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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/28/2023 in all areas
Hi, Just bought the beast yesterday pm, I slept at 6.30 am... that means something! So yes my last purchases this month: the Challenger, the 733 updated, and now the great DC-3, I can say that X-Aviation makes me dream with my eyes open!3 points
Your experience with the analog flight instrument dial lights and the fuel indicator lights, as well as the digits on the MCP dropping off significantly upon adjustment, indeed aligns with the issue that is currently being discussed and addressed in here. We also appreciate your proactive approach in reading through existing topics before making a duplicate post. Sometimes I wish others did that more.1 point
Hi Cam, I've reloaded the A/C a few times and the issue has gone away. Wasn't using any UI Scaling or anything like that. As you said if the issue hasnt been reported by anyone else it must have been on my end. Thanks1 point
Hello All, This will serve as an official announcement that we have released the version 2.0.1 update for the LES Douglas DC-3 v2. All customers who have purchased the LES Douglas DC-3 v2 up till now have been sent an e-mail by X-Aviation with complete instructions on how to obtain your update. We have made this a very simple process! For those that purchase the LES Douglas DC-3 v2 from today forward, your purchased download will already be updated to version 2.0.1 for you. What if I didn't get the update e-mail? If you did not receive your update e-mail don't fret! X-Aviation has updated our system to allow all customers to update with ease, regardless of whether you received an e-mail for the update! Here's what to do: 1. Login to your X-Aviation account here: https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/account_history.php 2. Find your original LES Douglas DC-3 v2 download and re-download the file. It will download as the latest version! The following is a list of additions/fixes included: What's New / Changed: Both Variants: Fixed aircraft locked issues Fixed Cowl flaps from working without hydraulic pressure Differential power will be disabled when tail wheel is not on the ground and MAP above 35 Pilots are visible from outside, only when the aircraft is powered Cabin door manipulators are available when parking brake is set Improved American Airlines livery colors and resolution Improved Hellenic Aviation Authority livery resolution Added toe brake animation 'READ THE MANUAL' button now opens the online manual in your default browser Modern Variant: Fixed ADF1 ET timer - Does not reset when the unit turns off Fixed ADF2 timers - Not working properly Fixed Transponder ID button - Working when in STBY and TEST modes Fixed Transponder TEST mode - Three first knobs can change the code Fixed Transponder code - Resets to 1200 when unit is turned off Fixed Copilot's CI TO/FROM flag - Responding to pilot's CI Fixed some sounds not audible due to wrong coordinates (fire bell, overhead, etc) Fixed AP test tone Improved instruments night lighting As always, thanks for being a customer with X-Aviation. We appreciate your feedback and support!1 point
This is a list of issues we recognize on version 1.51. For now it is listing only actual bugs, not feature requests, but we may include those in the future as the list of actual bugs hopefully dwindles down. Tail strobelight missing Wrong coordinates (with negative values) when putting certain navaid IDs into FIX INFO page Automatic setting of plastic speed bugs not working perfectly yet (does not set V2+15 and Vref + 15) Small error in APU fuel feed (feeds from left wing tank instead of left side of fuel manifold) Engine spool up during start looks weird (total time is correct, but initial ramp after fuel on is too fast - XPlane problem)1 point
Thanks again guys, you're correct as it seems to be a Laminar issue. I ran the same test in a few other aircraft, similar results. Feel free to delete this msg, or, save it so others making my mistaken assumption might see this before posting.1 point
1 point
For the moment "no windows" on the 737 would be fine. Releasing a full cargo version is something that I can wait for I do realize that a full cargo version is a whole new ball game! I also realize that it may be something for the future.1 point
I don't care the visual outside of cockpit too much, so I can stand without a openable 3D car door, but I'll need a proper cargo door indicator in the cockpit, and mind you, it came with many flavor as there are many 3rd party company working on the cargo conversion.1 point
Plugged windows, cargo door, and removal of all the interior (seats, etc.) would work as a “package freighter”. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯1 point
Version v0.104
This LUA script enables random failures for the HotStart Challenger 650. Requirement: The script requires FlyWithLua: Download the correct version for your simulator. FlyWithLua for X-Plane 11: - https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/38445-flywithlua-ng-next-generation-edition-for-x-plane-11-win-lin-mac/ FlyWithLua for X-Plane 12: - https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/82888-flywithlua-ng-next-generation-plus-edition-for-x-plane-12-win-lin-mac/ Installation: - Unzip the files in [X-Plane]\Resources\plugins\FlyWithLua\Scripts Settings: (edit the lua script) -- Here you set if the failures should be default enabled or disabled when your starting up X-Plane. -- You can also enable and disable this option (for the current session) in the FlyWithLua menu. -- Set true to enable failures, false to disable. Default is true. true and false have to be written with lowercase letters. EnableFailures_WizVar = true -- Mean time between failures (MTBF) is the predicted elapsed time between inherent failures of a system during operation. -- Default is MTBF_hours = 10.0 local MTBF_hours = 10.0 -- Max failures pr session -- Default is Max_Failures = 2 local Max_Failures = 2 -- Severity 1 to 5. 1 least severe, 5 most severe. i.e. if you select 3, you will get failures from severity 1 to 3. local Severity = 5 -- Clear all failures when starting x-plane. Default is false. true and false have to be written with lowercase letters. local ClearAllFailures = false Logfile: When a failure occurs it will log the event to the logfile Wizball_CL650_Failures.log in your X-Plane root folder. example: MTBF: This graph shows a example how often you can expect a failure when you set the MTBF to 10 hours. Failures included in the script: CL650/failures/systems/ats/failed/state Auto Throttle System has failed CL650/failures/systems/ats/msd/1/failed/state Left ATS MSD has failed CL650/failures/systems/ats/msd/2/failed/state Right ATS MSD has failed CL650/failures/systems/afcs/yd/1/failed/state Yaw Damper Channel 1 has failed CL650/failures/systems/afcs/yd/2/failed/state Yaw Damper Channel 2 has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/HTR_L_WSHLD_1/failed/state Left windshield heater 1 has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/HTR_L_WSHLD_2/failed/state Left windshield heater 2 has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/R_WSHLD_1/failed/state R windshield heater 1 has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/R_WSHLD_2/failed/state R windshield heater 2 has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/HTR_R_WIND/failed/state Right window heater has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/CABIN_TEMP_SENSE/failed/state Cabin temperature sensor has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/LDG_TAXI_LTS_R_NOSE/failed/state Right nose LDG-taxi lights has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/LDG_TAXI_LTS_R_WING/failed/state Right wing LDG-taxi lights has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/HTR_L_WIND/failed/state Left window heater has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/ANTI_SKID_1/failed/state Anti-skid 1 has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/AUTO_THROTTLE/failed/state Autothrottle has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/CABIN_TEMP_CONT_AUTO/failed/state Cabin temp ctrl (auto) has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/ANTI_SKID_2/failed/state Anti-skid 2 has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/STAB_CH_1_HSTCU/failed/state Stab trim channel 1 ctrl has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/STAB_CH_2_HSTCU/failed/state Stab trim channel 2 controller has failed CL650/failures/systems/iceprot/wnd_heat/1/failed/state Left window heat has failed CL650/failures/systems/iceprot/wnd_heat/2/failed/state Left windshield heat has failed CL650/failures/systems/iceprot/wnd_heat/3/failed/state Right windshield heat has failed CL650/failures/systems/iceprot/wnd_heat/4/failed/state Right window heat has failed CL650/failures/env/birdstrike/strike/state Birdstrike that doesn't lead to any damage CL650/failures/env/smoke/baggage/state Smoke in the baggage bay CL650/failures/env/smoke/lavatory/state Smoke in the toilet CL650/failures/systems/elec/ac/gen/1/failed/state Generator 1 has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/ac/gen/2/failed/state Generator 2 has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/HYD_PMP_3B/failed/state Hydraulic pump 3B has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/HYD_PMP_2B/failed/state Hydraulic pump 2B has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/HYD_PMP_3A/failed/state Hydraulic pump 3A has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/HYD_PMP_1B/failed/state Hydraulic pump 1B has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/FLAP_MOTOR_2/failed/state Flap motor 2 has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/FLAP_MOTOR_1/failed/state Flap motor 1 has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/HUD/failed/state Heads Up Display has failed CL650/failures/systems/hyd/1/pump/A/state Engine-driven pump 1A has failed CL650/failures/systems/hyd/1/pump/B/state AC electric pump 1B has failed CL650/failures/systems/hyd/2/pump/A/state Engine-driven pump 2A has failed CL650/failures/systems/hyd/2/pump/B/state AC electric pump 2B has failed CL650/failures/systems/hyd/3/pump/A/state AC electric pump 3A has failed CL650/failures/systems/hyd/3/pump/B/state AC electric pump 3B has failed CL650/failures/sensors/ads/pitot/3/leak_small/state Standby pitot tube is leaking pressure (inaccurate speed reading) CL650/failures/avionics/efis/hud/failed/state Heads Up Display has failed CL650/failures/systems/eng/left/compr/stall/trans/state Left engine compressor stall (transient, self-clearing) CL650/failures/systems/eng/right/compr/stall/trans/state Right engine compressor stall (transient, self-clearing) CL650/failures/systems/eng/left/oil/pump/weak/state Left engine oil pump is producing low pressure and low flow CL650/failures/systems/eng/right/oil/pump/weak/state Right engine oil pump is producing low pressure and low flow CL650/failures/env/birdstrike/windshield/state Birdstrike that leads to the left windshield's outer pane shattering CL650/failures/systems/aircond/leak/500/state Cabin is leaking pressure at ~500 ft/min CL650/failures/systems/comm/sdu/1/failed/state Satellite Data Unit 1 has failed CL650/failures/systems/comm/sdu/2/failed/state Satellite Data Unit 2 has failed CL650/failures/systems/fuel/tank/aux/leak/slow/state Auxiliary tank is leaking slowly CL650/failures/systems/fuel/tank/main/left/leak/slow/state Left main tank is leaking slowly CL650/failures/systems/fuel/tank/main/right/leak/slow/state Right main tank is leaking slowly CL650/failures/systems/fuel/tank/tail/leak/slow/state Tail tank system is leaking slowly CL650/failures/systems/hyd/1/leak_slow/state Hydraulic system 1 is leaking slowly CL650/failures/systems/hyd/2/leak_slow/state Hydraulic system 2 is leaking slowly CL650/failures/systems/hyd/3/leak_slow/state Hydraulic system 3 is leaking slowly CL650/failures/sensors/ads/pitot/1/leak_small/state ADC 1 pitot tube is leaking pressure (inaccurate speed reading) CL650/failures/sensors/ads/pitot/2/leak_small/state ADC 2 pitot tube is leaking pressure (inaccurate speed reading) CL650/failures/avionics/efis/pfd/1/failed/state PFD 1 has failed CL650/failures/avionics/efis/mfd/1/failed/state MFD 1 has failed CL650/failures/avionics/efis/mfd/2/failed/state MFD 2 has failed CL650/failures/avionics/efis/pfd/2/failed/state PFD 2 has failed CL650/failures/avionics/efis/isi/failed/state ISI has failed CL650/failures/avionics/efis/isi/pitot/state ISI pitot sensor has failed CL650/failures/avionics/efis/isi/static/state ISI static sensor has failed CL650/failures/avionics/efis/isi/att_fail/state ISI attitude indication has failed CL650/failures/avionics/efis/isi/att_drift/state ISI attitude indication is drifting randomly CL650/failures/systems/oxygen/tank/leak/slow/state Oxygen tank is leaking slowly CL650/failures/systems/eng/left/n1_vib_high/state Left engine is experiencing excessive N1 vibration CL650/failures/systems/eng/left/n2_vib_high/state Left engine is experiencing excessive N2 vibration CL650/failures/systems/eng/left/combust/flameout/trans/state Left engine combustion has flamed out (momentarily) CL650/failures/systems/eng/right/n1_vib_high/state Right engine is experiencing excessive N1 vibration CL650/failures/systems/eng/right/n2_vib_high/state Right engine is experiencing excessive N2 vibration CL650/failures/systems/eng/right/combust/flameout/trans/state Right engine combustion has flamed out (momentarily) CL650/failures/systems/aircond/leak/1000/state Cabin is leaking pressure at ~1000 ft/min CL650/failures/systems/ats/svo/1/failed/state Left ATS Servo has failed CL650/failures/systems/ats/svo/2/failed/state Right ATS Servo has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/FMS_CDU_2/failed/state CDU 2 has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/FMS_CDU_3/failed/state CDU 3 has failed CL650/failures/systems/elec/comp/FMS_CDU_1/failed/state CDU 1 has failed CL650/failures/systems/fuel/tank/aux/leak/fast/state Auxiliary tank is leaking quickly CL650/failures/systems/fuel/tank/main/left/leak/fast/state Left main tank is leaking quickly CL650/failures/systems/fuel/tank/main/right/leak/fast/state Right main tank is leaking quickly CL650/failures/systems/fuel/tank/tail/leak/fast/state Tail tank system is leaking quickly CL650/failures/systems/hyd/1/leak_fast/state Hydraulic system 1 is leaking quickly CL650/failures/systems/hyd/2/leak_fast/state Hydraulic system 2 is leaking quickly CL650/failures/systems/hyd/3/leak_fast/state Hydraulic system 3 is leaking quickly CL650/failures/systems/oxygen/tank/leak/fast/state Oxygen tank is leaking quickly CL650/failures/systems/eng/left/compr/stall/clear/state Left engine compressor stall (clearable by reducing power) CL650/failures/systems/eng/right/compr/stall/clear/state Right engine compressor stall (clearable by reducing power) CL650/failures/env/birdstrike/pitot/left/state Birdstrike that leads to the left pitot tube becoming blocked CL650/failures/env/birdstrike/pitot/right/state Birdstrike that leads to the right pitot tube becoming blocked CL650/failures/systems/aircond/leak/fast/state Cabin is leaking pressure quickly CL650/failures/systems/gear/handle/failed/state Landing gear handle failed CL650/failures/systems/gear/nose/leg/act/failed/state Nose gear leg actuator has failed CL650/failures/systems/gear/main/left/leg/act/failed/state Left gear leg actuator has failed CL650/failures/systems/gear/main/right/leg/act/failed/state Right gear leg actuator has failed CL650/failures/sensors/rss/gps/1/failed/state GPS 1 receiver has failed CL650/failures/sensors/rss/gps/2/failed/state GPS 2 receiver has failed CL650/failures/systems/eng/left/combust/flameout/perm/state Left engine combustion has flamed out (permanently) CL650/failures/systems/eng/right/combust/flameout/perm/state Right engine combustion has flamed out (permanently) CL650/failures/env/birdstrike/eng/left/state Birdstrike that leads to a non-recoverable left engine failure CL650/failures/env/birdstrike/eng/right/state Birdstrike that leads to a non-recoverable right engine failure1 point -
Version 1.0.0
Based on real world CL650 OY-LLG operated by Sun-Air. I had to take some creative liberties with the cheatline as it did not fit 100% on the model as per the real airframe and I couldn't get the line to intersect the nose, cabin door, overwing exit and APU area closely to the real airframe without it - I hope the end result is ok! The registration CANNOT be changed due to limitation of this airframe having a wing registration so I opted not to use the built-in registration feature and painted the registration on the livery itself. NOTE: Painted for XP12's new lighting engine - NOT tested in XP11. Appearance may be unsatisfactory in XP11 Features: Custom airframe-specific placards Adjusted AO layers Custom cabin interior based on real airframe with custom carpet normal maps Not to be distributed or copied without explicit permission.1 point