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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/30/2018 in all areas

  1. Talked to Toto on discord. Will be there (fixed) in one of the next updates... JetNoise Gesendet von meinem SM-T810 mit Tapatalk
    2 points
  2. The TBM is brilliant. Thanks for the work! Two issues I had with version v1.0.7: 1. At night, the texture is too dark for me to see the positions of the toggle switches, even after I turn the access light on and adjust my monitor brightness/contrast. 2. I cannot find a ref to assign a joystick button to the throttle's TOGA switch. Assigning a joystick button to the standard XP11 TOGA ref does not work.
    1 point
  3. As a headline I have this problem. Xplane makes 25/30 fps with the TBM900. It's normal? I wonder why I saw the performance table here on the forum. The GPU is at 98/99% processor and 5.5gb of Memory full, when I have the sim on with TBM. Thanks for assistance Xplane 11.26 Ryzen5 1600 16gb Ddr4 3000mhz Gtx1060 6gb
    1 point
  4. You can post here.... JetNoise (attach the file, don't paste the content ;-) ) Gesendet von meinem SM-T810 mit Tapatalk
    1 point
  5. Oh dear. ATIS, by bad. Thanks, will include Log.txt when it occur again. Should it be posted here or to an email address (would prefer that). Let me thank you for an amazing experience so far with the TBM900. Absolutely a gem!
    1 point
  6. thanks guys, my bad should have read the Guide before asking
    1 point
  7. I haven't read the whole thread so maybe somebody has already mentioned it, but the issue with this plane is the same one I have with the Rotate MD80: If the TBM is the first plane I load after starting XP, the frames are pretty bad. But if I either a. reload the aircraft or b. load the default Cessna (or other default plane) prior to loading the TBM, frames are smooth and normal. From what I've heard in the past, this is more an issue with XP itself and not necessarily a single product. So as a workaround, just initially load into the default Skyhawk and then load the TBM.
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. Using v1.08 with Xp11.26 cpu 4790k at 4.6 mem 16gb video gtx1080ti OS win7x64 My initial comments are that this is a great aircraft. Lots of new things to learn but it is a lot of fun. However, there is one negative side: the visual effects for this a/c are very demanding mainly: exhaust heatblur and rain/ice. When these options are on (with or without rain/ice) there is lag when panning inside the cockpit or outside. It is borderline in terms of fluidity. So for now, to fully enjoy the TBM, I switch off those visual effects. Cheers
    1 point
  10. Thank you @Floater for helping out. @cmbaviator In case you are not sure how to do it, please consult the UIGuide.pdf included in the aircraft's Documentation folder. It explains how to set up European chart access in section 7. Hope this helps.
    1 point
  11. You need to setup a account with autorouter.aero. paste your login in the "sim card" of garmin. (click on it and you will see a login form). When that is done you should have all charts eurocontrol offers. Floater. PS. If you fly in the US Charts should already be avalible.
    1 point
  12. We will be adding panel state resetting on creation of a new airframe in the next update. But as @ToxicResonance correct notes, if you want to keep the same airframe, you need to reset the panel state yourself.
    1 point
  13. I just discovered the build in Link to Autorouter.aero/the ability to have all the charts you need in the G1000. I am speechless and totally in love with his Aircraft! Won't fly everything else in the next few weeks. Just thought I let you know... Thank you Hot Start ! Floater
    1 point
  14. I love the TBM but I must agree with the OP the aircraft isn't very stable. Unlike the OP my problem is primarily on takeoff and landing. No matter how much rudder and rudder trim I use the aircraft just wants to careen off the side of the runway in the slightest of crosswinds (3 - 5 knots). BTW this is a clean install of X-Plane 11.25 with the default weather and yes I've read the manual multiple times.
    1 point
  15. Yes I experience the same problem... very dark even with the lights on impossible with lights off
    1 point
  16. The next project will be .... [censored]. Don't worry folks, we'll announce the next project as soon as we have something to show you. At this point, it's all just a bunch of ideas floating in our heads. Besides, like @Goran_M said, we need to catch our breath and collect our minds before we dive back into development mode. Until then, please fly the doors off that TBM! Nothing brings us more joy than seeing you guys have fun with it!
    1 point
  17. For now, it's a well earned rest for both of us, and Cameron. We're still working on other fixes, but not at the pace of the last week. We've had discussions about future projects, and we work very well together, to the point that it was my pleasure to be involved in this project. Take from that what you will. But for now, speaking for myself, it's time to spend more time with my family and my daughter.
    1 point
  18. Profile updated, corrected some innacuracy with US Gal x Kgs conversion. Just redownload the file please. I'm flight testing right now and will upload to the download section as soon as it gets on "final version" kind of state. I'm getting some different numbers between the simulated aircraft and the POH figures, will try to match the profile.
    1 point
  19. Thank you for posting. It's not a bug, but a limitation of how the airframe icing effect is drawn. The top surface is actually composed of two separate icing sheets that join where you see that break. Matching them up has been a major pain and I'm not sure we can make them fit any better short of redesigning the upper surface icing model entirely. I'll have a look at this later on, but you just happened to have found the one corner case when it looks off.
    1 point
  20. Yes, it's dead, can't even get it to work, everytime I plan the preflight (selecting the panel state and loading the fuel) it crashes to desktop ... incredible to pay for a broken product and nothing is done about it
    -1 points
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