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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/06/2023 in all areas

  1. Great news guys! Can't wait to see this in my XP12 fleet. I have recently been involved in porting another product across from 11 to 12 and omg I have seen with my own eyes how much work is involved in doing this - it's nothing like a straightforward task like some people imagine. With the flight model alone you end up wishing you could have just started over with an empty sheet. The transition seems to have almost killed off some projects. You have my gratitude for not letting this drop, I really miss the classics! I'm also delighted to pay 15 dollars for this, I think its really good value for the work that will have had to go into it (especially as you now have to cover the additional overhead of someone going full time). I don't get why some people are moaning about 15 bucks - I spent more than that on Pizza yesterday, now all I have left to show for the pizza is wind. After upgrading the IXEG to XP-12 we will have that in a whole new sim for years to come. There's no comparison really. Keep up the good work!
    4 points
  2. Version 2.0.0


    A blank, white livery for the Hot Start Challenger 650. Suitable for use with Photoshop, paint.net, gimp etc.
    1 point
  3. Shocked. (Not shocked.)
    1 point
  4. As a data point, I'm not seeing any conflicts on my end with 12.05b2, the MU2 seems to be running OK. I don't keep any plugins other than the ones required to run the MU2 though. -tkyler
    1 point
  5. There are a couple of aircraft with TKS systems implemented. Here on XA it's the SR22 that comes with a functioning TKS system. The Diamond fleet (by Aerobask) also has TKS. Others have attempted to implement something, but not too the greatest effect (but hard to judge right now while XP12 still exaggerates when it comes to icing). Most GA aircraft with TKS though are not FIKI certified, so these systems are intended to allow escaping icing conditions encountered unexpectedly. For Arctic operations, TKS isn't sufficient anyway. Even boots have a limited effect. Heatable leading edges are effective, but hardly available for smaller aircraft.
    1 point
  6. Since the external visual model will be redone for the next updates, we remain hopeful of seeing the 400/500 versions.. In any case, thanks for what you are doing. Good luck to you, and I wish you fewer external problems that may affect your work, and, apparently, your favorite pastime, because without love, such a product cannot be made.
    1 point
  7. Ah. For the time being this is not planned. We have many things we want to get to before additions like this. Maybe one day, but not anytime soon compared to something like VNAV work.
    1 point
  8. Did you read anything that was said above in the initial announcement? Anyone who purchased the product from the date the product page was updated will receive the upgrade for free. That promise has not been broken. We made ZERO announcements about a free update to existing customers anywhere. We did publish on the product page clearly made for new customers they would get a free update for X-Plane 12. There was a reason for that, and this is not uncommon in the software industry when products are in transition. A product page is an advertisement for potential customers. And, we are holding up that promise as was outlined in the announcement. A product page is not a means of communication to existing customers. We communicate by e-mail and forum announcements to existing customers, and always have. You're stretching things here.
    1 point
  9. No news. It will be after the IXEG 733 V12 update though ( as its not even flyable in XPlane 12 yet) -tkyler
    1 point
  10. A freighter version for the -400 has potential because the workload to produce that is "relatively" light. The -500, being a shorter variant would require a much more laborious effort to change both the 3D and the flight model, being geometrically disparate...and the return on investment in that, I believe, probably would not justify the efforts. While I think a freighter variant would appeal to a statistically smaller set of customer use cases, I recognize that there is still a place for it...and so I do want to do a -400 freighter at some point. ..and yes, I'm still working on the 733 every day...my carpel tunnel and "tennis elbow" remind me constantly. I think I can safely say at this point that we'll definitely put out a more informative report this week on whats going on with the development. -tkyler
    1 point
  11. Those are all good points and should be addressed Graeme. Bleed air for several things passes through the AC system...so I have to dig a bit deeper into that switchgear and I suspect this will get addressed when I did into that. I plan to incrementely improve the systems once the IXEG/MU2 are ported to V12 in their current forms. As usual, I've added this to my tracking list. Though it seems quiet here, I'm rolling full steam on XP still...the Moo just has to wait for its rotation across my desktop -Tom
    1 point
  12. Good catch Graeme. Looks like that mesh got "decoupled" in my blender file during some editing and didn't get the animation directive. Will fix. I'll dig in a bit more....seems this was addressed at one point within Laminar...I can't be sure, but noted this post on my todos. Thx!
    1 point
  13. Thx Josh. I'll double check all my datarefs again and check functionality. X-Plane has some new anti-ice functionality, so I'll definitely be making a 'icing pass' to see whats what. So noted for next release....still pushing on the ixeg for those customers, but as usual, I'll be binging this right after. Thx again -TomK
    1 point
  14. I don't have such commands for the AP turn knob Marco. I do have a generic note in my "TODO" list to go over all the control inputs to see which ones are suitable for 'command implementation' so your request would fall under that todo item. I'll definitely get this in. Thx for suggesting. -TomK
    1 point
  15. and it'll come in time not terribly long relatively speaking. -tkyler
    1 point
  16. EGT model definintely needs work, especially because of SRL, which X-Plane does not simulate.....so yes, the EGT modeling is outside of X-Plane. I've received some excellent data from a MU-2 pilot though and plan to incorporate that during my next MU2 binge session. Now all that being said, I haven't seen the EGT go to 700 except during the engine start sequence, which its supposed to. After the start sequence, I see about 500 with the condition levers in taxi...probably a bit high...most -10 engines run a bit over 400 at idle, but certainly not 700. -tkyler
    1 point
  17. Thx @OneOffRegistrationUser (love the name...don't like typing it) ....for others.... these types of changes will be in for the XP12 update; however, what OneOffRegistrationUser has provided are effective patches for those interested in making the manual tweaks until the update comes out. I'm currently making a hard run at the IXEG, but the MU2 is hard on its heels and nagging and will get more love relatively quickly....thanks again to OneOffRegistration user for providing some stop-gap options until then. -tkyler
    1 point
  18. Fix for extental Lights for daylight. Note: Beacon texture will lit, but not blinking, rest are ok. Add numbers in BOLD below to \External Lights\objects\LIT_Items\LIT_Items_Exterior.obj ATTR_light_level 0 1 sim/flightmodel2/lights/landing_lights_brightness_ratio[0] 5000 TRIS 0 108 ANIM_end ANIM_begin ANIM_trans 0.39082 -0.44902 0.59785002 0.39082 -0.44902 0.59785002 ANIM_rotate 0 1 0 -21.729424 -21.729424 ANIM_rotate 0 0 -1 19.128196 19.128196 ANIM_rotate 1 0 0 82.559781 82.559781 ANIM_rotate_begin -0.00000001 -0.00000001 -1 xscenery/mu2b60/anim/right_landing_light_extension ANIM_rotate_key 0 0 ANIM_rotate_key 1 76.634217 ANIM_rotate_end ATTR_light_level 0 1 sim/flightmodel2/lights/landing_lights_brightness_ratio[1] 5000 TRIS 108 108 ANIM_end ATTR_light_level 0 1 sim/flightmodel2/lights/generic_lights_brightness_ratio[76] 5000 TRIS 4380 72 ATTR_light_level 0 1 sim/flightmodel2/lights/generic_lights_brightness_ratio[77] 5000 TRIS 4308 72 ATTR_no_shadow ATTR_light_level 0 1 sim/flightmodel2/lights/nav_lights_brightness_ratio[0] 2500 TRIS 216 1140 ATTR_shadow ATTR_light_level 0 1 sim/cockpit/electrical/beacon_lights_on 2500 TRIS 1356 1056 ATTR_no_shadow ATTR_light_level 0 1 sim/flightmodel2/lights/nav_lights_brightness_ratio[0] 2500 TRIS 2412 420 ATTR_shadow TRIS 2832 420 ATTR_light_level 0 1 sim/cockpit/electrical/beacon_lights_on 2500 TRIS 3252 1056
    1 point
  19. To be fair, you could skip that 7 hour video. There are 6 more videos in that playlist that are only about 30 minutes each that walk you through the various stages of getting off the ground. In addition to Graeme's excellent videos. you could check out the videos posted by Foxtrot Alpha Aviation who is a real-world Challenger pilot. Here's the playlist for his excellent tutorial series of videos:
    1 point
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