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Everything posted by Cameron

  1. This topic was last replied to in 2017. Let that sink in.
  2. About the only thing you can do is run your monitor at a lower resolution. That's up to the aircraft developer, and as the Saab has seen free updates from 2013 to now, there are no further plans to make updates. The next major version of the Saab 340A will have the new window system, but this is not slated to be a free update, and it's not slated for release anytime soon. No, this is not possible. The legacy X-Plane window code was not capable of detaching from the sim to pop out on other monitors.
  3. Fans are made to cool your computer down. Your computer is processing lots of data, thus creating heat. Fans running are not a bad thing.
  4. There are plenty of posts for you to go by here. The product page, descriptions, and more have been in place since the beginning. You had 5 years of reviews and data to judge your purchase by (and I'm sure you did your research given your post). I'm sorry if you misunderstood some marketing. There's no point in a topic like this. Closed.
  5. The issue was solved in the March update: You're sure you're seeing the same black rectangles? That would imply corruption somewhere.
  6. No, there are no refunds as explained and you agreed to during purchase. The SR22 has a very dense 3D model, which contributes to VRAM usage along with textures. What is your AA setting set to? Something obscenely high? That could be a contributing factor, even on a 1080p screen.
  7. Is this on a laptop? It sound like you may need to be holding down the function key (Fn) plus the actual F1 or F2 keys.
  8. It was addressed to be what it is now. Very few complain about this. Way too many complained about this when it was the other way around. There's no mistake as to why it is the way it is now.
  9. Updates will definitely be posted here and via email when sent out!
  10. Maybe you should actually read the replies in threads you post in before asking status of things. In a previous thread (coupled with your impatience to post multiple times about the same question), your question was already answered before you even posted....just above your own post! You know how you wanted a response of even just "we are aware of the problem and are looking into it?" It was already there...and that already proved not good enough for you: So, yes, we will absolutely disagree. Thanks for your feedback. We'll consider it against others.
  11. Read the notes section of this thread:
  12. This is well covered in these forums and I suggest you do a search. The throttles have locks on them to prevent going into specific ranges. The lock gates must be lifted. Read the bottom of this thread:
  13. There is a setting in the Saab preferences window to disable the mouse scroll zoom.
  14. Your impatience is not the same as lack of support. You've owned the product for 7 days. As you're aware from another thread, this has been addressed by the dev team as something being looked into. The reputation of TorqueSim to take care of its customers speaks for itself. Please discontinue falsehoods.
  15. https://support.torquesim.com/hc/en-us/articles/1500001375261-Hiding-the-SR20-SR22-3D-cockpit-for-full-hardware-cockpit-setups
  16. You do realize that folder permissions are an OS attribute, right? As far as I'm aware, X-Plane plugins cannot alter any of this stuff (and we have no need to).
  17. In order for Gizmo to do what it's designed to do, it cannot be in an aircraft plugin folder. It is also responsible for other aspects of our products, including global plugins like SkyMaxx Pro and Real Weather Connector.
  18. Well, I hope you get things sorted. I don't blame Laminar if they no longer have X-Plane 10 updates available though. It's been many years now, and we're getting closer to X-Plane 12. I don't think you'll be able to use this scenery until you can update though.
  19. Either the scenery is trying to load a custom library that you don't have installed, or it's trying to load a file from an old version of X-Plane. The best situation here would be to contact Drzewiecki. EDIT: I also see you are using X-Plane 10.21. Try updating to 10.5 first. That may solve the issue.
  20. C is okay. Program files is NOT okay.
  21. No, manual activation is not a thing. Sounds like your folders don't have proper permissions. You'll need to go over your Windows folder permissions for X-Plane and the directories within it.
  22. You mean TBM 900. The developer of that product is the developer of Librain. It has not been released to everyone else at this time.
  23. The issue is here: 0:04:32.313 G64: debug: Toast Message:(type:error) (X-Aviation Licensing) / (Could not save license data.) It seems as though maybe you have some permissions issues in your X-Plane folder (or X-Plane/X-Aviation folder) that prevent the file from writing, or you have a firewall blocking this. Your license is not getting saved to your computer.
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