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Everything posted by Litjan

  1. You need to have the avitab plugin installed in your plugins folder for the option to enable it to show. The test button should be active...we have had reports of missing sounds when the users´s sound allocation system was maxxed out. Also make sure that all your sound sliders are up. Cheers, Jan
  2. Hmm, I just tried, but renaming the file to the usual B733_cockpit.obj (and making the necessary adjustment in planemaker) did not solve the problem... It is curious that the SimVRlabs package also contains a 733_cockpit.obj. Why is that necessary? There was already a 733_cockpit.obj in the version 1.21 folder? It is also obvious that the new cockpit.obj has a far more detailed nomenclature for the manipulators than the old one. Compare: Old: ATTR_manip_axis_knob hand -400 400 1 1 ixeg/733/MCP/mcp_plt_course_act none New: ATTR_manip_drag_xy rotate_medium 4000 0 -400 400 -400 400 ixeg/733/MCP/mcp_plt_course_act none ATTR_manip_wheel -1 Quite a difference... Cheers, Jan
  3. Your main problem is that you never get out of TOGA mode. Changing the speed in TOGA does not work like it does in FL CHG, because TOGA refers to the MCP speed selection, but will also adjust this (up to selected speed + 20) - because you are supposed to fly at V2 + 15 (unless an engine fails). So to get proper behaviour, employ the proper procedure: For acceleration select FL CHG or VNAV. Cheers, Jan
  4. Could very well be - I am just investigating that with Tom...
  5. May I direct your attention to this post? (pinned at the top). The fix for your problem is explained there: Cheers, Jan
  6. No worries - and happy that you figured out what the problem was! Happy landings, Jan
  7. I just checked - the names of those datarefs are still valid in the cockpit.obj file. I will have to talk to Tom and do some experimentation... Cheers, Jan
  8. He can not possibly talk about the dial-type "steam" instrument panel, can he?
  9. Often using the latest version of XPUIPC seems to be a problem - they work when using an older version. Not sure why, its on the list to investigate (also kinda hoping the UIPC guys have an idea about why) ... Cheers, Jan
  10. Hi 3rdwatch - I am absolutely dedicated to making one, rest assured. I have the Oculus Rift, and love playing in it...although not so much the 737, the resolution is simply not good enough. Will be good enough to make a VRconfig.txt, though! Cheers, Jan
  11. We will think about it - I kinda dread the flood of new bugreports that this will create, though (from new users)... At the least I can try to find out how to erase them manually, will talk to Tom about it. Cheers, Jan
  12. Ah, ok - I see the weights. .72 is slow for a 737 in cruise - the pitch seems appropriate. Not sure what cost index you used. Note that the optimum altitude indicated is purely a function of weight, not of speed (which means you probably fly too high for the slow speed calculated by the FMS). The "green dot" denotes the optimum L/D speed with engines running, the top of the yellow bar will include a MACH buffet margin, so at high altitudes it will be "higher" than the green dot. And - as Morten pointed out - if you have a "far forward" center of gravity, the tail has to push down hard to keep the plane level. This extra "push down" needs to be balanced by the wings, so they need more "nose up" to create the necessary lift. The saying is "As a rule - aft trim saves fuel" Cheers, Jan
  13. Ok, you can try to run this very latest beta (found on the bottom of this post), or revert to the last stable version (included in the installer or 1.3). Let me know how that works out for you? Cheers, Jan
  14. Let us know how that goes for you! Cheers, Jan
  15. It has not been modeled - yet. We list it in this post (which has been up since before we started selling the 737), I continuously update it when we fix and add stuff. I even add more to it, like the lack of a dedicated VRconfig file, because that wasn´t even available when we started selling the plan 5 years ago. http://forums.x-pilot.com/forums/topic/8526-things-that-are-not-going-to-be-in-v13/ Cheers, Jan
  16. I am bowing out of the discussion, but by all means feel free to discuss this here - I think it is a vital and fun part of our hobby! Everyone has their own opinion, ask 10 long-time pilots of how the 737 lands, and you will get 11 answers. I am happy with the model we have. Cheers, Jan
  17. Because we have not implemented it yet. Pushing the HOLD page will show the page, but you can´t enter anything...yet. We have been upfront about this shortcoming, see this post (it was up before the plane was ever for sale): http://forums.x-pilot.com/forums/topic/8526-things-that-are-not-going-to-be-in-v13/ We are working on making them available in the FMS. Yes, you can fly them manually, but I understand that it is difficult for some pilots and also a distraction to do so when flying in an online environment. We also want to make the plane complete eventually, a fully functioning HOLD page is obviously part of that. Cheers, Jan
  18. Hmm, the icing is intentional - but the flashing isn´t. Can you post a log.txt (found in the main X-Plane folder)? Thanks, Jan
  19. Can´t really comment unless I know (and see) all relevant parameters. Most important weight (please output to screen like the framerate). Cheers, Jan
  20. I agree with cmbaviators assessment. It was easier to land smoothly in XP10 (with our artificial cushioning)...but not more realistic. We have had long discussions about ground effect at IXEG (and Laminar) and scientifically the ground effect is MOSTLY a reduction in drag...not an increase in lift. That is also there, but only very close to the ground, not "half the wingspan" as the drag reduction. Cheers, Jan
  21. I think he lived. Just a bit of nosebleed, probably...
  22. Are you entering or changing the routing on the FMS when that happens?
  23. Awesome - you obviously have a hand for camerawork! Thanks, Jan
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