't lead to any damage CL650/failures/env/smoke/baggage/state Smoke in the baggage bay CL650/failures/env/smoke/lavatory/state Smoke in the toilet CL650/failures/systems/elec/ac/gen/1/failed/state Generator 1 has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/ac/gen/2/failed/state Generator 2 has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/HYD_PMP_3B/failed/state Hydraulic pump 3B has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/HYD_PMP_2B/failed/state Hydraulic pump 2B has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/HYD_PMP_3A/failed/state Hydraulic pump 3A has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/HYD_PMP_1B/failed/state Hydraulic pump 1B has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/FLAP_MOTOR_2/failed/state Flap motor 2 has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/FLAP_MOTOR_1/failed/state Flap motor 1 has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/HUD/failed/state Heads Up Display has failed CL650/failures/systems/hyd/1/pump/A/state Engine-driven pump 1A has failed CL650/failures/systems/hyd/1/pump/B/state AC electric pump 1B has failed CL650/failures/systems/hyd/2/pump/A/state Engine-driven pump 2A has failed CL650/failures/systems/hyd/2/pump/B/state AC electric pump 2B has failed CL650/failures/systems/hyd/3/pump/A/state AC electric pump 3A has failed CL650/failures/systems/hyd/3/pump/B/state AC electric pump 3B has failed CL650/failures/sensors/ads/pitot/3/leak_small/state Standby pitot tube is leaking pressure (inaccurate speed reading) CL650/failures/avionics/efis/hud/failed/state Heads Up Display has failed CL650/failures/systems/eng/left/compr/stall/trans/state Left engine compressor stall (transient, self-clearing) CL650/failures/systems/eng/right/compr/stall/trans/state Right engine compressor stall (transient, self-clearing) CL650/failures/systems/eng/left/oil/pump/weak/state Left engine oil pump is producing low pressure and low flow CL650/failures/systems/eng/right/oil/pump/weak/state Right engine oil pump is producing low pressure and low flow CL650/failures/env/birdstrike/windshield/state Birdstrike that leads to the left windshield's outer pane shattering CL650/failures/systems/aircond/leak/500/state Cabin is leaking pressure at ~500 ft/min CL650/failures/systems/comm/sdu/1/failed/state Satellite Data Unit 1 has failed CL650/failures/systems/comm/sdu/2/failed/state Satellite Data Unit 2 has failed CL650/failures/systems/fuel/tank/aux/leak/slow/state Auxiliary tank is leaking slowly CL650/failures/systems/fuel/tank/main/left/leak/slow/state Left main tank is leaking slowly CL650/failures/systems/fuel/tank/main/right/leak/slow/state Right main tank is leaking slowly CL650/failures/systems/fuel/tank/tail/leak/slow/state Tail tank system is leaking slowly CL650/failures/systems/hyd/1/leak_slow/state Hydraulic system 1 is leaking slowly CL650/failures/systems/hyd/2/leak_slow/state Hydraulic system 2 is leaking slowly CL650/failures/systems/hyd/3/leak_slow/state Hydraulic system 3 is leaking slowly CL650/failures/sensors/ads/pitot/1/leak_small/state ADC 1 pitot tube is leaking pressure (inaccurate speed reading) CL650/failures/sensors/ads/pitot/2/leak_small/state ADC 2 pitot tube is leaking pressure (inaccurate speed reading) CL650/failures/avionics/efis/pfd/1/failed/state PFD 1 has failed CL650/failures/avionics/efis/mfd/1/failed/state MFD 1 has failed CL650/failures/avionics/efis/mfd/2/failed/state MFD 2 has failed CL650/failures/avionics/efis/pfd/2/failed/state PFD 2 has failed CL650/failures/avionics/efis/isi/failed/state ISI has failed CL650/failures/avionics/efis/isi/pitot/state ISI pitot sensor has failed CL650/failures/avionics/efis/isi/static/state ISI static sensor has failed CL650/failures/avionics/efis/isi/att_fail/state ISI attitude indication has failed CL650/failures/avionics/efis/isi/att_drift/state ISI attitude indication is drifting randomly CL650/failures/systems/oxygen/tank/leak/slow/state Oxygen tank is leaking slowly CL650/failures/systems/eng/left/n1_vib_high/state Left engine is experiencing excessive N1 vibration CL650/failures/systems/eng/left/n2_vib_high/state Left engine is experiencing excessive N2 vibration CL650/failures/systems/eng/left/combust/flameout/trans/state Left engine combustion has flamed out (momentarily) CL650/failures/systems/eng/right/n1_vib_high/state Right engine is experiencing excessive N1 vibration CL650/failures/systems/eng/right/n2_vib_high/state Right engine is experiencing excessive N2 vibration CL650/failures/systems/eng/right/combust/flameout/trans/state Right engine combustion has flamed out (momentarily) CL650/failures/systems/aircond/leak/1000/state Cabin is leaking pressure at ~1000 ft/min CL650/failures/systems/ats/svo/1/failed/state Left ATS Servo has failed CL650/failures/systems/ats/svo/2/failed/state Right ATS Servo has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/FMS_CDU_2/failed/state CDU 2 has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/FMS_CDU_3/failed/state CDU 3 has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/FMS_CDU_1/failed/state CDU 1 has failed CL650/failures/systems/fuel/tank/aux/leak/fast/state Auxiliary tank is leaking quickly CL650/failures/systems/fuel/tank/main/left/leak/fast/state Left main tank is leaking quickly CL650/failures/systems/fuel/tank/main/right/leak/fast/state Right main tank is leaking quickly CL650/failures/systems/fuel/tank/tail/leak/fast/state Tail tank system is leaking quickly CL650/failures/systems/hyd/1/leak_fast/state Hydraulic system 1 is leaking quickly CL650/failures/systems/hyd/2/leak_fast/state Hydraulic system 2 is leaking quickly CL650/failures/systems/hyd/3/leak_fast/state Hydraulic system 3 is leaking quickly CL650/failures/systems/oxygen/tank/leak/fast/state Oxygen tank is leaking quickly CL650/failures/systems/eng/left/compr/stall/clear/state Left engine compressor stall (clearable by reducing power) CL650/failures/systems/eng/right/compr/stall/clear/state Right engine compressor stall (clearable by reducing power) CL650/failures/env/birdstrike/pitot/left/state Birdstrike that leads to the left pitot tube becoming blocked CL650/failures/env/birdstrike/pitot/right/state Birdstrike that leads to the right pitot tube becoming blocked CL650/failures/systems/aircond/leak/fast/state Cabin is leaking pressure quickly CL650/failures/systems/gear/handle/failed/state Landing gear handle failed CL650/failures/systems/gear/nose/leg/act/failed/state Nose gear leg actuator has failed CL650/failures/systems/gear/main/left/leg/act/failed/state Left gear leg actuator has failed CL650/failures/systems/gear/main/right/leg/act/failed/state Right gear leg actuator has failed CL650/failures/sensors/rss/gps/1/failed/state GPS 1 receiver has failed CL650/failures/sensors/rss/gps/2/failed/state GPS 2 receiver has failed CL650/failures/systems/eng/left/combust/flameout/perm/state Left engine combustion has flamed out (permanently) CL650/failures/systems/eng/right/combust/flameout/perm/state Right engine combustion has flamed out (permanently) CL650/failures/env/birdstrike/eng/left/state Birdstrike that leads to a non-recoverable left engine failure CL650/failures/env/birdstrike/eng/right/state Birdstrike that leads to a non-recoverable right engine failure



  7. XMidiCtrl - Aircraft Profile for the Mitsubishi MU-2

    Aircraft Profile for the XMidiCtrl plugin
    Mitsubishi MU-2
    Behringer X-Touch Mini



  8. Start flying.py

    Start flying.py is a simple program launcher that is somewhat more powerful than creating a batch file.
    If you launch other addons to run with your flight simulator this utility is for you. Set it up once and then you'll launch your Flight Simulator and addons with a single click.



  9. XMidiCtrl - Aircraft Profile for SIAI-Marchetti SF-260

    Aircraft Profile for the XMidiCtrl plugin
    SIAI-Marchetti SF-260
    Behringer X-Touch Mini



  10. AutoFoV

    About AutoFoV
    AutoFoV is a plugin for the X-Plane flight simulator, automatically setting the field of view based on the currently loaded aircraft. AutoFoV is open source; you can find its source code and more detailed instructions at its public GitHub repository.
    Installing AutoFoV
    AutoFoV comes in X-Plane's fat plugin format. Simply extract the directory AutoFoV from the zip file and place it as a sub-folder into the Resources/plugins folder of your X-Plane installation.
    Using AutoFoV
    AutoFoV allows to define a custom field of view for each aircraft model (i.e. for each .acf file in your X-Plane's aircraft folder and its subfolders). To define a custom field of view, simply create an empty file in the same folder and with the same name as the .acf file, but suffixed with .fov instead of .acf, and populate it with the numeric FoV value you want to use with this aircraft (only digits 0-9 and the decimal dot are allowed).



  11. HotStart Challenger 650 Popout Panel combinations

    This is a simple plugin for the HotStart Challenger 650 that allows the user to define combinations of popout panels. These combinations can then be bound to a button as a command.
    Read the README.md file in the package Documentation. The most important note is that this is installed into the Aircraft plugins! Not global X-Plane plugins.



  12. Challenger forum notes compilations

    How to take command of this new aircraft as a complete beginner on the CL650 type ?
    All my compilations of forum notes that were very useful in the first hours !
    March 2022 version.




  13. CrewPackXP - Crew Callouts

    **Updated 01/04/2022** CrewPackXP is a FlyWithLUA utility designed to add some crew communications for aircraft in X-Plane 11. This includes basic callouts, and in some cases assistance from the PNF in high workload phases of flight. Settings can be adjusted to enable or disable the whole plugin, or just certain features of each aircraft. Flight Factor 757 / 767: - Virtual FO to pre-flight aircraft - Take-off and Landing calls by both crew members - Flight Attendant PA's - Ground Crew positioning of equipment - Virtual FO assistance with go-around procedure Hot Start Challenger 650: - Virtual FO to pre-flight aircraft - Take-off and Landing calls by both crew members Source Code https://github.com/N1K340/CrewPackXP/tree/main/src Documentation http://crewpackxp.readthedocs.io/ Changelog New features and bug fixes are listed in the change log. Installation Copy the Scripts and Modules folders into the main folder of FlyWithLUA: > X-Plane 11 > Resources > plugins > FlyWithLua Once enabled, the First Officer should announce his entry to the cockpit roughly 15 seconds after loading in. CrewPackXP settings can be accessed via the X-Plane menu bar: > Plugins > FlyWithLua > FlyWithLua Macros > Crew Pack Settings Prerequisite This plugin uses the FlyWithLUA plugin to interface with X-Plane. It is available freely from [X-Plane.org](https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/38445-flywithlua-ng-next-generation-edition-for-x-plane-11-win-lin-mac/) Luna INI Parser (LIP) is included as an additional plugin module for use with FlyWithLua. This module allows for the saving and reading of settings data within LUA. It has been included in this package under the MIT Licence offered by creator Carreras Nicholas. This is a common plugin; it may already exist in your modules folder causing a prompt to overwrite. Usage The CrewPackXP functions run autonomously based on in sim events, provided the aircraft is enabled within the CrewPackXP settings. Refer to each aircraft's entry in the manual for details on settings and features available. Disclaimer / Feedback This package is to be distributed as Freeware only under the GPL v3 license. This is the first time I have coded a plugin, any feedback is welcome. Bug reports, please include the x-plane log.txt file in the main x-plane folder for the flight in question. Acknowledgements Carreras Nicholas - Luna INI Parser (LIP) 'Togfox' - FSE HUD 'X-Friese' - FlyWithLUA Plugin 'mkultra44' - Documentation proofing Current Script Versions - Flight Factor 767 - 1.4 - Hot Start CL650 - 1.4



  14. vSpeed callouts for HotStart Challenger 650

    Hello Captains!
    A LUA-script for v-speed callouts for the HotStart Challenger 650 v1.2 or higher.
    It includes callouts for 80 knots, V1, Vr, V2 (V2 is optional) and positiv rate / gear up.
    Feel free to leave a comment if you liked the script (or not)
    The script requires FlyWithLua: Download the correct version for your simulator.

    FlyWithLua for X-Plane 11:
    - https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/38445-flywithlua-ng-next-generation-edition-for-x-plane-11-win-lin-mac/
    FlyWithLua for X-Plane 12:
    - https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/82888-flywithlua-ng-next-generation-plus-edition-for-x-plane-12-win-lin-mac/
    - Unzip the files in [X-Plane]\Resources\plugins\FlyWithLua\Scripts
    You should get a structure something like this.

    Edit the Wizball_CL650_vSpeed.lua for the settings. 
    -- Set to true to enable "V2" callout and false to disable. true and false have to be written with lowercase letters.
    local Enable_V2 = false
    -- Set to true to enable "Positive rate/Gear up" callout and false to disable. true and false have to be written with lowercase letters.
    local EnablePosGearUp = true
    -- Set to 1 for callout by totoritko(HotStart). Set 2 for callout by xplana.
    local CalloutVoice = 1
    -- Change "SoundLevel" to adjust volume for the callouts. Adjust between 0.10 min - 1.00 max.
    -- Recommended value for CalloutVoice 1 - 0.70 - For CalloutVoice 2 - 0.30
    local SoundLevel = 0.70
    How to use:
    Just make sure you set the vSpeeds in the FMS and you will get the callouts.
    Known bugs/limitations:
    - Non at the moment.
    totoritko and xplana for the callouts



  15. LES Saab 340A Yoke Power and Speed Charts

    This package will replace the default instrument approach charts on the yoke with a selection of power and speed charts.
    The data is derived from the charts.pdf provided with the aircraft, speeds are based on Sea Level and 0 degrees celcius.
    Being a turbo-prop, the difference in most speeds are only a few knotts and makes a compromise for the limited chart space.
    To select the chart to be displayed, click on the 'charts' icon towards the bottom of the gizmo toolbar (the one that looks like line graphs).
    * Climb Power and ECS OFF Takeoff Power
    * Cruise Power and ECS ON Takeoff Power
    * Selection of Metric or Imperial weight Speed Charts



  16. LES Saab 340A Power Chart

    Modified formatting of the Max Torque for Climb, Cruise, Takeoff and Go-Around charts to provide ease of use.
    All data is compiled from the respective power charts provided with the aircraft for the Saab 340A using the 1230 Prop RPM profile.



  17. Make it easy to follow takeoff and landing speeds

    ATTENTION: Only for LES Saab 340!
    It makes it easy for you to follow takeoff and landing speeds.
    Takeoff speed (approximately) :  105 knts (green)
    Landing speed (approximately) : 115 knts (red)
    1. Download and extract file
    2. Insert folder "Cockpit.png" and "Cockpit_LIT.png" in Aircraft/X-Aviation/Saab 340A/.............. Variant/liveries/.........../objects
    Apply this process to all variants and liveries.
    4. Enjoy!
    P.S: An explanation came from LES: CTOT is not based on 64% torque, it is based on 64˚ Power Lever position.
    So I re-edited the file and unchecked the Torque indicator showing 64%. I arranged the picture again according to what is written here. However, they need to fix the error in the Flight Tutorial.pdf file (p.11) found in the aircraft manuals.
    I reuploaded the corrected image file. Sorry.
    LES SAAB 340A: https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-saab-340a-p-100




  18. JD Ground Handling Deluxe Set for LES Saab 340

    ATTENTION: Only for LES Saab 340!
    1. Download file
    2. Insert folder "Saab340APublish.set" into X Plane 11/Resources / plugins / GndHandling / Sets / Custom
    4. Enjoy!
    JARDesign Ground Handling Deluxe: https://store.x-plane.org/Ground-Handling-Deluxe_p_415.html
    LES SAAB 340A: https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-saab-340a-p-100



  19. A lateral cargo door (FlyJSim B732 Twinjet)

    This download is a lateral cargo door for the main deck of the FJS 737-200 Twinjet.
    "This is not an official FlyJSim object, modification of the acf file comes at your own risk."
    This object has to be added as supplementary 3D object in Plane Maker.
    Please open Plane Maker and browse to FlyJSim 737-200 acf file.
    Select Misc 3D objects and browse to our file. Add it.
    Save it.
    To display the door in the open state, please set 0001 as transponder code.

    This download is fully independant from FlyJSim art assets. Therefore, as we couldn't touch to the actual fuselage, we mimic the hole in the fuselage with a mask.
    This should work well with my Combi repaint where I painted the door on the fuselage.



  20. Non precisions and APV approaches : what really is this minimum on the chart ?

    In this paper, I conduct a review of DA, and MDA regarding non precision approaches flown with the CDFA method, or regarding RNP approaches with vertical guidance. How are they charted on the different kinds of charts ?



  21. Gr7 Sidewinder extension + Rocket launcher extension for the for the AV-8B

    Add up to two supplementary AIM-9 missiles to the British variants of the X-Trident AV-8B.
    Add up to four rocket launchers to the X-Trident AV-8B, each carrying 19 rockets.



  22. Forbid external view (Lua)

    X-Plane external view is forbidden.
    When you try to switch to an external view while it's not plausible to be outside at that moment, you will be bring back immediately to the virtual 3D cockpit to focus on flying. There is no user interaction with the script, it is running silently in the background at all times.

    FlyWithLua required.
    Install the script into .../X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/



  23. Freighter conversion (P2F or PCF) for the ToLiss 321

    In this package for the ToLiss Airbus, we mimic a main cargo door for the A321P2F / A321PCF, a rigid cargo barrier and some window plugs using a single 3D object that needs to be attached to the model.
    Our custom object is placed under the Etalab Open Licence.
    This object is not part of the ToLiss product. This modification is not approved by the original author at ToLiss and attaching the P2F package to the ToLiss model is done at your own risk. The object does not contain any ToLiss part in order to comply with copyright regulations.



  24. Simple Ground Equipment & Services - (low tech ground services & pushback)

    Simple Ground Equipment & Services displays or hides static objects around your aircraft on the ground.
    Tested in X-Plane 12.04 and in X-Plane 11.55
    A variety of ramp equipment (passengers bus, GPU, Air start unit, cones, belt loader, ULD loaders, airstairs, PRM truck, deicing, catering, cleaning van...) Some moving vehicles: the follow-me car, emergency services (EMS), the fuel truck, the bagage carts and the passengers bus Active chocks that actually retain your aircraft and prevent it to move in a slope Animated and moving passengers (thanks to the MrX assets). New in June 2022. A simplified marshaller to better aim at your parking stand A simple pushback system, compatible with the X-Plane 12 aircraft carrier. Automatic pushback to designated position (X-Plane 12 only). New in November 2022 Aircraft arresting systems  (an arrestor cable, a net barrier or absorbing materials) Active deicing  that actually protects the airframe from X-Plane 11 and X-Plane 12 ice for a period of time  (available only in low temperatures) Adaptative ground kit  with slight variants for freighter, passengers aircraft, regional airplanes, business jets or general aviation, not always the same vehicles are coming. Armed forces variant of the set, with green painted vehicles. Any aircraft is serviceable.  Moreover a customization of the ground handling is already embedded for a lot of freeware and payware aircraft models. Trigger a distant car accident site, shipwreck, or a burning fire and for instance fly the emergency response in your helicopter. Place the aircraft carrier and the frigate on pinpoint coordinates Renovated in March 2023 You may change our provided set of vehicles (based on MisterX and XPJavelin's creations) by any custom ground vehicle you already have in your X-Plane directories. You may also use the X-Plane default ground fleet instead. Integration with XPJavelin's Speedy Copilot series which displays the vehicles according to the phase of flight (Speedy Copilot plugin required). And :
    Easy installation , drag the files in the FlyWithLua scripts folder, open the keyboard menu in X-Plane and attribute a key to toggle our menu. Generate the airport cache (in Plugin → FlyWithLua menu). You can further customize stuff in some configuration files but you don't have to. Not intrusive : keep full control  over the vehicles display, everything is commanded from our popup window. Plus we don't interact with your weight & balance. Freedom : you can use all our ground services if you wish or only install the script for one among them. A complete and detailed manual  More information is expanded in several PDF manuals inside the download. Multi-platform, since we use FlyWithLua, it works on GNU/Linux. For X-Plane 11 and X-Plane 12. The same script works in both simulators. All default airplanes and ground vehicles within X-Plane 12 are supported. New in September 2022.



  25. JD Ground Handling Deluxe set and JD Ground Handling Deluxe livery for TorqueSim BN-2 Islander/BN-2T Turbine Islander

    1. Download and extract both files
    2. Insert folder "BN'.set" into X Plane 11/Resources/plugins / GndHandling / Sets / Custom
    3. Extract RedDevils.rar. Put RedDevils file into X-Plane 11 / Resources / plugins / GndHandling / Liveries
    4. Enjoy!
    Do not enable BN2 Islander's/BN-2T Turbine Islander's original chocks to use BN2P.set. 
    Or delete lines 1411 to 1523 from the BN2P.set file.
    Ground Handling Deluxe: http://handling.jardesign.org/
    Ground Handling Deluxe buy: https://store.x-plane.org/Ground-Handling-Deluxe_p_415.html
    TorqueSim BN-2T Turbine Islander Red Devils (fictional) Livery: 



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