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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/10/2022 in all areas

  1. Early work-in-progress...but eh....why not...could be fun. Just don't answer the phone if it rings after watching this video. exhaust_opt2.mp4
    2 points
  2. Hi all I made a vSpeed callout LUA-script for the HotStart Challenger 650 if anyone are interested. It requires HotStart Challenger 650 v1.2 or higher. Take a look here:
    1 point
  3. Version v0.105


    Hello Captains! A LUA-script for v-speed callouts for the HotStart Challenger 650 v1.2 or higher. It includes callouts for 80 knots, V1, Vr, V2 (V2 is optional) and positiv rate / gear up. Feel free to leave a comment if you liked the script (or not) Requirement: The script requires FlyWithLua: Download the correct version for your simulator. FlyWithLua for X-Plane 11: - https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/38445-flywithlua-ng-next-generation-edition-for-x-plane-11-win-lin-mac/ FlyWithLua for X-Plane 12: - https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/82888-flywithlua-ng-next-generation-plus-edition-for-x-plane-12-win-lin-mac/ Installation: - Unzip the files in [X-Plane]\Resources\plugins\FlyWithLua\Scripts You should get a structure something like this. Settings: Edit the Wizball_CL650_vSpeed.lua for the settings. -- Set to true to enable "V2" callout and false to disable. true and false have to be written with lowercase letters. local Enable_V2 = false -- Set to true to enable "Positive rate/Gear up" callout and false to disable. true and false have to be written with lowercase letters. local EnablePosGearUp = true -- Set to 1 for callout by totoritko(HotStart). Set 2 for callout by xplana. local CalloutVoice = 1 -- Change "SoundLevel" to adjust volume for the callouts. Adjust between 0.10 min - 1.00 max. -- Recommended value for CalloutVoice 1 - 0.70 - For CalloutVoice 2 - 0.30 local SoundLevel = 0.70 How to use: Just make sure you set the vSpeeds in the FMS and you will get the callouts. Demo: Known bugs/limitations: - Non at the moment. Credits: totoritko and xplana for the callouts
    1 point
  4. There is a beta being developed to provide preliminary support for X-Plane 12, however final support will not be committed to until 12 itself is out of early access beta.
    1 point
  5. The easiest way is to do the pre-flight with your normal starting fuel once and the save that state (for each airframe). Then you can restore that state any time in the future, and set your payload (pax) through the X-Plane weight & balance window.
    1 point
  6. Hi, is there a way to directly switch to "walk mode" (via command)? From an external view for example. TNX Xaver
    1 point
  7. Yes - seems that the issue was deicing. Loaded the state, reached on takeoff only to 80 kts, then stopped and ordered the deicing truck. After that aircraft accelerated nicely to v1 and further. Seems that during initial setup I tried once X-Plane real-world weather and aircraft managed collect enough invisible ice.
    1 point
  8. This is an adjusted crosspost from the Hot Start Discord, but I think it's relevant to this thread. Every wing ever made will flex. A PA28 has wingflex. A Lockheed Starfighter has wingflex. The Challenger has a very stiff wing, and as such you won’t see significant movement in flight. There are no engines out there on the wing, so the bending loads at the root are minimal. Aircraft like the 737 and 747 carry the engines out on the wing, so on the ground the gear supports the engine and the wing will bend down with the engine and fuel weight. In flight, the wing carries the weight of the engine and fuel, and so will flex upwards. The Challenger only carries the fuel in the wing, and it's only just over 2000KG with full tanks, so the difference in flight and on the ground is minimal. Without the engine out there as a mass damper the wing flex is also smaller in magnitude and potentially higher in frequency, essentially it will flex less and stop flexing sooner. In X-Plane the turbulence simulation feels pretty poor IMHO. Low intensity chop, where the flight path doesn’t change and it feels more like driving slowly over a cobbled or washboard road is most likely to show the wing moving, but X-Plane does a pretty poor job at replicating that - XP11 lacks subtlety in most parts of the weather simulation. There’s also the fact that real wings show smooth deformation / bending (one single continuous curve) but XP can’t do that sort of smooth body animation, so it’s necessary to chop the wing up into sections and have angles between them. This can then cause other issues with the wing like flap positioning etc. As such, wingflex in XP is a compromise - it will never look perfect. Goran has been clear that Wingflex is coming to the Challenger, and the devs may have some magic up their sleeves to make the subtle movements happen. However judging by other addons, large movements of the wing (like a 787 or 737NG) in XP turb are what some sim pilots want to see when they ask for “wingflex”. The Challenger will not have this, as the real thing does not. I think it’s important to set expectations correctly for the community.
    1 point
  9. We really don't mind. If it isn't too much of a big deal to add a bit of eye candy, we're more than happy to accomodate those who want it. I'm a big believer of the little things that make people go "Wow!" In saying that, I will be adding wingflex, however, it will be very subtle. I think it flexes by about 10 inches up and down (20 inches in total), but I will confirm. We have quite a few things on our plate at the moment, and my top priorities right now are the ADG and some external decals. If I can fit wingflex in before the next update, I will.
    1 point
  10. Thank you for the report, we have pretty good details of the amount of "wingflex" the CL650 has. The wing does technically bend but the bending moment is large and is very similar to the stiffness of an airbus wing. The wingflex implementation was not a priority for release and is planned for a future update.
    1 point
  11. Good morning. i`ve just done my 10th flight and I love this bird more and more with every hour. Since I do everything according to the books, walking back into the FBO feels very much like work is done/end of shift. To extend on this feeling of "work I would love to do in RL" maybe even more paper work could be added? Like filling the tech log and personal pilot logbook ect. Thanks. Tim
    1 point
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