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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/21/2020 in all areas

  1. So with the update relatively imminent, I thought I'd go over some things that are on my mind, because I expect many folks will have some expectations of things in this update that are not there and may naturally wonder just what we do and don't care about. Way back when, we had to be quite conscious of our poly count and texture size, and while that is still true to some degree,, machines can handle a lot more now than they could in our early planning stages. As we've gone through this update, some of the things we defintely want to improve, and which you can expect us to continue working towards are (in random, brain dump order): wingflex, FMS performance (holds, VNAV, progress, etc), higher density and more regular 3D mesh and more accurate 'penetrations' modeling, i.e. NACA ducts, ports, etc, higher resolution textures, new paint kit (sorry, liveries will have to be done again for a V2.0), full cabin lighting and control, high rez cabin model, FMOD sounds, failure management. So just because we haven't put something in yet obviously doesn't mean we don't "see it" and know it needs improvement. We are very happy with how fast and efficient we have been able to move since porting our work to Blender 2.8 and expect to be able to make timlely 3D improvements and updates as we move forward with development. Improvements will be more regular and systematic rather than some "huge V2.0" type of thing with sweeping visual changes...nowadays release/patch cycles are much shorter and incremental. I can envision a V2.0 update essentially being the revised FMS using the XP1100 dataset and a higher resolution 3D model/textures with a new paint kit and not much else, maybe the FMOD sounds. Those are somewhat 'big ticket' redos and will take some time. Priority after this release will be the FMS work and the FMOD sound conversion. -tkyler
    3 points
  2. + Vr config file + Custom particle effects
    2 points
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Bush missions your thing? Look no further. Installation: Unzip contents into BN-2 liveries folder. N2119V - As seen in the video below.
    1 point
  4. Kicking off a series of development updates, we will travel to the past, from when DC-3 was born to today, to understand the significance of this aircraft for the whole airline industry. Douglas Aircraft Company, after a TWA inquiry, started development of a new series of aircrafts, designated as Douglas Commercial (DC), the DC-1 in 1933, and DC-2 next year. Although DC-2 was successful, it was a bit narrow for what American Airlines wanted, which led to the development of one DST prototype. DST stands for Douglas Sleeper Transport! Yes beds in the airplane! Flew first time on December 17, 1935, the 32nd anniversary of Wright Bros first flight. The aircraft was fitted with 21 seats (instead of 14-16 sleeping berths), and designated as DC-3! Totally built, up to 1943, 607 DC-3 aircrafts. But WWII has begun and many DC-3s were put into military service. The needs for a military transport aircraft were huge, and with DC-3 fitting the bill, the C-47 Skytrain was created. It was based on DC-3 with few changes needed for the operations in the military, most notably the reinforced floor that allowed for higher gross weight, and the dual cargo doors. A total of around 10,000 C-47 aircrafts (and variations) were constructed. Many C-47s, after WWII, became available for civilian use, and even today, there are many DC-3s and C-47 in use! Later, in 1990, another variation was developed by Basler Turbo Conversions, retrofitting P&W PT-6 turboprop engines, and airframe modifications, designated as BT-67. Our Leading Edge Simulations DC-3 (v2) is based on the original, 21-seats, variants. The aircraft has a maximum gross weight (MGW) of 25,200 lbs for take off and landing, and can reach speeds up to 207 mph (180 knots). 2 Pratt and Whitney PW R-1830 Twin Wasp radial engines, providing 1,200 hp each, driving a 3-blade Hamilton Standard propeller. In the next weeks leading to the release, as development progresses, we will look into each area of the aircraft in more detail. For now, I will leave you with a few more random images. Keep in mind that everything you see here, up to the release, is work-in-progress, not final! (source: Wikipedia)
    1 point
  5. We are excited to share what we have been working on behind the scenes for the last month and a half! We last shared about how we are integrating the many unique aerodynamic features of the SR22 into the model, this has been further refined along with our custom engine model (which was discussed here). While refining our custom systems has been a top priority for the development team, our 3D artist Steaven has also been hard at work, making one of the best 3D models for an X-Plane aircraft to-date! RealSimGear Integration Our rendition of the SR22 aircraft has designed from the onset with the hardware customer in-mind. Our aircraft will integrate perfectly with the RealSimGear Perspective Hardware, providing the ideal home flight simulator. The RealSimGear Cirrus Perspective hardware package will work out of the box with the new aircraft providing a fully integrated and easy to configure home training solution for people wanting to learn and practice flying real Cirrus aircraft. The PFD and MFD screens will automatically display the screen contents when the aircraft is loaded, all buttons and knobs will be pre-configured. This makes it possible to practice the exact same workflows and procedures you would normally encounter during a real world flight, including full checklist operation, flight plan loading and instrument approaches. This coupled with the extremely realistic engine and system modeling means that flying with the simulated aircraft combined with realistic hardware provides an incredibly effective home training platform. 3D Modeling and Texture Update We have also nearly completed the 3D model and texturing process for the aircraft! The model has full 4K PBR texturing, with accurately replicated materials throughout (Even down to the style of fabrics and leathers used)! Engine Model Update The SR22 IO-550-N engine will be the most accurately replicated piston engine for X-Plane. The engine is simulated down to each individual component! Over the past few weeks, the engine model has been further refined and extensively enhanced in order to represent the proper behaviors of the IO-550-N as authentically as possible during normal, hot, cold, flooded and false starts. This is now supplemented by an extensive oil system and other features never seen before on piston engines in X-Plane, such as engine knock (detonation) based on real data as well as some unique characteristics pointed out by real Cirrus pilots on our testing team. The entire component-based simulation of engine, fuel, TKS and oxygen systems has also been integrated into a novel maintenance concept which organizes maintenance intuitively in the form of inspections. Our custom FMOD sound pack also benefits from the advanced physics-based system simulation. For example, when flooding the engine you will hear fuel dripping from the cylinder drain port. On the SR22TN you will hear the sounds of the turbochargers depending on their speeds. Electrical System Update We originally discussed the Electrical System back in February, detailing the level of depth of the system. We have further refined, tested, and validated the system in all of its various modes! We have developed an internal physics model simulating the lead-acid battery and its various behaviors. The behaviors of the Alternators and the Master Control Unit are also all simulated. The electrical system is a low-level physics simulation, when a switch is flipped on the plane, instead of simply checking for power on the bus, the SR22 simulation actually connects the “switch” tying the individual electrical item onto the power bus. This new logic allows for the many different states of the SR22 to be dynamically simulated at runtime. New Website! TorqueSim has a new website! Visit torquesim.com to check it out, our goal was to make everything easier to find and for the website to load quickly across the globe. We have split off the development blog from the main website, you can now find our development blog at blog.torquesim.com with our update blog posts and more.
    1 point
  6. I'm an owner/pilot of a SR22 G3 Perspective, and I'm really looking forward to the release. I hope the realism is such that emergencies can be trained realistically. My plane does not have an ADF, so it's not something universal.
    1 point
  7. great that you are implementing the hotstart feature in the next update and then the scroll wheel feature and all the others Thanks a lot can't wait
    1 point
  8. Hair is less important than air, So let's all be lighter than them...
    1 point
  9. Very exciting to watch this project come together. I'm most impressed by the depth into the electrical system simulation including the busses as well as the functioning circuit breakers. As a long-time Cirrus owner/pilot I'm excited that it will really allow this model to be used for serious training even beyond the great benefits of an accurate G1000 Perspective suite and true flight characteristics. Kudos to the entire team working on this. REALLY looking forward to it.
    1 point
  10. Hi Sdwr87, yes, that is correct. Apply an exception to your antivirus program (Windows defender, etc.) for the whole X-Plane folder. That should cure it. Make sure that you are not running multiple AV suites, too. Another reason could be running X-Plane off of an external harddisk. This is not recommended for bandwidth reasons. Cheers, Jan
    1 point
  11. 1.3 is independent of Vulkan - you can still make your choice in 11.5X (OpenGL or Vulkan) and the IXEG will work fine. It will also work fine in 11.41. Cheers, Jan
    1 point
  12. What about VR native support ?!! i know there is simlabs tweak for that but it doesnt feel that good still!
    1 point
  13. Darran, neither of us accused you of lying. Sometimes, people just make mistakes, and that was our position. If you look at it from our point of view, when comparing your image to ours, they look completely different. To be honest with you, I've never even heard of Air Manager, and had to ask Jim (JGregory) what you were even referring to. No one was telling you off or scolding you. We just simply deduced that the image you posted was not from our Saab. That's it. Perhaps if you mentioned in your original post that it was on the iPad and it was a photo taken from "Air Manager", we would have then said "Ok, it IS ours, but through some kind of 3rd party software." You are more than welcome to post any images you want to, but we ask that you do it with as much background information as possible so we can get to the root of the problem. We go through quite a lot of support, and we need to figure out what is going on as quickly as possible so we can get to the next person. Hopefully our position has been made clearer for you, and please don't feel intimidated or nervous about asking for help. But, as I said, as much background into what you are posting would be a lot easier on us. Awaiting your log files. Just a small edit. There are actually 2 payware Saab's available for X-Plane and at least 1 freeware version.
    1 point
  14. No, not yet. It requires a total rewrite of the rendering engine, even Vulkan isn´t capable of fixing this - maybe DirectX21 will... just kidding ;-) We still have a few bugs around from back then that we haven´t fixed yet. I understand that this is very important to you, though! Cheers, Jan
    1 point
  15. Seems you have flooded your engine. As the message says you have to perform a dry motoring now to clear any fuel residue. All this is described in the POH, but here's what to do in short words: - Throttle in cutoff position - Ignition switch off - AUX BP switch on - Hold starter switch in on position for 2 seconds, then release - wait 10 seconds - Hold Starter switch in abort position momentarily, then release Now all residual fuel should have been cleared and you can try another regular start procedure.
    1 point
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