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Plugins and Utilities

83 files

  1. Simple Ground Equipment & Services - (low tech ground services & pushback)

    Simple Ground Equipment & Services displays or hides static objects around your aircraft on the ground.
    Tested in X-Plane 12.04 and in X-Plane 11.55
    A variety of ramp equipment (passengers bus, GPU, Air start unit, cones, belt loader, ULD loaders, airstairs, PRM truck, deicing, catering, cleaning van...) Some moving vehicles: the follow-me car, emergency services (EMS), the fuel truck, the bagage carts and the passengers bus Active chocks that actually retain your aircraft and prevent it to move in a slope Animated and moving passengers (thanks to the MrX assets). New in June 2022. A simplified marshaller to better aim at your parking stand A simple pushback system, compatible with the X-Plane 12 aircraft carrier. Automatic pushback to designated position (X-Plane 12 only). New in November 2022 Aircraft arresting systems  (an arrestor cable, a net barrier or absorbing materials) Active deicing  that actually protects the airframe from X-Plane 11 and X-Plane 12 ice for a period of time  (available only in low temperatures) Adaptative ground kit  with slight variants for freighter, passengers aircraft, regional airplanes, business jets or general aviation, not always the same vehicles are coming. Armed forces variant of the set, with green painted vehicles. Any aircraft is serviceable.  Moreover a customization of the ground handling is already embedded for a lot of freeware and payware aircraft models. Trigger a distant car accident site, shipwreck, or a burning fire and for instance fly the emergency response in your helicopter. Place the aircraft carrier and the frigate on pinpoint coordinates Renovated in March 2023 You may change our provided set of vehicles (based on MisterX and XPJavelin's creations) by any custom ground vehicle you already have in your X-Plane directories. You may also use the X-Plane default ground fleet instead. Integration with XPJavelin's Speedy Copilot series which displays the vehicles according to the phase of flight (Speedy Copilot plugin required). And :
    Easy installation , drag the files in the FlyWithLua scripts folder, open the keyboard menu in X-Plane and attribute a key to toggle our menu. Generate the airport cache (in Plugin → FlyWithLua menu). You can further customize stuff in some configuration files but you don't have to. Not intrusive : keep full control  over the vehicles display, everything is commanded from our popup window. Plus we don't interact with your weight & balance. Freedom : you can use all our ground services if you wish or only install the script for one among them. A complete and detailed manual  More information is expanded in several PDF manuals inside the download. Multi-platform, since we use FlyWithLua, it works on GNU/Linux. For X-Plane 11 and X-Plane 12. The same script works in both simulators. All default airplanes and ground vehicles within X-Plane 12 are supported. New in September 2022.



  2. JD Ground Handling Deluxe set and JD Ground Handling Deluxe livery for TorqueSim BN-2 Islander/BN-2T Turbine Islander

    1. Download and extract both files
    2. Insert folder "BN'.set" into X Plane 11/Resources/plugins / GndHandling / Sets / Custom
    3. Extract RedDevils.rar. Put RedDevils file into X-Plane 11 / Resources / plugins / GndHandling / Liveries
    4. Enjoy!
    Do not enable BN2 Islander's/BN-2T Turbine Islander's original chocks to use BN2P.set. 
    Or delete lines 1411 to 1523 from the BN2P.set file.
    Ground Handling Deluxe: http://handling.jardesign.org/
    Ground Handling Deluxe buy: https://store.x-plane.org/Ground-Handling-Deluxe_p_415.html
    TorqueSim BN-2T Turbine Islander Red Devils (fictional) Livery: 



  3. SmartFlying, an extension to make formation flight using ​SmartCopilot​.

    an extension to make formation flight using SmartCopilot.

    SmartFlying is a Lua script for FlyWithLua that allows formation flight on X-Plane over the internet, without the need of a dedicated server (like IVAO, VATSIM, ect.).
    It uses SmartCopilot to establish a connection between two remote users and share the data while it handles X-Plane's AI-Aircraft to show the position of the remotely connected aircraft.

    Currenty it has been tested on Linux (primary development platform) and Windows, but it should work without problem on MacOsX.
    SmartFlying uses AMS, an advanced package library for Lua included in the distribution archive, and it has been developed around FlyWithLua because unfortunately Gizmo is not currently available for Linux.
    Current version: 0.84a (21 Jan 2021)

    DOWNLOAD the lastest version of SmartFlying here: SmartFlying-LatestRelease.zip

    DOWNLOAD SmartCopilot from the home page: https://sky4crew.com/smartcopilot/

    DOWNLOAD FlyWithLuaNG here: FlyWithLua NG Download page

    Please read "SmartFlying-Readme.pdf" for installation instructions.
    Do you have experience in programming languages and a basic knowledge of Lua?
    Do you want to get involved in the development of SmartFlying, AMS and tools for X-Plane?
    Please contact me (CaptainSpaulding) here on X-Pilot.com Forum 





    SmartFlying, an extension to make formation flight using SmartCopilot.
    AMS, an Advanced Library Package for FlyWithLua.
    Copyright (C) 2020 Pasquale Croce.

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.
    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.
    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program. If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/ .



  4. OBJ8 to Wavefront OBJ converter

    OBJ8 to Wavefront OBJ Converter
    for Linux, Windows and MacOsX

    OBJ8_convert allows you to convert 3D meshes from X-Plane's proprietary format to a standard Wavefront OBJ.
    This tool converts only the meshes, discarding all the other informations such as: materials, animations, dataref.
    OBJ8_convert is a command line tool. The syntax is quite simple:
    obj8_convert <xplanesfile.obj> [<output.obj>] Once converted, the file can be opened in Blender or in any other software that is able to handle a standard Wavefront OBJ file.

    Just for the sake of test, let's convert one of the standard objects in the library of X-Plane, the small fuel truck:

    The file can be found here:
    Resources/default scenery/airport scenery/Common_Elements/Vehicles/Small_Fuel_Truck.obj  
    Once converted with:
    OBJ8_convert 'Resources/default scenery/airport scenery/Common_Elements/Vehicles/Small_Fuel_Truck.obj' test.obj  
    ...can be opened in Blender:

    All the measures in the OBJ8 file are in meters, thus the resulting Wavefront OBJ file uses the meter as a unit base.
    Infact, is clearly visible from the snapshot, the truck is 6 meters long, meaning 6 squale, thus it is compatible with the real life truck which is 6.12 meter long.
    OBJ8_convert can be used to add extra elements to an airplane. For instance, if one wants to add the pilots (or some passenger) to a plane that is missing them, he can convert the cockpit file and use it as template to place the pilots in the proper position, making sure that the hands are in the right places.
    The sames applies to additional parts, such as winglets on the tip of the wings. OBJ8_convert can be used to get a reference to make the winglets perfectly fit the wings.
    Or you may want to model a ladder or a stairway to your plane's door.
    OBJ8_convert can be very useful also to make the files need by librain.

    This tool is under active development and its functionalities may change in the future.
    The primary development platform is Linux.

    Special thanks to @xraydelta1 for compiling the Mac version.

    Feedbacks, reports, suggestions or ideas are strongly welcomed: feel free to send me a message with your thoughts.

    X-Pilot's forum is the primary and sole forum for support, announcements and new releases.
    OBJ8_convert must not be used to convert copyrighted material.
    Please respect all intellectual properties and copyrights.




  5. ACF Mesh tools

    ACF Mesh Tools
    for Linux, Windows and MacOsX

    ACF Mesh Tools allows you to edit and modify the plane's meshes from the ACF file.
    Be aware: those tools are not made to edit the OBJ8 files as they work only with the ACF file format.


    Let's take as example the default Laminar's Cessna 172, a great model very well done (aestetically and internally).
    We know that in Plane Maker the fuselage is made out of cross-sections:

    ...and those cross-sections creates a mesh:

    Those meshes, made out of cross-sections, are the ones that PlaneMaker uses as model for the plane and X-Plane uses for its physics calculations.
    Before v.8 that meshes were used as visual and physics model. Now, in most cases, this meshes are hidded from view and X-Planes uses a dedicated file, in OBJ8 proprietary format, for the visual rendering.

    Using the tool 'acf_mesh_extract', the meshes inside the ACF are saved in a standard Wavefront OBJ file, that can be edited with Blender or with any other software that supports the format.

    Once converted, the mesh can be modified:

    Then the edited mesh is converted back in ACF format, using 'acf_mesh_insert', and the resulting ACF file can be loaded in Plane Maker:

    Everything shown here was entirely done automatically with a conversion script. Except moving the points to alter the shape, no additional task has been done in Blender.
    I'm using Blender, but this method can be used with any 3D software.

    This is a quick reshaping that I've done on the fuselage of B-377 Stratoscruser made by Kauffmann.
    I've found that the hidden fuselage doesn't match the shape of the plane model, the visual one, as we can see in Plane Maker and in the version imported in Blender:

    (the wireframe in black, the unselected one, is the OBJ8 mesh for this plane; the selected object is the fuselage mesh from the ACF file)

    After a quick reshaping, I've managed to make che ACF mesh match the shape of the OBJ8; then and I've reimported it back in the ACF file:

    Loading the resulting ACF file in PlaneMaker we see that the cross-sections have changed from this:

    to this:

    In the zip file you'll get:
    acf_mesh_extract acf_mesh_insert Launch those commands without options to get an help page.
    acf_mesh_extract extracts all the meshes from the ACF file and converts them in a single (wavefront) OBJ file with multiple objects. You can import this file in any 3D software that supports the format, and alter the meshes as you wish.
    You can not delete or add points nor change in any way the topology; you are just limited to move points. You'll find that some objects, like the engine's nacelles,  are not in their final position; that is because PM positions them with a translation value. You can not move those objects to their final positions, otherwise when you'll reimport them back in the ACF file, it won't work; You are allowed to delete objects that you don't need. Some objects, although they can be modified and reimported in the ACF file, once this one is opened in Plane Maker are reset to their original shape; this applies to those parts, such the wings, that are made out of airfoils. You can not alter the UV informations of the vertices, as they are used to store the ACF's topology informations and they are needed later to reinsert the meshes back in the original file. Make sure that your 3D sofware exports the UV informations, without altering them. acf_mesh_insert allows to reinsert the modified meshes back in the original ACF file. It can be used only with meshes converted with 'acf_mesh_extract'.
    You can not overwrite the original ACF file; this command will save the output in a different file. Your original ACF file is always preserved. Inserting the meshes does not alter in any way the informations of other parts present in the file. You don't need to reinsert all the meshes; you can insert only the ones you have modified.  

    This tools are under active development and their functionalities may change in the future.
    The primary development platform is Linux.

    Special thanks to @xraydelta1 for compiling the Mac version.

    Feedbacks, reports, suggestions or ideas are strongly welcomed: feel free to send me a message with your thoughts.

    X-Pilot's forum is the primary and sole forum for support, announcements and new releases.




  6. Checklist for Laminar's MD-82

    Here is the complete checklist for Laminar's MD-82, to be used with Xchecklist.
    Special thanks to Kev (unrealaviation) for the help and contribution.



    ...and so on.



  7. ITX-D Lights Controls

    ITX-D Lights Controls, gives you the control of X-Plane night lighting in a very intuitive way. By dragging the sliders you will be able to achieve the result you want, live. Also includes a custom lights.txt file with bigger light coverage. FPS impact in most cases will be one, or very minor.
    INSTALLATION: Unzip the downloaded file into X-Plane 11 folder. Will request to overwrite the default lights.txt file.
    Note: In case of an update, the updater would like to overwrite the file with the default one. Don't allow to do it, or after update, re-install this utility.
    USAGE: Go to Plugins -> FlyWithLua -> FlywithLua Macros and click on the ITX-D Lights Controls. A window will pop up (as seen in the images) to set the values you like. Once you are happy with the results, click the Save Settings button to save the settings. From now on X-Plane will load with those settings, automatically.
    Note: Using extreme values, will drop fps significantly and make the output unrealistic. Use with care!
    Strongly recommended to use with Extended Night Lighting, as seen in the images below.



  8. AVITAB for FF A350-900

    Avitab integration for FlightFactor's A350-900.
    Uses OIS charts page to display the Avitab screen. 
    Avitab plugin (version 0.4.1 or higher)
    Unzip the file into FF A350 folder.
    Now uses xLua plugin for easier installation. With the new Avitab version, you can now use Avitab in both side and center displays. Set automatically the proper cursor type. USAGE
    Go to OIS charts page to access Avitab. 




  9. Speedy copilot series

    Speedy Copilot makes for you the steps normally done by the first officer and pilot monitoring, when you are pilot flying and captain.
    This plugin is intended for :
    - the IXEG 737 Classic (version 1.21)
    - The FJS 737-200
    - The Rotate MD-88
    - The Toliss Airbusses
    -  The FF A320U
    - The FF 757
    - The FF 767
    - The freeware Let-410
    - The Zibo B737-800



  10. BN-2B More Commands

    This flywithlua script adds nine commands which can be found under FlyWithLua/BN2P
    Installation: Drop the lua into your script folder.
    Four for the cockpit lights (Off, Full, decrease, increase), the speed to increase and decrease can be adjusted in the file.
    Five for the Ammeter knob (Left Gen, Bat, Right Gen, rotate clockwise, rotate counterclockwise).



  11. TBM900 Start-UP procedure PDF file ENG FR

    Just two PDF file to add to your AVITAB for the START-UP procedure of the the TBM900 . This have been translate from the "START-UP PROCEDURE TUTORIAL" available with plane in a tutorial section.
    To be use has a quick reminder.
    All the tutorial follow word by word the vocal tutorial.
    Enjoy !!



  12. Default Cessna 172SP Librain with xLua

    Librain implementation for Laminar's Cessna 172SP. 
    This implementation is based on an improved version of Laminar's xLua plugin (included) by "aeroplane" and a small part, by me. This way,  you avoid to use an extra plugin to get rain effects.
    C-172SP G1000 Walkaround
    Do the following to make it work  (credits Todir):
    Open the file Cessna_172SP_G1000_cockpit.obj with a text editor. Find the last line starting with IDX (should be IDX5455 - Line 7428) Add just below and above the line that says ANIM_begin the line:
    ATTR_cockpit. Save the file and enjoy flying in the rain! In the future will be included in the download.
    You can use this release as an example of how to use the librain plugin with xLua.
    ABOUT xLua Plugin :
    The xLua plugin here is an improved version of Laminar's xLua plugin, which already exists in the aircraft.
    The new version adds the ability to:
    Print log info to Log.txt file for debugging. Returns a global variable "acfFolder", a string with the full path of aircraft's folder.  



  13. Thai Airways: FlightFactor A350 Announcement Sound Pack

    Thai Airways: cabin announcements.
    This sound pack has safety demonstration audio with & without an audio filter.

    These files are made for the Airbus A350 of FlightFactor.
    i can not confirm if the sound package also can be used for other aircraft.
    In case that one of the download links are a death end, try these alternative links:

    - Please share ur experience,I would love to improve! - 



  14. Finnair: FlightFactor A350 Announcement sound pack

    Finnair: announcement V1.0.0
    1.Unzip the .7z / .zip file  
    2. Remove the (1),(2),(1A),(B)... from the filename.  
    3. Go to the X-plane root  
    4. Replace the audio files in the Costumer Avionics folder: (/Xplane/airplanes/(name of ff350 folder)/sounds/PA)
    These files are tested on the FF A350 airbus aircraft.
    i can not confirm if the sound package also can be used for other aircraft.
    I hope i could help you for a wonderful flying experience with Finnair on Xplane!

    - Please share ur experience. I would love to improve! - 



  15. Cabin mounted video camera (CMVC) for the IXEG 737

    This is the  cockpit display of the "IXEG 737 Video System".
    How it works
    This cockpit display is powered by DC BUS 1. The screen will be on at all times when this electrical bus is energized.
    1) drop files into X-Plane 11\Aircraft\X-Aviation\IXEG 737 Classic\objects. There are 3 files.
    2) Open Plane Maker -> Misc 3D objects -> Add 3D object -> Browse to add TV-737.obj. Save the Plane. Exit Plane Maker.
    Done !



  16. Window CDU for IXEG 737-300

    This script duplicates the Captains CDU in a Window.
    To activate the Window CDU, move your mouse to the far right on your monitor, and press the button.
    Al normal functions should be available, except the CDU keyboard.
    If you check "<Use Keyboard for CDU Input" on the Window CDU however, you can use your computer keyboard to enter data. The backspace key functions as a CLR key.
    PLEASE NOTE: if "<Use Keyboard for CDU Input" is checked, ALL keyboard input is directed to the CDU, and you can't give normal key commands to the simulator. So, you can't change views, lower the gear by pressing g, etc. The ESC key releases CDU keyboard capture as well as unchecking the option.

    Current limitations; Inverse colored data from the CDU is displayed normally, MSG, FAIL and OFST are not duplicated, but only shown on the normal CDU.
    In theory the Window CDU should work in VR. You can drag the Window CDU to another monitor.
    PLEASE LET ME KNOW, if there is anything going wrong.
    Plugin needed:
    FlywithLua NG: https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/38445-flywithlua-ng-next-generation-edition-for-x-plane-11-win-lin-mac/







  17. QNaid for IXEG 737, sets or helps with altimeter settings at transition altitude

    This little script helps setting your (captains) altimeter for the IXEG 737 Classic.
    Please note, the transition altitude is read from the actual value you have set on the CDU/FMC
    First, it can sync your altimeter with the current weather info from the simulator.
    To use this feature (or not) set "SyncQNH_WithWeather" to true or false in IXEG_QNaid.lua
    Second, it can note you of passsing the transition altitude during climb, or set the standard altimeter setting for you.
    Set "SetStandardOnClimb" to true if you want it done for you or false if you just want a notification.
    Third, it can note you of passing the transition altitude during descent, or set the QNH altimeter setting for you.
    Set "SetQNH_OnDescent" to true if you want it done for you or false if you just want a notification.



  18. Automated BUGS for vSpeed callouts for IXEG 733 - LUA Script

    This lua script reads the V speeds from the CDU and sets the speed bugs automatically, for this script:



  19. Web FMC projector




  20. XTouchDownRecorder (Win/Mac/Lin)

    X-Plane 10/11 aircraft landing touch down flight recorder
    it is used for aircraft landing data analysis
    it supports Windows, Mac, Linux x64 only
    landing fpm, pitch, G force touch ground times max fpm,pitch, G force around landing landing log will be automatically written to log file TouchDownRecorderLog.txt automatically pop up after landing button/key assignment XTouchDownRecorder Community XTouchDownRecorder Community
    click here open a new world

    Unzip and move folder XTouchDownRecorder to X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\ Start X-Plane Check X-Plane Plugin menu, there will be a XTouchDownRecorder Joystick button/key assignment
    assign button/key to cpuwolf/XTouchDownRecorder/Toggle TouchDownRecorder Chart
    X-Plane 11 user

    X-Plane 10 user

    X-Plane 11

    X-Plane 10

    Data Analysis

    Contact Me 



  21. TBM-900 Xchecklist configuration

    This is my Xchecklist configuration file for the Hot Start TBM-900. It follows the quick start guide pretty closely with a couple of additions, such as a reminder to start and stop ACARS software.



  22. Xsaitekpanels Configuration for HotStart TBM900

    *** XSaitekPanels map for HotStart TBM900 for:
    - Multipanel
    - Radiopanel
    - Switchpanel
    *** Requirements:
    - XSaitekPanels - v2.75+
    - FlyWithLUA for XP11
    *** Installation:
    Remove any existing TBM900 XSaitekPanels mappings.
    Copy "xsaitekpanels.ini" into TBM900 root folder. (ex. "[X-Plane]\Aircraft\X-Aviation\TBM-900\")
    Copy "acexsp_TBM900.lua" into FlyWithLUA Scripts folder. (ex. "[X-Plane]\Resources\plugins\FlyWithLua\Scripts\")
    *** Tested with TBM900 v1.08
    *** Mapping:
        - ALT    - Altitude dial
        - VS    - Vertical speed
        - IAS    - Speed dial
        - HDG    - Heading dial
        - CRS    - Captain's course dial
        - AT    - Nothing
        - TRIM    - MCP wheel
        - FLAPS    - Flaps
        - AP    - AP (YD)
        - HDG    - HDG
        - NAV    - NAV
        - IAS    - FLC (SPD)
        - ALT    - ALT
        - VS    - VS
        - APR    - APR
        - REV    - VNAV
        - All standard default mapping.
        - STARTER    - AUX BP
        - BAT        - Battery
        - ALT        - Generator
        - AVIONICS    - AP Trims
        - FUEL        - Fuel Sel
        - DE-ICE        - Airframe de-ice
        - PITOT        - Pitot & Static
        - COWL        - Inertial separator
        - PANEL        - Dimmer
        - BEACON    - Pulse
        - NAV        - Nav
        - STROBE    - Strobe
        - TAXI        - Taxi
        - LANDING    - Landing
    *** Known issues & limitations:
    - None. All should work fine.



  23. Speedy Copilot for IXEG 737 Classic

    Speedy Copilot for IXEG 737 makes for you the steps normally done by the first officer and pilot monitoring, when you are pilot flying and captain of a Boeing 737.
    This plugin is intended for the IXEG 737 (version 1.21). It was tested and works with X-plane 11.26. Please install at least FLW 2.7.11 NG.
    The Flight Crew Operating Manual makes a clear separation between actions from left and right seats. So we'd like to have the right hand actions (first officer and pilot monitoring) done for us in reaction to the phase of flight and to left seat actions (captain and pilot flying).
    Remember that the Copilot is not calling the checklist. The copilot is doing the procedure. We suggest that you run on your own the checklist at the end of each procedure.

    Additional features
    You can listen to the cabin PA and boarding music if PA receiver is activated on the left hand side Radio Management Panel. Cabin crew is handled by Speedy Copilot without pilot intervention according to phase of flight. In addition, the first officer pressure altimeter setting is linked to the captain's one. If you change the barometric settings, the F/O will synchronize his one. Context
    Several virtual copilot options might have existed previously but they seamed challenging to install and maintain, or required payware software. The intent in this Speedy Copilot for IXEG 737 project was to provide a very simple solution yet realistic and efficient. We made a transcript from the FCOM into a Lua script for the IXEG 737. The first version of Speedy Copilot for IXEG 737 was released in June 2018. In August 2018, we published Speedy Copilot 320 for FF/STS A320 Ultimate. Based on the success of  Speedy Copilot 320, many users reports and five months of updates and evolution, we transferred-back some exciting features to Speedy Copilot for IXEG 737, which led to version 4.
    See PDF manual.
    You can discuss this file in the IXEG forum if you wish : http://forums.x-pilot.com/forums/topic/14433-speedy-copilot/


    Speedy Copilot series
    Speedy Copilot for IXEG 737 Classic
    Speedy Copilot 320
    Speedy Copilot Twinjet



  24. LES Saab 340A VR Touch Controllers Mod

    This is a mod to fix a lot of manipulators that are otherwise unusable in VR with the touch controllers in the Leading Edge Simulations Saab 340A Version 1.5 for XP11.  Manipulators that have been tweaked to work in VR are:
    Tweak Log:
    Rudimentary Pilot and Copilot teleport hotspots! (WIP) 
    GPS Knobs, inner/outer
    Sun Shades, slide on rail and lower/raise
    All Light Intensity Rheostats
    Autopilot Altitude Selector Dial
    Com 1 and 2 Function Selector and Frequency knobs, inner and outer
    Nav 1 and 2 Function Selector and Frequency knobs, inner and outer
    ADF 2 and 2 Function Selector and Frequency knobs, inner and outer
    Transponder Function Selector and Frequency knobs
    CRS 1 dial
    CRS 2 dial
    HDG dial
    OBS Knobs
    IAS Bug knobs
    Altimeter baro pressure knobs
    Overhead DC Selector knob
    Flight Number Digit Wheels have been tuned for functionality
    Parking Brake orientation corrected (was previously reversed, now a push toward the floor pushes the knob down)
    Steering Tiller orientation corrected (was previously reversed, now a push toward the floor pushes the knob down)
    DCP Select knob tweaked
    Decision Height Knob rotation and push in/out tweaked (was previously reversed)
    And many, many other dials, knobs, and switches...
    These changes make the aircraft fully flyable using touch controllers in VR!  With the exception the yoke.
    Known bugs or issues:
    - Some manipulators are a bit fiddly/touchy/sensitive, but at least they work correctly. **most fixed in 1.1
    - CRS 1 knob seems to have two grab points, and one doesn't work.  If you grab the CRS 1 and it doesn't turn, aim more for the base of the knob instead of the top of the knob.  You can also grab the obs knob next to the CRT screen, it works beautifully.
    - Switches that should "snap" back to center, such as starter switch, bleeds, trims, V/S wheel, etc...they do not snap back to center using the VR controllers.  I believe there is some custom "onmouserelease" gizmo code going on there, and the VR controllers aren't seen by gizmo as a "mouse".  Fortunately the VR mouse works just fine, so I map the vr mouse to a button on my yoke and turn it on when I need to adjust trims.  Everything else is still usable with the VR controllers.  When you reset the bleeds it will stay in the reset position, but I've found that it's fine to leave it there.  Same thing with the starter switch, it will just stay in the position of the engine you just started, but doesn't make a difference.  If you want to snap it back to center, just use the VR mouse for now.  I also map the vvi up and vvi down to buttons on my yoke so i don't have to use the V/S wheel when climbing/ascending using V/S mode.
    - Some custom mouse wheel code in 2d gets broken while using the VR mod, so if you are going to fly her in 2d you may want to revert back to the old .obj files.
    - gust lock only works using VR mouse.  Again, I believe it's dependent on some custom gizmo mouse code.
    Disclaimer:  This is not an officially supported LES update, so don't expect support from them on it.  If you need help you can always ask me or just put your old .obj files back in your folders.  If you lose the old files and just want to reset everything just reinstall the aircraft.  
    Installation Instructions:
    Download the SaabVR-obj-v22.zip file (this is the latest version)
    Back up your LES_Saab_340_cockpit.obj from your Passenger Variant folder, your LES_Saab_340a_Cargo_cockpit.obj from your Cargo Variant folder, and your LES_Saab_340a_AEW_cockpit.obj from your Airborne Variant folder. 
    Unzip the file, you'll find 3 folders, one for each Saab variant (passenger, cargo, airborne).  Inside each folder you'll find a ***variant.txt file and a ***vrconfig file. 
    Step 1:  The ***vrconfig files just go in your Saab's corresponding  aircraft variant folders.  Easy.
    Step 2.   You will need a text editor for this next part, I recommend notepad++ (free).  The text inside these ***variant.txt files are intended to replace the current corresponding text in the obj files.  Open the ***variant.txt file and copy all the text.  Open the matching .obj file from you Saab's variant folder in your text editor.  Search/find (or edit/find) for the world "TRIS".  Highlight that line and all remaining text in the obj (shift click at the bottom of the file to do this quickly) and paste.  Save the obj.  (Not save-as, don't give it another name).
    **What's New in Version 2**
    This is a fairly major update.  Along with the obj text modifications you'll now get vr_config.txt files to put in your aircraft variant folders as well.
    Changed a lot of axis manipulated knobs to their correct manipulation, getting rid of the "sliding up and down the colored line" effect.  Also changed the sensitivity of countless dials and switches for a much better experience.  Also added teleport hotspots to the pilot and copilot seat (sort of...it's a work in progress, but it works.  The blue hotspot indicator that you're probably used to is currently a hoop about where the head of the pilot would be, but it works).
    All the manipulators that are still bound to color-line axis's can not be fixed because they are custom-code dependent (I think), and I've not found a way to fix them.  They work as is, just have to deal with the axis slide.



  25. Thai Airways: JAR-Design Announcement sound pack

    Thai Airways: cabin announcement.
    V1.0.0:  Safety demonstration video
    These files are made for the Airbus of JAR Design.
    i can not confirm if the sound package also can be used for other aircraft.
    To open .7z file: go to 7-zip.org and download the lasttest version
    - Please share ur experience,I would love to improve! - 




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